t/ ' ' ' " . .' - - ' Pjramus and. ' Thigbe ? By MARTHA WILLIAMS i - .i ? (CoirrUsht ) <_ / ,I/~VH. DKAKI How I wish I could V take a, Ifjije IJ'( Sarlnesca Hlghed stormlly. ii'i'V "Wall, why don't 'yt>u?" A ant Susan asked iiLacldly. "I.ttdy Juaa tlruy Isn't working?exercise'd be better for her then standing stalled all day." "Ck'h! All she's (It for Is crpwbnltl 1 wouldn't be seeu on her," "Sarloesca flung buck. (' "Of course. If you wanter show off?" began Aunt Susun. "I don't 1 Only?not to bo a; scarecrow P Sara broke In. tear*'running oaer her rosy cheeks. , "It comes of being an honest man's daughter, "Don't forget that'," Aunt Posan said, bead up, gyes flushing. "Too hoasst to tfy standing from under load ' of eecurlty debts your grandfather had I put on blth. "Til be proud?remembering a thing like tbaV "I?I?can't t I'm young," . Sara sobbed ; "nineteen?ami I've never had ~jSi ?anithrnjt^"' 7 Aunt aosaii Rwiuowea somvinioi hard In her throat._ She loved this quicksilver child dearly, for all she had found her a trial all the ten years die had cherished her. 'iSnaan. keep her safe. She's all that's left the." her brother had said when ho-bade theme good-by. Three months /had stripped' him of everything. .Ills wife, bis twin sons, their g'randpa rents?all hod been Instnntly killed in a motor accident, leaving him a burden of debts and grief that oughf to havd crushed him utterly. Terribly, shaken, the had somehow lived through tit, keeping bis head unbowed. "I shall qomd bock?living or dead," were. Shis Itist hvordsj \ A motor horn sounded Impatiently otitslde. Sara darted to And ont Its meaning. In a minute she was back, white, breathleee, saying brokenly: "I rnn't believe It?but?but ny Oreatuncle .1 nlInn lino ctuna'.tthv tnkb gad away?for good." "You are willing ,tdi ko with .hint," Aunt Stisan shot at heV rafter he'ha* Sara nodded. "You won't hlpmb pig, after yon see their caf*-^imtf rti$r neitt'd clothes!" "lint you are?your mother's daughter," Susan said with a hard breath, "lie sure I won't lay a straw In tha nay of your gotsfg.' Ooty?when yaW father come*?*' i ' \r t tU it. "Hewon't ever .qome:Ile.juusi be dead," Sara cried, flinging'herse/f upon her aunt's breast. "ire will ccpne?JJvJng/or dead,",Suva n InterriiptPd : "anil in- will "kpnw T did ail I could fdrJyOTr."- ' A' ' ''' Sura went i quickly.t5nt noil before A nu t Susan bad spoken with the rich kin. They were of the fairest surface, eagerly gracious. Indistfhg that .shortly she must come and pay tbem a long visit, but she distrusted tbem. . , Sara wrote daily W fhrough .the. first week, then the lettera slackened, hut Aunt Susan d'd not wander. One of the letters mn.de Adnt' Susan start violently?It "mentioned the niime of the mnn whose treachery vpgij caused her brotliur'a piln. lie tied been young. isiii itii-n?fny miri.T-iivp. at rorry-nye Snrinesra would tempt hinv mightily, with1"her fresh'an tAuclvdduefld, her elfln charm. But when Jim* her brother^ came hock the next tiny, Joy drove all' "elfre from her niliul "for a week. Aged, weather-beaten, smiling rarely, speaking little, he seemed^eonteht to bathe himself In her devnttnn, Sarn'a absence grieved hint, but not bitterly. "She is yourg?nntl starved fo"r pi ensure." lie said., "Let her. tpke Iter fill.'" Sister Su?i\n naked jib question's, It whs enough for her to have him hack, alive and sound, "You shall hear everything-:-after.I nm rristed," ho had said at first coming. A month from Ids coming they snt In June moonlight.' Suddenly across the narrow lawn eniue running figures ?man and woman- hand In hand and punting for breath.