. K.y ' "SSSp I From 1 ! Foundation to 1 Finish I FOR 1 Mansion or Hut,l | i i You Can Get It ^ 1 ?._AT I 1 I Roxboro Lumber C?? ? "Home of Quality Lumber" 1 * P 1'? WWIH I Eating good food means good health for you and yours? so K S you can't afford to use poor groceries. ' 8b We handle the best quality groceries for a very good business ig s reason? it pays us to do so. Our customers know they can al- P ?5( ways jrely on getting fine quality'and we keep their trade. Others p B find out and they come too. pj Ea Give us your grocery order today and find out for yourself. ^ Fresh Groceries?^Lowest Prices. & I Sergeant &c layton i Sta-Klean Store Jg PHONE 23 AND 24. ROXBORO, N. C. 1 3tje pilar? ?bratr? \ '.Advance program from Thursday Dec. 18th to Wednesday Dec. 24th: THURSDAY Charles Morton Offers "THE HAPPY TIME REVUE" With 12- People The Show of Features?Repleter with high class Vaudeville SpecialtiesFeaturing "The Happy Time Jasz Orchestra" "The Happy Time HarmojP lyio" PICTURE Douglas Fairbanks in "THS(?MARK OF ZORRO" (This i I ohe of Fairbanks best Pictures) Admissions Dower Floor 25c?50c Bal cony 20c?40c. Performances 7:00 and 9:00 P M. FRIDAY Charles Morton Offers "THE HAPPY TIME REVUE" With 12?PeopleElitire change of program?The C^iuni's Hawaiian Duo, in Native sons I dances?Pat Murphy the boy with a voice?The Caldwell's, a boy, I^B|giri,ta Violin and ii Uke. A Picked Chorus of Beautiful Girls: Picture Ricl Hfrit B:x with Jacqueline Logan in "MANHATTAN A Paramount Pictur Admissions Lower Floor 25c?50c Balcony 20c?:40c Performances at 7:(. and 9:00 P. M. H SATURDAY ~ Charles Morton Offers "THE HAPPY TIME REVUE" With 12?PeopleHi : 12?-The laet and final Day?Entire change of prog ram: PICTURE Williai Duncan with Edith Johnson in "STEELHEAJtT" Matinee 2:30?3:30 P. M Admissions 15c and 35c (Both Floors) NIGHT 6:30?Vaudeville 7:30?Se< ond Picture 8:30?Last Vaudeville 9:30 P. M. Admissions Lower Floor 25 Hi; i?50eB alcony 20e?40c. (The Show of Features with the 7 Piece Happ Time Orchestra) (Please come on the Hour) , MONDAY Hr Jesse L. Lasky Presents A Paul Bern Production "OPEN ALL NIGH1 With Viola Dana?Adolph Menjou?Raymond Griffith?Maurice Flyn B Mmy Vrv Willis'Gcldbeck: A Psrmmount Production. (A Film which depict Hf the high life of the world's greatest Sporting Center) AU^MOJ if'elik Corned H No Advance in Prices: Matinee 8:30 P. M. * TUESDAY United Artists Presents A Alfred E? OTecja Production "LITTLE LOR FAUNTLEROY" With Mary Pickjord?Jathes Marcus an All-Star Csi (This U one of Mies Pickford's best Pictures. No Advance in admission! ' Performances at 7:00?9:00 P. M. , WEDNESDAY, XMAS EVE H Metro Pictures Presents A Reginald Barker Production 'THE ETERNA STRUOpLE" With Barbara la Mart1?Earle Williame?Pat O'Malley m Wallace Beny. A Metro Prodtictlojn. Matinee 3:00 P. M. (Packed with thril adventure and lover?A Canadian Romance) No Advlince in Admission r Performances 7:00?8:15?9 fl5 P. M. Coming December 25?28?27th. Lyons and Walters "BOBBED HA1 H REVUE" The Season's most tattlted Musifal Comedy Company. K.^SMemsS^gwassawii - ? i ,-T- L . Notice Sale'of Lend near Roxhoro: in said.deed of treat to wit; ?.?? ? I That certin tract of land in Ro Under and by virtue of the auth-; bftro township, Person cougity, N. | H. ority conferred upon me by a certain Bounded on the North by the O ^H-daad of truat executed by John Ray road from Koxboro to Winstaada, < "and wife, Emma Ray, on the 2nd day the East by the lands of Ruff t of May 1922, and duly recorded in Roprdrs, South by the finds of Wi I Registers office of Person County lie Jackson and on West by lands < ^N. C. in book PT.3 at page 196,.do- C. & Winstcnd, containing. 