auiu UULUHu ' IS DEAD WAY' AMpyTAXfe FEET Tt>' (t-ET: ?Mrr That Collins j : In Sana Ptt.] >ition I'nder Huge Boulder That Spfnng .Ijjg Death Trap; Car mirhac. Pays Warm TrlHut. To n; Mahv Persons Who Labored U11 ceawnglv In Grim Battle With _PH>xicians - rte. Man IIwJ Been Dead . than 24 Hours: Will or Two. To P*ep?ce tir Removal of Ik-Jv of t'oiiiiis. j ? ~~x * i v4ve Ciiy, Ky, (Feb. 14-r-(8y the - fiissuciated Press.)? 'The long ^trtig l{to' it ended. MoUrer Earth, after! ng grimly and in death to; -jToyd Collins for more than 17 'day e.; finally surrendered at 238 o'clock; I t&is aftewioon, and without warn- i r >nK opened a tiny hole between a rescue shaft and the natural tomb of: . 'ihe-,cfcve explorer. . v. ' peerwrg down this tiny fissure in- j to iSand Cave, the brave workers who | had .waged an unequal combat withl the natural forces of the earth, <^jw Jt hat what they d. . fought so hard | foVvhad been. lost*. Collins was dead. To .Redalm Body. But ^hey-wiTl reclaim hi* body, only to restote'lt again to .the rugged bills lie ivumed as a youth .and ex?-] plored ft?-a*man. - fl "Thank God, . they've found him." Thia was .Lee Collins' single state roe nt after hjs boy had been fotfful. atotpWny. ?wrjjd bv th'-' who,, hart 1iduscW?s^,-. a.-i/ojr- -U)U' of .yyi =?tants. ? After - if ribing the hfeak'thiowrjj i be roof of- Sand CaVe .Vnd^Jhe pro i,m:ii;iry investigation ofjt bv Al-'i l Marjh'all, thtr . Statement said ? " 6lr) lCI,<1. STATfeMENT . '.His game little parrfner, Ed Bron-.' r'eiv' of 'Cincinnati,' whs&&. w<u]< has , fjpen very eoiispiciows and of untold. -\ahiu by reaiion of his imull i'.Vom . M great ?: l ength Hind Iron nerve., ' -?I'Tit down: head foremost into tltis .hazardous pit, and with %,Jiight. ???Rjsely etppiined the face and posi ? ion of the man who we understood Floyd Collin.--; and called urt It o Mr. ("ni nrichaol, five feet eroove "hlm^1 ,-iat t+ie 'man -was rold. and appnr ' '^rtt)y- -deacl dead." . . ? J The bulletin wa? signed by Briga Vief, Geniii-al H. H. Denh&rdt, K. T. <*tmichiwl and M. E. IS.. Posey-. f l>r. William'. HaxloJAi oit Chicagp, .anrf Dr E. /Fr^acis, .of Fowling tnomiyd . Uter ? that WToiii inf.-.i-i,i:ir:.4?'t!.# hftfl jbtaine.l Rollins had hi ?>. n'ore than 21 ? ? ???? ? / 'Xfiunxlar. V . * Thii' Ir no IorhI' holiday or hOotSe'* .peeiifT" ffij attached t? the ..ny, Feb., l2th,;othoA then it is <*? . day that' ;t'h? 'subscription *of M*. C William * Mgrtin Clayton expire f f tt?c Conner; and it is on tJSJ3 4wy -.KTl he renularty r?mi- in nW re :uiw ? We <ft> nol halievt; thori^ffi" ._i?riolher subscriber to The .Courier vho. 86 punctually certify in f*i rtV itey, ,7$*e*4?ii\ Clayton. .Jjfo-Uvea about twri n n 1 i a hitf of ?? she Court fewu ~, but ho U v^ry ear tlnl M tho town, iti fart "ho said he hoped tjT ? nrv i;own limits ."woi'ld lake"bmi :(i so that he could ho a leg ular borm f de resident of thr town. \*t'd we, wuiilej welcome all ajish " ncu<t eitiaeris. ; ? ? , ; .v~ _j| Cstii Nnw Aut(] rn^e- iFcri\ ; ' * - ? . ?Tho .nrowt'll AuIa?L-Cd*- hbm n /^ fl.dvrtnaitory for this ?( .ruling ? t -Ln4dM4^1cfenw?-:&i>r aqton- 4" ?