? ' This Should AH 1 1 fc* I % ' ; - WV <. -; M **. *-. I '-. -v'.VuBbv^ * Cat [ -'"'fcf | '-^9^" I -; * \ ffi M* ' SjS^HLv.. , The*? three huge tarpon were lend ltobort. Handler, right, and Capt Natbat pound*, 1ST pound* and 196 pound* eeefc .v [ tTr-1. li-. I HOME OWNBKSHir < A irufn who has spent most of hist life in social saiwice work rece'ily j aid that 'he had practically reached I the conclusion that the most effect- J ive way of attack inc; modern problems would be to linaugumte a per' ( manent nation-wide campaiirn for , home ow^lf ship. ^ His He* is that the source of most i sf our present-day trouble is the lack of family stability. 1 (The home owner does not deaerl ' his wife and children. 1 He does not suffer from wanderlust ' He takes a strong interest in his 1 community. ( The purchase of his own home . arouses his .ambition, hir. Ihrif . and | \ his industry. Bejdiir (perrrfinently Idintsd,' htf > n bdlter hmbun I. a ? f i'h- 1 or.d b star eitir.-u and a v. . ' ; ker. ! The tjf- e nrettCr the' Tiiore \-?u ->. >. - 1 -: vinced i;..^ " HtaiVr.vhii- . * , tfOfc tmiUHsH 1 Tho-- ; ' Iter itosv.- >, ?- . b ri-.iii >/- '? frh-aiTV-J II*>r py '?? " v.?? * ho;. i- ;? . ^ \\?r (-origuii wna lob-i a? v vor>;bo.h j 1 R" ; I'ii'It s. . ' A* liti !.c ( iifafcM "' J . : .t UjvVJjyT ; " ? hi: i * a T)o <4 ' ' . ? ;,k "I. tyi'W'** * * ' *>' F,<,t r- /* ' : . , . r'f .% ;v 1*^-7 :*: , , v A" i'v .:-w :? ' ? .'CfJ:-- - 1 , * $KK ?U 'i > : m " ' * "f , ' UfetfcA ' > p??.s, < *** .. , ' V v-Kp . ' .uv 'v f ; { !T ; i "I1 i ; faata ? . feHltff < V? >;>*? j tnea', vilUJr ./ . ].y-tot\'n\ /?? -i wha rr'i*i*?V no* '*' .. tn tho tionrd. ! miM5"**.' fc * i' th*1 >.*\ i I cf *lw 4 hold ppicrfitly xirvdm .th's ait . 'Vlr^y of i j S. ,' , (Jio f./V'.v:!. l'i ' ! $3ted :n "3 /?*7vv . '."??!*<; * ,t ; | .. alao to\u '- ' 4thj*.?fthoy -tatem; <* .; vflptca a? how** or v > TEkc' v rjii'fs ;anno-rav: in iho ^ fcoOk- -.V?PO -.'V* U,y tfm v** and ; teimtiwi Mfe? Port*! <*ravat? >* l^iTo^fc< 'I'laMf., wiutu '>< lory which wprOfjM*lnto. iv* ih? oook- i>ook, -$<\t to ed recently nt New fimvm* Fla h* Phi i fierce, left The tarpon weighed 97 ac . la "7"' w Sot Convenient Nests Easy ^ to Keep in Good Order \Yik Goed nesta are easy to clean and .hoi msjt to get at when collecting eggs. v}| Risy are most convenient to reach foe vhaa lecated under the dropping Ho K>ards or oo the side walla Unless r.lg he dropping boards are at least four lie 'set from the floor, thb nesta should 'at ?ot be under them. Ifi| There, should be one nest for every 2 lour birds la the pen. box 12 by IS (XI aches Is the most suitable aiae for the ye? ivsrags bird. A 1 by 4-tnch piece tht placed about four Inches In front of he neata will give the has a place to f-n itep from into the neat. By hinging :ftjl*-strlp It can be used to close the >?* lesia uyalnst pullets In the fall aad the-broody..hens In the spring. The' New Jersey experiment station ranks nesting materia la In the following order: hay, shavings, sawdust t: i -rraw. To insbe (.leaning easy, mcylsivgjtest bnlM'.ng nests in sections 12 by 13 by 16 Inches, with*a atrip In front. of 1 by {-Inch marerinl ,tb hold ;'. in the nest tiller end a similar strip Cor the >^rk of the nesta. This ssts m a' platform the width of the nests *.e.. The wests are covered with u top >;tbJ . \* by -i1.