" Page six m n?frt?ivt Step That ? Is Not Progressive. iWben we pause (or a moment to think of our pubbc school system, ear hearts aue made to rejoice at the progress that has keen done along various and sundry lines. Too umneroua tomention yet the fact that there has been imprivement Ik sell evident. What I am thinking of just now is the most 1 sent progressive step anade in oun public school system, namejy, consolidation. That is next .thing to carrying high schools to the childrens. homes, no on; could help -but rejoice at this truly progressive step ort rather at this step thst is intended to be progressive. The theory of this motor truck business is good but is if always practical? In other works does it always work) to the best interest if all consemed. ^fce writer is thinking niw if a certain . achoil, Mt. Tirzah Dist. No 1, that has been broken up by this consolidation business and many of the children are seriouily handicapped and some of the mdeprived of -any ochool advantages whatsoever. Now Fm not claiming that consolidation would not be a good step for trias distric as well as for otters. But the question in my mind is_?_ Js the time ro/te for consolidation. The writer believes that the time is not ripe for consolidation for these bright eyed and bright face children or they would not have been so seriously handicapped by such steps. ' If we could only look into the fntore we will say foro two years hence I think we could see the time vdien consolidation would pay in this district as well as in other districts. My reason for saying this is because the road building forces are behind with their job in this part of the county but \ye hope that eTe tlo more years shall pass that we may have as good roads as the good, fwople have in any other part of the county. What would be the use -of having a truck 'to continue its journey from, Mt. Tirzah to the Durham County line through the heart of thio district even" if a truck could make the trip now al] right, -as soon ' am the winter rain begins to all the Toad would at once become unjpassable. Has It not occured to you gentlemen of (he Board o Education that a mistake has been made somewhere ? "To me it seems that there has been, and the whole situation narrows its self down to this point that you gentlemen of the Board have been Hteo hasty in a matter of doing away vrtab schools. As stated above there are some children in this district who live thee miles fr.om the nearest truck station, f have in mind the children from three families who are thus handicapped and many others are handicapped in that they have a long distance to walk. The fait is gentlemen of the Board of Education, that these people have been treated with injustice of the run k?c+ -- incy pay men- taxes; are law abiding and honorable as ?y citizens an ywhere in th? county. What these people are c]amoiing for is to have their school restored and they have a right to demand it 0. T. Glenn o IN MEMORIAM w ?o? W. A. Bradrhtr, M. D. rr* -?O-W-Obedient to the instructions of the Feraon County Medical Society in *easion recently assembled, the undersigned committee desires to excess their sense of loss sustained by the Society and the public in the death of Dr. W. A. Bradsher, Whereas, It has pleased >'}od in bis infinite Wisdom to take from us jyne of the Society's most beloved members, and we desire to put on ^record our appreciation of his sterling character, his accomplishments as a,physiean, and his service to this community, to. the state and to the Medical profession. Throughout his rftany years in general practice he was to his patients and clcntele loyal, faithlul, untiring, never counting the cost to himself ni comfort ftr time,-trot-fookmfr only to the welfare of the unfortunate sick who were under his cane, deeiring only to do all that he might to alleviate thei* suffering and brighten thier dark hours, and in doing this he tie d to himself ^through the years warm, true and T?nxui irlends anions his paients, and won an enviable reputation as a physician. To the members of his\famiiy w? .extend our sympathy in their deep beaverment, and bid them find con. sobitiotd in the' splendid heritage he Ana lefq behind in a ]ifc well lived i in duty well done and in the grati. tnde of his fellowwen !hat foBow [' " -** ' Raaolved. That we members of tin Person County Medical .Society ir session assembledd, do deeply deplort his death; and be it further .. . Raaolved,. That a copy of these it . resolution'' be tfircad dupon th? minutes of .the Society. And rhstHs j? sapy be furnished tin- ftinillv nf Hit r ' amsuotll. All J aUo-he phbhcVd in E\: tfcs Fdfcen'County rpuritf^ ~ . tp t ?