This Should A i. ^^^||| ; J f | . 5 I > xy)s ^B.. '<. rt ' ? > Bfi' ' } H ft.;.. C j; i cvygjF . . lfga ,*- $ It ^1 i mfll m bkA Theaa threa huge tarpon were I si ltobert Handler, light, and Capt. Nath Bl tjioooda, 13T pooada and 138 pounda wv - -?? ir f ?? HOME OWNERSHIP A mifn. who has spent 'most of his life in social secwioc work rocetly aid that he Had practically reached the conclusion that the most effective way of attacking modern problems would be to rlnaugutlite a permanent nation-wide campaign for; home ostyeraH*. His Me* is that the source of most af our preneat-dsy trouble is rile lack of family stability. fThe home owner does not desert his wife and children. He does not buffer from wanderlust He taken a strong interest in his community. The purchase of "his own home' arouses his amhi'ibn, hin thrif'. end his industry. Rcfcig jpcmJirT.-iy locrted, !?? n better hushird. n file end h V.tar cyt;r.. 'y n,ul n better wockor. The -r '* 'U s . - n?tte?. .tii.- iv;r,re ou be \i>-*"vjbb|hd Ik funds nun Is 1/ - . Sttitissviili- l.'.ivir' I !*wfc.THR rotnitei ' 'V'- u. .-:o;?ii*n ' -\v: * . , Iksr : - .\1< ' ; ; ih-a.v O.yi'l 3*'* _Ucfm I'riyro ti*> *;o t- ?.. Ifor ..w$4 a . e verybody i; hows. . V,' . Her Wi was tslrnj*. iwcaf'-- ' gspj'. ;. wilt ' ; .v : A liVtV ?-.t n! To :r; I . .1 '?>' ' ;-v _ _ ' T) ' - :.. y ' ?L.... o'j '1 H'H " ? Xz'?. -J CW- : . ' J". , 'ri fo > , Vio/ " r* ; . V- n-". ', 1 y 1?''4? ?-* ot, ? . . htbitr * .'"1- ! - .?':* Kit.*J- ?;- _ .< > : ?'c; to th* i'^rd. > ?' The Wsr-At' i- v wri-rw. nl of ^-ho ^fa'.i)|Vti : M*V- (>.-?*t?v:! ' held feccisliy un.iot lM? hu -.n*- c<\ 1; <^Vf> , I.V' .a ;! . !^v t r*7 MX <4: . . r, % V | ip&ted n l&L 'V.-Ji'V . ' *** ? ' r ."^^Trt'uvt, |hoy r*br; .. teofev? &!._ Ijrs ?*:< ' of ' vfltye t^tpe-i 'n tHo tm-> book xvarp .r.e^roi'l \i i-hn.Vt't <*? aibmiitod- assd .'iv%ch i;?" '? oomnontpd by iho i no >.nd >dir* of *Ki? jrfil AdNUit tt ih. ^ ' "' ,' or. 15 j.T-JT.ivr f Co'rl ?, pointed ton* <'oqb'.v sigprfificont. -Undwi- tlx* Cflf>ti<?n *?!&:? P??rl Otslv ac of ht'tnastv, lie! if., wroto tj?e !?rw mfiUUiirUih: Itr th? oaofc Wokr f?w ?- ?*rtt ?f U?? (rt*, *r j*?li All m<?i ^ lovA ft. ' " .-fyj- . -, . .? jigr^ - ' ' * ~ ?s>? tlure Fishermen ill " 3 IV "* MSn V' ' SW v ' 1 \^r?" > r .-".,4 I iRjr 1 ;'-.^5 - i ' i *' * * v-s|^Jk ' / i'/' ;' - ? TdP, >88 . ^dH v^BT 9 Ided recently at New Smyrna, Fla., by I 1M -* W- - A - - - ? ? - ?u i icrw, iiuu aw uuyoa weignea n * .. ... ; Convenient Nests Easy to Keep in Good Order Good nests are easy to clean and easy to get st when collecting eggs. They are moat convenient to reach when lecsted under the dropping boards or on the aide walla Unless the dropping boards are st