5 AGED LEADER OF FEDERATION DIED EARLY SATURDAY San Antonio, Tex. Doc. II?Samuel Com per*; for more than 40~ years president and active leader of the American Federation of Labor, died lore this moitning after a futile but ganant fignt against the weakness that come with age and general disorders from which he had suffered for niany months.. Mr. Gompers was 79 years old. He died on American oil, realizing his last hope. The labor chieftain died surrounM by his comrades, many of whom had fought beside him, shoulder to shoulder for a generation in behalf ef the economic principle** ho e(poundsgl. The end came in a hotel 11 hours after his arrival from Mexico City. His last words were spoken to his nurse about an hour before he died, we're a prayer for the American people and American institutions. Realising that ihe jwaa losing the) fe.- . battle so stubboi^ily fought ho ^^^dHMtHMAgaMaA-whispered. "Nurse, this is the end. God bless eur American institutions. May they grow better day by day." Shortly before he lapsed inrto the unconsciousness which presaged the end, President Gompers gave a few simple directions for hisJ funeral and bade life-long friflnds farewell. 0 ?i. . Studebaker October Sales. snimi Rend ind. hco o _ Studobaker's October Sales e*ve H. I the new cars at" the nm-?? t whi"' H|gP\h?r, ejpr The qualitv of u i^riels end wor' ** X-* *' "x V ? .-> V' "by two outstanding features of fhcorporation's manufacturing.. BB; *?'y ?- r' i ,vt STORE every first Wednesday in eacl month to examine eyes and fit glass ca. When he fits you with glasses yo, have the satisfaction of knowing the, . are correet. : TO SEE BETTER SEE MR Mr ne*t vtek w4*4 be Wednesday, Weilm-sdny, January-7th, UK. 'TV*' '.' ; Blowing Bubble [ AW^W-W-v ^ yi^'Vr i'fiiii i'i i **T i',ViiVi*i ,'ViiVr * ' !' I'^riY'i -'iVi'i j POULTRY LICE AND MITES ARE HARMFUL Poultry lice and mites are found wherever poultry is raised and they retard growth and development at well ns egg production. There are several species of lice and they are referred to In respect to the place they are fonnd on the fowls as head lice, tall lice, body lice and so on. They are very active, and. wtifia they do not suck blood, they live on the plumage and scales of the shin and do not spend much of their life off the chicken's body. Their mouth parts are biting and their food constats of the feathers and scales of the skin on which they live. They are pale In [color and the eggs or nlt? are nsuaily found around the vent feathers of the bird. | It takes a week for the eggs to .hatch .and the adult stage -Is reached In 17 to 20 days after the laying of the egss. If they are not checked the birds will be swarming with lice la a short while. Lice are spread rapidly froiu.one bird to another, but they do not live long when off the body, due to. lack of warmth. In treatment of these parasites It Is not enough to treat once and then expect the birds to be rid of them. Lice multiply very rapidly and must be kept constantly In check. It Is possible to practically rid the poultry of | lice by proper care and treatment. There are several methods of treating for lice and one of the most effective measures Is the use of sodium I fluoride, says a writer in the Success fill Former. This is h white powder ! and can be purchased nt the drug store. Only n very small amount Is needed for each fdrd. From the fact hat lice live only on the body of the k-'ls ' it is essential that each bird be trended Individually. The PowVy is nfplied wllli the Angers and a plHv ^placed In the region of the head, aft, bHCkt tall, vent and under each thU^ml wltig. Rub it into these I spots or n 5-q tliat It gets to the i hj,s? ?arhcrs where the. lice and-eggs are*>*lioy should he treated as often as n^ry ^ ,lftlp |w?h of the powder !