I From Foundation to j ..Finish FOR Mansion or Hut,i You Can-Get It j - AT Roxboro Lumber C?"Home of Quality Lumber" ? ? u-ii-mmiiiMn . I Coirie to our store lor all the groceries, fruits and vegetables you need; we will give you fresh goods, low prices and prompt "service?We want your trade, and will treat you right, so we can keep it. a Give us your order today. , J FRESH GROCERIES?LOWEST PRICES I Serge ant & Clayton | Sta-KUan Store J PHONE 23 AND 24. ROXBORO, N. C. II THE PALACE THEATRE ("ROXBOROS FOREMOST MOTION PICTURE PALACE") S Advance program from Thursday Oct. 16th to Wednesday Oct 22 M THURSDAY. Guy Johnson presents "The Dollie Dimple Girls W Revue" A Musical Comedy with 14 people?Stupendous combinaB tion, spectcle, magic, drama, variety Opera concert. ADDED a two j S reel Muck Sennett Comedy "Scarem Much" Universal Comedy. IB "Why be Jealous" Admissions Balcony 15c and 35c. Main floor 20c \ jjtf and 40c. Open 7:15 and 9:00 P. M. FRIDAY. Guy Johnson presents "The Dollie Dimple Girls Revue" Entire change of program?Complete change of Oostomes?Comjpfl plete change of acts?Complete change of songs and music. (We ij ft?, net only commt-nd the Johnson's levue show to your patronage i h but we personally guarantee its merits.) ADDED a two reel Our J 9 Gang Comedy "Sunday Calm" Aesops Fables" Jealous Fisherman" 5 1H Admission Balcony 15c and 35c Main floor 20c and 40c. Perfor- * ' mances 7:15-9:00 P. M, { O SATURDAY-Special Children Mantinee at 10:00 A. M. with Jock ] H Hoxie in "Ridgway of Montana" ?Our gang kid Comedy?Aesops j Ej Fables. This picture program. No \"audeville?Admissions 5 B 1 Off up to 15 years. Over 15 years 25c. The Colored Nurses may ac- jj _ a i.i ij? ciiiuiren on inis pertormance. Usual Matinee fS I ^ at 2:30. P. M. Complete change of program and the last and final J | day of "The D i'lie Dimple Girl? Revue" Picture program Jack jj I. Hoxie in "Ridfcf.vay of Montana" Matinee Admission 15c and 35? | I n| Evening perfon :15- 9:15 P. M. Admission Balcony 15c and j || pj 35t- Main Floor 20c and 40c < Entire change of Program) Dont miss J r MO.VDA5 .! Trr.SI'AY .1. . L. T^kv a Sam WoK: BH production "THE FEMALE" with Betty Compson, Warner Bax- i B. H Dorothy Cummings. From Cynthia stock!, y' j, I I'H. novel, "Dalla. The Lion Club" by Agnes Christine Johnson. A Para- 5 E 9 mount production (thefinest quality) (Lovely Betty Compson out- j| K H r entire . areer?Be'- en before. Added jj m m Felix Comedy. Matinee Mo ning at 7:15-9:00 | WEDNESDAY L. Lasky presents a Victor Fleming Pro. ifl B" H (taction "EMPTY HANDS" with .lack Holt and Norma Shearer an i I all-stor cast. A Paramount production (Thrills. Comedy and a good K KM love story) Added a-Cameo Comedy "Broke". No advance in prices, o ?: Open 7:15-^:45^1'. M. J m m Coming O? ?Ph. < > c day) D. \V. Griffith's "Orphans of. the j Ifl Storm" K |q il xdSniiif7ii7 I THIS WEEK B t ' '(*ve sUKar at .-rrr,.: ?. 8 J-2c p: Parr coffee ? 30c 1 i fleet and LWd ........ ...? 18o I ' Xnrrn ? >- s Ell Middling ?2Mu B j V 100 Ih.- has: salt *l^iO I | flour at-the Old price. .Cheese . ...... 30.>? K.'l ; Breed 3 lor 25c. May we serve yoov At the Grossing. - , I .V.- " , . ^ ? THE ROXBORO COURIER Oct THE COURIER P Roxboro, M. C.. October 15th, 19'Jt a Everything to build with. Wat I kin* A dullock. 3 Mr. Tom Street of Benson spent the week end with his parents. | a Mrs. B. B. Mangum is spending the ? week in Durham visiting friends. ** 3 Miss Sallie Riggsbee of Durham is 0 the guest of Mrs. A. S. deVlaming. a ***** 8 Clyde Crowell and M. A. Stewart B spent Tuesday iin Winston-Salem. * ? | Mrs. T. C. Bradsher and Miss Claud3 ie Carney spent Sunday in Durham. ? g Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Pass, Mrs. R. S J. Teague and Miss Mrytle McDade 1 spent Monday in Raleigh. S V a Mrs. R. A. Pass left Monday for 3 Raleigh to spent some time with 3 friends. > Mr. and Mrs. J. M.' Allen of Louis8 burg spent Sunday with Mr. and 1 Mrs. Roger Wilkerson. a ***** ? Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Crowell spent U Sunday in Raleigh guests of tbeir jg daughter, Mrs. Eugene Mills. . * aa - si Mr. Holdman and Miss Mary Fort of Oxford were guests in the home of Mr. E. D. Cheek last Sunday, gj. * * ** gj Misses Delma Clayton and Sarah >g Rhew. Miss Ernest Mangum and Zeb S3 Harfis spent last Sunday in Durham. I- **. * ** Mrs. E. M. Davis, who was been visiting relatives irt Cincinnati, has returned home. < ** *. #? " . Mrs. G. W. Pulliam and son G. W. Jr., are visiting Mrs. B. G. Brooks in Raleigh this week. * * ** Mrs. I. R. Carter of Scottsburg, Va., spent the week end here visiting relatives. * * * Miss Nellie Byrde Woods of Greensboro College spen the week end with her parents. ** Miss Anna Stanfield left last Friday for High Point where she will make her home . ?* * ** " tabocco business in Eastern Carolina spent-the week end at home. ***** H| Mrs. A. M. Bums left last Wednes Iaay lor a visn xo ner oia nome I" Chatham County, where she will visit her mother for a few days. ** * * " Mr. Luther C. Hull left last Thursday for a visit to his old home in Lincoln County. It has been 11 years since Mr. Hull paid a visit to the old tt home. J5? ***** a Mr. B. H. Clayton, who is now loca ated in Elkin with the R. J. Reynolds y Tobacco Co., was a Roxboro visitor this week, a ***** i Mr. Harvey, Clayton, who is buying i tobacco on the Rocky Mount market a for the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co.,, ja spent the week end here .with his d parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Clayton. ***** Miss Isabelle deVlaming, a student at Meredith College, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. | A. S. deVlaming. g ?* * Mr. A. S. deVlaming, who is in the Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Michie of OxC ford spent several days here last week guests of Mrs. Michie's parents Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Harris. ** * ** Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson and Mrs. Bessie Q Canaday spent last Sunday in Gran3 Ville county visiting friends. 3 ** * ** 3 We enjoyed a pleasant call last FrU 3 dav from our cood friend. Afe? W y B. Humphries of Bethel Hill. She was ? accompanied by her three bright ? children, who were here to take in ? ,the fair, 1 DO NOT BUY UNI j COME TO SEE 4. j ! If you practice ecor 1 appreciate claintiesff founded by sanitai tions; the above wc good motto for you. We sell for cash am Teas. ~ ' : Aubrey Lc ober 18, 1924. Wantsfe | BOYS, J have your pop crackers, st fresh trpm the factory. Old Man Kir- a by. 10-1, 4tapd. tV Furnished rooms, two large sunny I rooms, kitchen with sink and pantry, 1 also private screened porch. Mrs. 9 Abbitt. ? f I STORE FOR RENT, good* location i in Roxboro, low reltt. Apply to J. C f Pass. 10 1$ ti 2 Look now at your fire policies. Not K me in ten has enough insurance on 1 nis property. Phone No. 135. Do it | tow, to-morrow may be too late. B SATTERFIELD INS. AGENCY. 6 6 6 j is a Prescription for Colds, Grippe, Dengue Fever. | Constipation, Bilious Headaches gj and Malarial Fever. STORE FOR RENT, good location 1} in Roxboro, low rent. Apply to J- C. &, Pass. 10 15 tf . B Dog Lost, one black and white spot- > ', ted setter, has 3 Halifax County tags on collar, answeres to name of Billy 5/ If found please notify J, J. Woody, a Roxboro, N. C. STOP LOOK AND LISTEN | For ladies, white and colored, mani- a jcuring, facial massage, shampooing, < I scaltt massaeinir. hair drassino- e?rl_ ing, bleaching . and dying, marcel! gj waving, singing and clipping. Work PJ dpne ot your residence. I have just gS finished niy course and will be glad g to serve you. Unexcelled system. B Romelia Bullock, a Beauty Culturist. ? 