*.?! will injure t an<l . re. '-i-vc " srttftetfr of tllk- from them Thi ^ U ito a; conveuwncc and. wtlf 1>e Appreciated by auto owners" tiers' ? . v> Sir. Foushe* "Serfcwaly IlT. r. Fouahee. who has bcrtil critically Hl.fer the p<?t ivc'k, ?-ro i wirt -t ji b"lnr possibly a^Jittlr Vt ?>?*? mmrnl.ip- ittm ;il,ii.t?J 1 Upward ouahfe ? i i**i i i Jjfti_i_ j||jJrf>n_?tiPj KOX BORO. t ny each PRISON vmjaiNWTON. Feb; 16? ThomiS ?E. Cooper, oanvieted on Saturday in1 Federal Court (?ere of violation of the national banking laws, and . seA .tenced to( ?erv? concurrent terns in Atlanta lit' (1 era I Prison of three yeaift ,on Sa?h four counts, today was being- heid in the county stock ado. Bair^wus "tfcnied Coqper pend ing perfection of his . appeal and he. was reminded to jail; His, brother, j \V. fi. Coopee, former Lieutenant C6vernj?r of .N o ftfl Carolina; also convicted Saturday and sentence! to eighteeu months on- *ach of tour codnts, the sentence* to" run concur- , fenUjf, was at. liberty under bond'ofl ?.ISOjOOO jSendirtg perfection -of his' ap-i peal f#pnj the sentenes.. ? 1 The conviction of the brothers is ih'e .?oUfcgrowth' ofrthe. failure ot the Commercial National* Bank of Wil-j mingtcn abput three years .ago. W. *B.' wn< thfc chairman of the boaVti ofj directors, while Thomas T5, was pres- : (dent of the institution-,, They were fifst tried here in February,. f.923, Qri! changes of conspiracy to defraud in connection with' the bank's failure.' but -both were acquitted. .The trial which e?i?dgd Satui-day waa .cn charges of fraud. A ?on ot, -VY . is. Cooper. H8rac5 . Cooper, had pre- j .viously bgen acquitted* on charges of mi sappHoatio n. f the .honks funds, he liaving been' *c*shtP ' of the insti tution. ? ; " ; ? ? ?pi'rr-' ? ? = ? '"DEBATE .TUESDAY N'lOHT I Next -Tuesday night, February- 2 1 u? eight A'clock - the pupils of tha Roxbon Graded Sshool will enter tain i he Pa' <^irj-T??chtr >Asso i ition with a <:ebate," the query being: Ra solved " "That woman should receive as man for equal vrori pertormgii,- .Beu..>u4vey malive, Baxter rfobgood and Chafrt.> Winc-taad Jr. v. the negative, . The regular meeting of the_ P.-T, A. will fc? hold immediately -following the debate. Thu publics cordially . invited to be. present on. th's^moSt' interesting occasion. Remember thej date and flie hour. Tu?s?ay February 24 th^ 8 P..M. at the School Auditor iuni. MH. HUI.UKK'S MOTHER 'HKUtBD ? M>. ' %tu| < Mr ? W. C. Bullock were' callptt ?o -Bulled; early Sunday mom iTgpn ijccouht of flip serious iaj"ry Of xMr. WiTToeVs rr. o theic IB n fire which oecurifirt Saturday afternoon. 'Che home of iVIr..imd Mrs. John Bui- J locIL w?r. entirely destmyed by fire, including all "the houShold furniah^ In trying te rave some oT the furniture. it jieavv piece' frell. Rt jklffg Mr*. iialloejT cn The head. ~Sfi2 was p?jnt?Hy, &k+n>ugh it re Koptd not seriously, injured. Mr. .and Mr>. W. f\ BoUoek returned 'ttr Roxboro late Sunday night:' - ? 1 ~ He Hroifd Attn 'An Read So mafiy customers.. Were' nnr"of; trtwn vacation .Hurt *n<5" of surt pharmacist' f fiends in-n jjparby town concluded' that it- Whsft't worth while ? tj continue fvs" advertisement in the", hcple .paper. 