Page Four THE COURIER J. W. Noeli, Editor. Published Every Wednesday Evening | ^SUBSCRIPTION TERMS Hit a year, 75 cents for 6 months ? 99 tents for 3 months?Cash in Adj." - ANa. The Editor is in no way responsible for views expressed by correspondents. : ' Advertising Rates: Oiaplay ads, St Cents per Inch. - Reading Notices, 10 Cents per line. Entered st the Post Oflfce at Rojckaro, N. a, as second-class matter Boadbwro, N. C.. Dec. 81st, 1924. A Prayer For New Year's Day Open to me the gates of righteousnear; I will go in to them, and I will praise the I-ord?118:1V. Oar Heavenly Father we pease et the opening of this New Year's day te place ourselves in harmony with tlgr great plans. We know that it is mrwtse and sinful to oppose or at-' tentpt to hinder Thy purposes. Hear oar humble appeal for Divine wisdom, for spiritual sensitiveness to Thy messages, for broader views of our duty, and for the peace of God which fms the soul when working in full harmony with Thee. Let each of these blessings be given to nil whom we love. Incline them to stop and pray ?do watch and act, under the imaotses which come from Heaven. Make known Thy love and law to all people in all lands, and hasten the era when all mankind shall accept - the teachings of Thy San, and of the Holy Prophets, and thus in sincere ' agreement live in peace with all, and in full obedience and devotion to Thy Holy Will. We ask these great blessings in the Name of our Lord J^sus, Thy Son, and our Redeemer. Amen. Dr. Kussel H." Conwell. <NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS Tomorrow we face another New Year, let us each make some New Year resolutions. We have great reaped for the man, or woman, who makes' it a habit to make new resolutions on this day, even if ihey "are mastly all broken before the day is gone, for the man who wants to be batter is at least showing the proper spirit. Among the many good resolutions we all. might make we would like to mention just one?that we will all have respect for our Laws, ana ttsyivc inHi we Wl|l not KHOW*ngly break one .of them during the coming year. We prate about, the boys and girls of today and wonder what is going to become of this old world, without once thinking about the examples we are setting them. We tell them to do thus and so, for instance on Sunday morning we tell J them to get ready, and go to Sunday! School and preaching, when we I .should take them by the hand and say, "Come on." Every night every j father or mother?that is if they are! really fathers and mothers, tell them to knee! and say their prayers I hot how many of the children have ever seen dad down on his knees offering up a prayer to the All Wise Heavenly Father. *The future generation is going to $?. he just what we make the hoys and girla today, and what we make of them depends largely upon the examples we set for them. So, withi these few words for the parents to think about we say good-by to the Old Year and pray .God to iruide and direct us during the New. The Greensboro Daily News has See* so much and so well congratulated of late on joining the ranks of the faomc-owners that any further expression would be trite. We note -that a profuse abundance of flowers basse been seat to the hmjae-warrpiag by well-wishers and friends. N'gw itowero. as a rule, indicate either a siding or a funeral; and since the *$9rs is a very, very long way from being dead, or even dormant, we take it that the occasion signifies the wedding of the News with, a Near Year ?f continued growth, useful service ang well merited success. Anyway, such is our wish far. W1 " jr- them, to be sure. t_?. ? la the Discard: . I IK4 Calendars. , I "Governor" Morrison.1 Christmas neckties BL North Carolina soldi>r bonus. K Tax discount |\ flsmriUa'a million dollar - legacy.?.inn akfrts. . p* Groensboro's new pauanger stats & hm. ' . ' "V- . 'y " ' 1 n s ???wi .i?iww ? i?j wjuto? r Many of our boating systems now | u-.e the hot air principle, which com| pels us to predict the breaking of the cold wave on next Wednesday January the seventh, that beng the dite set for the convening -of the | North Caiolina General Assembly. V A , Said Old Man Dute to Trinity: Six million if your athletes wear a MD." What's in a name? Away with shame! Duke University will we be. Our New Years wish far nil our readers is greater prosperity, deeper enthusiasm, boundless energy and renewed faith. With more unselfishness and more service to others. It will in truth be a Happy New Year. Handsome Calendars. Calendars for the New V?