57 ' [ fault having been made in the pay- acres more or less a$od known as tl iW jiuU re. uicJ TTv .-aid JUin Hay . place. . deed of truse,. I will on ' SALE IN FR0NT OE THE COUR . Monday January 12 1925 ILOUgE DOOR. 1? o'clock M> mil to the highest This December 8th. 1924. B bidder for cash, the; lands conveyed N.' LL'NSFORD, Trusts 77! *?' * _ - ' '' '? '? iT THK ROXBORO ! THE COURIER TRoxboro, N. C., December 17th, 1924 r -^eycc. - irr - , Everything to bfiild with. Wetkin > & bollock. WANT ADS . -c - I ; i i ?. /' . GOOD TOBACCO, -COTTON and; GRAIN farm for rent. 1 mile north: of Lcasbuqg, N. C., 2 settlement?, I with stables, feed barn and com cribs, 4 good tobacco bams, convenient to! church and schools. Apply to W. J.j Pulliam, Leasburg. N. C. 11-26 3t pdi LOST-?left on fender of Ford car in front at Roxbcro Book Store on Tuesday the 9th ^of Dec., 1 box containing 6 spools of thread, 1^ lunch box, 2 undershirts and 2 belts. Finder please leave at' Courier Office. It pd. FOR HIRE?When you want to ride in comfort ride with me in my big 7 passenger Buick. Same price as bumpy cars. Phone No. 3091. J. H. Howard. 11-26 4t pd LAND POSTED?All persons are | hereby forbidden to hunt with gun or dogs, or in anyway trespass on our lands. Violators may expect to : I be prosecuted. J. T, Jordan. 12-3t pd HORSES FOB sale.?-We wiU sell fct auction on Saturday, Dee. 20th, > for cash, 2.good horses, belonging to {. Roxboro Undertaking Co. Sole wilt be in front of the oourt boose door at 12 o'clock. Roxbore Undertaking Go. ] If you are interested in the Geor gui Tobacco (Lands, see me and I can five 70a prices and lists of lands. X. Lunsford. "Good health is rather to be chosen than gTeat riches DR. RALPH B. DAVIDSON CHIROPRACTOR office over phone 40-185 Chaa. Holeman & Co. Roxboro. X. C. [ Hrs. 10 to 12:30-2:30 to 5:00 and by appointment GOOD TOBACCO, COTTON and GRAIN farm for rent. 1 mile north of Lessburg, N. C., 2 settlements, with stables, feed barn and corn cribs, 4 good tobaoco barns, convenient to church and schools. Apply to W. J. Pullians, Leasburg. N. C. 12-10-3t pd LOOT?-Niew Chevrolet tire, rim and cover. Cover has Carolina Peerless Co., Kinston, N. C. c^i it. finder please return to H. A. Newton, Roxboro, route 3, or to The Courier lOffice, and receive reward. It pd. For Quick Sale Oae fire proof CHrmpion account system and cash register. Also one device for adding accounts. The above system can ba saen at the store of Chas. Holeman A Qo. in Roxboro. ' *. tf J. IF. Whitfield, 9 Hurdle Mills, N. C. Accidents will banDen. It mav be you next. Before yon leave on a trip call by Sattarfleld's Insurance Ofttce and get an accident tioket (5000.00 for 25c a day. SATTEItPIELD INS AGIWCY. . 1_ FIRES, FIRES. For twenty-five f years we have paid every loss satiss factory to insured. You may be next. See us at once. SATTERIFIELD INS. AGENCY. "OLD AND TRIED". _ SALE?I will sell at public auction !? at my home place near Bushy a Fork High School on January 5th, 1925, the following: 10 1 wagon, 2 mules, harrow, harness, buggy, mowing machine, farming tools and some household furniture. ? Sale strata at 10 o'clock. A. M. j" Henry A. Clayton, 12-17 2t pd. 5 666 Is a Prescription for [?