1I&: knew the^ editor well and "called him up ami ordered nut 'the ml.- "I don't- iKdivvt- thenw^sl'' ?if . it any. lions" the pharmacist in- ! ferried his friand, the edrtpr. '?he Vitter -jltrxwit^r that,.1t might be well to change tJtij . Sopy,-, but th% phar macist hnd mnde up his mind; Tho'iwper'canv out-n* usuul, buw following the editor's instrnotioni, tile ilhj?ti at,:on lt\"the pharmacist ad VjjMftinswle c3,rwn|i Thai evening the editor itrolled into the- drag -(tore and wh? immedlStely hailed by hi* friend. ' | "Wh(Vt> the" idea nf , having ,?tprtJ Whole ?dr' - ?? . . i ''Well, you're probably the ohly One that noticed it," replied the editor. 1 i that ?o ! ' reljlte/J'the philr jfiaciftt. - Why I'll bet fifty people iESt. alaiAdy ggUittf- m v attentHn to j i the-- "cHajVjfe-.-? a?jice<l if I had it. I \\ their own; 'pftpcr ?Aqw me. Two women, went | to "the n*6uble to cikll nw on ,th?* phono lufabtit *ir. I didVt_ realize that'll r^;?p,y tnt wvfl niv, iu,l ? Ywi 3 better let it' raii _82id < I will fcet up soffit nuw ropy riftiit r.u^a y." |~4aiupe (Tey?H) (Uz'ptt^#tt ' . ? ? . * ? \ hoME FIRST i. . . - r ,r L, ,.r . . _ K)RTH CAROLINA, W< SCHOOL -FACTS " - and Some figures RIJV. J. A. BEAM GIVES ",RKAL , FIGURES . ? ? ; /nt? State Appropriat?#^?2.n Kor tinm try Hoy and S80&62 for v . . \ ? At .the request of the Person CoUh- 1 ty Bwird of* Education anJ B'D. jfrV; (Jomtmssionovs, .combined \Ath tire -?deep and abiding intorest of th* writer, ikis article is written in the | interest of our Public Schools. ,Vir^l prf all let .it be rememberod that although btne cqmpni isoa*- are made there is noi'lhe aiikhteiit^iev sire Vc-intentkirt to do injustice to any s- hool or pe(-3on. ? ??iyohd ijtles uon. our Sta{ a /Schools are absolute] necessities. . \V?ile they.'recoive latjii appiqpriaticrtif /from .the Statu eaclj year. 1 "urely th>y .do .not' reeei'vt' a dbllar too much except in comparison with the pitifril iflm railed the IJfjU'l lrzation Pmid -vljioJi :he .Statjfl|^?s the Public; Schools to rmaiiJfl^Hk> "Not too riuch. for the State^^H^ hut rTit.irply !fo" little fol '9r School"}? the very ' foundationTSf all cur. educational \vo?k. TJioy receive from the Stale only t~2.ll per. pupil per year for the 793,046 pupik ac-' *a4Uy in fch'ooV . WKJc for tho^yrti# students in six. x>i oiir largest State Schoo's the- State give^ on an average .J 902.62 pC|" pupil per yew. Ns-v.on der North Caroliha stafids so neax the bottom educationally ! As long -aa Ihia K^ate of affairs, exists, whilo the children 'of the elementary and high cchoOls iv:eive oply ? 2.11 per pupil p4r year, we may cxpect short terms, poor equipment, and weak" teacher*. TSe ijfaite should- do?BTc the Equate. ?K tVll! \V<! cannot understand ..wl>v -N<?rth Carolina so neglects pr. deems so lightly th? (public schools Within her borders. It U true that tW State Iia? u KY STEM' "of public school;, but strictly speaking, sbo has no froblic school^. ' The counties have the only public schools in the -Sftate. The StStfc '.vi 11 not belp biiild a. single sohool house ? will not give a dollar for a High School building, apd only gives 50 cents ptr capita of the