Con^raW^^WPWTthe Greens boro NewB upon occupying: its magnificent new home, must have a quarter of a million dollar, J5ut ''per?nit us to say. the home is no better than the paper, and we rejoice in the prosperity of our neighbors. It shows that to succeed it is not necessary to truckle to any one, for the News is free and independent and haws to the line, letting the chtpe fall where they may. NOTICE. - .. Tfflien you have tobacco ready for -market and want some-one to haul at let T B dSvS~Rnow about it, South feoat'on, one of the BESTj he has a good truck hauling to markets in the old Betlt of ,Va, C. ?T. B Davis 1(5-29 ->UM ;?-0 To-The Women Voters PI especially want to apyeaj to the good women of this County . You believe in morals, upholding "the laws in every instance That is my platform Kindly give "me your vote, your . friend, J. W CHAMBERS, Better known as Billy Chamber, hte & ai>d 10 Cent Store Man, Tax Notice. I All 19fM taxes are loner past ' due and I am compelled to collect same at once. If these . - taxes ar not paid this month 1 will be forced to advertise and sell same. Please give this your jxte this unpleasant task. J. Melvin Long, Sheriff and Tax Collector. / iCV ?-r \> ' ' RKBOUUTIQNS. -t We, the colored people of Hallostaya Township, District No. 4, Person Obnnty, N. C., are mindful of whvfc the educational authorities both of the State and our County have k done to make it possible for us to ***** new school building in our IKfltriet. And by way of showing oat gratitude to all who in anyway JL\ ^ Mi)' a* the following resolution -tit ftrpciation for service* rendered' are dm* , f Resolved, li We do hereby bow oar h^art* in thanks to Him who is the :?tver df every good and perfect |l; ? ? -gift. And since we were in need of at school l.oilding God, through our'friends, have given us such a wagwficent building 2nd: To the State Hoard of 6dn preci:it,lace where A, sub-', j scrrptiort to "the j Youth^s Companion will Tiir' in; wnen the ybung folks bring new acquaintances -.of'the house you are mighty careful to find, out about them before admittingthem to the intimacy. In the samej way vou should maltA whotlm* the mental friends that they make through reading' are of a kind to inspire them or to destroy all the ideals yon Inrvh been to so milch' pains "to implant. Try ..The' Youth* Can nitpion fdipt a year.1 - /See Mow adTeSly ft h?**orne? an indispensable member of the household, on of unfailing charm, and constant inspiration. The o2 issues of T925 will hT crowded \v?fK serial stories, short. stories, editorials,ipoetry, acts and fun. Subscribe now and receive: ?. 1. The Youth's Compani--.?52 is-4 sues h 1925. 2. AM (he ^oroPming a o/_l;V4 3. The Obiwpaiwion Home t'alrnri ir for=?UBO. (>:eev ,ic. re-i-jcst.)' A:i fur f.2JS0v " T??. Or Tnelude HcGsll'i M tr*i?ir~. the. >' r/" > O" - -' ' THE YOUTH'S COMPANION Commonwealth Ave. & St Paul St., Boston, Mass, ?Subscriptions received at this Office. , . TO THE VOTER8 OP PER80N COUNTY: I am the . regular nominee of the Democratic party for the office of sheriff^ if elected -U-paetmsa to give the office my personal attention and ! to serve you to the best of fay ability ]>erforming my duty with out fear' or 1 favor to any one. I sincerely appreciate the kindness of my friends in the recent primaries and respectfully ask their support again. Nat V. Brooks. I??o?? I? The Value Of Cnnsisency In Adver tiling Perhape the greatest value of | advertising?the ability to keep a name or trade mark before the pub; lie until the buying public becomes impressed with the fact that this company or that is handling a certain product, and. that Svben he wants, collars, socks or churns, this: brand or that- is better. It is inveitable that a man or woman should subconsciously become familiar with certain products,!and in time 6f need turn to them, when day after day from every nehspaper Bricked UP the name Itr YrmrlJ roo .-i stares him or her in the face. Consistency in advertising is. the real secret. This is particularly brought out in a pamplet by the distribution department of the United Statei Chamber of Commerce, on retail advertising. Part? taken from let may prove particularly valuable the lptter accompanying the pampto the Durham advertiser. They follow; . "Every merchant," the department says 5n its foreword, "must make ^ himself knowp in order to^ conduct a profitable business. This is done in various ways, the greater part of is described as 'stuMMty.'j aijd of all these ways, advertising in the most effective." The purpose of" the pamhlet' i? stated to be: "To enable the owner of- the small stojre to make mostscconomicalt apd effective ps?