least four feet from the floor, the nests should not be under them. There should be one nest far every four birds la the pen. A box 12 by 12 Inches Is.the moat suitable else fee the average bird. A 1 by 4-lnch piece placed about four Inches In front of the neets will give the hen n place te step from Into the nest. By hinging this strip It can be used to close the nests against pullets In the full and the broody hens In the spring. The New Jersey experiment station ranks nesting materials in the following order: hay, shavings, sawdust an l straw. To makecleaning easy, thry saggest building nests in sections 12 by 12 by 16 Incites, with a strip In front of l by 4-lnch material to hold In the neat tiller end a similar strip for the )*?rk of the nest*. This nets <*n u platform the width of the nests nn<J as long us the row of nests Is t? be. The nests ar*? tovored with a top of matched lumber which undweFs for" / the put form for the ::eeond tier of nests. When. It .is desired to eican the uests, tbpy hrw simply , pulled off the platform and all the nest material falls, to the floor. Thefre. nests con be uaud either under the dropping hoards ? or uii til* side walls. ChickerLice Destroyed . by Dipping involution Chi kvn r.-j'a k ' Jtlisily ? i hy of ! v'.?: \r !' a rri *?:?> ' I D 1' iiK v V'.. ;;t. i;v* v-hv - ' ! l.-s- Na.%^-!?' i? . Diilvi.";> or t.-.\ J.> ' -..? 'J: % . ?? ,, . U , : . li.r i . h - ? , : ' ?r.?. *?;!/? .'I ' '-? '4 '3 :? V> *"-Vi" ??? : *ry ' ; - fti . Db. } i*W i: iici.,. ' ! * '"! *f.'2 ' deiy :..V ' ; > !' a ' ' V- .'v. >f V ' ;V.'r> 'v" . W.-r * - ----tr V, j *j? . V"' . ? . - ' ' : ' . i 1 * >= . gar te I i ? . aMM bl i | - it 1 iij.j i;' I ' Ml -'14 t- ixnr K?rt, MW mvfihMwi' jut g^iwr i^iitu 4?OM> I ZjjfcZ THfr R0XBORO OOUKI? tVP&OVED UN1FOJUH HflttflAHONAL SundaySchool T Lesson * ji tBr aar. p. u sttswatcs. d.d.. l>??? 1 til* tCvenlnff K?he?l. Moody ill bid In- , tll'.ute- of Chte?SQ.) , C, ?ti>. T/MUrn S*?<o?r?r Cnl?n.> I , Lcmoii for January 4 CHR!8T?8 TRIUMPHAL ENTRY i LESSON TRXT?L?k? 1 GULUBN TEXT?b? tkd Kins that comoth In the dvdi of the Lord."?Luk? 11:11 . PRIMARY TOPIC?A ami Crowd Proteins Jeans. JUNIOR "TOPIC ? Tho Triumphal Entry?? . , INTERMEDIATE AND SENIQR TOPIC?Making Chrl.t Onr King. TOUNCJ PEOPLE AND ADULT TOPIC . ?Too Kingship of Christ The title given thu lesson Is some- j vhat misleading. Strictly speaking,. 