pap= ulatien; of the state for maintenance. Yet tola pitiful Bum. eaves the Stale from absolute violation , of the con stitution. The State lias shifted the burden of educating the cMMteir Of North Carolina on the individual counties, and seems little concerned h?w the jigor counties may be able to do it, judging from the small amount given in . the Equalisation which is in np sense even hftlf ad equate to lift thc-?ttgina of iHit?Ta?y from North Caiulius. ? :. - . \\V cannot ? see the fairness <i'n '.bo state t-apthtg her citizens to eject, equip, and maintain large state- if stitutiona and' then compel the couii tfW. to. erect all their school buildings ccju^i them and bear all exp.e'rSes ex cept the pitiful sum Of $ 2.11. per pupils per year as ag?instu|802,62 ~vr i!udenli_[per year in the state insti tutions. 7 We. believe ^n the county uirit, b <t not tifthr extent that the state sh M wn - h her handr. of her responsib tC in giving 'aid .to^uur pyblic schoila, and especially to our school tmiMhuw. United States erdrts pablic buflitthgs, (tends' mail through a. net tvorit of free delivery 5*11 over our' nation, and vnanj" mor<? equMiy ne.edful thing.* to help !Wr individual state. Af the state* make the nation so do the covlnties make the s\ate. .Siirely North f'arOlina -ihould do as -much.' <onipfcrat'v?ly <peakmg, for her ?unl:t". as thp United Stiites i!oo? ber states. . -A lire looking: to iVrc pres'jut Isfe i?Uiture_Ui mpke ample prpvUmi. foj' ?mir PwMlo iSahaolT. ' ? . .1, A: , Rcyxbi)VC),r N. C. Injportarit. 1 wish ?very .one wKo owctT me would come in and pay me. I owe people ?mi want to pay t he ryi Please m?ke-H? offort to pay nre ? Ypiir ffirrnl, ? tfu-gh Wood.,. . ' H... a 14nf-row #??*?? 1)118 >e*r ? ?W if ^fkcisnUy. .. hwwwjiur.,. wtwksrs of the Sute.ColWsgE of Agri; ABROAD NEXT r." 'V' ? ' j " xlnesday Evening- Februa T~~~~T 1 JLLMMt Uethel Bill Wins Fin* Game ha Championship Contest* Bethel- Hill. High School defeated Stem High School, Saturday night in &tem, in the first &fme of the State High School chapionship basketball .contest. ^ ~ ? A number of Bethel Hill people wenfc down to Stem ' to witness the yaino ad doclared_il; to be a <cery fine game. .Tlie. Ste^n tfeamj.h,eld the leati at. the end of -the first quarter but; when the first half ended, '.Bethel Hill stood three ipo -nts ahead' When the second half r^tad-^Hj ^Yellow Ji?t tBWT s?Jtle4"ck>wn to busine?? andrby thair ]s?e!*hcaded playmf-,1 rushed B-Jthel I||H to victory. ?? . -'The following is the line-up of the (Wo leams: ^ . k. jr Stem Bethel Hill Player Position Player Gitech R. F1 - Jbvnor King L. F, W?lker Wliecki C Hardison . Haakliur ? L. G.' . -.. Dny Harris . , R. G. Wilborn Xfttal 21 Total 34 Sfl?t1ttttes, Terry% for Harris and Watkins for iraskins. ?Jtetfiel Hill goes to Chappel Hill i play Chapel HH1 High School in ilSjr t^hamptonsnqp contest weanesoay l-lfett,.TJ)0 P. M. I I*r?i hope to have n ?roc*l crv>u'<l to back up the Person Conn I Tfou anj nil wmpped up in the mcr> c thBt fills your store'. You i- over the quality -of? : I'S'ie and thiit line You- probably <iU i {lay ihe geods attractively, too. All you need w is .to- trwwmit