-??* ? ?? r 1" 1 ' r (signed) B. K. Love B. A. Thaxton A- f- NichoU . Committee. ! Hall1* Catarrh ! Medicine ! rid your system of Catarrh or Dcafcesi 1 caused by Catarrh. Sold by drmtgutt for mr 40 ytort F. J. CHENF* & CO^ Toledo. Obk PROTECTING THE INVESTMENT Abraham Lincoln humorously said of a poor neighbor's assets, "He has a wife and two children which 1 ^iink were worth thirty thousand dollars to any man.' JA family is indeed a goden investment and needs the Same protection and care that any investment re quires. J*or three generations the editors of The Youth's Com|)anion have felt the same responsibility to the families of subscribers as if thhose families were their oWn. In taking a subscription they have accepted a trust; they have done their part to see that the family investment increased in value through the development of character and a taste for the good things in life. (The o2 issues of 1925 will be crow tied wiih serial stories, short stories, editorials, poetry, facts .and fun. Subscribe now and receive: 1. The Youth's Comp*nion--G2 issues in 1925. 2, All the remaining issues of 1924. The Companion Home Calendar for 1925. (Sent only on requo-.t) A)1 for $!>,?. . 4. Or include McCall's Magazine, the monthly authority on fashions. Both publications, only $3-00. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, Commonwealth Ave. & St. Paul St., Boston, Mass. ?Subscriptions Received at this Office. | o LAND SALE! As executor of the will of Fanni> E. Wells I will sell at auction on ! SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29 11 A. M. at Prospect Hill, N. C., al of the real estate of the said Fanna E. Wells, consisting of 565 acres Oi Fine tobacco and timber land. This fine farm has been divided into 5 tracts, all tracts containing plenty, of . wood for farming purposes, and 1 ! tracts have large quantities of saw timber as follows: Tract No. 1 81 acres, fronts on No. 14 Highway and one third or more tendable land .some very fine tobacco land, and plenty of wood, some saw timber, no ! improvements. , Tract No. 2: 140 aero. fAnfoine ?? fi?? ? ? land as can be found in the Prospect 'Hill section, and about one half of fl | is heavily timbered, both original and second growth. Fronts on Highway No. 14. . No improvements. Tract No. 3 , . 85 acres of good farming land dwelling house, feed barn, 4 tobacco , barns and pack barn, plenty of saw timber for improvements. Fronts or Highway No. 14. Tract. No. 4 . , 141 acres, is the home place, nice dwelling With 6 rooms* 4 tenant houses, 5 tobacco barns and all r.ecjessary out houses. A fine farm in high 5tate Af cultivation. Tract No. 5 18 1-2 acres of second growth saw ! timber. This land will be sold in separate tracts and as a whole, or in groups ?.? 2 if advance bid is made. Blue prints of these lands can be seen at anytime at Prospect Hill. Good throe teacher school in 1-4 mile of this land.. F. R. WARREN. EXECUTOR. [. ? o NORTH CAROLINA i'FRSON COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT I Louisa Winstead Stephens 1 \ - -v* Major Stephens NOTICE OF (TV AL ACTION [ The defendant abope named will , take notice that he is required to i tititl d above has been instituted in | the Superior Court of Person County ? by che plaintiff and against the de >lfenr!rht for. the purpose of obtain ing a decree dissolving the bonds of i matrimony existing between the , plaintiff and defendant. And tho defendant will- farther f fake "notice that he is rejuired to j appear before tho Clerk of-the > j Superior Court of Person County at i his office in Roxboro, North Caroj1 linn, on December 9. 1924. and anj swor to the complaint filed by the i iff, *ot "judgement- as demanded> by the plaintiff will be rendered i' against, hint: \ Tl.u * ? 'i Wli.l't I 1, 1325. rj? TV vr.'rjcMifHtr,? t ; .fltrk. Superior. Court. ? ? .' ' . THE R/OXBORO COURIER. No* WRIGLEYS After Every Meal t It's the longest-lasting ^ confection yon can bay ' ?and lfs a belp to dl- c gestlon and a cleanser p Vj for the month ? VVrlgley's means I beaellt as well as Administrators Notice. Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of I. F. Gentry, deceased, late of Person County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 4th day of Nov., 1925, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persclis indebted to said estate* wilt please make immediate payment. This Nov. 4, 1924, Jas. A. Gentry, Administrator. Sale of Valuable Real Estate Under and by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Caswell County in that certain special pro seeding therein pending entitled Mrs Virginia Stephens and others vs J L. Love and others , I, as commis sioner therein appointed, authorize land commanded, will on Saturday November 15, 1924, beginning at 1 o'clock M on the premises describes i below sell at public sale to the high i est bidder or bidders two tracts o ' land formerly owned by the late J A. Stephens, lying in Leasburg Township, Caswell County, North ? Carolina and described as follow-, to-wit: , 1 The tract known as the Quincy Ste'pherts home place, lying on the Leasburg-Hightowers public road, idjoming lands of J. M Lunsford, W. H Swann, E. L. Mitcell and H 2. Willis, containing 292.7 acres more or less and being that tract conveyet to J A. Stephens by S. P Newman, Commissioner. , 2. Composed of lots Nos 2 and 3 of the V. L. Morton land contain ing 224 6 acres more or less, lying on the Lcasburg-Hightowers, public road, adjoining the lands of J. M Morton's estate, Mrs. Cora Stephens and IT. C Willis, same having been conveyed to J A Stephens by Q. E. Morton, Commissioner, by deed of record in book 77, page 120. The said land will be sub-divided into tracts of convenient and suitable sizes for the purpose of sale. Terms unless other wise announce at the sale: One-third cash, balan e on or before January 1, 1926. Deferred payments bearing interest, from .date of sale ! at B E. Love, Commissioner. " o ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE ?O? Having qualified as administrator of the estate of S.M. Morris, deceased I late of Person County, North Care |Una, this is to notify all persons hav| ing claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or "before the 11th day | of Oct., 1925, or this notice will be [pleaded rn bar of their recovery. | All persons indebted to said estate [will please make immediate paymentJames W. Tatum, I Admr, of S. M. Morris. jWm. D. Merritt, Atty. Gts Old aches Comforted at iaat No matter how obstinate, longstanding and acute, Sloans gives quick positive relief. Pat Jt on gently. At once you iqei a stowing warmth as freshly purified blood is sen t tingltngth rough the infected spot. Then?in no tinu^releaae from pain. All 7' :r . , ember 12, 1924. LAND SALE! Under and by virtue of the povers contained in a certain deed of i rust executed on Dec. 1, 1923, by oseph Thorp and wife, Arbuuia horp, and registered in the office t the Register of Deeds of Person j bounty in Deed of Trust Book 6, i age 170 (default having been mad, n the payment of the bond secured hereby at maturity, I wilt on SAT "RDAY NOV. 22nd, 1924, at 12 ''clock noon at- the court house do?r n Roxboro, N. C., sell at pptflic sale j o the highest bidder for cash that ertain lot or parcel of land conveyed >y said deed of trust and described is follows, to-wit: Beginning at a rock on the Aliens-) rille at Five bork Road South-east :orner of school house lot near Harris Hill Baptist Church, Col., thence S'orth with school house lot, ther.ce East 70 yd3 to corner in Harris Hill lot, thence North wjth said church line Henry Latvson and H. W. Har ris line to stamp Harris B. Yancey corner, thence west with B. Yancey line to a hickory in line, thenc South with Joe Snow's line to the Allensville and Five fork road a plant ed rock, thence said Road to the be ginning, containing 49 acres, molt I - i? * - - 1 " ur i?nss.. aeeu xrom J. V.>. ana *v , T. Pass tn Thorp and wife. This October 18, 1924. W. T. Pars, Trustee. HOW DOCIGfia TREAT 1 COLDS 10 THE FLU: To break up a cold over night or to cut short an attack of grippe, influenza or sore throat, physicians and druggists arc now recommending (.slotabs, the nausealer-s Calomel tablet, -that is petrified from dangerous and sickening effects. Those who have tried it say that it acts ??ke magic, by far more effective and certain than the old style calomel, heretofore recommended by physicians. 