J. W. NOELL. EDITOR ANT VOL. No. XU NEW STATION COMPLETED t STATION TURNED OVER TO 1 COMPANY ON THE KIRST t Mr. G. W. Kane, Who Was the Contractor. Completed Contract and 1 Turned It Orer to the Com- ] pony the 1st. The tonjn of Roxboro oves the i Norfolk A Western Railway Corn- 1 JOmy a vote at thanks for the splendid now station which it hasjust com- < pleted. It is commodious and will , take eafte oif the business of Koxboro I for Stany years, t*sn if the town f continues to grow r<nd its business!! to Increase at the same rate it has i Mr the past fire years. It is of brick i construction, finished in splendid style, with all of the comforts to be i found in the city stations. The 11 waiting room* are large, with com-|i fortibie seats, with rest room for,; the ladies, etc. In fact there is 1 nothing lacking at all, and we are I 0rood of the Norfolk & Western for ' the splendid manner in which they 1 hare treated the town. They did not ask for a penny for improve- < stents to the grounds, which they ara fixing up in the most satisfactory and beautiful manner. 1 Mr. O. W. Ksne, the contractor, i did a fine job, in fact one of the i railroad men told us it was the best I contract job the N. & W. had over > bad. This is quite a compliment I. for Mr. Knne, but we believe he de- 1 owves every word of it. We must say something about the Btyiertytendent, Mr." A. S. Payne, for i H is probably due more to him than any other single individual tbht we 1 , have this fine .station, located where > if is. Ia fact the N. & W. has the > knack of knowing how to pick out I good men, for instance the force in < Stat*, here. Mr. Cab- .< _ aaiss, the agent, is one of the best' sounded men to be found, courteous to nil, yet business to the munte. Vtc, we tike off our hats to the Norfolk & Western.? i Baptist Ladies to Hold Bazaar. The ladies of the Roxborn Baptist I Church will hold their regular annual 1 bazaar on Saturady, December 6th, ia the old Canty Kitchen tXore, next door to T. W. Pass and Son's furniture store. Remember the date and remember the rhinna nf nlaiwli for the bazaiar. Regular dinner,) 1 oysters, etc. will be served ahd 1 dverybody ia invited to dine with 1 them on next Saturday. Of course, < the ladies understand there will be 4Blte an extensive display of fancy vsork, which will interest the ladies not only for the choice selection, but for the prices which you can buy ' these Christmas presents at. Every- < body invited. Q 2 c "HER HUSBANDS WIPE." ' A The Womans Club Scores A Hit. Brings to Town One of the 1 Best. The plaiv "Her Husbands Wife," ' qtonsered by the Womans Club, was ' m. one of the best shows here this sea- < son, and town is under oblieat-j to the Woman# Club for a very nloyable eyeninsr. The piny wh ] fell of thrill* and each one was# masfer of hi* or her Dart, bnt the real gjory went to Uncle John. Rarely J I We we seen better actinia:. This! Wmrt wS'8 taken by Mr. Edwin Stan- j; fay, who was here last season in! j ^Happiness," and he sustained his j i splendid renutation made on that oc bason. The Womlans Club has two11 More attrsotions booked for the sea- < i Mm, and If they are as good as 11 "Her Husbands Wife" they should 1 Bare full houses at each of them. j first Quarterly Conference. 1 .1 B"he first quarterly Conference of 1 -MM cam itoxboro and Longhurot 1 t? aharge It to b? held et Greet Church .! tn the night of December 14th. Coma 1 t^td be with ua. You are cordially in vtted to attend all of our earvlnea. - J t_ Paator. / Mr. Holt Averaged $64.58. V J K;?. . Mr. J. V. Holt, one of oar good < Jurmers who live?~on route 4 made one of the beat averages we have heard of tbla neteon.?v He sold '678 ynunds at .the W<m stead for mm. - . averaging for the load $54.68. i j'y^X -.? ir 11 ) PUBLISHER / ROX1 VOI R HOME MARKET 11 Still At the Tap When It Comes to Selling Tobacco High Your home market is still at the ;op when it comes to selling tobacco ligh. Below are some of the prices he?Hyco ha* been getting for their | rustomers during the last few days:' W. D. Aikens sold for the folowing prices: 84 lbs. at 40, 74 afaSi, 184 at 70, 104 at 55, 94 at 36. Mrs. T. E. Wilkcrson sold 18 at 35, 114 at 61, 168 ht 71, 82 at 60, 50 at 10, average 55 cents for the entire oad. Tobe Satterfield