ox J. W. NOELL, EDITOR A* VOL. No. XL1 DOES $200 A WEEK LOOK GOOD TO YOU? U you wont to make the salary of a bank president come into the Courier's salesmanship club campaign. Some one is losing a wonderful Qh opportunity?maybe it is you. Awards will absoutely be made, ho matter whether there are ten membera or two. With the few in now that are actually bjay tt will he tan easy mat. ter to carry a big award. It is easy now. ^ worker, one with ambition and "pep" can take a lead that will be hard to overcome on the home stretch. More votes are given flow on subscription payments than will be the dise later in the campaign. The pessimist sees only the hole in the doughnut, while the optimist? well, you know the rest. Look for t the beautiful if you would have it. In this campaign there are two automobiles, headed by an Essex Coach, -a.1 t- . _ - ? " 1 ?nu vincr cnsn prizes ana an are 01 much worth and will be appreciated hp any who wins them. <8nch on opportunity does not come to you often. When it does come we Should take advantage of it for H. is extraordinary. In only a few weeks these awards will be given to the energetic hustlers of this vicinity. It is never too late to do good and right now is the time to make your decision and get in. It is anybodies race now. Here id at) opportunity, surely, for those who look at a thing from 1a business standpiont and know a business proposition and how to seize it at the (proper time. Some one is go|ng to -win hundreds of dollars for a few weeks work. The list of those who have sig-' nified their intentions of being active are published today, but not all of them have even started. j The campaign officially opens with this announcement of names and we feel that all will get busy now and not lose any time in getting the votee that will win for them. LIST OF CANDIDATES The following is a list of the names of those who have boon nominated in the Salesmanship Club campaign or have signified their intention of becoming active. The campaign offic iaily opens with thin publication and t everyone should now do their best | to Ret votes, which in turn decides fitlo shall be the winners in the end. Miss May Bowes, Route 4 Roxboro H. W. Bowen, _ Roxboro Mts. J. L. Cothran, .Rougemont Mrs. J.L. Clayton, Jalong L. M. Gillis, Route 6 Roxboro dMff O'Briant, Route 4 ..-.Roxboro Felix W. Regan, Route 2 Roxboro Miss Mollio Strom, Roxboro T. W. Whitfield, Route 5 Roxboro A. Y. Wells, Route 3 Roxboro H. Vasco Woody, Route 2.Woodsdale Announcement Far Ephesus-Cleinent Field. Next Sunday morning isl the reg-1 ular preaching time at Lamberth Memorial. A. L. Boys, Superintendent of Sunday School. Misses Nannie Green and Bessie Hester, Mrs. L. P. Duncan and Mrs. jCltfde Allen will be the next ones in the Sunday School to receive a Sunday School Teachers's Diploma. We can never get entirely away from the thought that "life is. real and lifo is earnest." Christ is the: hope of the soul, the hope of society, the hope of the world. There is no Mb*tllute for Him. And there is no healing for the world's wounds apart from Hint. But t.he indivi i dual must take Him in earnest, so-: eiety must- take Him in earnest, the world mast take Him in earnest. We most take Him in earnest. We must believe thoroojthly in the workability of Hie program which means that we ehut put His program to work. L. V. Ooggins, Pastor, o School Notes All schools will close for the Christ' Mss Holidays on December 19th, sad open again on January 5th. A few of the teachers have as; Met not handed in their information blanks filled out in fall. The kind, class and serial number of the certificate Wis be*n omitted from sev-i era! of fheae tnfpxrmiftkm Rlanlee. * Some have not sent in any bank at all', and some have not handed in their Health Certificates. L . fPhi* in important to you. AUodd to it. Mrs, J. A. Beam. - - - - . -V ?^t- -1. i"i} t It "I 4D PUBLISHER ROXBC YOU CAN BE SANTA CLAUSE Six Person County children have been sent to the Orthopaedic Hospital in Gastonia for treatment, and have been wonderfully benefitted. There are a number of other little helpless boys and girls in the Coonty who should have this treatment. The requirements for admission to the Hospital are: 1. Possibility of improvement. 