Proving berworthm~- Might i to th? United States,*oar newest ranger at Laitelmrst,?Nrj. Insert . JPfunan. lad., wtM'Mm aasuaaas co I " tl'l'n W sintiSf T'-'.W' - i Btfc-fcy End* Series" { ?jl .' ffr : i| 1 bjJj^^^^^viH V Mr . r^jc^>'* H r<|M 'PBSaSF1'?^' ' ' I BM ?Jri'~'1 i c H I :. o'H ' Uu4^B IFnM i gm 'fMaaaaS^ ~~~ - - ?!!< ?'-?I?- ^ * " " VS.E STORAGE 1'IT KOR "1Vrr!Wv',hTAB1?K . ; i? '.ii? .nhi stti I'fit-.J ' 4Jit ^3! lndtrs vftlS'/id?rA -f] K*>ilfh( >'. VmP-M ^?*nme>p,^y.{ ,.. ? ' ' ' Mdllntpjii ft-ticns of North-Carotin.-? rnny ]ir w;r,viOfi lOi) fj ,tjt) vegetables if.;-' v^rP-v ) y. rwjv'u-ii.ig a . ?*? 'CvilS fills ctorat'c pit^ may be u?ed to . ^va^we with mi;.- of this root oropr, ?}--W. "yii> '.mote, parsnip, ; a)?Vy end to m limirod ektcut vhi. " V toHrwfi1. ' "I'tVi'-j-V; ' fii'i ftahlfcit!, tJCtbtiaiyu, hori*k : ttori-t for the C.nte College of Aafrira^urfc, '.atis that) the .ire of {bfcig'.ptajSe pj-t wilS MWl':t iomn.1 ... i?f ,thp (LctW.ieiirics of dipt x.orii-.iM-l _hj- pinnt lamfljjjo in winbar to 1 n:a'u of a lark -f vegef.ifcTo-t In the 1 food. The. jiit is i-ij- its fortpws: he- ' jpre o vr 11 tiro,i,( 1 ligation; dig out n,l nit four inch.'-. of sort of I He ntc> r- '.luit do.krod for the pit and fill ' - . . . tit's wt'l straw; piie the Vegetable? t_ iiro" this strdy* in o ttys-tl fip-r.i 1 about. i" fourd-onrd -. ventilator o. I : . illue pack- Vy nailing four. six-iileh I . :bof;j'4;. together; 'oyer '.h>; vsgetab'cs .< .MiJ"; i. lv vri J rv of tight 1 & " To ton. virhc-s tl h': .i??id tbch put ath'.n layer of r-'.iih Iltd fee Ji'.t made. 'ins- \i 1 'rs *^hr' ia-yov of ? :?!'< h m'?>y h* v^wd* 1 : r.ri ? < !f r jl' rr W'itJ*yatIy I #Yd: r;?cH it Wl?# to- a'dd a ' K'vby. ,/>f' YT;r?iu? 'e - \'fV O J" '.cfio'e. | " of rh^ /tiould nr*tvn tSHiliritd more then 1,. V,V.':fJ- V'A 'fW&lfc..; " "fa . hnu ijijjtiiii .jrJfB-v ,1 ' ''tithM*". **? j':1 ;. irtvrwvlivr; ijhinH^r , .sj^ bhl* comes the need >4*r;t*ta9? BSiS ' more lime.- s - _ _ < ' " r *,>'jif i*>o iftttrfer ?ollent-;_ dxj8i)>j?n? ? ' 'll.'-l'K N'e.'ll'iY ": - ;' . .; t - r_ ' - . , - > " -J MR ill' WWildlttJL l Ei . - J j*r"* . I j icrots the lUMttl HWOiRB^ : Zeppelin X R 3 li at htM ill t ?how? Capt. Geo. W. Steele. tr*m mmnA: ? ail T.?:>3. >>u, the farm will tJfnefit from an app'.fcalibn of lime to the soilj but. legume?, especially, are tchWmed ar.d experiments show l^that theae-ttops win take up for food purpaie'a'ftfefs"1 three to /our times as much liihc as will the cereal.-. It hhs been found in Ohio that a normal, lyield of alfalfa will contain1 225 founds of cat-hamate o? lithe {hstheraersj Jxsd ,i P t . ' Generally> in the; faH, the land ia welt prepared .far. the small grairtsand the iime.'wheti applied Vbfore tho ce.-d hod is fined, is thoroughly incorporated fnto the soil: A late, wet spring means sjpft land, hard to work end ntHlccs it 'duitewt' to 'apply "lime nt that tints. As .Ijatt must, be thoroughly WorMgf !Ato the soil fif-ft rnurrfsv'oh j < uh vrh.V'dg. ronomy workers ' adii-nt ^ttk tjie touring.the filfsesshnf . . Ip -'o'pie .Votth-Cato.ftpajias niO';h'"pa tcn'!{?os .(jt legtMie J :.ced K;Va fcten ohdetyd coo'perateoety bp farrhekW Tor -jHsntmg tHfs-fdil. '' Over the wholfe' Slatte {life 1 image ' ihrreasfntf with I the growers 'f.ali^lhgr'thet'1 W improre the soil ovef a wide 'ared legumes nuiat'.be useff. W' It therefore Suggested by thp agronomy : woHters that !ilnfn > '.yoiir dAtllf ib ftboufthe only hope-for rttcdess with stleh crops da clovers and alfalfa and that liming, la" one- of the best, way's ttf imp hove old pastures. Many Tarheel' farmers -ate now putting their farms on a paying basis Ky.thfe ii?e of linie and legumes. * -T . i<>. . ' f t [> o~?i r* WEKY STP'FET IX ROXRORO . 4' " r' - "* ?'-*. ? ' *rt. , Hn$ Its Share of the Proof-That Kidney Suiferers Seek. Backache? Kidneys weak ? Want a reliable kidney remedy? Don't have to look far. Use whatj ttexbrfro r60pie rdcommentli Every -treot in has its cases. | Here's one Koxboro man's exper- \ i-nri-. ^ Pit C, T.- Brooks, farmer, R.- E; D. :Oabo U t. N. V. v. I .1 I ... .' ..? =?r:? j[ Weas tier ruptl | | - . v ' "" : ..... r**.. .; ?' ? '. ??>'. ' ^ -.>-' ,-.;'l THE ROXBORO COT.'PIE r~ * *$jk f .w&^ p >:' w? V.':-; : :..-,.-i .:. * : ;> ' . > ?..* ' ' v ! : )i :' ' >&- - ' ps. I : ill:.' I fit ! . 1 :* i L2 1 i ft? - : : 0X00 i . b.' r. i' 'r 6 fX:}) ? ... ^ " hiRqrfIX" fmitN.O . ... . . )rA.i. ! .'/. lo VdxjCI 1 X.}Xt r.f. vrtO - -a: ;ro -r:.rrir.rT[ 1 : . . rr.'ii "kftkl'irtt , kO-fc : r-'- '-'-'i < ^jitifcgMSSVQ i.Tl . AntfS ' i ihl'fi-' \< . ' . .. ?1i> n Rum ir.b T . > . j? .1 rtil ] irr-O .no*.i?f1* VWS'V" W hl? lu? W-: Lr:<, but the shouti for sales It's tb I'.' ,) .now Months ago, ' stride; And it : i- h ,v jmt If 1 ' " : r ^ *rtl^!f>.'i' ' v;| . I | . Copyright 1924, LiqgetT & Myers land1 saleBy virtue of a mortgage to E. B. Keade, dee'd, by Simon Taylor and ; wife, and assigned for value to Wm. Tayor by B. R. Long, Exr. of said Rpade, recorded in Person County, bki 14, page 81, default having been made, and by consent of those interested we will on the 10th DAY OF NOW, 1924, at 12 o'clock noon, in, front of the court house door* in Roxboro, sell to the highest bidder for cash that certain tract of land, lying; in Mt. Tirzah township, N. C., bound | od by the lands of Yarboro Oakley,' Mrs. Rosa Clay, Adline Bass, thej Sweaney Mill tract, the Simeon*' Bumpass land and perhaps other?,1 containing 100 acres more br less.' known as. the Martha Cozart land, j Same land conveyed to E. R. Readc hy! I A. ?P. Kitehin. Comr., then by E. 'K-J Reade and wife to Simon Taylor, | which deeds are of record in registers I office of Person County. WiUiam Taylor, Assignee of fy,H B. R. Long, Exr. T. . BfQoksr-Atty. , j ,? . ? 117 ?- | i A DM IX1STR ATIX'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrates j oft the estate of ?Dr,j W. A. Brasher.' ; a -x-?J i_t- T-*?-- >?'" 1 U?W3??CM? yi jxysjSiffkT (S?y?nty? j North riutqima.:thUtW tyi, pqtftf all persons ^havinyr claims against said estate to exhibit them to the underfj#ned. oil^^e^,jthe'30i^.df>^f Sept., 1925, or tjiis notice will1 bepWinted recovery* All petiw)?: lighted . ty estate will ' "^hnH' iiyAiftf 'SraiMrtK1 >* a-. :*tqm \ ;,".v '' < ; " -;'f * ;'? -v . vii ta'e. pf tlft pgwiff -vested' in n>c in .1 r. .i deal iiv,trust., create* by Hevry I.iv.'-on nt-jl vi'V, rtftH?t?rt j iio Persop County in. TViiit tiotx; 2. lis.. 11)1. i!cTituiyiili7i^;>'tTfttn>'cfr. " 81 Oct? he; ^ 1MI ' -J - * .-{ itl *i.! Vj', 1 . i .{ 1 /-j'i . t,r : ,, I < -'< !i i.i.i-' t h'v-i - :! ? /. jj i,'j > <[ 'fj;:J< 'iianii v-r-"". /: i;itv ' .:rv:>. ' i *0 |?j r'-r'-J y*:>?r.>A > :H. H ' -'TT^) C-i ,.?avck<' .'.iriiiirf H nu'i <. position be Chesterfield hit its taste that ! has set a record* iorityofto * . M lesten CIGARETTES Tobacco Co. anil at .the instance of the guardian de-jure; I will on the FIRST MONDAY IN. NOy. 1924, expose to public sale at the court house, door In Roxboro to-the highest bidder for cash, that certain tract of Irfnd lying ir^ Allensville township, Person County, N. |?\, bounded on the north by the public road Mill Cfeek to Tingen'* Five Forks; east by R. A. Yancey; South by Eliza Hughes and west by Nannie J. Burch, containing 37 1-3 acres more or less, being' lot No. 0 jn the Division of the Bartlet Yancey fafid. See G. M. Yancey's deed, hook 6 page -496, Person County Register's office and Henry Lawson's deed, hook 1G, page 509i This Oct. 1st, 1924. T. C. Brooks, Trustee. o * ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator c. T. A. of the estate of J. N. O'Brisvnt deceased, late of Person County. N. C.f this is tq notifjr all persons having, claims against tttfc estate of . iid deceased to exhibit them fo the ..v, a ' r*wv a.. ill- 11111. unuuii J!ji. Jliu?cm?57T ncTui*:?trrei:w i day of Se|>te*ni)pr 1923^ of' this Notice will be pleaded in T>ai" of their recovery. ,, .. All person's Vndebira to said cs bite win please miAe immbdiato'pa? foito.i-' , !"Si 1 >?*. ' A. B.'O'Briunt, Administrator C.sT. A; of:J. V. o'li,., :. detected, K' TK1? Tltf^th day, nt Sepwmhrr. , 1924... i ., \ .ftfnt) i tftfc I i. 1 NOT3C??IAND SA1/F, By VlHitt'of laiT'ordar-ttf 'tho Sltp irior Conrt- of Person County, No'rtji t'arbtihn', tnede-Mb the Special >Pro1 feeding entiWed^^d A. Gray and Wfirttt ittottrr Qtar MmtdocV for iale at (he Court'IHroae door l?" the htftfc&t Imlder for'ei*KgffejlBfoB- atfotttfir'0t? Saturday NOVEMBER rdt, 1804,- At 12-o'cioei< Mr the-faHowing ilcscriUed r? ..r* n? H J k 3 I.. 3 yjJ*ei ?' ' ' ' ' ' 'i ' ' ittir&n li-'-rr": vJeo'.'f* . 'vT ,.:tr r. | _ .... . * * ;o v > with it; ace ever since?gaining lore smoker* every day. .eld-has wok its present realise men know by its here is clean-cut superbaccos and blend. ield *3 - ' 'v*V' Hiti? ^--millions! real estate in Flat River Township,; * Person County, North Carolina, ad-1 * joining: of the lands of Thomas Gray j * R. B. Holeman, R. G. Gates and others] containing 203 acres more or less,: and known as the A. M. Gray tract oc J # land. Also rtwo vacant lots 50 by 100:# feet locrted at Timberlake, in said j county and state. 1 _ This Sept 30th, 1924. Alplionsus Gyay, ' ' R. H. Gates, Commissioners. William D. Merritt, Atty. j _ PROFESSIONAL CARDS /-0-. ; i 1?i ROBERT P. BURNS j Attomey-at-Law i ~~ { Office over Davis Drug Store | ! L ; ; 1 I ~ N. I.UNSFOKD Attorney - at - Law Office over Garrett's St,-ra ! : ? Roxboro, N. C. { __ . O. ?. CttOWEfcl, | Attorney ?t taw, J i 1 Office. ir> Old, ;pp?t Office Bujlding. { i floxboyo, N. C. ' ? ? ( | ~~\97 T. BtClIANAN "7 ! ' >1 Survayor j Rnxboro. N. Cc, Rpnbe 6. : ' j ~ j_ For 3ale by Ne\vt:ori-\ ' " " " A 3'ilTOV: >t:i;>'fc*>pfc ttv 5ft?' ot*j: T 5U.T "fcbri'S : .. pi >7 iO , i. ..3 -i.?' nwJ v ' - ro-H . ..... :o . .. s r K'.y //i-voJi'7# I f ' ' . \ /1 1?. . . 5 ; '' - . "* . i/ J V'*'ZVS \ * X l be deserved DR. O. G. DAVIS Veterinarian, * Offers his ?ervice to Roxboro and surrounding community * Phone 87. 8-15 6tpd* . * DR. J. H. HUGHES M Dentist Office in Hotel Jones, next door to Dr. Tucker's office. DR. E. J TUCKER * DENTIST Office in Hotel Jones. DR. G. C. VICKERS \ IJENTIST Office in Newell Building on f ttorffi Main Street, next, door to Roabcrc Orocery Co. I O. W. GENTRY, M. O. 1 ^ Roxboro, N. C. Offers hi.-, .services to the people I of Boxboro nnd surrounding | , section. , ' 1 ' I OR. C. !.. THOMAS. Dontto, . I Boxboro, N. C. I Office over Aubrey Bong & Co's Itere, Main j Street. Office houra: 13 to 12 A. ItL. l.i.o.5:30 P. M. J I iobS gWYORKmX . i'llkttrsoii Dyv^ Co, .. , .?-? '