* Ten yards off the ;irl called tremulously: "Oh, Aunt Susan, Aunt Susan! I've come hack iivuh: . ?i n in iii.v iiwim- rsriu. "Your home always," Aunt Sissan snld shakily. "Enough that you are here?von need not tell why." "But 1 must!" Sara cried, dropping jhe man's bond. "You sea- I mrtr"'ed?or nlso I ronldftt ever have cot owny." Then all In a huddle came the whole j,tory. Those In authority had tried to < on* Iter Into murryfng Judge "V.mer. TVlien she bad refused tliufy, *.hey had locked her \iK r'her jnflfrlago was the doo^ to freedom But young Deerlng, the .private p?p tary, had come to her/ help?It had been love at first sight betweeh' thfeita -l.e hnd got a license *snd a'rttiflsirate, with them scrambled up a ladder to her barred window?they had 5otne<! hands through the bora, been duly married, and ? *!tray i ruder ? threat of the law. ''And- I A*me straight to you?I shall never go away again/' S#ra said, llftlngrher head a little. AU through the recital It hnd been burled in her mint's lap. A a her eye caught 1\er fat her*?fnc* she Hung herseif upon hlw breast. - A tnng ralnrtte of sllepce?Tlififn.TTm had to explain n bit. lTncle Julian and Judge Tanner,. If appeared, lmd fonhd out "fltiit lie- was coming homo? : ..i. enormouaiy rich?tilue in two months, . hence thcir hnsfe. He hmdbr^tcn thcm, rr rtlrtMQ friend, ttf>t In m.y upon f).?. pfitr, ' " , "Atrdjou; did even hotter than .1 hoped, ilV". ^hnies <^r&h:i/8 Jpymi^^ Iy. "I lilt ; M *4' ; 'vETw/i. ,."w. |. - nti :i tp younjjfgterg wbulrt tjei41ho drep <.?Y : . - ".\ir . tt r ...' '' ^ crmTT^xaikj \\ ^ Builditicj ? - ' Do-Noih'.rig Critics of,'. lg Little Value to foun o lu ever> town there is -aSmall t*r?iup c pf folk who sli" slgbt'ln the.safe but h convenient- offingwhen u community " a project is .tyulde wp}} nadrte^| eu<& t other. or ut .'cast themselves.' that "U j cmn't be done," or that It Is being done Y tbo Wong wajv They nevef offer to ' I c*l|V; they have no suggestions Tor briaufaiul success to the project; they Invaifohly refuse. fo contribute if funds are needed. But after liie campaign Is von. after.the work Is done, after t ho jpoal fs attained. they, rise up in hojsy K I dissertation. The.v criticise thelea'd-' ^ erk They explntn how' this ' should hnvp t*een fione- and -how that 'sluiufd 8 "huve !>een handled. Tlidy know exactly ' l.twbiu \v;iH the mutter.- They assure I .voir Itii ([rank confidence < thut If. they s hud Ixam, in charge. the undertaking J wotilil liave gone over with a bang the j i day. But they are the folk c who al\vuya-7~witlinut exception?are . j very conspicuous by their absence on the first day and on every other day { until the debt is uv?r. Their talk wor- 1 rles nobody ifafecaake,everybotfo knows 11 that anybody can shoot par gdlf at.lhe h ^nineteenth'?'holt*. It's the man/whd ( <JOes his best all the way fronr tho flrsj t 'to the eighteenth who serfes* his community. Those Alio wait until the < "nineteenth" hole to l*?gln playing don't k count, because the game Is over then 1 anil the scod&s are all in.?ljclmnon i Itepon^r.' / p . 