f THE COURIER " J. wT x'oell, Editor. Published Every Wednesday Evening ' SUBSCRIPTION TERMS $L?0 a year, 76 cents for 6 months SO cents for 3 months?Cash in AdThe Editor is in no way responsible ,, lor views expressed by corresponh.-s J fuiAifn Advertising RnpteuenCotive \ THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION Entered at the Post OBifce at Roxhero, N. C., as second-class matter. Roxboro, Nov 19th 1924. LETS FORGET IT. 8i-'. The election is over and every one -should be happy, both Democrat and Republican. Democrat over the result in North Carolina and Person county, and the Republican over the "^elKIUplijff - Mr. Coolidsre gave our man. So why harbor ill feeling towards any efcie for any little something which might have been said ?r done durng the heat of the campaign, for"you know it is said "everything is fair in love" and it is jrenconceded the same thing holds good in politics. Most of us say * something during election tUne j Which we know is not literally true, aad do things we would not do any other time, and it is foelish to remember these little things after the We believe one should be just as hsnest in election affairs as in any other affair, but you know it is not the rule or custom. Both sided, and all sides, take advantage of any little > slip which will accrue to the interact of their party and use it for all it is worth, mid while this is not rljtht, it is done by nil. r\T*L^f^tbere is any cue harboring1 ill will Iowar is Rp a neighbor for any little slip which |V might have been mode d'.irinc the ?':* i?npaign the very beat thing;- that ono cai do, is to forget i:. g JLst every man in J fox bora sfcul L' Person-county give the same time K.] ' and work for the next three" months I;.. to* boosting our section that he gave to his party the past three months and see how great a ehangt'l ? there will be i-i things r>i general,] and it will he worth ^hundreds of( dollars more than all of your par^yi work. We believe it r?ays to get togethei And talk over matters. For instance; " the little meeting held here a few * weeks ago to dircuss the tobacco ! situation seems to have resulted in great good, for there are many more xaniicm VUIHlirjI to IVOXDOTO W1CT1 their tobacco, and the warehousemen and buyers seems to have a kindlier feeling for the farmer. Yes, as Mr. Willie Wilkerson well said, "it pays to pat a farmer on the back and say ?? kind word. The North Carolina Cotton Growers Association seems to have fared ranch better than the Tobacco Association. According, to a statement issued by the Association the deliverier for the week ending November 15 mnde xi record for the season,1 the total being several hundred bales | above any other week, and' almost double the same week last rear, j The Association management continues to advance $70 on every bale Business is good in Roxboro and] P^V- every one seems to have an air of thrift about him. The farmers ;vtc -well pleased wi'h their tobacco sale and the members of the Association | are proud of t hcia: advances, and everybody h.t- 1??*? that \ air. Good let's go. j. Qn Thursday November '.he. .'7th. P . Thanks giving day, yen will hnv.' the g? . opportunity ty> show how touch vmif--. pathy you have for the pool orphan child. You a > ;wked io cunt;1v>Utv one day's "income .to he orphanage I of your choice. "^ \ ;11 y I " ; ?v?r sum nave to*.H?k .forward to. After Thanksgiving II comes Christmas, rind then we wil' I have with us the Legislature. Al. NOELL?STEPHEKSON A ceremony of much interest ami I great stiprise to the many friends And relatives was performed in I Raleigh on Nov. 2nd at 4 o'clock at the fJeptist parsor#nge when Mis*1 Sadie Stephdnson. the popular young daughter of Mr. Lynn Stephenson. 101 Maywood Ave., became the bride of Mr. Arthur B. Mpell,-the youngeat son of Mr. James S. Noel! of Person County. After the ceremony the young couple left for^ a visit in EasTerh darolina with relatives of the brtde; I ; ; After mlurrffhg they will make theiri heme in Raleigh?. . ; ?O 1 |??rm Agent T. J. W. Broom of, Union CHronty is placing aTdemon r ? ~ station with yeieh nnd oat a or rye1 . in each community of his county to! fev adkdw the value of vetch in soil im-i ' ' - ?i jr.v- ' . r_ . - ? SOCIETY Characterised by her usual charm, was the delightful luncheon given on Saturday by Mrs. E. V. Boatwright, at her attractive home on Morth Main street. Predominating throughout were the colors of Carolina atod V. M. I., the former cf blue and white being used exclusively in the living room, with blue bowls of white chrysanthemums arranged m artistic effect, while in the dining room, the colors of the latter, red, yellow and white chrysanthemums in vases were placed :Tu pretty array. The table was lovely with its-appointments, the centerpiece being a huge football, surrounded by a min iature team. Bonbon dishes of red yellow and