9 One or two Calotabs at bed time with a swallow of water?that's all. No salts, no nausea nor the slightest interference with eating, work or pleasures. Next morning your cold, has "vanished and your system feels refreshed and purified. Calotabs are sold only in original sealed packages, price ten cents for the vest-pocket size; thirty-five cents for the large family package. Recommended and guaranteed by druggists. Your roonev back if you are not delighted.?adv. -- PROFESSIONAL CARDS . J ROBERT P. BURNS Attoraey-it-bar Office over Davis Drug Store rr ; ?' i N. LUNSKUIU Attorney - at - Law j Office over Garrett's Store Roxboro, N. C. | W. T. BUCHANAN Survayor j1 ! Roxboro, N. C? Route 6. Dh. O. G. DAVIS Veterinarian, v Offers hi* service to Roxbiro *' and surrounding community * Phone ?7. 8-15 Ctpd* ?* * *?* I DR. J. II. HUGHES \ Dentiet Office in Hotel Jones, next ' door to Dr. Tucker's office. t ? ~^r-G. W. GENTRY, M. D. Roxboro, X. C. ) Offers his services to the people j of Roxboro and surrounding, section. i ? ? 1 DR. E. T TUCKER Office in Hotel -Jones. DENTIST O. a CKOWELL Attorney at Law. Office in OM Post Office . Buildinp Roxboro, N. C. ' DR. G. C. VICKERS" 1 DENTIST Office In Newell Building ct 1 North Main Street, next door to Roxbcrc Grocery Co. | j DR. C. L. THOMAS. Dentist, Roxtmra, N. C." r. - > I Office over Audrey Lonsr & Co'i | j Ftore, Main Street. Office hours: 8:30 to 12 A. M. 1 to 5:SQ P. M. i 1 Application for l'ardon of W. B. Seamster Application will be made to the Governor of North Carolina far the pardon of W. B. 'Seamster con-' victed at the August Term of the Superior Court of Parson County for the crime of aiding nnd abb^tintt in the sale of intoxicating liquors and sentenced to work on. the Durham roads for a term fo fonr months. All persons who oppose the granting of said pardon are invited to toward their protest to tha_ Governor wu-hmil delay T . ' _ - Tiliu the "th day of Nov., 1324. 2 ta. r W1NSTEAD Warehouse SALES HAVE BEEN VERY SATISFAC TORY THE PAST WEEK WITH GOOD AVERAGES YOU WILL ALWAYS FIND A COR- I DIAL WELCOME AT THE WINSTEAD, f AND YOU CAN DEPEND ON GETTING J I '1 I I * I A O I " T~X y~V W W A T"X ??ri> I >1 * T ? ? > ?/-* Ml inn. LAD I UULLAK. W1IM LIUM15 i UNSURPASSED YOUR TOBACCO WILL SHOW UP TO BEST ADVANTAGE. HIGH PRICES t, GUARANTEED AT THE WINSTEAD,~ | AND THE VERY BEST ACCOMMODA- t j TION FOR MAN AND BEAST. j ^ ' I LOAD YOUR WAGON AND DRIVE j STRAIGHT TO THE WINSTEAD, AND 1 YOU WILL HAVE NO OCCASION TO REGRET IT. ASHLEY, CHAMBERS & LONG, Props. t ? jijiiiMMlBB?1^? , Independent 1 I Warehouse SOUTH BOSTON, VA. * nbirre ?nr> qth ? nivoo Ann Oil LL liUUU We are glad to say to you while Brakes are heavier than at j any time this season. The prices are full up, afad our buyers are t bidding snappy as though they can not get enough of the Weed. Sales a re good and the prices are right at the INjDEPENDENT. Below we give a few of our many good sales of this week, i made for people from different sections. I. C. Tacks *508 lb $271.10 Average $44.60 Rob:. Hanking 292 137.22 47.00 i h- Ai Sneed / 502 216.58 43.14 j T. O. Wright 794 304.83 38.32 ' t ' j. w. Monk 678 307.94 45.42 . Hawkins Walker 282 153.48 53.36 B. L.. Eliot*' 506 217.32 42.95 1 Will Childs 388 191.79 49.46 L J. W. Woniack 524 239.24 45.67 * ' !VL- Lcnfc 636 333.10 52.37 * Y?t&ng Wilson 1008 444 58 44.10 ( E. R. Wilson 720 325.44 45.20 Load heavy and pull to the Independent Warehouse where your t eyery interest will be looked after and every one working to get I ' you the highest dollar for your tobacco. ) INDEPENDl'iNT SWahehouse M South Boston, Va. i ' ?? ... ?????? ?m h i Carpenter Motor Co 1 r.. ' JH 1 UJHIUH IW J HI t'Vtl y j.j need for transportation < I H E O Ca BVHOtlET I i- [ The gold standard ^or E-comical of values Transportation I 1 Touring Cars, BusiPassenger Cars, | ness Coupe, Four i . T axicabs, Busses passenger Coupes, Mighty Speed Coachs-, Sport modi Wagons, and Two els. Light and ( 1 ton Trucks. Heavy Trucks. ^Carpenter,Motor Co. L DURHAM - Dealer Wanted i, One Hour Pleasant Will Find The - ~ * T _ ' .. . Br. . - 3? \ "fi :?. . .. .c? : ^ - i* ^ '

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