pip! i"?;' i jia. ji1u^iipipppip Just Received | 100,000 J New Pine Shingles | All grades?Right Prices /"' I ***** , jg 5V GALVANIZE ROOFING All lengths?Best Grade I * * * * * Send us your orders and note the difference. | Rnyhnrn I nmKow 1 "Home of Quality Lumber" ? ^ ~~j iWe sell pure groceries. We keep our stock fresh^ We fill your orders promptly. We make our prices right. We keep a Clean and Sanitary store. WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS. | I Sergeant &C layton i Sta-KUan Store p PHONE 23 AND 24. ROXBORO, N, C. jgl | ?1|? |frtnr?B0 ?h?atr? 1 Advance program from Thursday Sept. 18th to Wed. Sept. 24th. S| THURSDAY. Jesse L. Lasky presents A Herbert Brennon Pro- jy duction "THE SIDESHOW OF LIFE" with Ernest Torrence, Anna Jgi Q. Nillson, Neil Hamilton and Katherine Lee. Adapted from the ra famous novel "The Mountebank" a Paramount Picture. (The great- Sgl est of all stories of circus life, with the star of "The Covered Wag- 5g| on" in his greatest characterization). Added, A Cameo Comedy, Kg "Tea in Tea". Open 7:30-9:00 P. M. H FRIDAY.-Jesse L. Lasky presents Cecil B. DeMiUe's Production 83 "CHANGING HUSBANDS", with Leatrice Joy. Raymond Grif- 53 fith, Julia Faye, Zazu Pitts and Helen Dunbar. Adapted from the Kyi novel by Sada Cowan. A Paramount Picture. (A merry mix-up of aa wives and husbands that gets funnier and frisker with every, foot). g j Added, Aesops film Fables, "A Trip to the Pole". No advance in p admissions. Open 7:30-9:00 P. M. p | SATURDAY. William Fox presents Tom Mix with Tony (The K I Wonder Horse) in "THE HEART BUSTER,, (A rolicking picture i With a thrill a minute?See Tony rescue Toitr Mix from, the prison V ! "The Heart Buster" is Tom's best picture to date). Added, a two Bi reel Fox Sunshinf cothedv "Scenario School." Matinee 2-30-3:30 K P. M. Evening at 7:30-8:45 9-16 P. M. 4 MONDAY' and TUESDAY. Jesse L. Lasky presents A Dimitri Buehowetaki Production "LILY* OF THE DUST" with Polo Negri, ft j Ben Lyon, Noah Berry, Raymond Griffith and William Kelly. Ad- K apted from the novel by Herman Suderman. A Paramount 'PrOduc- Sj ] tion. (Polo Negri is at her best in this drama of a girl's struggle fa for happiness against heavy odds). Added, Harold Lloyd comedy. | Matinee Mondav :s:uu r. M. Admissions 15c ana ituc. Evenings at 6H 7:30-9:00 P. M. - - H WEDNESDAY*. Metro pictures presents A Oscar Apfel Pro- E3 duction THE SOCIAL CODE" with Viola Dana, Malcolm Mc- Eg Gregor, Huntly Gordon, Cyril Chadwick, Adapated from the novel JS by Rita Weiman. A Metro Production. (The call of the wild, gay ftjj world of bright lights, moonshine and madness). Added, a two |y reel Fox Sunshine comedy, "Sad but True". Open 7130-9:00 P. MV |S Coming Monday and Tuesday, Sept. 29th, 30th, Rudolph Valpn- raj tine after an absence of two .vents-in-."Monsiuer Beaucaire" A (>9 Paramount Production. Ml I ALL ROAlDS LEAD TO . 11 FOX'S CASH STORK '' _ At the Crossing. -PONT STOP UNTIL YOU GET THERE -IT pays: ji '' '' r %' * ' r ' ' :??r-7 : 8 : - .. , - A-?i-:?? j tOther business requires my attention | See or write Dr. 0. E. Finch, Apex |N. C. 9-3 4ts. ! ' FIRES, FIRES. For twenty-flv? years we have paid ev.ery loss satisfactory to insured. Yon may be next See us at once. SA'TTERSTELD INS AGENCY. "OLD AND TRIED". 