- Heve been very scarce around this office, but we return thanks to our good friends, S. P. Satterfield, First National Bank and Roxboro Bottling Works for some very handsome ones. CLUB WOMEN LEARN JOYS OF CAMPING Forget Cooking, Home Cares and Everything Else For Three Day Outing v "I would not have believed; it if I had not seen it," was one newspaper man's comment when he saw fifty or mort* country mothers playing like girls at- a three-day encamp ment for hfQiPe demonstration club women jn Craven County.. "Why," said one cheerful little mother, "it's the firet real holiday I have had in the twenty years I have been married. TTiere was always the children, the cooking, or something to rise up and smite me if I thought of going off for a vacation. If the home agent had not persuaded me that I would be a "much more valuable person in my family if I got away and brushed wits with other women, I think I would * still be letting family cares fill my world and would have missed all the fun of our glorious threeday camp. I did not think it was in rnfc to romp and to play those foolish ^ganies, but I have certainly enjoyed them." Fifty farm women, bunking to gether in scantily famished rooms, talking and laughing like girls until lights were out, fifty unaccustomed women getting dressed in the early morning and going through settingup exercise, fifty hungry women eating with hearty appetites the! camp breakfast they did not have to prepare for thehiselvcsi and! fifi^yhappy women planning fun for the day was p. sight to warm the heart end fill the eyes. At the camp in Rockingham County the campers invited those fun] makers, the Rotarians and Klwania'nsl to cat Brunswick stew with them one evening, and when experiences and stories were told over the I fire, it was not those farm women who took a hack seat in the telling. I j- It is the rule to have the mother' I leave the children at heme, if possible, when she enmes to camp, thatl she may have a real rest from reI sjocnsibility. but *in one case this cc.uld not be managed, and three j liUle tot*; came with mother. Every-, | body lent a helping hand, and there were tears in that piother's cheek?[ when she told the agent what the I three days of companionship with other women had meant to her. 1 Mrs. Pete Wilson, an effthusiastic camper of Rockingham County, said when the home demonstration council met to discuKH the camp, "I believe the camp should be made compulemry for every farm woman. fThen we could forget the hardships and drudgery and find our home _tasks ;ind our lives- more worth while when we got hack." If mothers are to be able to go to camp and to get the best out of a holiday it will be necessary to plan tcr a mothers' week when all the house duties, the care of the children. u vira iuu^>MunniMU{) wtui mvurr will be nndertaken by the daughters of the family. UIf every club yirl makes up her mind that ebe will rmbstitute at leas* three days for mother, or for some one else's mother If sfee has not one of her own, ind wifiL,d? it understandingly, we aro promo to. find the eon shining in many a dreary life in North Carolina, and a rejuvenation of many a prematurely aged woman who never before hrd the opportunity of expressing that lpve of fun that is locked up somewhere within her.?Jane 8. McKlmmon, State Agent, Home Demonstration Division There is no excuse for the poul-try not _liavinx grten . feci during; winter in this climate, say poultry i^eeiallsts Of State Cot leys. Sprouted oat* wilt help If nt^grtra feed is rrowing to th* f*tSv Ti'.E ROXBOkOvjeOURtEI { Koaohitidna of Respect. I . ? j On the 31st of Oct. God saw fit ' to take our dear brother and neigh-bor, Mr. Z .T. Gentry, from us. Why our dear brother had to suffer so long is not for us to know. His place in our church and community can not be filled. A more faithful superintendent, deacon and Sunday | School teacher can not be had; he was always there and ready to do everything for the upbuilding of the kingdom of God. We, as members of Mill Creek church, and neighbors scant to first express our gratitude for the beautiful life an Brother Gentry, and we wish to eiftfesa our deep sympathy to' the loved ones in this dark hour. His memory will linger withiiua for years to come. Whereas, Our church and community has lost one of the most helpful members and neighbors, and Whereas, We'would like to shew appreciation for his loyal work and inspiration his life has given us, be it resolved, 1st; That we bow in humble sub-' mfiasion to the will of God "Who doeth all things well." 2nd: .That in his noble spirit of service ne nas pavea trie wny we shall try to follow.' # 3rd: That we extend to the sorrowing loved ones our deepest sympathy and commend them to our Lord, whom he loved and trusted. 