white mints were used as a further color motif. A menu of salad, crackers, pickles, Virginia ham, hot biscuits, individual pies, and hot cofee was served the guests. The colors of the respective colleges we-e giviyi the guests as favors. Immediately following the lunch on, the party left for Chapel Hil to attend the fottball game. The affair was given as an honor to Miss Martha Page, of Richmond, Va., with the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. Roy James, Mrs, John Overby, Miss Marion and H, L. Boatwright, all of Danville, Va.; Mrs. Harry Young. Heleha, Ark.; Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Smith, Danville, Va.; Mr. and M D T T n II I ! W49, *v. uwig, iiaiucs croauneRU, John Morris, Robert and Merrimon Bums, Daves, and Rev. J. L. Martin, all of Roxboro. A very delightful event of the month was the reception given in the club room, by the Woman's club of this city to thp faculty of the i [graded school. The receiving line' was composed of the teachers, the: president of the Woman's club, and: officers of the Parent-Teachers as?o-,: elation. The meeting was 'presided' i over by Mrs. W. T. Pass, president of 1 th'a club, whp" introduced Mrs. J, A";j Beam, who had. the program -for the ': evening. [Short biographies were j given By the teachers at the rcTUc ? | of ZLstfj Beam, which atumlr;i muchinformation rnps- amusement, T&e' [ music department contributed to ;h.: Vrograni with several vocal, and in- j ^trumcntal numbers. At the of the evening, ice cream and pound : cake were served the guests The first meeting of the Woman's club waV held on Friday evanitag in the Kaplon building, with Mrs. W. T. Pass, president presiding. A snort j business session was. held, after which a very interesting program was presented by the Review and Study clubs, both being formed under the Woman's club MCsdames ,Moe Goodmqfo and T. C. Bradsher gave two vocal numbers. Miss Mary Cheek read a very instructive paper on "The Red Man." The .remainder I of *the program was several readings given by several girls and bbys | repre3ent5ng the Review club. Mrs. I E. E. Bradsher closed with a piano | selection. The Review club met Thursday aft-1 ernocn with Mrs. A. JB. Warren. Aft- i or a short business discussion the! meeting was given ever to Mrs. R.J H. Oakley,' who discussed the life of! "Patrick Henry;" fallowed by. Mrs.{ T. C. -Bradsher who read short sketches at thk life and works of L. Q. C: Jjarnar and Henry Woodfin Cindy. After the lesson the hostess .served | a delicious-salad couV>e wilh coffee. Mi's Mary Cheek was hostess to the Study club on Thursday sifter-" neon whr>n the program for the stud/ [ hour yn:> '^Jrowi h.-'aitd Fk:}mrAi:?n [ The , first paper was teed hy .Mrs. | } J.* YV Staphs on "Do Gi-affrtilel'v11 T.-wnlet rji the >'eusa." foil owe-'I hyj Mrs. Irrsu Moore who gave (V sec"- j ' end peper*' "Settlers oh the Cape J Fear." Mrs. A. 13. Stalvey chwecij ; :h-'. study period with "The Pn^sinr j |.;ol 'he Ptoorir-tftryV j j The social .hc?ur was then' I iyith Mis? Cheek, nsrustad by h'e^ i mother, Mrs. E. D. Cheek. epi-vuvr .- i I salad course* with coffee. ' . ?- , I * 1*1 Us Mury Harris entertained the { wwiphftw rjf . the . Wedmwwhtv - Bridge Club and few additional guests Wednesday afternoon. Beautiful flow ers were placed in bowls a fid baskets through out the hou*.e. The hostess assisted by her sister Mrs^ R. L. Harris served a salad course with coffee and whipped cream. Sixteen guests were present. The Friday Afternoon Book Club met with Mrs. A. S. deVlaminer on Friday afternoon. Lovely chrysanthemums were placed over the house in nn artistic manner. Six tables were placed for the ^fame of Boston Rrrofc and many progressions were enjoyed. The hostess assirfed by Mrs. R. L. WilBurn served a delirious ajjlad course, coffee and stuffed | dates. i j L i I ". " A Kruppe iiheiiaer, Griffon and Carlie unit will hrln yon there end will instraiTwmtel in krenntr yon there. Wiihirn % FntteffiiM.?? _ . ' ? ? _ I 7 ! The Roxbro Cooriei Car. >' Thank.. I v We desire to tal e this method of ti expressing our heartfelt thanks to o our many friends and neighbors who s. ' were so faithful during the illness a dan death of our Wife arid Mother.! p Joe Wilbora and children. e ? o . ' . f, TWICR-TOLD TUSTIMONY V ? Roxboro People Are Doing All They o Can for Fellow Sufferers. ! ? Roxboro testimony has been pub- * liahed to prove the merit of Doan's I Pills to others in Roxboro who j h suffer from bad backs and kidney. a ills. Lest any sufferer doubt this' j | evidence of merit, we produce con- ^ I firmed proof ?statements from! i Roxboro people who again endorse | J Doan's Pills?confirm their former 1 1 testimony. Here's a Roxboro case: ,A. P. Simpson, prop, butcher shop! Main St., says: "I havi 'taken Doan's Pills on several oscasaohs for backache and kidney, disorder and i nve ilwnys found them beneficial. 1:1 can recommend Doan's to anyone in ' need of a kidney remedy for when. j I was dow^i with my back Dian's relieved the trouble." (Statement . given January 28, 1915; IQp Deember 12, 1921, Mr. Simpson said: Doan's have never failed to do me good and although I haven't needed them lately, 1 nm glad to I renew my former statement." | 60c. at all dealers. Forter-Milburn | Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. o j! EXPERT HERE i F. H. Scely, of Chicago and Philadelphia, the noteu trass expert, will ! personally be at the Melbourne Hotel, and will remain* in Durham this M laday only Nov. 24. Mr. Seely rays: "The Spermatic Shield will not only retain any case of rj.nture lK?rfectly, but contracts the opening in 10 days, on the average case. Being a vast advancement over ali former methods-^-exmplifying in- 1 ctaintsjnemis effect ; immediately apprrciabbv and withstanding- any strain, or position no matter the - 'zc cr location* Large or difficult cn?er, or I?Kos?ionRl'A-utatorv4j - (fc'.k y."r>p: operations! special ry "liere I Tnv~ instrument received the only aft\Var.*d in England. and-, in Spain. pro.:*,urinresults without surgery, injection I medical treatments or . prescript; ~r?s. ? raTi g NOW . AI A < REDUC Raiff's De ROXBOR ^ : . , . - ' Warning?All cases should bo emu-, ? ioncd against the use of any elastic ' r web truss with underatraps, as a me rest where the lump is and not here the opening is, producing com- [ ! lications necessitating surgical oprations. Mr Seeley has documents rom the United States Goverment,! Washington, D. C? for inspection.' te will be glad to demonstrate with-; ut charge or fit them if desired.' Easiness demands prevent stopping t any other place in this section, | S. Every statement in this notice as been verified before the Federal j 1 nd State Courts? F. H, Seeley, 1 I lome Office 117 X. Dearborn St., Tiicago. i- . ! I WE HAVE A BIG LOT OF j Meat Knives Sau' sage Mills, Meat If .' j Choppers. Heating Stoves for Coal and Wood. j [ Come to see us. i Our store will be open Saturday NIGKT UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK FARMERS | Hardware Co. Tj Roxboro, N. C. Phone 99 |~p WW\ I ? ' fed rmm 1 u * ?? . ?1 cx& xviti Bro ' ON ianc Great ? moN T pt. Store * . SAl o, n. a_ -;, New Styles In Overcoats Keep your eye on the style in your overcoat people see it first and style is important. Styleplus Popular Prices $25 to $40 I Styleplus Overcoats are everything that n stylish overcoats should be this season?the models and styles that style-hunting young K mnn in/4 mom ??? ? C *?W? uuvi lltWl ax t iUUlVHl^ 1UI. Fabrics are all-wool and every coat carefully, tailored?warmth and wear in every garment. "I Get your eyes on Styleplus Overcoat style and quality. Come in, examine them, compare them and remember that they are sold at popular prices. | Styleplus Suits Wright's Underwear Holeproof Socles. Harris & Burns Roxboro's Best Store. A MXfSUNT L. \ Have you got One? If you have a bank account and are REGULARLY adding to your balance, we congratulte you and say "keep it up." If you have no bank account, we urge you to.comfc in and open one. The satisfied, confident feeling it will give you to know yoii are getting ahead, will strengthen your determination to make your balance grow. Come in today. j We wj'.l welcome you.. T U C TTfc -a - arfe * ireopies iSank "Thi Bank of The People" I.AN'l) SAI.E o'clock A. M, on the premises eC t~ , John H. Harris in Cunningham Te*(?. * "l*1 by rlrtUe of thc pow- "hip, Person County. North Car.T'a J" 'T; ""? thp will by order "7,;4 , , 1, t,f thc Suporlof Court of Person ~? at ne and 1. R. Harris to J J. County sell at public sale to tfc i oks on the 22nd day of Dec. 1919 h|Khe?t bidder? for fa?h eert^ 7 registered in person Co. in sonal property belong* to the said k 17 at paite loi, ami by ro- j?hn H. Harris, to-wif st of the parties interested' I j horse , on the First Monday in Jan. 3 muies sell at public auction for cash j 2.hor3e waRon nm, . R?nL tb0 Coa".houge i,0<" 1 buggy and harness Roxboro, that certain tract of j harrow I lying in Woodsdale township, p,?;.. ;_,_i_ son County, bounded cm the p^ hoe ??Tt" k' * t by R. H. Bailee', South % Robt.- JT*' mo"ock". P??w ecr tel', West by Eat. of J. A. Long, , - . . on the South by Earl Mitchell ' *'.% ?*???rn E. W. Brooka: Containing 112 f, N*"' 15 barrel* com a more or l*ss, known aa the I"1'1 kitoh<m furniture Ighair trrctr and puurchaacd ' _ w"* ' n U. A. Walkae amt wife. ~ Be l clothing, and furnishingc his Oct. 29th, 1924. 0th<,r small artielca such aa are T. C. Brooka, Trustee. '',sua^y found about a dwelling t>-.d .on a fahn. This November- Id' 1924 ? ?E OF PERSONAL PROPERTY ' . J. H- Heater . T~ X- _ ~ t- c. WmmHAO. . " T1?D.' ember 0, ?*t~ te] Luaitliun nfvJohn TT7 Harris. : ' ' . ' ' ? J ?

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