I From I Foundation to I Finish 9 FOR H I Mansion or Hut, I You Can Get It 1 1 AT I Roxboro Lumber C?"Home of Quality Lumber" \ -I if Galvanized Pail J fj?|g^ f or ' |.|Get large, strong, ( jal\ii)i/ed PAIL with these famous /dffir w \ pROGTER #4* GAMBLE Soaps 3 P and G The White Naphtha Soap 2 Giest Ivory- #\ _.'^| g Star Soap / I B#? 1 Star Naphtha Powder M I II 2 Chipso fl \J 1 Large galvanized. Pail . ?' 1 I. } I A 1 ' J . " Regular Vafue W 00', ) -j '. ; j Come to our store, of telephone immediately while'the-bargain I ' 1 aa t s v, .. 'J-*"" : : SO o ERGEANT &WLAYTON 3 - , Sta'Klean Store | PHONE 23 AND 24. ROXBORO, N. C. liZ '!? lfj-x Vj' 5JJ "lZ Kjyuz J7Z ?J rny nix nix jjji Jjjxnjx rnr \rr. nrv._ T? it r%- ?* *?a ~ -?f m?a h inn. r al ALL theatre ^^koxbon/s^l^^ Palace) H :Advance progam from Thursday Oct 30th, to Wednesday Nov 5h*. H THURSDAY C. B Dameron Presents Dameron's Musical Stock Co ga With 16 People A Picked Chorus of Southern Girlies-A Five H Piece OreheatrarComedians-.Singers-Dancer? A Clean Show for 5j the whole Family--ADDED A two reel Mack Sennett Comedy gB Romeo k Jdlet: Admission 20 Si 40 cts: Open 7:15-9.:00 P. M ., la RRTDAY C. B Dameron Presents Dameron'a Musical Stock Co ^5 Oh ire change of program-Complete change of co3tumes-Complete M change of Scenery Everything New: We personally guarantee it3 iSs merits for Ladies and Childnpn-Aclead ^hovJ free from Smut , IB ADt)ED A two reel Our Gang Tire Trouble- Admission 20 Si 40ct.i jra. (Both Floors) Performances at 7:15-9:00 P.M B jB SATURDAY C. B. Dameron Presents -Dameron'a Musical Stock Co The last arid linaiuay Entire change of program -Complete change mm of everything ADDED Roy Stewart in -Pure Grit?A' Five reel PHgl Western D:*am:i: Matinee Picture 2:'0 P." M. Vaudeville 3:30 P. M H. Vaudevdie 7:30 P. M Second Picture 8:30 P. M. l^ust Vaudeville I S 9:40 P. M. Admissions 20 & 40 eta (Both Floors) Please come on H thc . ?j MONDAY & TFBSDAY Je?s^ Lasky .Presents Cecil, JJ. 'peMatte's . gj Production -THE FEET of C-IiAY tVith1 Rod 'LaRoc^Ue- Vera 9 Reynolds?Richard Cortez Julia Faye-TJheo ^oajoff? Robert Bdeson R\ Adapted front Marfrarette TnttleV Novel of the same name. At S) Paramount Production. (Herd's another vm'ttetAis. fX-Mille roniaheeigs of married life) Matinee Monday 3:00 I', M, jAdmiiiaion. 20 Ri 40cH i ^ -Eveninoi TriSfroO P. M T - T ? .rf M WBUMESDAY ' ar| L. Laemmel Presents A WiJlian Ptirke ProductKj ion A MILLION to BURN>'\^ith - Herbont# Ra)ston? and/Margaret S Landia. (A HtBrtlinsr story < of love, romance. iyid speedy- spending. ADDED A piniieo Comedy -family Troubles-Performances 7:1{>. |g Coming Monday November 10-11 th Gloria Swan son in Iler 'Love (IT Facts With Proof I - We have iiq arguments fbr you. But ^ye wih j |[ prove the r your Dollar goes furlhwi' vAth US' even without you asking and giving you quality unsurpassed if you trade at our store. jf FOX'S CASH STORE H V ^ ^_At^thc Crossing. g Everything to buiki with. ^at kin* A idullpck. .j, fa Mr and Mrs R L. Wilburn spent R last Sunday in> Durham. f I ft* J fl*e . >:? Miss Daisy Stephens fptttt last S Saturday in DatvvillaJ |? Mr. L D, Vearey of Kraensbor S was a Roxboro visitor last week. g Miss Millie Jane Brooks h^s re j? turned fyom Lilesviile after spending fe