\ of ^he ilioney he has available of has -avail- ' ?bel for advertising." 'Although every repetition of an advertisement, a circular or a letter costs money," says . the .department, "ocasional, hit-orjmisrt advertising is usually a ldsS; xl'hercas steady advertising of the right kind is siire to.'-^eproduktfve. :j>Iev?rlfeW t'liaMto ft advertising Durhyni Sun. TO THE VOTERS OF PERSON* COUNTY: link a taVtdidAte for Sheriff if Per son County and respectrully ask the vote of every one who wants to see the laws honestly and*fairly execytjed. If eleoted I idedjre W^-self to ffye. justice to the ?hor as wbH as the *idh Il rAsp? UOV > Tour support is respectfully solicit J. \\r .Chmibcrs, Better ItnoWn ns Billy Chambers1 aiwV jiPjG^rt ,qia^.i[ . ijhi test* limed evs'y three "veers end fertilized vi'h .ruarma-pVaiij# adiM i phr-pbcf !u < : ' ' n avrre? While oor service Is . expert and,efficient, :?S genuine affection I This enables as to I I .carry out inslruc- I jB itions to tile letter. I jS We understand 9 D'J^^NiKht-tf-D B I 81 Funeral Directors 81 Roxboro, N. C. o _ CommuniE! -I Advisory Committees (or Town Beautifying Ugliness Is becoming (he rule in many of the extreme aspects of modern town life, the Literary- Digest comments sadly. The suave \yriter culls It "indifference of the greater public" to "the general artistic and natural amenities of towns olid rural areas." The beauty of the f?::st is sacrificed to make way for nyodt ru improvements, says the Christian Sclente Monitor, voicing a plea fer concerted effort at t oym-beafa 11 fytpg I / J \ Vit Isiwlieu thjrfgs gciLbod, when they seem yk 'their worst; that en^ufance reaches its limit. Already in parts of America something 119s been done iowok-tl the ! suppression of , billboards' that bade fair to conceal the country as completely as the smoke screen In a battle at sea shields the fleet, and without the same reason or yjSaifty. j The preservation. of /he American friraenitieo, ff tbo local ; tot the (art coiuuisslon In Washfngto*. la left largely \o woman's clubs. The'English would take more thorough measures. Architects, roused to o realization of th't sadness of a land from which bfguty haatflown. and eager to stay Its flight, suggest the formation ofc atfvitarry art cijumltteea In towns and country both. Their function would be much the samf. though on a rod|4 restricted .$ct?ie, .M thai of the. L'nalloh ' -l ? ?-??J -* uvufuiiMHVH muuciru uiier the pattern of the Amerlmn. The committees would advise and Interfere In their own districts?interfere when some avOA~ds. V ?0 Vi.iv J*> y">" T *"' ) ) ; ' . Uglinett a Liability Attractiveness has been deemed an Important asset In the development ol such thoroughfares as Fifth avenue Id New Yorty and Michigan boulevard is Chicago. 1.There la no question that til* beautiful home In ait' attract!** residence dlatrlct has a value far la excess of the commonplace home In a inatriot lof. oneVeU'iMvektpmeat. Bat does attractiveness pay In commercial building Jn general as In the case of MP en attractive ofP'e or store bulldini rather than n plain, unadorned ftruetine, t-tjen as Ogly >tructurg? It wai observed li) one of the large cities re cently that the ugly commercial build Idg wa* the one, most,often wtthoul tenhnis and- the structure that aa a "replaced. No doubt that observation would hold in ma.ny instances, In man] cities.?Kansas City Times. \ ? r? ' " " Coats and I fa /?T S- i v ' * uiw in priced. )j \[ Littl V n extra lar )\ , . all the s Our sto< comp!et< I is ripe last wee see our prices. |_j (' K.1 x narrifr fifc Roxboro's Besi piAHK f ' Am! . VS | fit *? Have you $ -? r\ f 'j ' ' ' If you have a bank account adding to your balance, we congi ^'keep it up." . t . j* j i j r / Uf jpu Have no. b^nkJiccoiint, in and open one. The satisfied, < give you to know you are gettin nn vrtii* rl/itniwvii?ntlA?? ? yu jvui llliiiailUIl IU JllttttC y Come in today. ,y We will welcome j THE People; "The Bank cf Th ? ^ I ? resses j l]! Styli$h -^DRESSES t 'eautiful ? DRESSES ! itter what your :an fit you. We best stock of i dresses you'll lev are the last style ns well ost reasonably We have them for e Women ge women and izes between. ^! ;k is full and t. The season for this mer- g Come along and ou out. ' ' l j; I i and Tailored A rr S jl; forget that we j ig our customer ?n Jiats; We inty and can lease you. A nent came in k. Be sure to hats and the i * i . Burns I I : Store. mmg V otOne? and are REGULARLY ratulte you and say L - j . ; A^ve urge you to come confident feeling it will g ahead, will strengthour balance grow. rou. f |l * s Hank ^ l.11 ; . ' i - e People" j 6