* ch of |he o'ncea will mnke^ work of flie A homemade P"w*ys for ng !!'V ho m?,!o l,v 11 jLJhree parts oPue to one part sroe*\jL nm| fhp of cnou'.Th *oll,,'nt ! Jhvjld and tnnfce h pj' i is held-.with Us hoed dnjk \ . . . . . ALtintl t "viler worked ,'nto Hie r?t'i:riil ointment* is rather r f 'j sNi'r.c, hens nod is n ndxttk p:rt b'we o'utnirnt to two part , !n ?. O'jly ? ,star. 11"amount of thi the s:::e of a pea, is applied 1 <>?. Jtnh in a r ^ LAND SALE r Untlor and by virtue of the pot r vested in me in a deed of tru executed by H. Gibbons Brooks ai % wife Carrie and I. R. Harris to J. Brooks on the 22nd day of Doc. 19 duly registered in Person Co. book 17 at page 157, and by r ; quest of the parties interested", will, on the 'First Monday in Ja 1 1925, sell at public 'auction for cai in front of the Court house do in Roxboro, that certain tract > land lying in Woodsdale townshi Person County,' bounded on t ' East by R. H. Bailey, South by Rol Carter, West by Est. of J. A. Lor and on the South by . Earl Mitch' and E. W. Brooks: Containing 1 acres, more or less, knoWn as I I Vaughan tract, and "-urcha* l from K- A. Walker and wife, j * T. C. Brooks, Trastee. 1 This Oct, 29th, 1M4. "! r ' ' " . , . . ' - " "T ? 1 ~ - t V. . ? ' THE nOXBOJlO OOUR1H8 is f0H?) ^ ' MILK COOLING TANK QUITE EASILY MADE A milk coo! iup tank made from Action of porous drain tile and some cement la described by Lewis G. Reynolds of Wayne county. Indiana. He sends along a sketch showing how the cooler looks when In use. says the Indiana Farmers' Guide. He savs: "Take a length of ordinary red tile, 16 Inches In diameter, and close one e?d of It by setting the tile upright-in any level spot, a floor, a hoard or smooth ground Pnnr Into It to the 7 ifii 11 ! va u* Drain Tile Used is a Cooling Tank for tho flilk Can. depth of about un inch and a hklf, any food portland cement, mlx?d fairly thin with water. Add a little line sand to the mixture, if you have It. or the pure cement mixture will do. Let It stand until It hardens. It Is then reddy for use. y ' "Fill tho tile with watef and place the can of milk In it. The water seep* 1 through the pores of the tile, evapo rates en the outside surface, reduciii the temperature of the water on th inside to the minimum ai}d holds It that lower temperature for an Indei nlte time. If there Is a slight bree/ blowing, which Increases the evapor. fion. the temperature of the water \vl get quite low?as low as*.R5 to Co d frees?and remain so." .Mr. Reynolds says ho known tl: will'actually "do the trick every time sod is little trouble autl expense. liberal Feeding Gives n v Best Results in Dair successful dairyman hu? eve,, t ? Mlioral Tender. The stingy feci ?. or otxtv- , . . aL one who measures out fee 9 qonntltles is never to l?. ranked ftto- . . , . .... i ? I be successful. A vlsl to a bftrskK j high rank. "J'? r? or<,', ' a norm's r^mo "f ?*?? ?,08s"^ showed .1.0 h? '"7 "oln? v- rlety Of ronccSir1 '"!* v" at tll.rs niong with fTtU" ,lbe ld .Hope. True, each "'?? f" j according to the a-iSg8" f"' lt production, .vet thenllow^f ,ier " ' ? generoua. To fee,! each* w?? v'" in portion to her dally milk IV, 10 'ir<> " nomical and need not * feeding ah amount hat will h. her greatest mlllc flow. sn A high*!* feed bil! usually goes or cheaper production per unit. Hoces of Ijr gome figures from a herd we ip shown. One cow that hajj^eaten moi he feed than any other In rhe tierd hi at the same time produced butterf: _ at one-third the cost, na compared ? Mme others in the herd. A heart ?, ragged dairy eofc* has h vigorous a petite. To feed her well Is to'enah T her to develop her full capacity. Jud c" xnent, of course, must he used ai feeds that are econdtaTcgl and aultab pmst he supplied. For heaviest pi ducrlon and for cheapest prdducth v -V?: ?: ; --M * *~= ?