Notice Sale of Land Under and by virtue of the author"ty invested in me by a certain Deed cf Trust executed by Floyd Bowling t n the 2Sth day of March 1924. and ihaly recorded in the Register of deeds office of Person County in book no 3, page 276, by he consent of the said Floyd Bawling, I will offer for eale at the Court house door in Koxboro, N. C., Saturday November the 29th, at 12 o'clock M. for cash tee following described land No. (1) Lying and being in Mt Tirtah ToWnihip, Person County, N. C., bound on the North by H. Whltt, on the East by the lands of John Harris, on the South by the lands of J_ L Bowling, and oif the West by the lands of Jim Harris containing (23.6) acres more or less. For further reference is hereby made to deed from Ebnma Vaughn and otheers, "'oly recorded in Register Deeds office Person County, N. C. Mo (2) Lying and being in Mt 3 i?zafi township Person County, N. C.', and being bounded on the North by the Irfnds of the Estate of J. W. Peed on the East by the lands of Robert Day, on the South by the lands of J W Harris and on the West bytie lands of J P Harris, containing S 25 acres more or less. For a more perfect .description of said tract reference is hereby made to deed from Hutch Whitt and duly recorded n r of Deeds Office of Person Cranty. This 29th day of October 1924 This land is on good sand clay road leading into the State HighwaySpencer Bowling, Trustee. LAND SALEBy virtue of a mortgage to E, B. Reade, dec'd, by Siiupn Taylor and v. ife, and assigned for value to Wm. Tayor by B. R. I-/jng, -Bxr. -of aaid Reade, recorded in Person' County, bis. 14, page 81, default having been made, and by consent of ?Kbse* intercsted we will on the 10th DAY OF NOV., 1924, at 12 o'clock noon, in -fr uit of the court hotfse door in Roxfcsro, seU to the highest bidder fur cash thnt certain tract "of land, lying in Mt. Tirzah township, N. C-, bound ed by the lands of Yarbpro Oakley, Mis. Rosa Clay, Adline Bass, the Swcaney Mill tract, the Simeon Bumpass land and perhaps others, containing 100 acres more or less, known as the Martha Cozart land. Same land conveyed to E. R. Reade by A. P. Kitchin. Comr., then by E. R. Reade and wife to Simon Taylor, wBTch deeds are of record in registers office of Person County. William Taylor, Assignee B. R. Long, Exr. ' T. C. Brooks, Atty. v . Notice. o When you haye tobacco ready for market and want some one to haul a w t n tv...i. i?.... -i?i* ?* V * *-? voyis imiVW nuuui lk( South boston, one of the BEST he has a good truck hauling to markets in the old Betlt of Va. ?r N. C. ?T. B Davis 1(5-29 2ts. HOW DOCTORS TREAT . COLDS AND THE FLU To break up a cold over night or to cut inert an attack of grippe, influenza or sore Throat, physicians and druggists are ijovr 2 Mom mending Calotabs, the nausealess Calomel tablet, that is purified from dantth serous and sickening effects. Those who ^Aiieve tried it say that it acts, like magic, by for more effective and certain than the old style calomel, heretofore recommended by physicians. One or two Calotabs at bed time with is swallow of vvhteT,?that's all. No salts, no nausea nor the slightest interference with rating, work or pleasures. Next mornir-g your eold has vanished nnd your system feel a refreshed and purified Calotab* ore sold only in original sealed packages, ? frtw lea cents, i^r the vpM-i.nrkrt fuze: thirty-five cents for the large family package. Recommended end gatTanteea by dyagftfcts. Your money hack if you are not & - SwSbterL?adv. o , . 1F3 ] M 14 pfter^eveiy nuul | Cleanses month and I teeth and aids digestion. Believes thai over- I eaten Icellng and acid Its 1-a-s-t-l-n-g flavor I satlslles the craving lor Wrlgley's Is donhle I value In the^henellt and I Ssefod i? H? Pmity U~~ET? ? ; ^ ' . " IMPROVED UNIFORM WTEltNATlOIAt SundaySchool :? LessonT (By RBV. P. B. FIT2WATBR, D.D.. D?a? of tho Evening School. Moody Bible Institute of Chicago-) (?. 