two weeks with Mr and Mrs. JR. F P > ** * S4 ' . E Maggie Jackson spent last week in Jj .tfsbane visiting her sisidr, Mr^j U j * ?? ? a* 1 Mrs. J. A. Long, who had hpr tonsils removed at the hospital last week has returned home Mr. Willie Paylor was carried to Watts Hospital yesterday ,for an operation for appendicitis. * '** * v , >j |1 Mrs. Shields Hatevy was called to jl Maryland last Wednesday on account i a of the serious illnes of her daughter a ** * t ** g '] Miss Hiiria Sfanfield, a student it SElJljUC. C. W. Greenshord^ spent the ?" week at home SSl *'1 i , ?j| (Juite a number of Roxboro citizen i 19j attpnded< the .automobile! races ii jy Charlotte lpst Saturday - ' a' . i < ks .qi i ' . i - - HI Mn IMd.. UT -? 1 joined her husband here last Saturida^. Jfr Spilth is tip buyer orj this market for .the Imperial (Co. and is quite an addition to ohr Strong Jforct of buyers. ' ' I I Mr W T. Whitt of Creedmor* was at Roxior* the fiAt A: thei wepk on; fatoreif us wi th h reagi Ir-tS ; :! i:' j H I ifr. ai)d ^Irs. Fitzhugh Repd an< 3 Jffrs Nannji Moore ,olj Wt^rrentoi in speh last Sqnday liere visiting, in Hi< home of'Mr W. JC. Fullock. ,> , .} : '? i i i?y i * jH Miss phisy, Mildred Sfalvey, , wh< | ? if feaehiug jm Henderson, spent th< 0 Week end here-with'her parents. Prof & and Mrs* A, B fethlvey { ' ' ti i. *?t j |g | Aids May i -? g ! Mi??t Jstoie 'Butn's was carried ^ g tfie hospital Ipst . $atprday to 'hav P heri tobsiln remoedd, rttorxing bonk' 1 l '.fl I 1 1_ ? ? I mi ' ' Miss Bess Finley, who has been l?3l visiting Mrs I O. Wilkerson rem turned to her lio'nie in-North .Mfikesboro the first of the week. ?1 .." ** * ? kj Misses Virginia Wilkerson and |g Bertha Taylor, who are attending a gj business college in Richmond, Va., H spent the week end at home with jH their paren'/. '? Misses Vivian and Minnie Allgood 1 . of\ the X . C C. W., Greensboro, j & spent the* week end at homo with] jg "their parents, Mr and Mr.-. J. W. K Allgood B ' \ { T ** " * ** jji \ |Mr X M. Pars of Pamplin, Vl\., fr- suent'thjf week end at. home. He was ^ ' accompanied by Mrs. Pierce and Miss Pipro?, who visited Mis J M. Past. jp ' ** . '. ... '** ' . B .Mrs W S. Cjaak, Jr.. who has > ? been spending some time in Rjber? scnville, arrived home last Friday g and will spend about ten days here. & * . ? ? . jg Mr \\ O Blalock, who is interested g in swine, is attending the Southern ig Berkshire Congress at Pinelrarst, N. I c H * , f * ** g Y9U will find us in our new store, iS abetter rnrebared lhnn ctrpr in ani-vn I&'ou-ip the way of Hardtvare, Chinaw.ire 'a^d crockery. Let tia show you. Farmers Hardware Co ! 1 ? . j[ Aubrey Lai ? i ??aae .. . i-.. ' .* EC/YS, I have your pop crackers, i fresH'from the factory. Old Man Kir- g by. 10-1, 4tspd. E Our ?oung friend Ennis Day of | Timber ske route 1 waa a -pleasant g visitor his morning He had jdst sold t a load of primings at Winstegd E which veraged mm $25 80 - N ' 1 g STOI E FOR RfcNIV gdoU'lbcAti^n 1 in Roxl oro, low rent. Apply to J. C. B .Pass. <0 15 tt g ?" r~? t H S war uno re Chatauqua beginning g on Mot lay Nov 5th aiuL7 lasting g three d ys At" the school auditor- { ium Eiy your -season tickets and g attend sach enterstuinment. ' H Look now at yout -fire-policies. Not J? one in ten