sold 164 at 44, 12 at 80, 20 at 84, 130 o{T58, 82 at 68, iverage 858.80 per hundred for enitre load. ? trtwnguaB*. if. L. Terry averaged 51 cents; J. Terry averaged 52 ete. Jim Tally lold a load that he brought on Ford -unaboot for 842840. These are just a few of the good isles the Hyco is making every day ind they say they c^i do just as veil for you if you will bring them pour tobacco, for you will find no jetter market in the Stste than Roxooro and the Hyco is the house, [lake fTobe Pass at his word and try lim with your next load. Caswell Farmer Well Pleased. Mr. A. S. (Thaxton one of the very seat of the makiy, good farmeis livng in the Prospect Hiil section, was n town Wednesdaiy with a load of obacco which he said brought him jbout fifty per cent more than ho triced it at when he left home. He vas loud Jn his praise of the market, j He also called our attention to a I road which in much needed, and] vould be a good feeder for Roxboro. | rhis road should connect with the oad at Hester's Store, cross Hyco iltd connect with the sand clay road n Ojswell county. This gap is only lbout three or four miles in length )nd would surely.mean much to this; ?wi. ***1 MISS DANtEL ENTERTAINED Miss Ethel Daniel entertained the iighth -grade of Rushy Fork High School her home jFriday evening, Nov. 2st, from 7:30 to 10 o'clock, j \.fter enjoying several interosHnop - . ? ? ~~~7~?0 jamos all joined in an tarn-using contest, Miss LaRue Bradshcr being the lucky contestant. The hostess, as-j siirted by her sister, .Miss Bessie Daniel, served block cream, cake and nints to the following guests: Cornna Bowes, Kathleen Whitfield, LaRue Rradsher, Janie Rogers, Lottie l^ong, Alden Rogers, Carr Whitfield, Lewis Hester and Prof. E. M. Simpion. 'The New Minister Arrives." A play, "The New Minister Arrives" ivill be give n.at Wilkersoj. School >n Fnday night, December 5th, at 1:30 o'clock, by the ladies Aid Society of Mt. Zion Church. Admission 10 and 15 cents. The public is corlially invited. It Mark's Church. 2nd Sunday in Advent, December 7th: Church School at 10:00 A M., Edwin Eberman, Supt. Evening Praysr and sermon at 7:30. J. X* Martin, Rector. better To Santa Claua: Jalomr. N. C.. Dee 1 1001 I ?, Dear Santa: 1 can tell by ycmr picture that i'ou are setting old. Let me go with fou Chritmaa up and down the chlmicy and help fill the stockings. I will be as quiet as I can be, I won't dike any noiae to wake the children t will be such fun. But give my brother a tricycle, the baby a rubier dull and tyulia a little sewing box, snd Margaret a little sewirng box, and mother and father something nice, give them to me and I will take It to them. I want you to give me something far going with you, and ill of ua tall kinds of confectionary*. Don't go down the chimney at nr house, it would spotl all Of our fun: t am writing soon so that you can answer in time to let me know If [ may gn. I am real anxinns tn gn . I will be mighty quiet and want to see how you get up and down the chimney with that big bag of yours Hdl of toys without getting them smutty?(From Geneva Rhew. Miss Thclma Peedln of Smithnelrt J snent Thanksgiving with Mrs. it. H DakTey. . . < . , S? ?c Mho ??????IM>?ip HOME F/K5T. BORO, NORTH CAROl EARLY ENTRANTS HAVE THE ADVANTAGE III f SALESMANSHIP 1 CAMPAIGN t! PERIOD TO BE SHORT; NOW IS* THE TIME TO ENTER AND WIN A PRIZE How many of us havs chased thfc rainbow when we were children, and bow many are doing the same thing today. JCoo many of us have no objective in mind to work for. We are just floating day by day *Wl whither the current of humanity! dairies us. How mhny w^nt to turn, faoe abo?t; and do more fog. ourselves' and the wonld. To do something for ourtehro* and have something of our very own. To be independent even if we do- ntp have to be. If you do, the Courier offers you the chance to make this start. Begin today and you will be surprised at.the results sjnd just how much your friends are willing to help you: We cannot live withiji ourselves, but owe all we are gad ho^oe to be in a great measure to. the help of others. We are one grdat family each helping the other and the man or woirtin who doeslieve in thia rule will never amotoit to very much in this life. We get about as much out of anything da we