I yo,ur enthusinim^to the buying pub ^ i-?Up. . qOmmunity ? and your makes. the < "itoiner feel us" you do a'hout tW jpwcla you have to sell. Every . ti^ne ,yon talk to prospective buyers through an Advertisement in The Courier, you . are- increasing the fellow feeling that brings ' business to yoiif atorfrr I .y" : ? . I I ANNOUNCfeMENT All members of Junior Order of Person County are hereby envited to attend a meeting .to f>e held at Long hurst Council No; 570. Saturday Eveninsrr* Feb. 28, at 7:00 o'clock P. M. . ' (This beiflg our 2nd Anniversary meeting. Speeches by State Coun cilor , GanW of Durham and other, Prominent men of the Order. Ccme an<^ be . With u?, you will enjoy the Festivities of the Evening. i ? Your* in V-. L. P. T Geo.: F. Cole, Councillar | . ?' O: J- Blue. Recording Secy J - ;_L ? NOTICE ?? ? We: the Parent-Teacher Any:rm* Ji'ort of Mayo School, wish to an nounce, that the . County. Group Com mencement will be held here the' ninth ?t Mqreh. )W?"ar'c taking this method of in viting you. An ail-day p-ograni la 3)}}>ac>ed which will consist oi ."jell ing con'psts, reatfmg" contests, or.-, 'a- >;-!cal contest*, a "debate an* other amqaenjants -\vM-h ?:e think wt'l-;t<3 t>f great interest . Come and brin-; yogi- friend* wit+r Joa., Lee Jeffors, PrfcaidenT " Earl C. Tailoy, PrVncipal.' . h>. 1 ? ? ' ' TOBACCO MARKET TO CMW& , ? -MARCH 6th. ' ! At a meeting <Af the Rftxboro To .tacoo Board of fPrade' Midday; it was decided to- close the >apal_ mar ket for the season on "fxiday, "March 6th. All farmers having i?ny tobac co left on.'iif are urged to briny P i> in bettfre that date. . Prico^this [.week arf h'oldint up very ' well, cba sirformfe the quality of "t?s ? offerings-. I CO-OP -u The tegular yionthlv meeting of | the ^evaon County Co-operaihr<_As socifttton .was-' held.' .lent Saturday af ternoon Ut. 2580 in the < oar#' HWwe. (?i<i"i M.. (irowder iirp?iili*t""ng -> Itaiv i man; . only rnl1""1' . _busino-.,^ was t-i i a nwMjEjfe-. i Qoudnwn'* Sa |iy See ad ML ... ted-ftr an il. U WHbam DeU' Art. The " Mr?. .B. G. The {tarlequi hostess ? served -ctlko, followed date3.? Cor. Sec. ?? ? Mm. B. B. ontcrtaine;i Yhtttsda honor at^fyar house W. S;?Royater and L. purhfem. Br djfc was y?l t.iblo^. _TW Mtfti &a\)i Miss Eliiabeth Noell. nrved delicious sandwi tea. . ' : * r Thc. Friday Afternoon JW* Club met with Mrs. (-*?< . ... Mi "at^her attractive fiohia.1 piaiNortii^ Main S?v*t The living r<o\ %vaa' luveiy wk M TVrtii' ' IWltlHl TlUHMr I tables were arranged for the ? ! Boston Rook arid many- iriteres!i$S| Kunies were enjoyed. The hos^e^i assisted by Mm. W. -C. Watklrifl served' n _ salad course with cofi ??ind whipped crealti. "Baskets fill \v*th mipU were given as favor The Valentine idea; was carried out "in the place cards and favma; A delijihtfiil event of ' this week: was the luncheon (riven. Thu:?iiir~fr?\ Mr?. W. T. Boss. ? Thfe'.'hoibt*. w?*. 'made doubly., inviting by the pretty , arrangemen' bfpottid,d -blooming aUnJ4.