2. Sound m%id. 3. Inability to pay for services rendered. Each application blank has to be signed by the family physician, the cashier of a bank, one of the County Commissioners, and one other county officer. All this Is done to prove that if is la worthy case, that the parents ar^ unable to pay for treatment. The State of North Caroline pays all expenses for board, laundry, surgeons and nurses. We sinrply have to (pay for transportation getting the children to and from iGastonia. Some of the children have made several trips for treatment at dif ferent times. We think the average expense for each child will be about $50.00. |The money for the work that has already been done has been donated principally by individuals, in amounts ranging from $1.00 to $50. 00. Mt. Zion Church has paid the expenses of a child from that neighborhood, by raising the money throujrh different organizations? The Epworrth League, The Woman's Missions ry Society and the Junior Order of the neighborhood. We need more money. We need it urgently and at once. Will you send us a check for $1.00 or more rinrht away ? Think of rebuilding a little twisted body for $50.00!?Of straightening a bent back or building . up withered and twisted hands and foetWe shall acknowledge all donationa through The Courier. We will withhold your name from publication if requested to do so, but will include the amount of your check in our report. *' PMsse" make checks payable to "Crippled Children,' and mail to either of the undersigned, or leave with the cashier of cither of the banks in Roxboro. R,?l. Unlock riooiol Chairman Social Service Department of the Woman's Club. MVs. R. B. Smith, Chairman Social Service Deijrrtment of (Mary Hambrick Missionary Society. 0 Announcements Announcements for East Roxboro and Longhust Charge: Regular services at Longhust Sunday A. M. The pastor cordially invites and urges that a full attendance bepresent. His theme is to be "At Noon Day", Every person from the age of thirty to one hundred is invited. i : p Remember the first quarterly Conf. is to be held at Grace Church next Sunday flight. The presiding Elder will be with us and we expect a full attendance. Allow the pastor to mention the other organisations of the charge, please. We have organized an Bpworth League at Longhust and we already had one at (Grace. These organisations will auccedd if you support them. We invite you. frhe Sunday school work will succeed if you support it. Any suggestion or any suport that way is appreciated. Be With us next Sunday. The Pastor, if. CX Ellerbe. The "William Kitchin Society." The Roxboro High School girls have organized a literary society in honor at a Governor from their town. They named it "The WHlarn Kitphin Society/' Theee girls are falj of pep land are sure to make it a great eastsss. - Bill Bailey and Fete Murphy with other leaser lights appeared before President Coolidge yesterday in behalf of candidates for the vacant Judgeship in this State. - How .much weight do yon suppose a Democrat will -have with the present administration? ? . loxho HOME FIRS! )RO, NORTH CAROLIf District Meeting of ^or Order. Durham, iDec. 8?Addresses by R. M. Gantt, of this city, state councilor, and M. W. Linkie, of Nashviie, state vice councilor will feature the annisil district meeting of the Junior Order of Durham, Person and Orange counties to be held in this city next Friday night at 7:30 o'clock. The session will be held in the lodge room of Tin Heel council No. 2. Plans for the meeting are progressing in a very favorable way, according to E. C. Gunter, district depI uty, of this city. Indications point i to large attendance of members from all sections of the counties comprising the district. m Sheriff Brooks Making Good Start. (Sheriff Brooks has made a good slirt and aerves notice that all block| aders must get out. Last Wednesday, the, with his deputy, Radford Gentry and & A. Oliver, captured a stijll )iear Heges Mountain. On Sunday , morning they made a raid down in 1 Allensville township near the home of Richmond Day and captured a still, 26 ghlions of whisky and Gecgjge