1 this was far from a triumphal entry. J It was rather the official presentation >f the King of the Jewish nation tack of the cry, "hosanna," tbs awful vord. "crucify" was uttsred by the nme persons who cried "hoc tuna." Chough they were utterly blind to the act, God was about to carry out tils Ian of hosanna, which mesas "save now," through the oruclflxlon of the Son of God. I. The Presentatlen (vr. 20-34). me i'u<vipm tor i lie Ajta (vr. 20-81). He told them juet where to go to find It end told them how to answer the Inquiry of the one who owned It. This shows how per fectly the Lord knows ill our ways I Mo knows our whereabouts by day and night. He even toii>ws onr thoughts, lie uses unlikely means snd !o*lsrnltV r.nt things In the sccompUshsueut of ins purpose. 2. The Fulfillment of Propbery (Matt. 21:4. 3}. Some five hundred years before Z? ehsriiih had predicted 1 thts orejtt. Christ's ?-u?ry into Jeru estwn W*r nn viaCf fTCUnunt of this j t r?* 'lotion: TTifcSr !a highly Instructive'"j" til th..!-- tvlin would understand the orov', -."'wir- :-i y. i unfulfilled. Since r. of hU tlrst coming was ' ' <1. we can be csiured j ' -i y of Uls second com. uisc fulfilled. The tint : | Mft The hcr,l t .iti-1 ea'rtlly believe. /. Ifirlfttt 14:3-11 U Kit ftpy fulfilled as ?-t7f ?>~-1 fwh|ip4jn. DUdples (vv. >:!> Tmuttrh may have s-' .n re." e^^K.v^ci uuroasonTha true die- t v. I'd render glad obedience to tlii; -Lord no mailer how strange His commands nitty, seem. Obedience to .that v Only which sc;-sus reasonable Is Ti'-t obedience ill all. May we prove tlvif we ere real dioclplrs! II. The Entry cf th? King <tt. | tabss),. . 1. The Rot^wa upon r>ic? Afis (v. >.5). ThW a' ( of py l'.nj j th'.?!t una'i tlie-as* cxw! * "* j I Id-; J?ksui in..n It aVjWf.t ttiar. ihAy f J i ui is fht-lf K!aj 11 i': V i >. 2.^ .Vvift!ri:i-ti J : J'v r ha T>'~- ' ;: .os . .v. X 'four* {/!'tri" *.ill -rs, !.?*; !;. l-.v? i ,#r,;j r..n iifwct! -:a ! ' . ;**s "v. ;i>" .vf-V. *? i,o *!?> ; i>t 4-t sr i.-* \'<i ' * . j fc-.% *' .: <u;C:??. i ' ? ; V i:v : : 5v :?? ?v* v' o-'>V t~" V. c- K!'. / raitf-fti ! > Ih.* ir?tuA of ":ic i! < rV*.. -*r. - t /.. 1 V- j^ii .*-{?-LvvJ r?? ? .u-s fljf.'lt .^Wi.T/Joi' Jiilv.-i.t . . v.*4- >jy?V>inftn a*o>.om 41 > ' vI I tit t: .?< > 'j> ." ?;<<** .. i"? r-.r;u?.t J.ut bV-if^iv/ 'J; C-sr'.-.- . ' '. ?o ,'ti'.Ul' ildt A?*r? ?<"s?-i . '.ts wouJ " <vy - ! f M* # * -v* .:?rTl /?:;a ? ' : J; 'j? . . . 1 .v -'i-?rr Vb> 0 t " . s . ?... * v-n-t -"i'W jtori j i . i . ? /?'-h *. J > ..?'ti^.TC f Hi??. | : ntf (V.vrtU looe>r?1 ' r?3r\i -j ; 11^ a over Tc : ; ' ;ia, 1Skvl .?V\ ; ;] V 5 "'.j !t' 1 ' l? > ? : . 'j Vzfoy.' - </" nlvr ' .a^V-V f.T TIVV.' rf: i ?o-? ''''f.j .*: 'hjdlz 1 '?.? trts_' 'tjxiH ' / ? *a. ir?, upon ae pv ml :?;rJ - ri ' e <V* rvu'Htftn r o?..lI?e'l* -iv (*Hy anHf /^hiVeci lha ruR-^} Cvr i-!l/>vvtDC the}' ' vLffo- of ?/.o(3 tij J V)' j ' -n/r.-'tr*. oft tr:*-.< _ />.- "?v?n Tfcrl i..--. ; * * : ; t : !a< ^ . Vj?Sr_ tr-'i'j-.v! ;)3?f To" TU?i.! OU'V tbc V /' " ?i <a 1 he j " ; ur- t*?f| - : .... ,i ..1. I 3 . ...... -i J ? -rV--+, *+?, t j I ' >: u i'mn >ivi. - :r>-*-?W?A> 1 1 v" ' . ' " : V- .nt.o/.Sslf ftol'ivifco vNv.tjUy.i t* t;:? w.ul -jf h-I/J* .hm .13 'jiAnulr j- of TTlll.?Cirlo*??.JCs*a#fcii3t.. .. , ..." at - ? r~rx &naiImiwI TL?i>c)>ti <T? folfc - y. ii :? .". . . ... .. ,><v> 'j. ^ , ' 3t. PEC. 31u 1924 Notice Sale of Lsitl near ttexuur Under and by virtue of the- anti >rity conferred upon me by a carta ieed of truat executed by John Rt. tod wife, Burma Kay, on the 2nd da >1 May 19V, and duly recorded Regulars office of Person Counl N. C. in book PT-3 at page 196, d Jstult havipg been made in - the pa; meat of the note secured by sa feed of truse, I will on Monday January 12 IMS at 12 o'clock M. sell to the highe bidder for eaeh, the lands conveyi in said deed of -truat to wit; That certin tract of land In Ra >ere township, Person- oougtty, N. Bounded on the North by the o read from Rexbero' to Winateads, < the ffitst by the lands of Ruff Racers, South by tbo hoda of Wi lie Jackson and on West by lands C. B. Winstead, containing 67 ' tores more or less afnd known as tl John Ray place. SALE IN FRONT OF THBfCOUB HOUSE DOOR This December 8th, 1924. N. LUNBFORD, Trusts Sail's Catarrl S?a Tiuau^ba ;-v 4* 3>j lfr?l>JrJ and Lu bus huxc ">V> i.'Vu *: r i>ri fax or : oil dtaggWa. . O , Tofadfa. Oh NOTICE Wis, the undersigned Executors ui '-r th? will of Martha Pearu, deoa ?ed lata crf Person County, N. ( ke by- notify all persons hath al*;m* against the estate of said d ??' ed to eahibtt them to the untie Urn-r ?n o- he-fere the 9th day rv-4-ember, tJ25, or this aetdee ? be nleeArd fa bar of thdlr reoorsr A!! oersens Indebted to ?eid eata aril alea?e make immediate yarymea Claude Trotter, Roper Pedaa, Hunters. T. C. ProoVs, AH. after 'every inc. Cleanse^ Boath ;nci S teeth and aids dis?tttnv. _H?IIeven tiat . overeaten leeilay t.?td cci ' icoith. Its l-*-fl-t-i-s-a flavor i eaHsites U?e ef?vto<; far i'-i emets. IVvtgJey's in S?<trS.Sc w'} vala?> in the f .-ctih and plessnre 11 ptfaffac. . B^at-ati Ln it* Cm lit1 -,?! !'a-;[**. 1 ' ' " '''t \ ft 'yt i? u $ . t racheal S !??>, .- T^h 1 hK "'? X. I~, of 14. m? : \S> 1. uttr r#tia, TrtiK t*Us ?. t1 -'tory c-j? V-?e ;i.iiC-'-i65ce u9 ,'i EI .; C<>. "! rtui C2 fe.aiU old and I %:2 have tyoi. a i?a elf-cat r.urs? ^ ^ -for Hiro than 20 y^ara, tstk- ';< V; ;f-:\ r.-aleVni'jy rnsea. % * tj One of niy c. A^'fvtera suf.>;T?cJ ^ ?'> /.'Ofli cian.'i.i^j/ at . . . v-*V wo^.tl .vjvt L>; %d douhie >utu v; t?.va la #o ta bed. '.. . A ' h # m | |b%M 15 gill I Im^IfVI | K TN Weinas's fits 1 su*.-^,?_,......,?_ . _? . -l. ?sy ^ vrca Toromnkenctea to her and ft ff. she ?,a!y liad to tax:a it- ^ two fccttU*, whon. she hardly ? i f, ksew -bat i" *va* . . .f a&? ? >5 siiti' iod *o iittlo''pufiL. # "51 y youugeat Onusfctflr 0 vrPS mn-Cw ii, w#^k , .*^4 Aj r.?=vaun, iuiJ )ahd.l44 ftA* * *gy rHi j.Yt *av*? n bit of blooi 65 C V k. a? jr a v c.t\Anz & gg wy. . J hhm <Ui ptf' i:t.?r. ^ "avc ii'-r t^e hclf. rV Cuydvi. M butic b*r n*i p? M?rt iiic? ?? f*r<k + p* soon gahus i in ve^t *;uJ % F/'f haM h**n ao -vcoil kiuM." ?5 L ? CsnVji, Um? NVoraan*?i Tonic, /. r: V hia Loipcd hUtVerinjc woima JQ f") for over forty yours Try iV?. ^ P At .11 druBtfOf. <1 ^ ^ ^ _ | M |' | m _ ' itwbwt, N. ft * xm yiTAMINS 5 '5 It w?s while experimenting with " ? * | cod-liver oil to unlock the secret i, ? of its wonderful health-building that the basis of its gseat ? helpfulness to mankind, the -vitamins, was discovered. E Scott's Emulsion 11 needs no introdu&ion to the millions who during fifty years { past have been helped to strength : x and better health, p Scott's Emulsion, the great j !u strength-maker, serves ? ? millions of children and rifkt , i ? adults regulatly. Why Nfj) , ' i- not you? , | ?g ***** a ?Mm. sinmma.M. w. l. ira ! re Sold By Newton?\V lo Ci rtoria i itate for Castor H!, Paregoric, T? j Syrups, prepared for Infants ia a ; To aroid imhitioaa, ahraya look for tf>? aij ! ?trr?oi drrectiap* c? each [.acka^e. Vhj% ... |. . . ' - //!? r"' ' w f I h . p Wi0m I ! rh-: I \fj ?. V . ;. , i I ' yr.i - v. : ? 1. - * ' ?i * I - . 5 . ' v ' | ? r ' . h 5. ') ' i P ; I! - . ...< i; ?* : W -r f .. - a \ P--.I : J * " ?' ''.V*'' X;. - ... -: lim mtt: -- '- ' - 10 mom than ! !*?oAwrv I FT. LCCIDENT and HHALTH all in one 'olicy. Get it tinea neiore the t'foable appens. SEE SATTEREIELD. "Do t now". T- i ' 1 ^nsiiirspius UiAKiONO <iRAHO ULDIBS f *^w-r DIAMOND tkAKD P11.US io iLfcfi mndSj\ .old mejaLlq. boxqq, tested with S!ue(%>> Ubboa Tau wo crura. Rn/ofyowW w.d ask fop CiIl.CaRS.TAu ri V VIAMONJ) ?n/ND PI ALA. twr twrntr-4w? ream regarded c? DcU, Safest. /.'.vaya Sellable. 3 OLD BY ALL DRUGGiSTo a EVE RY W H E RE LOW PENCIL RED BAND \ >. A?K'y:.>vKV.s.A.^~ Skersojt F5rugj ; 9 * pleasant, harmtea* St?e4* , ethiug ftrop3 and- Soothing > no5 and Children all agv. , tnatnre of aZsyV&ZZZ i kuna cvajwfcara recauna&ft Ik Ff - ;??v-.?vr>w_ .? I . J \ 3 ' ' ' A., \ f ^ 'p: -M'M <N 7 i * - ' * ' v ~ ' ' I ' . * -i '* : ;! -?i* . ; j . .1.;, .--- . -rtS-' *. '.".i\ v ? Sf . ' ;i :] . . ; . ' . .'?/* ! .Si ' , .. - J*\ I ,V:-T '^St ' ' 'A : 7* i ' ' . ' '-Cm biz' ' '.X' ' . " . r?.; *< a.- * - . * . wJ? . ' . ' ' "v /5; ^ - L,?~ f V^y... * : * < ,' * . f , ?. . ; J v _ "t ' < * V?" t v (i ? -V? : . S" ' ? V - - - ' : i . *J&*' 3 iAmii'-.. ' O ' ': ' V'' ' \ jnffira ^ 5 I . -J

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