put into it. Many Walk in procession, but few lead. Won't you decide today to comkuBth us and ldl us provide the way. for you to win successs? Women are coming into thai! .oiryi. Many are making great s^JJfcin recognition in other things. New County Officers. Last Monday all of the newly elected officers were sworn in and took charge of their various offices. On the Board of County Commiss ioners there was only one change. (Mr. W. H. Harris who had been cliairmian of the Board for the past four ydars, retired, with Mr. J. Ri' Franklin going on the Board as the new member. The Board at present ( consists of Mess. B. F. Hester, who was elected chairman, D. M. Cash and J. R, Franklin. Mr. N. V- Brooks was sworn in as sheriff, this being the only change in the other county offices, the office of treasurer having been abolished this wtaa arrskiged with the two tahnks, each handling one half of the business. By this arrangement the County will save approximately) one'thousand dollars, and considering the condition of affairs, will be welcomed by the tax payers BIG SALES AT THE WINSTEAD Tobacco Selling Better Every Day, Prices High. Sales have been the most satisfactory during the pbst week for any time this year, land the Winstead hhs been gett'jig some real fancy prices. It was not unusual for many sales to reach the high average of "more than fifty dollars. If you have not been selling at the Win stead you w;ll make no mistake by bringing -them a load, for they have no pets. Doll Baxaar. (The ladies of the PhilathlaSclaRS of the Roxboro Baptist Church will hold their afmual doll baia&r at the Roxboro Candy Kitchen, next door to Pane' Fnmltnre Store, on Saturday December 6th. Come in and bay that doll for year little girl? hii? lot of moat beantiful dolls for a mighty small iprice. Help at the same time save monpy on your doll purchases. . .1 - - o. ' / Orphanage Day. \f . Orphanarge Day WaR celebrated at the Roxboro Baptist Church last Sundlay, Dr. M. L. Kesler, General Manager of the Thomasville Baptist Orphanage, was present and addressed the congregation at the' 11 Cftlocfc hour. After lib 'address aw offering was trten for the_lnatitubIon amounting to $741.38. ? "> . R ' ^_.,v to I ABROAD NEXT 1NA, Wednesday Evenin COMING The Screen's greatest achievement, Monday and Tuesday December 891h. p. W. Griffith Production "AMERICA," D. W. Griffith's 'AMERICA"A Romantic story after the style of Walter Scout's Ivanhoe. The story of the sacrifice made by Our forefathers during the Revolution is romantic, inspiring and thrillfag beyond description. "What you will see in AMERICA," The old house of Burgesses in Virginia, wrere sat Washington, Patrick Henri and Jefferson, the founders of our r, public! The magnificent ride of Paul Revere! The gathering of the American Patriots at Lexington and Concord. 77 Americans standing against 800 'British Regulars at Lexington! See the Magnificlent Valley Forge! See the surrender of Comwallis, and the mauguratio}i of the first President of the United States! See the aa*utt on Fort Sacrifice and the rescue of the Americans by Washington's favorite unit, the "Liberty or Death" brigade of Morgan's Rifles: It will make you a little bigger, a little better, a little more American than you ever were before?: NOTE This picture has been road showed over the United States at $1.65 top, and is running in New York today at $2.50 top, And at the height of its popularity it comes to you for an admission price of 25c and 50c. Matinee Monday at 4:00 P. M. School children admitted on Matinee at 15c Evening Performances at 7:00 and 9:00 P. M. (If you ndver fee another movie in your life don't Rasa up America.) The music is being arranged by Mrs. Katherine Whitten: Remember the dates December 8-9th. Announcement For Ephesu*? Clement -Field. Usual services at Bphesns Sunday morning at 11 o'clock W. W. Walker superintendent of Sunday School Preaching at' Clement at 3 P. M. With Thanksgiving Day already past and our heurts made glad be cause we responded to the care of the little child, we are now eagerly looking forward to Christmas. But, to be able fully to enter into the Spirit of the season, 8hall we not respond in a true and noble way to the urgetnt call or a greater part in the six other benevolent