1 Trihute to Home Town c Both True and Clever j Thee tire funkier towns than our little town, titers are towns thst are j bigger thno^Uls and the people who c dheVMiai'^')^k ddfil \lfoow\ i what 'excitement Kiev miss. There are < ; hp its you s*e inUhrt wealthier towns 1 .thai ' > w'-n i in i r.vwn 3 and yet, tip and down, there Is no town wawii N are noj long, they're not wide and 1 uUiyht not straight. but the neighbors / you know In yous* own little town all wphfwip n f fov-it's great. In the ?liffer iig*s?reetai??f-tUfr glittering town, wt:li ttt f?J11 a fi* am) pufeitiont and uiruM , |n pfi# rn^r.of ?l)e. thrtpg tfou will fi (M|iiently I0?tr "f<?r your own little town. aftpr lit 'It 'Vo4 llvfc'nKd you y .work-'a QUr litjl?.*nwn< in splte.of the 'i fart It V saWl.' Vt>'iil4 flittf 1t* a 'frtet that '|! onrU^rle;thw%i/i<i the -ixfeit iitfrto town, ! after Oklahoma \yheat Grower. Home I* Everything The home Id Lenterttfi*^ mor^* than a place to hang your hat at meal time anil a. cotjvepleno rofusr_.ln which to < Mm your wUiawitlwtpi A. A. Jeffrey of the Agricultural department of M4sM?url wrot*a recently. Ita.dally and hourjy .ln(Uience-4rfor. good or had j ?Irf the most Pearly continuous and i donhtWa the' moot Important pf- the onyfropimmt ^onutthms silently shaping the chnrgctet >f your children' pnd coloring your o?cn outlook oif the ' world. . 1 . I To Rasperahy & ucautiful home *lg nlllfS rf tineiueni, to the occupants hhpidnesa, contentment. * optlpiism, I benevolence. How important It la. then, Unit we mnko our Homes as hehntlfftl as we p???lt>ly can,7'with the , means-and Ingenuity h{ .our command, ; with well-kept grounds and planting* so ptaqcd .as ;p n.ake the homo blend harmoniously with its more remote surroundings. Menace in Unpainted Wall An unpnuued i-*ugh wall, says Doctor Gardner of the Institute of Indus- | ,t r) a t> Research at Washington, is por | ous; moisture may he absorbed readily and retained for long periods. In these popes, organic matter and germs may enidly lodge and develop. If the wall Is painted, Jibweve'r, not only are these * pores tilled with pn'nt and a rough, nb'orpdve surface turned Into a smooth,. absorptive surface, but u painted ! can be 'easily and etTeotivelj rl, while the unpninted wall can ??? cleaned successfully. This Is , ; ! d*:;,er vidence of the fact that good is eothlng hut common sense, j I ? i >out Surroundings clenn and neat i and von- w l lead a healthier and a I '.hun >otr will if you live '] 1 Jn toe inldet of dire andVonfuslon. I , . ? , . t , . . . V r "* ' ' CIS dzan-Up Important ^be? success qf a clean-up". d?* pends Inrgeiy upon tVo f/en'tt^ co-op., eratlnw and enthusiasm Af the cltlartis M?'-i of those Who take a prldo is wanting their town to present a clean I neat jtfd K^nitify ijfv^oH'hcpj nt (jtl times will lend the mayor and eounclt u hoiplug iuutlf 'hy^ehmrifng up their premises and placing such trash as ( A in.) lvnterprlse; Civic Pridt Appealed To^ T ^ Lei rvc?;y g'?"d riiixe'u ??f < VliiiuhbinN 1 , .gtvr wltoi? torted Vompcr-'.thm to the ^ - ^f%er?octjr t?