^0t ie'sTTOWrtiir: fWVBSS . table iris orrSngod with a ' center; piece of lovely, white carnationt with accessories, tomatoc-s on lettuce, feU ' lowe'd by ices frozen in hearts and cupids, and Cake was served.. - Mrs. Ltliian Foreman was hostesf, to the Review club, Thursday after- 1 noon. The leaders for the study hoUri wei^: Mesdames H. Li. -Crow-ell and R. H; Oakley, presenting papers, on j ' Thomas- Nelson Page." and "Ruth t McE. Stuart." Al the -close of the! study period, the members, were iii- i, vited ihhr-Hlc di*rn|? roorti, which waa j' attractive in tKe Valentine motifs. The place cards were in Valentine effect With candle* .with red shades,; arranged delightfully. A' salad I course, hot ' rolls and coffee were lurrt&o',. . Mr?. A. E. Stalye'y was hostess to the Study fclilb on Thuradav after nesn matters the leasoo ' into. The Subject for the af tebKjon [ t htnntr "Shall we joifT the OnionT'H ! Three moat intpre'Hinlf paper* xveteT rga<l by Mrs. J. A. Beam, Mi?? Mary [ Cheek and Miss Linie Tunbertake Those papers were all'on tally N. C. history and were fall- . of- interest, ehowinfr how nur-TiretASiJaii: .grirkeifi to bring about a i;oot> place in whfeh'1 .we" misrht live. After the le's,.?< T>Vh)i a' moatvdelicioiis ' cotirae ujth hot Jten, sandwiches ami ;picfckwvrAS rp:liytd;''. ' . . ; ? STJTKIJF nANK^tTOCK ' On Monday,' March 2, 19J15, at 12 j o'clyck nV,nn_ at the Court house .lodr in RS*^6ro, fiorth -Carolina, '. h*\.un j.<le*s?gned will sell at public saleN^o the highest biddfr or btcMers for v cash SIX SHARES W STOCK IN THK'PIRSt !)A*TIONAV BANK OF ROXOORO. (Par value V 10(H)0) This February 10, 1925; . /.PC Wfnstcad,. -K. r "'WrtRiffaff, r I Admja. ot J. W. Wiiistt-ad: ? 2t I ? . - ?? i? n?....r ?i hUth Birthday. i On hVb.~ (2th Mr* R: K Valley 1 pivt hut. lather, Mr. .8. C- Humph- j ? :a <!nner in honor . W. W> '-Wt* : 'for. Oyina <o- tW Kid rwmd Jai'tWay. "illy a few ?A splendid - - SgSejiJ bca?*e: V. rv f?V of] ns w w mMwr. .?m? ?idfcmful ( finlsttan . .-*< may he IR-e witH THE j r.dftl^K pit Charge JPflW ,young servicy. . Thjr. r*r< ?rr ?y? en.. .??**-. s>tm^ ?ijf iplcu?i<r\ XtJ>KUe' mCCti s sailed ? Frti-aafy'^ Church' ? The .service for-the ova::-,- men of Bast- (: jxbc yo Ci)?i)i:i; , to . ' noatirc thin ?or^cei'iAa^9H9|^H^^S ffOOil nttondu: '/-t r'no of our Charge papers; ' us your subscription, &?;. vrtuKoy ,'$j& the prayer and church, East ttcxfcor^ raid LanKhazj' /f-.irfte ife? n glorious year. The ? Announcement ( k?neat..fVM. a; .Sun, -la . ?y 'H It' -? Next Sunday at " hool a t 10 <' ?' o'clock, A. M., ihri : ^ y A cordia I welcome to ?J1 : > Remember the rhto, ? Tues^u^jHH 3?d, at t^emor^.- PrnmmMW- sjSHHS ?rill h* there. M.?mberi ' rr m eset ?i ftwiwl prophet and Im't- hit- name m ? irtillion ? N>rw ^ 7th. whi?n nV Seventh Day world end, Is n< There is. to' be found ;itwr.yi "t>ms6. who love the church, m-1 tie .-ited 't? U- frrogi-tfltis, Thi!< s'a ^hal'ierma t? today ?o be loysiV- W<> rtm1 | Itnnw arijat1 a disaster i fali ng opwri "? U? if ?rgSn^ration jot boy.-. _ :id ' SiHst.^ is ({rowing up>4wt does not .16ve, i'sad and Stu4y' the EU)Jt bccaaV: the-e i* ? ' fi'p moral teaching 'Hl*t ?a?j "pluce, and there is . no wBjtf '. or atjon of God that ha a- jiiippS^c?le<l it. ' ? t. v. c^oggiks. f*?w>K

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