> Colds, Grippe, Dengue, Headaches, n: Constipatloon, Biliousness, s It is the most speedy remedy we 1 know. ? ^ Dont fail to come for a visit to |t Santa Claus amd and get the right I;' Christmas spirit. Dec. 19, at Aliens ville High School. Ju "Want ads" bring home the bacon, i sthc way one man who tried it expressed himself. Have you tried it? One ceyit a word. R USE OUR WANT COLUM If you have something y?u want " to sell just try a few lihea in our ".Want Column" and see how quick you will, find some cme who want P- just what you have to sell. One cant 'd a word. >n i Wanted, (good ma(i well acquainted about Roxboro to sell direct from.; ^ factony to Tetajl trade .a moat un to 2 date, and imtorovcd line of Asphalt ,e and Metal Shingle, and roofing.. Liberal commission- basis. A real opportunity for (good .hard working mar to make moneys Np investment. Ad?I drera Hoy 11?? f'hnpol Hill, N. C. Pd^. __ ..... _ - - b V,; * t ' ! . - * ' ?M COURIER, DECEMBER 17th, 1924. AUTO ACCESSORIES When in need of Tir^s Casings,. Chains, " Gas Oil Alchol or Anything in the aute accessories line you will save money by seeing the' L. & W. AUTO CO, Court St., opposite the court N house. I 'i ii rjjfa ; ' ' " * '" ~ i ' j I WE HAVE j ! A BIG LOT OF Meat Knives Sausage Mills, Meat Choppers. Heating [ Stoves for Coal I and Wood. Gome to see us. j Our store will be | opeij Saturday j NIGHT UNTIL ' 9 O'CLOCK FARMERS HARDWARE Co. j D 1 \ i I rvoxooro, in. [ Phone I FOR ; CHRISTMAS | COME TO * j ! US. I EVERYTHING J FOR J+T . THOSE CHRISTMAS | CAKES ) > . i. BLANKS AND MORRIS v ' H "0" " Vilified/1 __ pa. We are qualified t<" I meet all situation? ?? I These requiring spec ' ial or unusual itten ' Lion are gsve,-\ par- j5*5 I ' ieular ' thought nm ra I cire. You can rely ^B| I on us a; ali times. H I>ay-4?-M."i\itfllt-47-D |gj: SPENCERS jj|j Funeral Directors ;&TT Rosboro, >J. C. | ? ? ' * HBgn .* .V -'.'M? - ' \ -~ .'* ' * ^ V'^ . WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO GIVE HIM * ,... .1 \YHAT ARE YOU GOING TO JjTjffl ' GIVE HER ^ ^'Jj ' *. 7;' Suggestions for HER, T Coat, Dress, Dove Line Negligee, Hand Bags ~ ;' Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Slippers, Handkerchiefs, Hair Nets in Xmas Boxes Suggestions for HIM, Overcoat, Suit Clothes * Bath Robe, Scarfs, Hosiery, Gloves, Knox or Stetson Hats, Broadcloth Shirts, Linen Handkerchiefs, and-Neckties. We have what She wants, and we have what He wants. Do your Xmas shopping with us. shop early and avoid the rush. WlLBURN & SATTERFIELD f LUMBER I Flooring, Ceiling, Siding, * i ' * Windows, Doors, Frames, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Shingles, Roofing, Laths, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Manila P.ratp? Eil?V WATKINS and BULLOCK "Everything to Build With" Roxboro, N. C. '/? mmm??1??iM?Pi?, WHAT WOULD A XMAS i _ BE WITH OUT DAINTY FRUITS? NUTS AND DELICAC1ES ??? WE. HAVE "THE SEASONS BEST -? XV ?U ia not, merely a summer drink, but . a year 'round Food. . Its high sugar contents make a wholesome 1' . ] and uaually a moat neeoaaary requirement for a properly balanced I j ration for young and old. 1 ill Roxboro Bottlng Work*. I . JL- . . . ju r , . ; ' -V ' ** "'. * - * ' , \ ? ?' . . ?I . *