clauses included in the 5 year program which closes at the end of the year. May the great passion of our time for the Kingdom of God flow through our souls. L Bi Ooggins, Pastor^ Clean-Up Week. V Next week beginning Monday, Dec. 8th, has been decided on as "cleanup week." Every one is asked to See that all old tin cans, pajpers, trash and other rubbish be removed from your back lots, especially in tho business districts as you know this means as much to you as a fire pre ventive as from a sanitary standpoint. All lots will be inspected on Pridby and Saturday by ladies of the Womans Club. Mr. Payne Inspects New Station. Mr. A. S. Payne, Superintendent of the Norfolk Division of the Norfolk and Western Railway Company, was in Rlo^boro, looking Over the \new station here very much, being oat when he called at our office, for Mr. Payne is one man in authority you love to meet and talk with. To him much credit is doe or the qplendid station which Roboro nbw enjoys. . _ Box Supper There will be a box supper and candy festival at the Bushy Fork High School Wednesday, December 10th, at 7:30 P M, Come and bring your friends. Bethel HOI Defeats Beabose, In a- hotly contested game last Friday night Bethel Hill High School defeated Bnvhnro .High Sehool hy a score of 34 to 15.. Mr. Charlie Marris referred the game. ItOST, gold brooch, chip diamond m If found please return to The Courier office and receive reward. It- pd _ Subscribe for the CO0RITR ~ " ~~ ' 7 * Eouri ?W??????? $130 g, December 3rd, 1924 BI6 DEAL III / ROXBORO RUMORED ) ? CAROLINA LIGHT AND POWER g CO. COMING TO ROXBORO a a It la koumored That the Carolina h Lii;ht h Power (Company Has a Bought Out the Light Co. < A deal which will meafa much to ? the business growth of Roxboro is ? rumored, and the rumor is virtually a admitted, the deal being the pur- j chase by the Carolina Light A Pow- t er of the light land power business t] of the Roxboro Light A Power Co. v Mr. M. R. Long, who has been the j nraaiHant snH triinim* a# fKn P av . , boro light & Powvr Company, has , given the town a service of unyaoal a satisfaction, in fact we donbt If the ? service by the new company will be any; better, for no matter how cold the weather, whether hail, etaow or fc storm of any kind caused trouble to the rplant he, with his men, were soon on the job and the trouble corrected. v We remember distinctly one cold, stormy night, with tfaow falling so that you could hardly see three feet 0 ahead of you, there was trouble on fc line and at almost midnight he rousted his service men and with them went out on the line and in leas f than an hour had found the trouble f I r^id made the correction. We told him, and we repeat it, we would not have gone out in that weather light i 1 or no light. -rj However, the deal will affect the town in a different way, as the new I (arrangement will give greater el- f asticity in contracting for power, for a in that respect his-contract with the Power Co. had bim handicapped. No defel will be too large for the Caro- ( lina Light & Power Co., and any new < | enterprise can feel safe in coming here, knowing they will Iget the same consideration which this splen- . did company ha3 given all af the \ towns in which it operates. While the Carolina is a big corporation, /yet it has the reputation, of being \ ; one of the big concerns with a soul, 1 ' and we gladly welcome them to Roxboro. - : ?? 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Clary, Jr., ar- t rived last Wednesday evening from Robersonville. After spending Thanks- ] giving here with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. ! iNoeu Mr. uiary returned to Rober- 1 sonville. .1 , ? ? e t Mrs. I. O. Wilkerson, Miss Hilda 1 i Mitchell land Mr. Richard Mitchell 1 were called to Lexington, N C., last ^Friday on account of the death of i Mr. David Cecil, a brother-in-law of 1 lias Mitchell's 1 { Mrs. |I. W. Noell, Mrs. W. C. Bullock, Mrs W. S. Clary, Jr., and Mrs. t T. C; Markham of Durham'and Miss \ Elizabeth Noell- spent a few days the first of the week in Richmind, visiting friends. ( ., ? ?- - ? . , Mr. land Mrs. L. P. Duncan and i Mrs. M. Jl Walters of "the County spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Wijnstead. 1 s ] Dr. R. H, Noell of Rocky Mount, 1 N. C.( spc^it the week end at home . with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. / W. Noell. 1\ Mrs. Margaret Strayhorn wilr d leave in the morning for Franklin, Pa i Where she will spend the winter. I e Mr. P, W. Wicker of Oib8onvUle..h N. C., wbs in town last Friday. f see* 1 Mr. Herbert Mo&annahan of , Durham was a Roxboro visitor Friday. s i Miss Vera JLunsford of Mebafcie I spent Thanksgiving holiday here with her mother, Mrs. (T. N. I.unsford of route 6. 1 . ( Mrs. W. A. Duncan and Misses 1 Margaret and Runic# of Durham 1 spent Thanksgiving here with Mr*. * J. A Winrtaad. * * . ("Miss Mary ATIiaon of Meredith 1 College ep^nt several day* last week 1 viaiting Mrs. J. J. Whurtead. I ? H ? t ? -e Mike Zula Green <rf State Normal J College spent faet- weeh here wtth her parents. ?? v Mr. Cledlth Oakley spent Thanhs- 'f giving here with his parents, Mr. , and Mrs. R. H, Oakley. ) ? ? - " ' ' i I Sabeeribe for the COUBITB ^ I cr PER YEAR IN ADVANCE J ' No. 47 SOCIETY ,Mri. A. M. Burns was hostess la fee Friday Afternoon Bpok club at * nost enjoyable meeting on fillej iternooli. Progressive Boston Book ess played at six tables and ntaaar ames were enjoyed. The bostons esisted by her daughter J sals, ervod a delightful salad course wife tot biscuits, coffee, whipped erases nd salted almonds. Characterized by exquisite appmt' tents, was the bridge luncheon Wssb> esday morning by Mrs. E. H. Daeia t her home on Academy atiaaS tea-jtiul roses arrafaged throughout, he roomh pleased the guests wdfe heir attractive arrangements. Vans rere four tables of players wfea en. oyed several tinteresfttng iimgieni ons, at the end of which the hostsn erred fruit cocktail, turkey wife ccessories, coffee, and ice* ftu?a ta niniature turkeys and pnn^Uaa. Misa Cathrine Strum at , Kat-ridge is visiting Miss Millie Strum1 * * * Miss Claudia Camay spent bat reek in Norfolk with her parental * * * * Mrs. E. Y. Pleasant and children* f Rocky Mouht spent the week end. fere, visiting relatives. * Miss Ophia Allgood spent sine sal lays last week in Garner with riends. ** Mrs. I. R. Carter of Scottsbusg, spent Thursday here with rdt? itives. Mr. and Mrs. CHss. Long of Wititon spent Thanksgiving with Mrmd Mrs. M. R. Long. e Mrs. J. R. Nelson of Florence, 8. 1, is visiting her daughter Mrs. Wfc Watkins. *?**Miss Bertha Payior of Richmond ipent several days here last week vith her parents. ***** Miss Elisabeth Master of Commr story of Music, Durham, speat Tianksgiving with her parents. * Mrs. Harry Raiff was called tm Baltimore Saturday on account at he illness of her mother. * * * ? Hiss Edna Bradshcr returned home Sunday after a visit to relatives in Mwtdfc. Miss Carrie Sue Veron and Mi** .langaret Hester spent several days ast week In Burlington. ***** Miss Nellie Byrd Woods, of G. O ^1. is at home for the Thanksgiving' lolidays. * * * Dr. and Mrs. B. R. Long and llaser Bil of Greensboro were Roxheiositors last week. ? Mrs. P. T. Taxton and dhughter 'sC Jreensboro .spent several weeks hear with Mrs. Thaixtom'a pareirth', Mr* md Mrs. J. D. Garrett. a * * Miss Mattie Rogers Smith ?< dartinville, Vs., spent several dofflt ast week with her sister, Mrs. Wi I. Boatwright. / Mrs. John Watkins and KMk Tannie and Ai)(nie Watkins of Hoe erson spent several days last nealr vith Mr. anid Mrs. W. C. Watkina. * Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jones sail aby, of JFarmville, and Mr. and Ma ' A. Jones and son, Noell, of PhSs 'op, in here for the week-end. * * Miss Virginia Wilkeraon, who la as uuticni at smitnaeals, fn RkbaaMfc * spending several days hare w^pa / ier parents. / see Mrs. Samuel Oushwa, after rMt >ere to her eon, G. J. Oushwa, M* etumed to her home in Kenbri^Mk fm. She was accompanied by Me lias Annette Cushwa, who persd some time there. ? a a Mr . J. S. Harvey, Jr., and M>a PT. I. booth of Danville, Va., an* frs. L. C. Clartc, Jr., of Norfolk, W%. ipent Thanlfngfvintg and the wealk nd with theli paiwuU, Mi. -End"?: ~j Shields Harvey. / Mrs. R. K White, who has been -Uitlng In Washington, nlai?l loma. last Wednesday. T~lm use ? rompanied by her - son Mr. R. H iVhita, Jr., and daughter, Mies Etehe vho spent the week end with tbntr arente.

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