^ From' "1 Foundation to | wr** *i B Finish E FOR | Mansion or Hut, I You Can Get It g AT I J |H V*P &JU1HUCI V.*"" M "Home of Quality Lumber" | j tWE WISH YOU A HAPPY NEW 1>*\K During "this New Year-we want your iGrocerv Trade because our jj| i foods are high Quality, Wholesome and Nourishing. You will ^ Always find our Service' prom|pt-.-and our Prices low. We appreciate the' trade given us during the past year and will j? always give you the best of everything when you boy from us. GOOD GROCERIES LOWEST PRICES E 3 J? r*~j _ a w ?w % A Sda w ear. * * ' ' - ? (MtiKljfcAINT WWWLAYTON | Sta-Kler.n Store PHONE 23 AND 24. ROXBORO. N. C. |j . 3lie Pal arr sUltpato Advance program from Thursday Jan. 1st to Wed' nesday Jan. 7th. "... THURSDAY and FRIDAY First National Pictures Presents A Frank Lloyd Production "BLACK OXEN' 1^ with Corinne Griffith, Conway Tearle, Alan Hale, an All-Star Cast Thi ^ bsafflTby Gertrude Athcrton. "Black Oxen" a most startling revelation o the Secret of youth and beauty, Gertrude Atherton's best seller now mos fascinating picture c.f the year. ADDI)D Aeaops Fables. Matinee at 3:00 P M. Admissions 15-35c Evenings at 7:15-9:00 P. M. SATURDAY (F. B. O. Presents Fred Thomnson with SHvor Win" Arv>? ? i? ill "THE DANTrKROUS COWARD" (A rip-roaring story of the great west Mystory, Intrigue, Romance and breathleas adventure) ADDED Hal Roach's rascall* a two reel Our Gang Comedy "JULY DAYS" Matipess 2:30-8:3' P. M. Evening 7:00-8:15-0:15 P. M. No advance in admissions. MONDAY and TUESDAY United Artists Presents an Allan Dwan Production "ROBIN HOOD' with Douglas Fairbanks, Enid Bennett, Waljace Berry, Alan Hale. Storj tjr Elton Thomas. A. United Artists Production. Tremendous drama, gor (SOUS spectacle, yet always human. Stupendous scenes a regal splendor at ? setting foe the age old story of "Robin Hood" end his merry bandits Matinee Monday pt 0:00 P. M Admissions 15 40c EVenirys at 7:00-9:00 P M. (For benefit at Parent Teachers Association) WEDNESDAY Qrfl U lAemxhle Presents a Robert JF. Hill Production "HIS MTSTERT with Herbert Rawtinaon and AU-Star Cast. A Universal Production (Cpmedy Drama revolving around a young woman-hater) No advance it admissions. Performances, at 7:15-8:46 P. M. Coming Monday and Tuesday Jan 13-13th. Emerson Hough's Masterpiece that has surpassed the "Torered Wagon" "NfiRTII OF 38" ?-ith Jack Holt (ail Wilson andEmest Torrenee. A Paramount Production. Executor's Notice. Executors Notice ~ tttvng <|Ualifled as Executor oil Having qualified as Executors ol the estate of D A. Hicks, deceased,! the estate of John R. Perkins, de late of Person county, N: C., this is cdjsed ,late of Person county, N, C. to notify all persons Having claims this is to notify all persons haviny against said estate to exhibit them claims against said estate "to exhibit to the undersigned on or before the (hem to the undersigned on or be 17th day of December; 1526, or this forg the, 22nd day of December, 1925 raolt-. will be pleaded in bar of their or this notice will be pleaded in bei -?recovery. 41| am sans " iiiile**>?J to of thai* retoveiyr Ail pbrsona in said estate will please make iamne- debted to said estate wilt pleas; diate -payment. mska immediate payment. W. A Hicks. Executor. Pa. 32. 18C4-. . M Lnndort, Atty. 12-17-54-41; yd J. JE. and X: ft Perkins, EseeuUrs. - ?- : - - - n iTi - ' --?it ...J' A THE ROXBORO COURIER, DSC. THE COURIER Roxboro, N. C-, Deo. 31st, 1924. Everything to boild with. Wetkins & Jullpck. 41 - ^ llaroid. Thaxton, oi Drakes Branch, Va., is spending u lew days here. J.. * , (Dr. S. D. Coleman spent a lew days here last week visiting friends.' as , Mr. Bennie Clayton of El kin spent' the holidays here with friends. ? Mr. A. M. Burns spent the week end in Pittsboro visiting his parents. ? ? Misses Bertha Pay lor and Virginia j Wilkerson, of Richmond are here for the holiday season. ? Mrs. R. P. Michaels, and children are spending the lftlidays \, at her home in Rutherford ton. ? * ? '* Mr. and Mrs. A. Lipshitt and two daughters, of Baltimore, arrived Friday and are visiting friends in town. Mr. an3 Mrs. J. J. Wmstead spent' the holidays wisiting relatives in Fayetteville, "M. C. * * * * Mr. and TKrs. M. A. Stewart spent the holidays in fcichmond visiting Mr. Stewart's parents. . * * . * Mr. Frank Whitt 'of Dunn spent; the week here with his mother, Mrs. H. J. Whitt. ***** Dr. E. J. Tucker spent the Christ- j mas holidays wjth friends in Milton. .