Webb, col. Sunday night they got another still and the complete outfit J^nd destroyed 500 gallons of beer. (For his first week in office we think this a pretty good record, as all will admit. Letter to Santa Ciaus. Dear Santa: 'I want you to bring me a harp ^iid a gun, and some good things to eat, and I have two little brothers, please bring them something, too. And I also want you to go and see the poor little orphanage ohildren. I will try,- and be good and sweet always. Your little 'friend, Ralph Niorris. j Died. On the'8h instant at her home at [ Cedar Grove, Orange county, Mrs. Martha Elizabeth Compter dietf. Age 80, widow of the late Andrew J. Conipton and sister of Mr. .A. R Foushee of Roxboro. 0 Hog Killing. Barton Roller Mills sends in the following weights of a "hog klling" at the mill: 320, 413 345, 388 am} 406 making a total of 2553. ' Mt. Harmony Local. There will be a meeting of the ; Mt. Harmony Local on next Saturday | night, December 13th, and every member is urged to be present. The public is cordially invited. A. B. O'Briapt, Sec. I ? j New Manager of Roses' 5 and 10. Mt. E. A. Taylor has accepted the position of manager of the Rose 5 and 10 Cent Stare here. He has been ; on the job about a week and has made quite a good many changes and improvements in the busihess. When | you call now you will hardly TecogI gize the place. 0 ? | Services at the Presbyterian Church I.ast Sunday. i' (Last Sunday Rev. G. L. Whitley of Whiteett, N. C., preached .at the PrqAyterian Church, morning and evening. . The congregation was very much pleased fjnd heard him 1 gladly. Hie was) accompanied by his wife and baby. ' -e- o ? Card of Thanks. fTbe family and friends of the late Eugene (Graham Painter bake this medium of expressing their heartfelt gratitude to the ipeople for the ' mjany acts of kindness shown during his sickness and death. May God's richest bllesings rest upon you all. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Painter and Family. Bring the Kiddies, And see what a nice lay out we have for them. All kinds of riding vehicles, and at price* which will astonish you. E. p. Cheek A Co. I Q Box F'avty J There will be * box party at War II ren's! Grove Sdhool Friday Ni(th Dec. 19. Please come and join in thi [fan. Pearl Carver J* *0 $j V ABROAD NEXT JA, Wednesday Evening, I Roxboro Rotarians Have Ladies Night. 1 Last Thursday night the Roxboro Rotary Club observed Ladies Night, t 'and-it was a delightful social affair. |J The principal attraction was the ad- a (."dresa by Rev. Sid Bost of Durham, t ; If you ever heard Mr. Bost you know, 1 what you missed, but if you have not v had that pleasure then take our ad-1 g [vice ond' do so at the very first op- a J xrrtunity. p fihere were aeberal members lof j, the Durham Rotary present and the a Herald carried the following item r concerning the meeting: 0 J^fierc is a strong bond of friend gnnip, and fellowship, between the o Rotary clubs of Durham and Rox- ^ boro, almost akin to that of Jonathan and (David. The Durhamitic ' members rotate over to Roxboro. J; and the Roxboroeans ijn turn rotate over to Durham. A splendid hard- c surface road binds the towns toirether, and make sthe distance only 3 a ferw minutes. (Thursday evening the Roxboro * Rotary club observed ladies' night, * and gave a moet delightful -luncheon, which was attended by the wives * and sweethearts of the members, * and it was an eveing of splendid social enjoyment.' Durahm was well represented on this occasion, as several frinds here accepted invita- 8 tions to attend. Rev. S. S. Bost, J V. Dermott and M. S. Llewellyn, of this Qitly, motored over and were r guests at the affair, and returned' I honie singing high praises of the I cordiality and hospitality of the Roxboro Rotarians." J rl 0 _ M [WANfTED?Small second hand Safe, h I must be cheap. Apply to 0. B. Mc- j f J Broom. I, 1* IFOR SALE?Good eight room dwel-J lng, - situated on south Main street,1 Roxboro, N. C. Easy Terms. Apply 1 I to J. T. Walker. 2t > I?: : ' 3 | LOST,- string of blue beads. No in- * ' tritisic value, cfrdy matter of senti- ' raent. Lost on Main Street. Finder c 1 please return to The Courier office. 