10-15 4ts _ ? O ? ft FIRES, FIRES. For twenty-five i [ years we have paid every loss satis- : 1 factory to insured. Yon mnv be next. j See us at once. SATTERFIELD INS. I AGENCY. "OLD AND TRIED". Accidents will happen. It may be j you next. Before you leave on fc trip call by Satterfield's Insurance OfWre ; and get an accident ticket. $5000.10 | for 25c a day. SATTERFIELD INS. AGENCY. Just received car load of galvanized roofing. Watkins & Bullock. Good"*Very 8-16 tractor and plow j at sacrifice prices. Apply to J. A. Whitfield, Hurdle Mills, N. C. 9-24, 4t pd. ! JEFFERSON. Get the best, it costs mo more than the other kind. LIFE, ACCIDENT and HEALTH all in one f I policy. Get it fixed before the trouble I happens. SEE SATTERFIELD. "Do it now". NOTICE. Sor sale pure bred and grade Berkshire pigs, prices reason- | i able. C- :G. Daniel, Roxboro, N. C. j 10-8, 2ts pd. ! Money Lost, in Roxboro on Wed- ) nesday Oct. 1st, $18.00. 3 $5 bills and 3 i $1 bills. Reward if returned to The I Courier office, ltpd. | J FOR SALE, or exchange, one young = Tobacco is ne'wn- its nrime. A hail ;f} storm in ten se-onds would cost you j mavhe thousands Son s. P. Satterfield and get that hail nolicy to-day. j Six dollars oer *? for entire season. SATTERFlffD INS. AGENCY "OLD AND TRIED" ; ( FOR RENT, rpwlv repaired flat, \ J vwo rooms ani.^ kitchenette and hall, with all convenience?. Mrs R. A. Bur- j ton. 10-8, 2tspd O-lv. Ak..... TV.. - 7H ! I | iui tjore u,y c sccu, ?i.iv j per bushel. Apply to W. R. Blalock, i Roxboro, JT. C., Route X. STOVE TIME o : Yes, and we are ready for you with the best line we have ever offered. Just come down on Depot Street and i take a peep at what we have to show you, won't cost you a penny, but will } I save you $ $$$ if you are zoiiiK to buy a stove. Will save you money on any- j j j thing in the furniture line. E. D. Cheek & Co. I All length's of galvanized roofing at ; Watkina & Bullock. L -j.'- - ! TIL YOU ^ lomy and Docla, sui-??, j_ . y candi- Ut ?; t- v >uld be a j85| d sell for \' \ I ? 4 " PAGE SKYKV IF YOU WANT IT GOOD 1 AND THE SEASONS- IMPt) | BEST STYLES, BET- I TER BE PICKING IT jp f&Qf I The best class of merchandise, in just the |j style and patterns you want is getting to be 0 hard to find in the Northern market. The i same conditions apply to Ready-Tp-Wear. We made personal selection of the mar- | kets best and our orders have about come in 3 complete. ij tlf you want the best pat-. |j terns in piece goods and the |j best styles in Ready-To-Wear. it will pay you to buy now. ?! IT WILL PAY YOU TO || TRADE WITH US. TRY IT. i ; Wilburn & Satterfield I . t LUMBER ll! Flooring, Ceiling, Siding, J j Windows, Doors, Frames, 'ft ; Lime, Cement, Plaster, | Shineles. Roofinp. Laths. ' Paints, Oils, Varnish, Mantels, Grates, Tile. WATKINS and BULLOCK "Everything to Build With" ? us? Roxboro, N. C. ?*# ??i .? Hyco .] W arehouse ? AVERAGED $24.00 MONDAY, BEST PRICE $67.00. Tinnie Ashley averaged $48.00 for his load J. R. Terry made an average of $40.00 for his load. Arch Dunn sold for an average of $38.00 for I his load. See that your tobacco is in good order and Bring it to the HYCO WAREHOUSE - and we will promise to see that you are sat- ? isHed if it is in our power to do it. W. T. PASS & COMPANY Props., Roxboro, N. "CX I \ - - ' - 77 : ~ I ? 7 " ~ : ~r~ 1