1134. Western Newspaper Union.) Lesson for November 9 THE FEEDING OF THE FIVE THOU8AND LESSON T?3XT?John 4:1-15. GOLDEN TEXT?1 am the broad of Ufa?John 4:55. PRIMARY TOPIC?Joouo Food* Huncry Prop]. JUNIOR TOPIC?Imi Feeds Five Thousand. INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOPIC?Christ Meeting Human Kseds. YOUNQ PEOPLE AND ADULT TOPIC?How Jssus Saves. In the previous chapter, Jesus showed Himself to be the source of life. lie here proves Himself to be the sustalner of life. I. Jesus' Compassion for the Multitude (vr. 1-0. cf. Matt. 14:14)'. The sight of the crowd always Incited the Lord's sympathy^ He knew that they were as stiepherdless sheep (Mark 0:34). They were going forth with no one to care for them. Besides, they were ignorant, so -nioeh so that they had no appreciation of Him. Added I to tills, was their awful physical hunger. This condition roused the Savior's idty. This Is true of the mulj tltude toda)\ The^rowd surges Hhout Js uo one4o core for tliGin. Then, too, they are ignorant. N Sin 1ms so thoroughly-blinded them. tlint they are not conscious of their lost cendit ion. Down deep in their hearts js ? Ironger for truth and Goth The million* of earth are tnmgerihg_fOr Christ, though Ignorant of their, real needs. li. The Lord's Conference With the Disciples Touching the Pccpto's Need <3-D). . * This- was not done for His benefit, lor lh* knaw what lie would do (v. C). He Is efTual to any occasion. His object. hi "This 'conference may be summed up. us .follows: *. 1. To Tench thetii their sense of obligation to the tfi altitude. Men are slow, to recognize their obligation to the great shepberdleSs multitude. We need t?> ho taught tile wonderful truth tlint . God has made man Ills partner in the salvation of the world. We are workers. together-, with God (II Cor. 6:1). It is u most solemn obligation to co-operate with Him in saving the millions who are groping in darkness. 2. To teach them their true .lifijjplesrsness fn the face of suclw^gxa^t needs. The loaves and fishes were ks nothing In the presence of five thou?> sand men besides women and children. Well might Andrew exclaim, "What are these among so many*'* We may plant and water, but the increase comes entirely from God. 3.'To teach them that their sufficiency Is from the Lord. The mission worker needs to know that Christ is iue amy source or supply, without Him we can do ifotliing (John 15:1-8). We can no more carry on the work ourselves than the branchy can bear fruit without the vine. The branch supplies the life and strength for the production of fruit. Philip's arithmetic is of no use in the face of such need. The Lord Jesus has all po.ver. III. The Lord's Method of Accomplishing His Work (vv. 10-13). We observe here tliaLujrderllneaa of Christ's work. He pauses to give thanks for their scanty supply, teaching us that we should always bring our abilities and gifts to Cod, that lie might bless them to His use. 1. The Lord's part was to bless and break the bread; yea, even to create the needed supply. This part the disciples could not perform.. The Lord must begin the work. The same kind of bread was provided for all, rich and poor, young and old, women and | children. 