* * * * * Mr. A. R. Foushee spent the last week end in Durham and Raleigh visiting friends, and relativse. '..veve guests of Mrs. Gwynn'r sister, Mrs. J. A. Long, J^st*'week, l * * * * * .Dr. B. R. Long and Mr. P. T. Thaxton of Greensboro spent the \vcek| end in Roxboro. * * * ;*, * Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Allen and lit-] tie daughter arc visiting Mrs. Allen's' parents near Statesville. ***** Mr H. ,G. Clayton of Greenville, .Tenn., was..a Roxboro visitor for the | holidays. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Norman and daughter are spending a few days visiting in Norfolk. 4 * ? Fla.; where they will make their heme. Mr. and Mrs. 9. Arch Jones and Master Noel), spent laat Firday in \Gareensboro visiting Mrs. Jones1 sister, Mrs. B. R. Long. n ? Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Clary, Jf., spent the week end" visiting Mr. deary's father, Mr. W. S. Clary, in ' preensboro. WE THANK\ Each month in the yw has m< in business tor us for which i I Our motto is "Cash and Cheape t cy is to carry this out. You have been liberal with us in and we reaolve for 1925 Bettt r Better Values than ever. ; 'r' We wish for each of you in 19: ^ full of Health, Happiness snd 'j Aubrey Loi ?^ p : ' ; 24th, 192* Mr. J. Shield, Harvey, Jr., of Danville, spent the week end here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J, Shields Harvey. ***** Mr. end 'Mrs. jj. R. Ellen of Battleboro, N. C., who have been spends in* the holidays with Mrs. HHert's parents, Mr. and Mi's. A. 1^, Boyd, returned home Tuesday. ? a o ? Miss Ethel Boyd returned to Hookerton, N. C., Tuesday after spending the holidays, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Boyd. , ( ?, ? 4 Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Boyd and small chiughter, Eleanor, of WUsbn, N. C., are spending the holidays with relatives in the -Couaty. ?.?? ? Mr. Jeffrey Boyd returned to Red Oak where he is in school after spending the holidaya with hie parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Boyd. ***** Miss Martha Lac Bass, who is teaching in Virginia, spent the holidays here with be* parents, Rev. and Mrs. J'. H. Bess. -* ? . Miss Margaret Carlton, who is attending St. Mary's in Rnleigh, is at home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Carlton, for the holidays. I Dr. R. H. Nioell of Rocky Mount, i N. Cm itpent .the holidays here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Noell. o >:? ?= i Wat kins & Bullock j; I ''Everything to Build With" j | i Roxboro, N. C. ' ^ j j_ t 1 DON'T YOU WANT HEALTH TOO? i - Read the following excerpt from affidavit; J Since an attack of Typhoid Fever seven years ago, my \ heart troubled me with fast beating and skipping: I had bad i coughing spells, and short labored breathing. My face was hot r and flushed, and my feet were cold at all times, also had constipa. ? tion. I had taken medicines for years with no relief. ^ On May 6th. 1924, 1 went io Dr. R. B. Davidson, at * Zebulon, putting myself under his care. He gave me no treatment? s what so ever, except CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL Adjustments, and r after a few days 1 noticed a change for the better: the coughing * spells subsided, my heart became regular and the temperature of j "my face and feet becajne normal. j I can honestly recommend CHIROPRACTIC to anyone who is suffering with any aifenent, and will be glad to answer | any inquiry in regard to my dase. ' Jjafc' Signed, R. T. Batchetor, Zebulon, N. C. Route 2. : ?. . . jf .,-^7^1 YOU too can ha.ve HEALTH. Chiropractic is equally efficient ia both acute and chronic cases. v-A- ? * . See Dr. R. B. Davidson CHIROPRACTOR Office over ' > 1 "J Ghas. Hole man &.{'<]. ' Roxboro, N. C. Hours? lO-?12,?2^-5. Res. Phone 40?18o and by appointment _ ? r. . _ /; " Any pewsn ?!*?