> kOep- tht I \ . tiflMy VWWr ' Thh Tenftr~7TtWT^A ru r . THE RiOXBORO OOUBfEi ? f**W' DH. C. U THOMAS. * V Dentist, ] h ! Roxbor?,;N. C. . j ; Office over; Aubrey Long & Go's j store, Main Street. Office hours: , ?. 8 to 12 A. M. l to 5:30 P. M. I 4 -r*i ' 5 Notice of Buck Day's Sale . J <> .. " * I will sell at public auction on Satur- o lay.'Nbv. 8, 1924, sit 12 ocjock; two t rood horses, one (rood milk cow, d ne hog,. a nice lot of white Leghorn hickens, corn feed, one wagon, harem; nil farming utensils, household j md kitchen' furniture. Also a Vicrola; This sale will t^ke place on I L Carver farm 1 and 1-2 miles rest "of Rougcmont, N, C ?W.. T. >ay. 1 " 1*0-29 2tpd o * \ Sale of Valuable Real Estate 0 ! . " . Under and by virtue of a 'dec-.'e if. the Superior Court, q? Caswell i 3ounty in that certain special pro- t ceding, therein pending entitled Mrs. j firgipia Stephens. anc^ others | vs J. j.. Love pnd others^ -1, ap commis7 loner- therein, appointed, authorized and commanded, will - on- Saturday, November 15, 1924, beginning at 12 i'clock M on the premises described >e]ow sell at public sale to the high- ' st bidder or bidders two tracts of 1 and formerly owned by the late J !. Stephens. lying in ' LchsibuVe-1 i ["ownship, Caswell County, |.North Carolina and described/ as follows, o-wit: XT JS. 1 The tract ^xiwn \s the Quincy ! Stephens home place, lying on the Leaabtffg-Higbtowerb. "public road, idkfining lands of J, M Lunsford, ff. H Swann, E. U MltceU and ,B 5. Willi's, contajning*298.7 acre^moi|e >r leesend "being that tracVcoaveyeid .0 J A. Stephens by S^. P Newman, Commissioner. 2. (Composed of lots Nos 2 and 1 of the V. L. Morton land contain?g 224, ft f?e, -more, or, Win, >n the Leasburg-High towers, public road, adjoining*,the lands of J, M (form's'estate,-1 M's. (icira S&epheuk ind H.( C( Willis^ same having been ! i i 1 i \ 'i ri i n' ii ?i? warn? aM SS Dr? S inc.'*! of Di rham will bp at P. Store.WednPsday Nov. and Fit glasses. Eyes mptter* of grpaf impor upon it for. all .your la specialize in the exarriii K .fitting glasses,: with oj ! exr>e.rier?rf? t' C"nnenlt about yotir eyes and j sonable. t i '' t v i , ,'v 4 11 ' jX.ti.jii':..' Now F BRING US YO We have one of the Ginning outfits that v ready to gin your cot guaranteed equal to a Every convenience waste of time. Bring us let us.prove the abov T. T. HEST1 K. C. Wagstaff, Mgr.,' ? ? ; Carpenter In Position to fill eve , nei ? ' ?R K <) The gold standard 1 g of/values | J Passenger Cars, \ 1/rTfPMCftbfcAl Busses Mighty Speed ? 'Wd^ons, and Two torTT rucks. t : I - fl???????????? V r - . ? rt i Carpenter \ Y .' '-r' # - , I it.Cctofcsri 8?, 1924. unvevwl lo J. .A Stenhens.by ft. ? lortenf GommrsAionky^ V>y steed at rt'J 01:1 in book 7T. page iZO. TWd sard ldrid VriH'bo sub-dividoc lto tracts.of convenient and suitibH izes tor ,tbe purpose of sale. Term* unless other wise announcer t the sale! One-third cash, balance n or before January 1.1916. _pefer sd payments bearing Interest frotr ate of sale st B ' E. Love. Commissioner, ) "L1- -rJ.' 55S5?252X5? '& YOU ARE ' - ' ' . INVITED j I. " t' *1 /it.'