4th: That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the Biblical Recorder, a copy to The Roxboro Courier and a copy be spread upon the minutes of the church, and a copy sent to the family. Oh! the friepds that now are waiting, In the cloiidless realms of day. Who are calling us to follow. Where their steps have led the way. They have laid aside their armor And their earthly course is run. They have kept the faith with patience And their crown of life is won. Mrs. A. J. Strum, John L. Gentry, Earnest Young. \Feed the cows all the roughage they will, eat, advise dairy specialists of State College. A good Christmas present this year is a subscription to the home town p^per. Try it on that friend who has moved away. The neighbor would like to have a subscription to a good farm paper too. - ~^ e Tom Tarheel says he l:kes crossword /puzzles because they are rending his boys to the dictionary instead of up to the cross-roads store o Farm records have been called | "Dollar Detectives" and the term i is appropriate, find those dairymen l who haw been keeping herd recI ords for John "Arey daring the past year. One farmer in Beaufort County recently had farm agent F. W; Risher to help him secure and plant 200 pecan trees. The movement is growing over all eastern Carolina. Eight hens out of every forty | were poor layers, found J. W. Williams of Pasquotank County wh hod farm agent G. W: Falls to help i him cull hjs flock. I I Short Course for Beekeeper? at j State1 College, January 20 to 22. I Write to Prof. Z. P. Metvalf for ini formation. The course is free. "The Home Farm Shop" is an at tractive booklet recently issued by Kay Thomas, of the State College shJaff. The booklet is well illustrated and gives valuable hints on repair work about the farm. One farmer in C3iowan County state* the fruit which rotted on his tree* thio season would havte paid for a spraying outfit. Clean seed In a cldan bed will decrease the ammrat of tobacco leaf dlrease next year. WANT ADS I -? WANTED?A reliable man wantting* to mke $40 to $70 weekly in Person County selling Whitroer'a complete line Home Remedies, Extracts, Toilet Articles, Soaps, Spices, etc. house to house. Products' guarnnteed to (rive satisfaction. Cherry of Alabama made $57.80 in five days ' Middleton of Virginia, $96. Team oi car needed. No experience necessary. Write for full particulars today, THE H. C. WHITMER CO. Columbus, Indiana. Dept. A 12-81 . 3tp4 "Want ads" bring home the bacon, is the way one man who tried U itT One cant a weed. I Gtvs that absent sad Tha Coaridr for tf. New Vblrt tHL :-CV & t, PEG. 31, 19M I Bark Ttni Moat Be Piii Co<v>ty Commissioners arc ttoing" I to' force collection of back taxes. | Iron had better see me at once and asve extra trouble and expense. They must be paid. . j Nat. V. Brooks, Sheriff. 6 6 6 is a Prescription for ' Chide, Grippe, Denpne, Headerbea, Cniltpill>iiiT Mtowum. H is the mast speedy remedy we knew. i r. ..... 1X)ST?One rea cow skin clove"; on the streets in Roxboro. Finder (Inx return to J. D. Winrtend, Jr., and receive reward. It p rOR SALE? Large steel nift, beet make, slightly need, ^splendid condition, horns wood or ceal. "Bargain for quick ssle. ?L,s?. Carlton. It USB OUR WANT COLUM If you have something you wast to sell just try a few lihes in our "Want Column" and see how quick you will find some one who wan", just what you have'to sell. One cent a word. Look now at your fire policies. Not one in ten haa enough insurance on his property. Phone No. 135. Do it now, to-morrow may be too late. SATTERFIELD INS. AGENCY. FARM FOR RENT?The Jasper Turner home place, 6 room dwelling, good outhouses, good tobacco land; pastures well fenced. Apply to R. L. Day, Moriah, N. C. 12-31 2tp LAND SALE?We will sell at auction on Saturday, January 17, 1025, in .front of the court house door in Roxboro, Nt C., the following tract of land: Situated in Flat River township, known as the Buck Blalock place, containing 50 acres, more or less, adjoining the lands o{ David Hicks, J. T. Jones and Martha E. Rhcw. ' Good dwelling, 1 barn and good well of water. Terms made known on day of sale. Walter James, Collie Morton. Doe; 24, Cts- pd. - . . , ^ WOOD for sale-*-I have plenty of pood dry wood. Call me at Jhlong, phone No. 30212. Can deliver promptly. W. T. Jones. 