-^' b:? 'dr.'-'i-i?t b of- : kod.i::.. l'iv'0 tii-iui. 1 .;? -I' 4. io ..i ?U'b (; ? i.Vv V j hi; ? H? Vu?M !, '"f* t >'i.:v .D-ji' . V , ' ' V tk??.? (J . i. > ' i " 5 f i - i*v d f.odriw - d '4 'J"ia y ;i . ) *' tiohiiry ? . a: -1 v.V i;'.'-.k J'5' V.. .j: i-A-'ip I*;- * i: . A-' - ; . Xy-ry * : * . .* "i > ' /j r' - -< M " 0 .7' " V " iftj:- . ; " * - ' * i . - ?, ,. - '*. -"* ~ THE RQXBORO OOtXTU? KPRDVED UNIFORM INTERNA 110NAL 1 unday School ' Lesson11 f nmy. r. u kitowater, p,d.. v?m t tv* Evcnlnv S*?ho?l. Moot* BlfcU Iolltute ct Chicago.) i t?. 191-. T/wurn N?wap?p?r UBlan) I Lesson for January 4 HRHTS TRIUMPHAL KHTRV .SaSON TKXT?LiKt UJt^i K>UL?BN TEXT?b# tha is that comoth In ttva nam* ot tha (L"-Luk? 1>:IS. | fUilAHY TOFIC?A Stwt Crow4 UNIOR "TOPIC ? The Triumphal ] irr. NTSRMEDtATE AND SENIOR 1 PIC? Making Christ Oar King. I rOUNO PEOPLE AND ADULT TOPIC . 'as JClDsshlp of Christ. Pbs till* given thin lesson Is foam- ! at misleading. Strictly speaking, ] s wan far from a triumphal entry. was rather tha official presentation the King of the Jewish nation, ek of the cry, "hosanna," the awful rd. "crucify" wan uttered by the ne persona who cried "hostnna." ' oqgb they were utterly blind to the ' t, God was about to carry out His ' n of hosanna, which meaas "aare r." through the crucifixion of the i of God. . The Presentation (TV. 29-34). Sending the Dtadples for the i (tt. 29-31). He told them Just ere to go to find It and told theiu v to answer the Inquiry of the onr o owned It. This shows how per , tly the Lord known all our ways 1 knows our whereabouts by day nnd ( ht. He even knows onr thoughts. ( uaea unlikely tneons and IS'IgulfV it things In the accomplishment of t purpose. t. The Fulfillment of Prophecy .' nth 21:4. 0). Some five hundred irs before ZrehsrtnD had predicted j s erect. Christ's entry Into Jerueio wes an fitict f rlfillmtat of tbts - 'h-tloo. Thlk id highly Instructive | tht.. ivh.v would understand the l{.>, n'-f i-i v. [ uufuidtled. Since ; c of I-'- first coining was ' <1. rt can be assured f '.. ry of Uls second comi?. fulfilled. The first : . : .-.?,.| t devbt. The ; l : heartily believe. I'.-.r. ::'o. l.::r:ah 14:3-11 ;|lr)(Hll('we xif all. Mat we prove o we .ere rfrnl rtittclplps! I. The Entiy st fhi King (vr. 3S). The Difcdple* Set J*??tns t'pon 5 A*s (v. K5). Th?* #n< of putting *!r ijarciefi?* j the ftaS.-ftetij ?*p.?n if- H'.i(ivvoil' ikif ihey o*rcjy.*'i . C9 thoh- KJflf ?. Aci-lah: j,7 Vlr?f > y rhe TV:> ...s . . v. .Voiub -too: 1! rbfjr vi ! : r-v.. >;: tv- ;s'-?v cii! -u- - n : ?: ? ?-> uocVctYewwi';*jL?ai" *.r> * :i> ?.* ilnybt *;?? li-j" .?:/ i?-.? " fii'.ujy 'V?>!* .< -aim > ?? -... t; - ,:?VJ ax. ' ')?!T: :it- c. H&u.i?fc ?*5vrsrn i-i?t fcvuh .t :/ -.V?w-' :srt?Skild# oere.-. wp^M .t> , I? "V t -'?v -H - : JV ... - ;t 'r.v ?; _i . . 1 .1 j *?rr : *V . . i . J t : -HUri. * i 6est copy xv*ilabu Qi+efMi. iA - r >.