-? : "^ipgSs' Schedule Effective July 6, 1994 4. u>. p. m. p. m. p. to. rd?i?5:10 Iv. Durham or. *1:38*8:80 4. m. p. m. ?. m. p. m. 8:18 8:20 lv. Roxboro or. 12:19 7:19 8:48 8:50 lv. Denniiton or. 11:50 8:80 9:05 7:13 lv. S. Boston or. 11:30 6:30 0*19 7:27 lv. Halifax ar. 11:17 6:15 tl:40|9:46 ar. Lynchg. lv. 9:06 4:00 * Above trains daily. Connections st Lynchburg for Wash .ngton, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York. Parlor and sleeping ears dining are. The best route to the west a as - 'rthweat. Rates and Information on application, to agent, or W. C. SAUNDERS, '..General Pat*. Agent Roanoke. Va Sale of Land! By virtue of the power vested in me by two deeds in trust executec by Robt. Rogers and wife, Bettie, ecorded >to Person County, in Bk 2, page 529 and 881, and. by direction of Robert himaolf, default having been madee, I will, on the 17th DAY OJf JANUARY, 1926, t 12 o'clock, noon, sell for cash by auuc aucuon, in irone 01 tne ccmrt ouse door in Roxboro, the tract of nd Robert bought from Dr. W. B risp, lying in Allensville township, -I'soii, Co. N. C., and bounded on e Morth- by lands of C. R. Russet' nthe Bast by Victor Kaplon an ( e Tingen, on the south by the Jim i lliam ploc?, and on the."West by .ade of Tom and Reuben Clay tor i ntaining 160 acres, more or loss i This 16th day of Dec., 1924c T. C. Brooks, TrusteeEXECUTOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned having qualified November 1924, as Executor the last wit} and testament of Z Gentry, deceased, late of Person mty, this is to notify all persons Hug claims against said "festate present them to the undersign? or before December 8th, or thif ice will be pleaded in bar of thei cvery. persons indebted to said estate 1 please make immediate payment fhia December 8th, 1984. 6-t-pd G. W .Gentry, Executor PROF FUSION A 1 rARTM W. T. BUCHANAN ftarvajor ttoxbora, N. C., Bait* 4. dtrT-e~j7tucker Office in Hetel Jones. DENTIflfr i n HiMiiiih H-fmiihrfwrgiyMV^d % ... '/; . 3*? ;vr < L I 1 C c , i A re to * j 7. P- ' * t 1 fd - ^ ' i KOBERT P. BUKN8 ' At??nwr?t-U* Office over D>rb Drug Store ; * UK. O. C. DAVIS * Veterinarian, * Offers hie serriee to Roxboro' * * and surrounding community * * Phono n. 8-15 6tpd* o. a- cboivell Atterncjr at law. Office in Old Poet Office . Building Hoxttra. N. 0. I Dk. g. C. VICKBbs " DENTIST Office la Newell Building on ! j North lta'n Street, next door to I Roxbcrc I eoery Co. WINS Ware! SALES HAVE BEEN TORY THE PAS GOOD AV YOU WILL ALW DIAL* WELCOME A AND-YOU CAN. PET UNSURPASSED YOl SHOW UP TO BES1 HIGH P GUARANTEED AT AND THE VERY BE TION FOR MAN AN LOAD YOUR W/ STRAIGHT TO THF YOU WILL HAVE REGRET IT. 1 lawny;'* . mnriMwii jrvonwn Li i r i CI L,ci What better protecti :oulci you ask for yo noney than to have it in janic organized under a: :ontroiled by law > enact it the National Capitol? We offer you this e fence of our strength a abili' -' to guayd your t on? [HE FIRST NATIONAL ilAN THE FRIENDLY BANI Roxboro, N. C. Mr. Business Man, All y< checks on this Bank aire pi at par. ? V- . t_ ' , - v., ; - DR. J. IT. HUG BBS lint 1st ( Office is Hotel Jones, beah 4-w to Dr. Tocher's office. I NTTeNgr5S5 Attorney - at - Lev Office over Garrett's 8lore ( . . Roxboro, N. C. 1 = f DR. a U THOMAS. Dentist, | Rexborn, N. C. j Office over Aabrey long A Cofb | store. Main St feet. Office iiuusa. 8:30 to 13 A. M. 1 to 6:30 P. ML '< | 1 "Good health is rather to be chaasaa than frrent rid?? DR. RALPH B. DAVIDSON , CHIROPRACTOR V affiee over phone 40-18S Chaa. Holeman A Co. tRoxboro. If. C. Hn. 10 to 12:30-2:30 to 5:00 and hp appointment A I KALI bouse I VERY SATISFACT WEEK WITH ERAGES rAYS FIND A CORF THE WINSTEAD, 'END ON GETTING vK. WITH LIGHTS JR TOBACCO WILL " ADVANTAGE. . ; * RICES THE WINSTEAD, ST ACCOM MOD AD BEAST. ^GON AND DRIVE i WINSTEAD, AND JO "OCCASION TO \ 1 % 'f tJ I. ~~ ij( ns /. en ur a nd _ j eu vind :y. K ic. - ' . ' "--J >ur aid * . .. igj -? . .w * . ' . ,