1 FOUND, several days ago, one cord-*' casing. Owner can get same by dfe- j scribing it and n.ving for this ' j See Lelalnd Clayton at D. E. Feather-1 2 j s ton's store, Roxboro, N .C. It pd.: | NOTICE?I "will sell at public auct-|'j ion at ray home one miie East of L Leasburg N. C., on Saturday, l)ec. | 20th, 1925, all of my corn, Teed, ' horses, mule, 6 cows, wagons, mower, rake, harrow, plows and other farming tools. Nash Winatead, Leasburtc, N. C. < '2-10, 2t pd (FOR SALE, 35 pure bred Hampshire ( pigs, weighing from 60 to 70 pounds. 'See or write at once. Stephen B. Moore, Route 5, Roxboro, N. C. It p A faiw exceptionally pretty num- ^ bers in Ooats and (Dresses at Wilburn find Sattertield, lcan(y with j them a strong price appeal. IfOR SALE, Early Jersey W^kfT- j field and Charleston Wakefield cab- r j bage plants. Sown and culticated a c scientific method to produce head j ! cabbage, not seed. c t See those new numbers in hats at $3.50 at Wilburn and Satterfield. Notice to the Public. I desire to announce to the public that 1 have opened a. first closs Shoe < Repair Shop under the Pioneer Ware-. I house and respectfully solicit the' c patronage of the people of. Roxboro li land surrounding community. Satisfaction guaranteed. B. H. Lee. pro- 1 prietor. 12-"1, 2t pd. r WANTED?Students?Learn at home , or school. Tuition on. credit. Work in r office while taking. Position guar- 1 > antAJgl Fy?wopf4a Rtiainnn r.nHaon J High Point, N. C. It pd j A Knox Hat and a young man go together well. Get your Knox hat ' from iWilbu^i and SatterfSeld. ! * . _o?L -? / ' , Announcement. 3 1 < r Mr. and Ms*. William Allen Mills announce the marriage of their daughter Lorena Thompson to i Mr. Jlyopfa Byrdge rhtrwcsn i on Saturday, AJprll the nineteenth i " ninteen hundred and twenty four Pittebono, North Carolirta. I \ At Home Smith Main Street, Jtox+ioro, J^orth Carolina. -+J ' - ' ? $?50 December 10, 1924 ROXBORO SCHOOL BOND HLBCTION A special election will be held at he Pereon County Court House on anuary 13, 1925, between 8 A. M.1 nd sunset, at which will be submit-1 ed to the qualified Voters of the' "own of Roxboro the question of j .-hether $75,000 Bonds of said Town' hall be issued for the purchase of site, and the building, furnishing nd equipping of one or more buildsgs therein for high school purposes md - the levy of a sufficient tax to >ay the principal and interest theref. The- registration books will be pen for revision and the registrator of those not heretofore regiateed but entitled to register, between :00 A. M. and 5:09 P. M., Decern er 29 to J|^unary 2, inclusive (ex* ept new year's dag,) and from 9:00 I. M. on December 27 and January J. H. Whitt Has been appointed legistrar and C. C. Winstead and R. Burns Judges of Election. BY ORiDER of the Board of ComSORO. lissioners of the Town of Roxboro. Hattie E. Burrh, Towfn Clerk. -o???? Ipeciat Christmas Visit. I Dr. S. Rapport of Durham will lake a sHecial Christinas visit to boxboro on Wednesday, Dec. '7th, at Jivia' Drug Store. IJyeglatses and spectacles make the ight sort of gift for aixv of the omefolks if they peed them. See im on that date. Satisfaction guaranteed. 'ainter?Long. / Miss Delia Long and Mr. Aubrey 'ainter were married last Wcdnesdjy, r. Davidson is a Chiropractor and as opened offices in the Chas. ioleman building, up stairs. Mrs. lavidslon will assist him as office nanager. Tobacco Market Will Close for Holidays The Roxboro tobacco market will lose on (Dec. lbth, 1924, for the Christmas Holdays, and will open n Jan. 5th, 1925. All farmers will please bear these dates in mind, md bring in their tobacco before the 19th, and get the cash ready fobheir Christmas shopping. "jdgar Long Memorial Church Bazaar The ladies of the Edgar Long femorial Church will hold their anlual bazaar in the basement of the hurch Saturday, -December 13th. Sale . of fancy work will begin at leven o'clock. Everybody invited o come and eat dinner. Preaching at Primitive Baptist Church. Elder J. W. Wayatt and Elder >Oft will preach at the Primitive laptist Church in Roxboro on Saturlay night December '3th. The pubic is cordially invited. To All Members of the Tobacco Association. This is to inform, you that your narket will dose Friday, December 9th, for the Christmas Holidays, md reopen Monday, January 5, 1925. 