2. The disciples' part was to distribute that which He hod olessed and consecrated. Tlris is true of the missionary today. His part is to take from the hands of the Lord that which J lie has blessed nnd consecrated, and distribute it among-the starving mill- ] t ft titles. We are not responsible for l he supply; but We are responsible for . its distribution to alt those who are hungering anil perishing for the bread of life. : . .3, The people's part was to sit down und ent. They hod no port in the provision, neither its distribution; but only to take from the hands of the disciples and eat. Tills is an illustration of the part obedience plays" in'our salvation. "When all had oaten to the full, much >vas left," illustrating the superabundance of Christ's salvation. IV. The Effect (v. 14). The people recognized Him at once as the Prophet who should come. They believed Him for His works' rake. Must Tread the Path ? lath's hut that moat b%trod, if men would ever pass to God.? Thomas l'urnell. ?: r * On the Way Merely being headed In the right direction doesn't get you nny place. Yon have to move tf you want to arrive. Charity Ohnrlty~i? a virtue of tfie lieart and " ; : ?- -? - THE ROXBOBO COURIER N PROFESSIONAL CARDS ROBERT P. BURNS Attorney-at-Law Office over Davis Drag Store i n. lunSford Attorney at - Law Office over Garrett's Sblare | Roxboro, N. C. W. T. BUCHANAN Surveyor Roxboro, N. C., Route 0. | . dk. o. g. davis * Veterinarian, ' ' Offers hia service to Roxboro * * and surrounding community * Phone 87. 8-15 6tpd* v I DR. J. H. HUGHES Dentist Office in Hotel Jones, next I door to Dr. Tucker's office. t g. w. gentry, m. d. | Roxboro, N. C. ^ . | Offers his services to the people | of Roxboro and surrounding | I section. : j DR. E. J TUCKER Office in Hotel Jones. I " DENTIST O. B. CROWELL Attorney at Law. | Office in-Old Post Office Building Roxboro, N. C. | ' DR. G. C. VICKERS li DENTIST Office in Newell Building on | 1 North Main Stscet, next door to ' Rovhcrc Grocery Co. __ 1 ?r ?I DR. C. L. THOMAS. Dentist. Roxboro, N. C. Office over Aubrey Long & Co's I I store, Main Street. Office hours: | 8:30 to 12 A. M. 1 to 5:30 P. M. 1 IT, W i * 1 t - I T? TM U J'ur ij i Fa bac try is < pu I I '** . f to loc ' I j our goc Li U ! & tob fha\ kn< i II ' LC ?: f; ^ ~ ' ; ... ' oveniber 5th. 1924. r "WotId! J4ostt More thrills th; any best seller are any best seller are a bank book of y had for the asking fiction it never gr< Each chapter, I builds confidence this little book to you will never reg Once acquirec preciate its value (4) per cent . int We can serve you ways. THE FIRST I THE FRIE Mr Business Man this Bank are paic STAR BR \REH< DURHAM, N. C M.' hie Sale Of L< rmer Friends: 1^-.?r The Star Brick Warehouse is the plac :co. If you don't believe us, all we as ' us with one load and we will convi We are growing in sales and prices ev enough to prove that we are not t blic. We are willing for you to be you We are hard workers for the farmer ? i have every cent there is coming to you >k a pile' for if one of us fails to catch We are averaging every day from 26 sales, and you are bound to give it to u >d for this year. re advise you to strip your tobacco, acco the more we can do for you. Be re it too high in order for it hurts th< 3W. So get your tobacco ready and drive str ick and we will guarantee you the high >OKING FOR YOU RIGHT NOW, > FRIENDS ) " P?ge SmMf ; : . 'at#*. ? 1? t i r~N an Ulll UC IUUI1U 111 within the leaves of within the leaves of our own. It can be and unlike pages of >ws old. ^an entry of deposit) for its owner. Add your collection and jet it. 1 you will soon apto you. We pay erest on all savings, i in many profitable -J NATIONAL BANK :ndly bank , All your checks on -? 1 at par. ICK 1 3USE j iaf Tobacco :e to sell your to- < k you to do is to _ nee you 1 ery day and that rying to fool the ' ir own judge. ?nd we want you\ . We never over it the other will. to 30 dollars on s that this is very The better the sure and do not ; sale as you all aight to The Star lest market price. VE ARE YOUR ? - ? . mJimsteadri