- Wflkf r. <; ! t* lAArailrj- Of "Srlfl.:? - ? mX rr- ~ I Notice Sale of Lend m>/ KoxborUnder and by virtue of the anth>rity conferred upon me by a certain ieed of truat executed by Jjhn Ray iad wife, Enmia Kay, on the 2nd day! >f May 1822, and duly recorded' in j Register* office of Person County M. C. in book JJT-3 at page 196, default havipg been made In the payment of the note secured by said ieed of tnise, I will on Monday January 12 1822 it 12 o'clock H. soil to the highest Wdder for eaeh, the lands conveyed n said deed of trust to wit; That csrtln tract of land In Rox>oro township, Person oota>ty, N. C ' Bounded on the North by the old road from Boxbero to Wiuateeds, op the Bast by the lands of Ruffin Rsffers, South by the lauds of Willie Jackson and on West by lands or C. H Win stead, containing 67 '-? lores more er less a^d known aa the John Ray place. 3ALE IN FRONT OF THE COURT HOUSE DOOR. This December 8th. 1824 ?. LuncrvKU, Trustee Ball's Catarrk MmMeSnm and Iftmrf end kas bcaa success* t ?t Cnssk far ovci V :>P deegjlhta. O , Tofadh, Ohio NOT1CB We, the undersigned Ehceonfaxs un!*< the will of Martha Peaee, deceased, late ?s? Peraon County, N. C., so?hv notify all persona having >la;uts against the estate of said de*es = ed to eetribtt them to the nnderlynsi! en e" belese the 9th day of [Vvember, 1925, or thi^ uetUe will he nleeded fa bar . of thdir rmoonry. All r,arsons Indebted to Mid eatati ar'll a lease make immediate aery meat. Claude Trotter, Roger Peeee, Itaeevtera. T. Ct Brooks, Att. ^Q i Clsanscs iaottfJ*. snfe teett and aids Believes that overeaten leelicn nad acid . mouth. fta l*?-s-l-l-a*s Ciitvr > t-ailahts the ctaviac ta r svreets. j.;.J IWgley'iI }s trpsrlie fctS vaiao la the btWeSIt j,nti S?al?d at ?t* jPuiiZjv ? - ^ %??j' IpSpSS?? M ^ ??' a ' ;' ft Practical ^ % r*,?, TJl. % ; - r?ataw. ifias ;* V* .' .??. N. 1? Ci.ew, ef lb ut? S ? t? :. ilMUT V:.r: : UilH the 1;3 atory erf -. n-?ik .o-yc^ieivcd as /v :Y ^?.''f?jtcia? ac.. . ; She >v *V' :' T ; To iToil imhatioos, shssra fook for tie si ' ?roTQ? i5rarttoa? cn each {.??fca^e. Phjr '! j & gkf* g y v. fr . j A . fa A / ~r??\ *...' N-: ^ f"S-- '! ! : ! > t >: . \ '\s >?; ' , - v- 7 ' :r-iSvi " i ? ? ?? -? 1@v Pane Tint ^ J Efc i'Ett&Op,. I ,r\ Hi - i.t t no niore than the nth- ' ,,, . .1 IF*; ACCIDENT and HEALTH all in one policy. Get it fixes oeiore the trouble happens. SEE SATTERFIELD. "Do It now". ^gSESTBES PILLS DIAMOND ORANO T#ADTB9 ? lwnle.1 T.l?h U!ucl\Y} ksl ?I A MONll Bn/ ll# PUU f*?r twro(f-C*Q JW?* regarded a* lira, Safest, AVtray* Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS ?% EVERYWHERE T^PBL __jjaMM^wa n i ? i n m??T~ fOll? s DEI) BAND -- .'itnvtjj 7. '?kerso)R I5ru? >'. is a pleasant, harm lean St*e*> > eethiug Drops antf Soothing > arms and Children all ages, J Ctmtore of rf W^\1 3 p rm?km K\. *- > -Mi. i -P- P-vp-V \ ... '. '; ' :* .'P. i",. - ' ' . i t . .. . >' -N, ' ' . . p.- .. " &. . * ill - /. . s 3 ; \ " r * *V * ' \ ^ ^ '/I '' iCili'i ' . - :--p- /-f| . a?t'&h - - ' 3a ^ | I.'' \ .' .-" ''' *,' . ' '.' ^ ' "l