'lease notify all oar members to liis effect. It .it oar desire- to make as good ihowtng as possible at the close of pt year for oar Association and you are therefore urpred to deliver all roar tobacco possible before the close >f the market for the holiday* J. W. Copley, j [?-? Manager. _ . 3ALE. The estate of Moses Winstead rill sell at hie old honie ofri Saturday Dec. 13th, at 10:80 a. m. the following: All farnutg tools, 2 males, one 5 years old land one 8 years, * horse, I boglgy, -and- all of his furniture. Estate of Moses Winstead, Roxborp, fcL-CUJL 3^ It pd " -tr I - ' f ' ' * _ " ' ; PER YEAR IN ADVANCk No. 48 SOCIETY ' 9 The Keadtrch club met Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. B. G. flijlw The subject for the afternoon wm? "Koimjntic Comedy," with a study o< "Deburau" and "Moliere,' with pepan presented by Mrs. H. 8. Mortcfa and. Mrs. E. D. Duniap. After the litems^ hour the hostess served the mem ben cream chicken in patties, mashed, potatoes, celery, cranberries, hot ?"r_ coffee and chocolstes. Mrs. W. C. Bullock was the do* lightful hostess on Friday afteraaass tn An mpm'Knru e\f An PoUew AAeaa noon Pleasure Club, land a few invited guests. The house was very attractive with potted plants and est flowers. Bps ton Rook was played at six tables and many progrr ssiuna were enjoyed. The hostess sssisfail try Mrs. W. S. Clary, Jr., and Minn Elizabeth Noell served fralt salad, pickle, ham, potatoe chips, hot Uscuits, coffee with cream and candy. (The Review club enjoyed a moot delightful meeting with Mrs L O. Abbitt on Friday, afternoon. The guests were given leaves which beenthe table numbers upon their arrival. The living room was attractive with Thanksgiving decortations, the centerpieces fafi tkp individual tables being of pipe boughs among wUeh nestled bright red (apples. At each place was an appropriate Thanhla giving verse. The lesson was led by Mesdames K. L. Street and H- L. Crowell, each discvissing the life and wgrks of Francis O. Ticknor, John ifoubcn Thom(psin, and Henry Timrod and James Ryder Randall, respectively. Both presented very excellent papers. After the lesson, s? (pery amusing Thanksgiving contest was-enjoyed, then each couple wee given wish-bones1 tied with rose and silver, the club colors, and told to wish and pull them. Little Miss Dorothy Abbitt ended this part of tie program with a pretty Indian story. Mrs. Abbitt served a delicious salad course with chocolate followed by * sweet course. Judge J. <3. Pass spent yesterday in Durham looking after some business matters. * *** Mr. L. M. Carltcp spent last week in Yanceyviiie attending court. * * * Mrs.' M. R. Long spent several days in (Greensboro last week visiting; friends. Mr. M. R. Long was in New York last week on business matters. ? * Misses Delia Dodson and BellePolle spent the last week end in Clayton. * * * * * Mrs. J. A. Long has returned from a visit to her old home in Loch Haven Pa. *,.* * Messrs. Otis Hall and Tut king ladt the first of the week for a visit ta Miami, Fla. ****** L. M. Carlton spent last week afc Yanceyville attending Caswell Court. ***** Mir. and. Mrs. J. T. Blanks spent last Thursday in Durham with friends. * * * * Mr. and Mrs. Lowel Bass of Smithfield were gueBts in the home of Rev. J. H. Bass last Sunday. * *?*?*-*. Mrs. T. P. Featherston is vidtfiijf in Raleigh this week. Has. E. E. Stanfield returned bom* last week from a visit to her p{treats in Mulling, 8. C. Mrs. Sallie Thomiaa hat returned home after speeding some time in Nelson, Va. and Oxford. ? MlrsJ Bessie IfesseU returtied to her home in Norfolk, Vs., after spending some time here with her b net her, Mr. E. M. Davis. ? fThe following Baptists are attend' m* the Baptist State Convention % Raleigh this week: Rev. R. E. White, Rev. J. A. Beam, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Burns and J. W. Nodll. ~V~sr--e*Av_ . Solicitor S. Porter Craves and wife Miss Mary (Franklin Craves and Miss Alma Yokeley of Mount/Airy spent ' several days last week as guests tt , Mrs. U M. Carlton: