* ? -v; -v- --'-I i for 20 days ! -ONLY :...-. ' ; ' '' jj 1 . . Buy your Coats, WE ARE NOW SHOWING A I i Sale Begins . .rr-xiriT?t? j C O A 1 I 1 . ! i djgSTj A NEW LINE JUJ IJ A special induceme. - I ^feajf you acquainted wi anc* simPlicity ?f oi which we selected \a W%?li every piece will sho\ r. MKp^mvB clusiveness that wo: prices at which we a chandise are far le: .??& been in the habit want you to know self that what we p i '! | jjv vertisements is true. For the.next 20 days we are offerii ducements that you will want to coi Ladies coats "prices ranging from $ Sizes up to 5 2 " t j GOODS BY THE YARD Oirighams" and Shirting 20c value < 15c ' ] OUTING i 1 lot Quting i5c r Ontincr different colors, o-nod mmlitv II ">8c ] ? I ] QOTTON CLOTH i In cheeks for Quilt linings llcf; : f . - ' I BATTON COTTON ? Per Roll 10c L .White Cloth 1 10c 1 5 j ? f ^ If;..- HOSE | - I-adies black and. tan hose 10c i Men's black, tan, grey and white hose 10c | - ??? ? i 32 IN. GINGHAM III - ~ Extra good -quality II 25c ;|1|: . 35c quality gingham I I i ?28c Bp??? ilnli I/evenshiVe and L&d-Caa&le gB&ttr, Fast color f jj " 27c ^ V ' ?- - - - I? V. i^' - - rs? - 1 ?. - I I.. .J, J W M Suits, Dresses < 5IGGER SELECTION IN LAC Friday, 0< 5T RECEAVED | ^ | nt offered to make Jf th the elegance ? iir new garments, nth such care that v that mark of ex- LAI men prefer. The __ . re selling our mer- 1 B 9S than von tiavp a | targe assc of paying, but we rived,the newe and see for your- did quality at . think we are f iromise in our ad- . . , . . . this sale $4.5 $2.98 ig such special in- ^ big agsi to $ 48.50 $9.50 will be s reduction. MEN'S CLOTHING Suits and Overcoats made in sport models, plain coats with bell bottom pants or plain regular suit, hard and soft goods. Prices ranging from $13.75 to $37.50 to be sold at this unloading sale $10.00 to $27.50 BOYS SUITS and 0\TRCOATS A. big line of ordinary and extra good quality 2 pair pants suit at a great reduction. Dne lot of boys suits with two pair pants at this Unloading Sale only H?l- AK * ' 3>b.yt> SILKS and WOOLENS k big selection of silks and woolens, Sport checks in cotton REDUCED RAV DEPARTMt - : / ' . - v ... ' . . - !, .Cit-Uer U. 'iMt . 'T~... i. . ? 4DI III ' r' ' ' r ' LJ^J M/-VH T uiu Kiais W >1ES AND MEN'S READY-TO-W :t. 24-, Lastii fib^ D R %" ' Silks and wool U)r trimmed regular $ unloading sale $6 If { \ DRES y fvnCASTcn y The newest mak \T 1 / C* material $1 5.00 ti MM. HC5 ing sale ^ ? *... .?< ' $ ic .TS irtment just ar- We never had a st things splen- quality and style tl low prices. Just prices. Dresses up joing to sell 6n and w?o1 reducd 0 quality $ 16 ^ 3T And indeed the . . . many styles, one ortment up to J . , , . the serious dark to old at the same anj a delight to ? Sizes up to 52. SHOES Just received a splendid selection of shoes and slippers for men, women' and children For Sunday and- school wear. Our shoes art guaranteed all leather or your money back at very low prices. Special off on this Sale ' 10 per cent off MEN'S PANTS 1 lot moleskin pants at this sale $1.9S 1 lot striped moleskin ?3.50 quality sale prict $2.75 All wool pants $3.75 quality Sale price $2.75 KEYSERS HOSE Wear Keyser Silk Hose. They are guaranteed to give satisfaction price $1.50?$198 ? c i._ . " ... - ' ' . - ;. - : - - N. C. r- - . ? v' ; . X ,> ;. . : ".'." r~ . ^ 5?fjM as, ALUMINUM $1*00 VALUE 69c at a Big Saving I EAR THAN EVER BEFORE. j tig 20 Days ESSES 1 sn dresses neatly O 10.00 value, at this ? es in extra quality |K \ alue at this unload- ijjffiT aiSTx! better selection in Kan nnw at tkia lnw V. H \j to $23.50 in silk ^77^ g* ?I DRESSES y are smart and chic and so many, H hardly knows which to choose after Jlj ined seasons of the past, it is a relief ind so many beautiful new shades Hi ____________________ i j. BLANKET & COMFORT TIME 1 Here are the blankets and comforts at a saving:. Don't miss it. : 1 lot double bed blankets at 95c i SILK HOSE 55c quality 39c ' Sport Hose 48c Good quality silk hose 48c $1.25 quality silks . * . . wil I I Large line of 'men and young men's hats to | be sold at a great reduction. i DRUGGETTS and RUGS L 9 x 12 Brussels Rugs good quality ?21.75 9 x 12 Minster Rugs ?35.00 quality at this I Unloading sale r $27.50 2 yd. wide Floor Oil Cloth I $1.19 I' CORSETS i When you think of Corsets think of the . j|J "P and N" It is the only front lace corset - that gives peifect corset comfort. It has In special features not embodied in any other corset, and hundreds of customers tell us they wou]d not wear any other corset regard- I I less of prices and yet it does no.t cost any I I _ more ih&n-thh. ordinary, ask our- corSetlor, IHfr h .who wears and rernmtnpndu "P and- M-'-frant lit ? lace corset*. Sieen tip to 42. Ijl