12-24 ,tf SALE?I will ?oll at public auction at my home place near Bushy Fork High School on January 6th, 1925, the following: 1 wagon, 2 males, harrow, harness, buggy, mowing machine, farming tools-and- some household furniture Sale strat3 'at 10 o'clock, A. M. Henry A. Clayton, 12-17 2t pd WANTED?the address of Si, or Sam W instead, col. Got 2 nigs. Berkshire weighing %35. or 40 lbs., under false pretence. Reward for evidence* leading to recovery of pigs. Will Forbush. It pd. FIRES, FIRES. For twenty-five years we have paid every loss satisfactory to insured. You mnv be next. See us at once. SATTERFTELD INS. AGENCY. "OLD AND TRIED". FOR SALE?Early Jersey Wakefield cabbage plants. Sown and cultivated a scientific method to produce head cabbage, not seed. For sale at Charles Hole man and Go's store, also at Blanks 'and Morris' store, 25 cents per 100: 500 for $1.00; $1.80 per 1000, or delivered at same price. Apply to J. F. Whitfield, Hurdle MUle, Nl C. tf LOST?Hand bag, on the Durham Roxboro highway, containing ladies and boys clothes. Finder please return to G. F. Yancey, care Metropolitan Life .Insurance Co., Durham, or The Courier office, Roxboro, N; C. It pd. . N'WW SHXXP?I have opened a shop at the Flem Long store place and W ytvpNTU IV uo JtTMI WOCCIVT1 mi work, horse ahoeiny and ymeTsl repair work. Repairing PMb specialty. Henry Sboiwell 12-31-2ts pd If yen are interested in the Geor' yiS Tobacco Lands, see me sad 1 can cive yea prices and lists of lands N. Lansford. Accidents will happen. tt may be yea next Before yea leave oa a trip call by Satterfteld's Inaoeance Office sad uat an accident tisket MMO.OO for 25cv* day. SATTKRPTELD 1NB AGHNCY. FOR SAL.E Hlirh bred Barred "Rocks hens and roosters. Dr. B. G. Love. RoxHorn, N. C. 12-9. tf e , . .. WATCH I/OST?oo the stress of els, sine 18, with aluminum chain. Finder please return 9 The Courier ctfei end receive reward, R X. ! fcwro, jaiou*. H. Q> i r ?d I : J? - IB |j START THE NEW YEAR OUT OF DEBTBegin to pay up Jan. 1st and ] month in 1 925. It's easier to p pay often. Besides there is an , saying that "Short settlement friends." We are expecting tf | us to get (busy and shower us wi | beginning New Year's Day. point us, please, but pay up a world straight in the face. Harris * Bi Roxboro's Best Stoi . SavepOBpt If you have a bank account and a adding to your balance, we congratulti "keep it up." " If you have no bank account, we i in and open one. The satisfied, confide give you to know >ou are getting ahe en your determination to make your b: Come in today. We will welcome you. ME People ] "The Bank of The Pe ? ? Jth? time t Prune the t GET THE BEST ^7h( . t to handle tli Every family needs a 3ewin|fflTa- , chine and the best is none too good , . for that faithful ernnA woman The nlfctltV of fri Singer Sewing Machine * that they mi is the BEST. I have some good usad Singers, guaranteed' to give satisfaction, at ??. mighty low prices. Call me, or drop , H' me a postal card, and t will demon atrnte one of these machines in you: Anything yo? want ih needles, oils, Special lot c belts, etc. You win find mg in the sad Puree si ( store room in the Pioneer Warehouse on Reams Ave. look for the Singer , Going ^ stgu. ^ : GEORGE F. COLE ?? W" u' ? ' ' ' 1 'SI ' * "O ? I l ! '' :.;4 r! RIGHT, ^ keep it every j ay when you old and true s make long j lose who owe j ith payments i Don't disapnd look the jrns re. j ikse? re REGULARLY 2 you and say , I lrge you to come >nt feeling it will ad, will strengthtlancc grow. Bank I opie" to prune and spray new rees lightly with a view properly instead of cntssvily, is the proper way >e apple trees. exercise \n winter. Keep ?sh litter on the floor So ut "scratch for the grain. OG SALE if p. I. C., Poland China holts,. 40 to tOO pound-.-: at a price to Sell.. - .- w t V , ? f era CaWan MilU. Z ' ??:-i~? fi. ' J" V ' *4* j "J

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