6 6 6 is a Prescription for Colds, Grippe. Dengue IJever, Constipation, Bilious Headaches and Malarial Fever. A Remarkable Herb The herb Hobo has been known oi a long time. It has been much usee for its purifying qualities in th< treatment of Leprosy, Eruptions anc Dropsy,' Orwin commended it highlj in the treatment of Psoriasis. During the last few years this hert has been discovered growing in- Easi Texas and Western Louisiana and il has been found that its purifying properties were almost solely due t< its action on the kidneys. Write for the interesting story oi this discovery.. Six bottles of Hob< Kidney and .Bladder Remedy eosi $6.00. A small price to pay for relic: from terrible pain and agony. Monej refunded if not entirely satisfied wit} results obtained. Hobo Medicine Co., Beaumont, Texai It IS SERIOUS ?o Some Roxboro People Fail to Realize the Seriousness of a Bad Back. The constant aching of a bad back The weariness, the tired feeling, The pains and aches of kidney illf May result seriously if neglected Dangerous urinary troubles ofter follow. A Roxboro citizen shows you what to do. ' * Otis C. Hamlett millwright, says: "Doan's Pills are*a fine kidney medicine. My kidneys were out of ordei and bothered me a good deal by theii sluggish action. There was a burning sensation when the kidney secretions passed and I felt stiff and sore across the small of my back. A friend recpwr mended Doan's Pills and I prot/ured some at the Davis Drug Co. Doan's relieved me of the trouble and I felt ftt again." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy?get Doan's Pills?the same that Hamleti ha-i I . erything as you wish I it, without confusion EgX or misunderstanding? fl that is what we guar- I antee. We know how ^nl . ! 119 t0 fulfill uur obliga?f tions. We Understand Bl | IB ' ?Phones jl-i J a Day-47-M. NikM-47-D H SPENCERS JgL? I | Funeral Diredora - i = ? i ni i ... ??* j HE PENNIES AND If ELS THE DOLLARS ILL STAND ALONE here and a dime there, id small, but you take em and the dollars will" le. Economy connected [ice and Sanitation is f consideration, r Cash and sell for Less. >ng an(i | : *v . ?; rr ; j j Still They Come | ^ While our stock of Piece Goods and Ready- p To-Wear is in tip-top shape, we are daily re- |l ceiving the new things; The Coats and Dress- p es are beautful; and while you are in take all look at the Silk Hosiery. A dandy number in j! all the shades for a dollar and better if you like. It will pay you to trade with us. Try it. Wilburtl 8 Satterf ield | 'i?~~~" 7" - . - ' fc' I LUMBER Flooring, Ceiling, Siding, Windows, Doors, Frames, ;-: , Lime, Cement, Plaster, | Shingles, Roofing, Laths, j * Paints, Oils, Varnish, [_ L Mantels, Grates, Tile. fVATKINS and BULLOCK "Everything to Build With" , Roxboro, N. C. | TO TOE * I Farmers of Person and Adjoining Counties: The Roxboro Market WILL OPEN FOR TOE Auction Sale Uf TOBACCO ON I I Wednesday, Oct. 1st "~~s" _ j ? Hyco Warhhoi.sk is acknowledged the BEST and LATEST in every way?no better lights ^could be placed in a warehouse, and we are better prepared than ever to look after your interests. All of the Independent buyers will be pn hand the* first day and we can guarantee you as good prices as you will get on any market. COME j TO SEE US with your- first load we will f take care of you and your stock to your entire satisfaction. Sell with us and go home with YOUR MONEY in your pocket-no deferred payI ments. --Ij W. T. Pass & Co., Props. -J - C, THE ROXBORO -COURIER THE COURIER Roxboro, N. C. Sept. 17th 1924 Everything to boild with. Wat kins & 3ullock, i Wantsfe Accidents will happen. It may b< you next. Before you leave on a trij i call by Satterfield's Insurance Oflfc< and get an accident ticket. $5000.0( for 25c a day. SATTERFIELD INS AGENCY. BARGAIN:?KARA UNEN LI Paper 45c Regular price 60c? Evety. thing in STATIONARY at reduce! prices. Hambrick, Austin & Thomas 9-17-2ts. DR. C. L. THOMAS. Dentist, Roxboro, N. C. Office over Aubrey Long & Co's store, Main Street. Office hours: 8 to 12 A. M. 1 to 5:30 P. M. 1* 1 1 ' 1 ' ? ' TWO WAKE COUNTY Farms Foi Sale, both adapted to cotton and tobacco. Eight room dwelling on 65 acres. Good Ave room dwelling ant tenant house on 58 acre farm. Goo< outbuildings, packing house, stripping room and pit. Reason for selling