to <* ? ' J. W. NOELL, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER HOME FIl =5= !!?' ROXftORO, NORTH CAR< -VQJL-No^XI .II. T. ABROAD NEXT 51.50 PER YEAR IN ADV/ ' ? Wednesday Eveninor. Or* 14 I O?4* W. B. COLE JIS ACQUITTED ON CQUNTY JURY FREES okAYOR of w. w. ormoxd *tayer Wil App?r BMVn Jade* Fin lay tar Sanity Hearing Taaaday. Co> Still hi Jail Rockingham, Oct. 11 ? W. B. Cole, wesjthfr qottoa maauftict w?r, w?4 acquitted of murder today for tba killing laat August 15 at W. W. Or mond, one time sweetheart of his 24-year-old daughter, Elizabeth. The jury returned its verdict at 9:56 o'clock, 21 1-3 hours after Judge T. B. Finley had read his charge. Fewer than 40 persons were in the courtroom when the verdict was returned. Contrary to expectation no signal was given and Cole, his son Robert, and members of the prosecution and defense, with news papermen, were in the courtroom. Next Tuesday Cole will appear at Wilkeboro to show cause why he should not be committed to the state hospital for the insane. The hear ing will be held under provisions of Uie state law regarding the acquit tal of persons pleading insanity in defense in capital cases. ? "*? Under a state law a defendant ac (pjittcd cf a capital crifae with in sanity a defenfo must sh'w cause why he should r.ot be committed to u state hotpital for the Insane. Pending a sanity heftr'r.f* next Tuesday, at Wilkeiboro before Judge T. B. Finley, the trial judge. Cole, will be held in jail: Jtimo* A. Pou, rhit f of deftrtse csunscl. said tonight that ho ?nti ctfkteA :io difficulty hi obt'iininp : , y. Cafe's' freedom. Quotations from ..rgum?!>rs- in- -,b? jurv by pi?j?ru to the CP ttrt. Col? testified HI trial that he Is 'in his "right mind." I The family of the dend mon was "not represented when the jury filed in. The Rev. A. tL. Ormrnd. his *>n, Allison, and two daughters, Myra and Ophelia, left they court loom late Saturday and did.n-t re turn. <\ O. Ifcv.rvrd. thrt' typ'ftV r^r! to' join the jury that today returned Cole tc> the managership of the. Hannah Pickett . Mill, Was selected after he told the court he had fum ed an opinion that Cole wa? guilty of some crime. The jury took three polls, C. E. Rushing, their spokesman, told The Associated Press;. On the first , poll, taken soon after the deliberations began, eight stood for acquittal and four for cfcnviction. Howard was one of the eight." Late Saturday night another pall was taken and nine were for ac quittal and three for conviction Sinee the first poll the purv had asked for additional instructions^ and after hearing them the juriors retired for the night. "We prayed four times/' T. C. Edwards said, and each time one of Uie four who stood for conviction changed. For several hours thej count was 11 for acquittal and onW for conviction. The one man v/ent^ off to himself and had a hard time. We left him to himself. Finally two of us went to talk with him. We talked about his farm and the crops and finally he smiled. "After a while we prayed and went to bed. When we went to breakfast he was in a good humor and socn after we reached the courthouse he told us he JpAs ready to come around." W The jurors declined to name the man. Wednesday Morning, ? William B. Cole, wealthy Rockingham cotton mill man, stepped from the Unpretentious little red brick courthouse here this afternoon a free* citizen. The last grip of the law the man, acquit^d Sunday in Rkshmf^r.d county of killing William Vf. O mond, w*t? broke* at 3:20 p* m. by Judge T. R. Finley, who presided over Co e'? trial -in Rockingham. PRFSBYTERIAN SYNOD OF N. C. The Presbyterian Synod cf North Carolina meets at MborcsviUe. X. C . Octcber 13^-16. . Mr, H. U C:^ eM.nnd Rev. Cary Adam> w^U rep ;i^5.ent the fu>\LoK> diuM.. ! hi?v motored over yesterday. WAGE COMMISSION SUCKS PAY ROLL I Seven Km plovers Loce Out. Ef fective November 1st Raleigh, Oct 10. ? Cutting $39,173 from an annual payrool of approxi mately $8,000,000, but leaving the pal status of 1,444, out of 1,601 em ployes unchanged, the hew salary classifications and employment regu lations for state departmental work en, recommended by the salary and wage commission and approved by Governor McLean, will become ef fective November t. The oonmiasion's report, bearing the governor's signature of approval as of October 1, was released for publicatint today by Secretary H. Hoyle Sink. It is a document going into many phases of state employ ment affairs and making rules and regulations to control working hours, holidays, vacations, sick leaves, etc., in addition to setting up classifica tions for all departmental posiUcni and fixing a minimum, maximum and intermediate rate of pay for each classification. Of 1,601 employes classified by the commission, 108 will be subjected to cuts in nay aggregating $23,869, while 29 wili be awarded salary in-| creases totaling S4.627, the no* re duction in the aggregate payrool for classified employes being $19,232. In addition, seven positions in the department of Insurance Commis sioner Stacy Wade are . abolished representing n saving <5f ?l!t,941y No positions were abolished in any oth?r department. The places njjol ished in the insurance licpjurhvient 'wore fivo pojiti?n& of safety educa tion airents and two. ftnrinve i?vt?