Is"'-'. ' ? - - ? AMOVED (MFOU(WTESNATK)NAL Sunday School T Lessor,T (By RtV. p. B. PITZWATBR. P.D.. DMA 1 lh? >?v?ninc School. Moody Bible la tit it:* of Chicago.) Ci1E>. JJ34. Wemtarn Newspaper Union.) Let ion for November 16 PETER'S CONFESSION LESSON TEXT?Matthew GOLDEN TEXT?Thou art th? Chrtot. tho Son of tho llvlna God ?Matt. It:IS PRIMARY TOPIC?Potor Speaka Out for Jesus. JUNIOR TOPIC?Potor Takes Hla Stand INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOP3G?The Duties and Glory of Confessing Christ. YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULT TOP v IC?Doeo It Matter What One Believes Concerning Christ? This confession In some sense marks the turning point In Christ's ministry. Hereafter It Is more restricted to Ills disciples. Two reasons why this should he suQlcient are (vv. 1-12): (1^ The I Pharisees and Sndducees show their atI tltude toward Mm In their demand for MSgTT* ? 1119 BU5NVW ia IIUII IIOUU SIIJllI be given save that of His death and j resurrection, ns symbolized in the experiences of the prophet Jonnh. (2) The disciples show their Inability to iderstanri the spiritual nature of Ills teaching. \Vhen 11?? warned them of the lea von of the Pharisees end Sodr ducees they .understood Him to refer f- ' to bread, when He meant their doctrine. It was at this crisis whop Christ turned from the nation which hntPre jectod Ilim flint l*cter made.this gre.i confession. If'was made in the bnr tiers of O'Cyarea-Piiilipp!. prat:k-uJi; Clentib territory. I. Occasion Of (yy. ITI.fn). S . T;v(i question* tif ...Christ provokotf this confession: 1. The question as to the opinion of people '^on.covtflng: Ilira. [ ; . They vreopgrtl75ed Him as ft reacher er a prophet of more than human au? thority and pim'or. Toduy, its'Then. There U, i. diversity of opinion among f . ii * |? to Jesus Christ. Some i' C nl; lie U only n man ; others that Ke i.^ a great teacher, but nothing - .more. 1 lad' lie bee? content witlj (lils II ' Would not lutve been molested in Tert'.-.lem. for the .Tews willingly acknowledged lliui as more than a human teacher..' (J was His persistent f ;/)alnf to he the God-man, the Son of God. that sect Hlni to the cross. 2. The second question Involved the personal opinion of the disciples concerning Ilhu. To be able to tell what ^ othf?r* thlnU-of Jesus Is not enough; there must be definite, correct and 1 personal belief on Him. II. The New Body, the Church, Announced (vv. 17-20). Peter had made a noble confession of Christ, so now Christ confesses him. If we confess Christ He will confess us (Matt. 10:32, 33). Christ declared His Intention of bringing Into existence a new body to the members of which " He will give eternal life, and to whose hands fie will entrust the keys of the Kingdom. Peter was to have a distinguished plnce In this body. The keys entrusted to Him were used on the day of Pentecost, ami again In the case ?f Corh'ellus. Association in this new body cannot be broken by ?lcath, for the gate* of hades shall not prevail against it. This body, the church, is of a heavenly origin, a heavenly calling and a heavenly Inheritance. III. The Cross the Way to the Throna (tv. 21-33). This was, no doubt, startling to the disciples. They did not realize that redemption was to he accomplished through the passion of the cross. So unwe|con,e was this announcement . that Peter cried, "This shall not be unto thee." Peter later saw through this darkness to the glory on the hilttop beyond. A new hope then filled Ids K breast (I Pet. 1:3, i). Victory through r. death la. yet. the stumbling block of r. ninny. Many are stumbling over the [. doctrine .of salvation and, redemption through-the utTftiric of the cross. IV. The Cost of Discipleship (vv. To follow Christ v:,' .ins suffering. To ? follow Mini is to turn one's back upon the uoiid. Life can only be saved by R losing Itv If we ii'' going to be Chrisy . tinns we must siare Christ's suffering. u w r cannot go to heaven on iTowery ?: beds ot* ease. Ir; , 1. There must bo denial of self (v. ! . 24). Tliere Is a wide "difference be- I tween self-denial and denial of self, fcj.' ,Self-deninl is practiced everywhere hv ' Bv all people, but only the disciples of y^C/lrrist or Christian people deny self. ' 'E^ 7 Christ takes the place of self, fc-- 2. "Ti'kc up his cross." This cross Is Ifc, , tlie suffering und shame which lie In Bp the path of loyalty to Cod. To do our K? dutv will mean suffering (II Tim. fe 15:1 -) y.-;.. 