.;-. | . . to attend the op eh- ( ! ing oF our new j store SATURDAY , i NIGHT, NOVEM| BER FIRST. i We are showing ! Domestic and Im- i r 1 r~"L :i U pMIXCU Valium, Hand1' painted CHina, Light Gut glass, Silverware, and Novelties. FARMERS HARDWARE Co. ' I | Roxboro, N. Cf 5 Phone 99 JJllij'.i'.jJ ,1L JJ..U. .J1J ..I I L Rapport moJori?r-rffte i -! ? tV r? px:boro,at.Uavis Drug \ 5th,; tq epc^ine eyes ight,arvd< its care is a tancefas. you depend boE8 and pleasures. 1 nat on df: the eyes and /6r twenty'five years me when in doubt glasses. \Charges rea?! *i '' ' f'-iU>"i t'A'i ? t~" r !? ??-1 " ? . -1 T - ?' teady UR COTTON very latest and best /e could buy and are ton. Yield'and staple ny. for handling and no > your seed cotton and e assertions. E1R and CO. W. C. Woody, Ginner Motor Co, ry id for transportation i . I1"'1 . I r Cma-hoLiiT T ransportat ion For Eicomical J 1 'C. Touring Cars, Business Coupe, four passenger - . Coachs, Sport Models, Light and Heavy Trucks. \ 1 Motor fiky /.'S ' Wk ' ' - ' '-."Vi - ."V- i 'vv r?T ~T??ti? ? iPIi ia i?' i ii i hi w ! IIIIWI'I. ii i l ?i "IW? ; .Use The Courier Want ads TJiey j Bring Home The Bacon. 1 - ^ ^ ' v I ' 1 COO COOKS CLAN! i. 1 WomCn who pridetHemselvds on their skill and proficiency in J Cooking know that the quality of their foods has much to do with | ' the 1 success' orf their meals. | FlOxboro' housewives are unanimous in their approval of the quality and variety of our groceries. Whether 1 for a bounteous holidayl feast or a light afternoon' tea, here you will find the ! r eatables to satisfy the merit fastidious appetite. There is' nq ctftra charge fori quality. Let us help yon ip planning your menus. BLANKS and MORRIS i~.ll.! .' . ,1 iiiUiViiJ.... gg^ariiill I ' ? WINSTEAD j | ! | -< 1 ) .? -n-'.-r. .f . ti ???' ? n, ic , ... . , -j... | 1 'mm/ 1 ' ' 1' '* ? ,1 W arehouse | ; SALES. HAVE BEEN VERY SATISFAC ! " TORY THE PAS"y WEEK WITH 4 iiji' GOOD AVERAGES I . ' '' ' ' ' I j j K-> ' . c ' ' .1 J L_ 7 [ YOU WILL ALWKYS FIND A COR- j , 7 DJAL WELCOME AT THE WINSTEAD. i AND YOU CAN DEPEND ON GETTING 1 v THE LAST DOLLAR. WITH LIGHTS ! UNSURPASSED YOLR TOBACCO WILL ! I ! SHOW UP TO BEST ADVANTAGE. ^ , , ! H ' ' ' ' f ' : ' 11 . 1 ! J HIGH PRICES ' I GUARANTEED AT THE WINSTEAD, i AND THE VERY BEST ACCOMMODATION FOR MAN AND BEAST. I I i iii , ' LOAD YOUR WAGON AND DRIVE i STRAIGHT TO THE WINSTEAD, AND YOU WILL HAVE NO OCCASION TO t m REGRET IT. \ % ASHLEY, CHAMBERS & LONG, Props. ! I ' ' ! , ! ~ri--i f?Tt r 1 h t *?* , - ' Independent_| 1 Warehouse ! I soOth boston, va. | BETTER PRICES I 1 ',;1*' au triad -to say that prices are better. this ' week' than | | ,af ahy.ttme tli^ season and'if you WiH oell nofwwe feel sufy that i ?j_ i you will fw highly pleksed with the priees (htrlbuyers arc : (standing right- up t? every pile nktd bidding, fast, us though he | ! is afraid, that ha will not get his part, so wq would .advise,' you ! ,1 __ to sell] vru?'?l*b41co na fast as ydt/flhj as ive think, now the timo ! | ' th'wit ' fx>adl hnnvy and drivei t6'"thc Independent iVurehnuso, j f* I where earh one of vwr force, win 'dh all that ho <lun (o g<; , r l th^rst^rM^^f^ yo^tbba^. : . U I i--Weappars Sailing lip into-TVe gSQ'n and Cutter* In the f ^sJ' 'fWr' we Have Ben Winstead and T. B; ^tovis with us' 'rtm t | t*rrrrrn County ' ! rj||' - ? a?-,.! .it' .* Vutir friemia; - - 'i ?p| ?I- "??:? '?'?T.-j.?j_?^ u JiOi 'I' v,.,ifc ringgrii v*. 4r ; 1 - - . . - . ' -

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