has epough insurance on g his pro lerty. Phone. Noi 135. Do it now. to-morrow may bo, top late. H3 SATTERFIELD . INS. AGENCY. , I f> W' ~ 1| 100 DOrto-Jersey pigs, shoats, sows, 1 and boars fop sale. Priced from $5,00 I up; all stock eligible to registrat- t ion. Came quick and get your pick, i [Oak- Grove- 'Stock Farm, Cluster 4 Springs ^ Va_ 2 6 <3 B j is a Prescription for Colds, Grippe. Dengue Fever, 5 Constipation, Bilious Headaches | land Malarial Fever. | STORE FOR RENT, good location g in Roxboro, low rent. Apply to J. C. E Tass. 10 tf ? FIRES, FIRES. For twenty-five ft years we have paid every loss satis- B factory to insured. You mav be next. See us at once. SATTE? WIUO UVW'I Ull 1/CJJUV Oil CC L UIIU take a peep at what we havb to show yo\l, won't cost you a penny, hut will save you $$? if you are going- to buy j| a stove. Will save you money on any-/ thing in the furniture line. j E. D. Cheek & Co. ! : , I , We are showing 36 different patterns in China and . Ooskeryware f setts Prices right f too. Fr.rmers Hardware Co. I Notice. I v.o ill . like to sel! from five to fifteen acres- of land, less thhanb'-'f mile of Longhurst Cotton Mill'tv.o and , half -miles front Roxl.oro See or write S. T. D'Jnh, Roxboo j |N. C. R. F. D, No. 2 10-22 -It rd ; WANTED, RENTER FOR | GOOD TOBACCO FARM LO-I ! CVTEl) IN GRANVILLE! COUNTY ONE AND ONE! HALF MILES SOUTH OF STEM. N. C. ON NATIONAL ! ; HIGHWAY. LAND IN HIGH -STATE OF CULTIVATION ; GOOD BUILDINGS AND! SCHOOL. ADDRESS M. THOS. CLAYTON* tftlf East First Street TULSA* OKLA. f ?t , 1028 2ts STORE FOR RENT,- good loohtion in Roxboro, low rent. AdHty to'J. Pass. < : a iio is tf I 1 - -I? ??-- .J ' w J i. i " : ? i ou aon i nave to especially hurry, But come on We do not have any special bargain days but every day ft , a bargain day with'us. You. people who can get ,hoTd of a i little' cash aYid love t? Hear it speak tn load terms, como along. The purest Groceries handled in a sanitary way. . Jojn tho ' ranks of Monoy Savers. .1 Wo sell for cash and sell .{^r j 'eM* is? and Ctfc,: J ? - -* ; ' -.ax * v ' " s;": . \ ' " " " "FT. And do so without any great infringement I on your pocket book. We have the best as- | j sortment of Boys Overcoats and Suits we N , ,. -i, ? , H have had m a lbrtg tnpe. I ney all say they U are reasonable and you will say so too. > Prices $6.75 to $20.00, \j J with us. If! \j?2l Tryit- I Wilburn 8 Satterfield | ' ~ :t-~ LUMBER 11 ' ' ' ' t vi> .0 ' -> '! 1 ?? J -i . . v 1 Flooring, Ceiling, Siding, : -. > \ ! o (Windows, Doors; Frames, V > > I Lime, Cement, Plaster, j y&Siai . Shingles, Roofing, Laths, : ; jlF Paints, Oils, Varnish, it VI; I I , . \4antels, Grates, Tile. j|] \ f J_ : ' If) fVA'IUlJSS and BULLOCK "|T / "Everything to Build WiW' -i-i I v I / I Roxboro, N. C. ' : . . -J Hyco M ' I J Warehouse > ... * . ;| b.* .* : . ' * - . " i ' v ; .? .. ' ,'? 1 Tinnie Ashley averaged $48.00 for his load J. R. Terry made an average of $40.00 for ? his load. i ? ' i * Arch Dunn sold for an average of $38.00 for his load. ?] .. ? ; , See that your tobacco is in good order and j bring it to the hyco warehouse ! and we will promise to see that you are sat- ! ' J # " ' isfieddfit isirrour power to^jcrit. W* T. PASS & COMPANY Prop.., Roxfaoro, N. C.?i ? ? j