3. Follow Christ. This means to r-1 J.nvo the mind of Christ, to?like ' Christ. All ?uch shall- bo Vewnrded when Christ tomes in i^ory. Whit to H.te ' I will tell you what to hahe. flat* ! ' hypoerlay; hate caht; hate Indolence, oppression, Injustice: hate Pharisaism; them a? Christ dialed tbem?with (tndeep. living, CPxI-IIke hatred.?F. W. Koberupa. B rrrr ^PTT 7 :rr_~ With Every Day |i'- ''? : Every day, as It rt DR' S. RAPPORT of Durham will be in Koxboro at DAVIS DRUC STORE every first Wednesday in each month to examine eyhs and fit (Ui? i, _ . an. When he fiu you with glasses yo? have the satisfaction of knowing they 'are cerrect. J TO SEE BETTER SEE ME. My next visit wili be Wednesday, Wednesday Dec. 3rd. 1924. Notice Sale of Land Under and by virtue of the author ity invested in me by a certain Deec oi rrast executed by Floyd Bowling on the 2otn day of March 1924. anc duly recorded in the Register of deed? office of Person County in book no 3^ page 216, by he consent of th< said ^loyd Bawling, I wijl offer foi sale at the Court house door ir Roxboro, N. C/4> Saturday Novembei the 29th, at 12 o'clock M. for casl the following described land No. (1) Lying and being in Mt Tirzah Township, Person County, N C., bound on the North by H. Whitt on the East by the lands of Johi Harris, on the South by, the lands o J I. Bowjing, and on the West" bj !tlie lands of Jim Harris containing (23.6) acres more or less. For furth Jer reference is hereby made to deec thd RED BAND CO. NEWYORK.U.SA / i-Wilkerson Drug Co.. ntion I a9TJ v.:' 1 in grates and heaters >le' when you can heat l the same amount of et us talk it over. Estin. Just phone No. 21 7 ; Mr. O. E. Warren, an so call on me for that weather. VIAN & CO, mating Contractors. BBSS ii335? * I'overcler 12, 1924. , ' from Emma Vaughn and otheers, duly recorded in Ragistar Deeds office Parson County, N. C. I No (2) Lying and being in M' Tirzafi township Person County, N. C. 1 and being bounded on the North by , the lands of the Estate of J. W. Peed i ' V? Jt4 I m ; - _ ^ r _ . 1 r Mc any b , any b , a ban had f< r fictio] i # builch this li you v 9 _ preci; (4) F We c ways, Mr E this E I 7Hwt Open ( JL ?an e WITH the new-t you may take ; open car if you like? and healthful sunshir Then in 30 second your seat?it can b cushioned* richly ap enclosed car. It's nc simply lower the ro easy a child can do it No more hurried e in the wind and rain No more hunting the storm beats in. No more exposur M 8TANDAR1 //j-M. W.B. 5 5-Paw. Duplwt-Plme 3-Psm. DupUx-Roac .1 -Pui. Coupe-Rcadi 5-P?i?. Coup* 5-PaM. S?dan. . . 3'PMI. DmUhm . . 4-urheeI brahn^ 4 A /?- ? .i W S -- ? STUD ??????? T H 1 8 IS " __ an the East by the lands of Robert' Day, on the South by the lands of J W Harris and on the West by tlie lands of J P Harris, containing 25 acres more or less. For a rtor perfect description of said tract ra fere net is hereby made to deed from jorld's s -r ?re thrills than can be foi est seller are within the lea est seller are within the lea ik book of your own. It < Dr the asking and unlike pa D it never grows old. ich chapter, (an entry of de i confidence for its owner, ittle book to your collectic rill never reget it. nee acquired you will so< ite its value to you. W jer cent .interest on all sc an serve you in many pro IHt HHSI NATIONAL BAN THE FRIENDLY BANI business Man, All your che lank are paid at par. nSzwL :ar when yc 11 -i mciosea car tn 3 7pe Studcbaker Duplex hem while tr pour choice?ride in an gcncy the pro enjoy the cool, fresh air _ le> For in the I , , instantly acces s?without even leaving 0f ^ way wh e changed to a deeply pointed, fully protected . If this two> fuss or bother at all? ture of the ne ller enclosures ? it's s? still be a sens L many others. fforts to put up curtains New body 11 ful' engines ? for the right one while genuine bailee ing car you ev s through holes torn in In justice t< O SIX SPECIAL SIX O H. P. 120-tn. (f.fl. 65 H P. ton $1149 5-Fatt. Duplex - Phaeton $1495 S" lilt 3-Pate. Duplet'Roadster 1450 . . His 4-PaM. Victoria . ... 2050 . 1595 5'Pm?i S?dan. 2150 . . 1650 5-Pui. Berllne .... 2225 ItcwheeU, 4-whee1 brake*, 5 disc wheels, ra $75 extra (All prices /. p. b. factories, and tubfrct to change will JACKSON MOTOR ( ' . f ROXBORO N. C. EBAKER1 1 ? ' - A S T U D E B J liutc-h Whin and du]y recorded .? Register of Deeds Office of Person County. This 29th day of October This land is on good sand clay road, ending into the State Highway Spencer Bowling, Trustee. ^ ^ ?v .vs? 1 fc md in ives of , lVC3 of ;an be tges of posit) Add >n an d 1 . Ji on apre pay tvings. fitable K (C-. -0% ' * . . ' --i cks'on ?e_ _ TheNcwStudebakerSptciaUBc Duplex-Phaeton >u want it 0 seconds \ ying to obtain for the enter-* tection given by a closed car. Duplex the side enclosures aro isible?yet rolled up safely out ien not in use. fold utility were the only feaw Studebaker cars they would ational value ? but there are nes?new beauty?more powernew ease of gear shifting?* >n tires?and the easiest steer* er drove. > yourself?see this car today, 1* BIO SIX 127-in. W. a 75 H. P. 7-r?s?. Duple* Phaeton $1875 5'Pai*. Coupe ? 2650 7-Pm*. Sedan 2785 7-P??*. Berlin? 2860 4-whecl brakes, 5 disc wheels* $73 extra iout notice> ??? CO. ^ - - * iKE R YEA ; \ . -v ^ 'j , .