>rs and ~mSpu?*ors. I'ROGEAM EPHESI f CLEMENT llELU | School at lO^^o'clodcv ''nexjj roll your name if you aft not a n: ember already. Preaching at 11 o'clock. Tlic >. oid's Slipper >wiU be observed^ Lambeth Memorial Sunday eve | nine at 7 oVlcckl The church i school of Missions will begin. The. whole church membership organized Into graded elates for the'.punVose of studying missions. The plan cf grading is -similar to tha't of a graded sunday school. . The classes study books adapted to their age '.nd needs. The time of meeting will be next Sunday, Wed nesday and Friday nights for the first week, and Sunday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday nights for the second week, thus' closing on Hallo ween night with a social hour. . Fourth Sunday night stereopticon j vi.>ws of work in mission X^lds. will be shown. Jjf We invite you t:> tlrYse services* I.. V. COGGINS, F,7stc.r. f ROX BOKO TOBACCO MARKET The Roxboro Tobacco Board of Trade and the warehouses have a newsy letter in th?s issue, and frcm week 'to week will keep vcu po*t*c: as to the d ings. of the tobacco nmV jket.^ Read the letter* The offering f :r the pas^week have (teen light, and of very qivOity j but tobacco of the desirable kind is selling well and it is predicted by one of the best judges of tobacco on this market that desirable grades are going to sell well, in fact higher than the past, season. o A ANOTHER OLD LANDMARK GOING | 1 Judge J. C. Pass, the owner, is hrfving the old Reado Hotel torn dc'wn. This is an oM .three -story structure, and on account of iW lo cation and being of frame construc tion , was some time since condemned, hence Judge Pass is' h"?v>ir it torn down. This remove-. the last f't"i trap cn Main Strait, all other huild .inffs in th? fire district ' hfemg cf brick construction. r-O PRESnYTBRIAN CttWK* - ? ? Sandny School at 9:45 a. m., H. L. CrfiWell, superintendent. Mom a?t service 11 a. m., preaching by I the Pastor. Sunday- School at Mitchell's Chupei at 2 . p.- m. I ? Preach&K At Warren's Grove | school house at 3:30 p. m. Every . U?-'AS||.U II' ? I P. C^y?Y ADAMS. Pa?tor.' i I CuTOt] naoicj' ?an 'L'.l-- i JAMES e. came ?R?te at the hi: He breakdown at Newport,. -JU li First reports of from the 2,060 acre Scmraerrille, N. magnate spent the palatial home. Mr. Duke was 68 years i He was bom on a North Carolina farm and when 18 year* ?ldi joined his father and brothers in the Duke Brother* Tobacco company. . When only 27 years old he went to New! Y-crk from North Ci-\ ? a an<) or (ranized the America! ??.. j any. Subsequently he ihe (Treat tobac?o rompanied^^^H^H years ago, figured in the.s^gni^tioii of a gigantic international ienip-my. the Prltish-American Ta^^HEhU pany. -?h was due to hrirM nenj Iljunia, ? it ww ? stntori ? " t ? t]r;- ? P town house. Fnr.eral ' were ) iheid in the *. bac-o Ti:aJ||iJ. ? Durham. X. C. - A fpoclal ifsin v : York Monday With the bu bers of-, tie family: . In lacqht years "4e, C nfprjjt $80,000,00# tii chief It* t| Uiui anivjr-iity that '""^^rgani-^-1 MM Duke achieved a woriffnYrnono the crpranizati-m of tha British Amrrican Tobacco company, but several years ago, retired as chair- ] man of it? board after. a bitter stvug rr'p with British interest?. I The international concern waa) formed to handle tho trade outside of J lEnsrland and .Lh:' United StiitC the tobacco monr.rrh cf the two na il i-ns had waged a disastrous war for each other's markets. . jA at MARY HAMBRI&K M ISSION ART SOCI ETY The Mary. Hambrick Missionary | Society met October 12th in the Sun- 1 clay School room with 15 member:; | and one visitor present. i A committee was appointed to visit the County home and hold ser- 1 vices twice a month. Another com- 1 mittee was appointed to arrange the | program and places of meeting for j Week of Prayer* which will be. Nov. , 0 to 14. (One j-'Htu^member, which brings cur membership to 110. ? Sec. ? o SUCCESSFUL RAID x Sheriff Brooks received a tip lhat something was doing down in the Bol'oway tounship section, so yes terday morning in company with' Deputies Gentry and Jack Oliver they wont down and captured, two men, Lee /Stone and J. If- Smith, both ved, ten bushels *c? at IHe W^NRTEAD, haVinir Kitld a load for. I25.JS per humjred. . ASk Mr. llliiiSimaA ' HALIFAX COUNTY FAIR October 20. 21, 22. 23. 1?J3. South Boston, Virginia Sfe- ? The Secretary of the Halifax Coun ty Fair has just been notified by Mr. Lee, State Game Commissioner, that they would have their full wild game exhibit at the coming fair October 20th to 23rd This exhibit is compoced of practically all the wlU cam* to be found is Virginia, sucb aa quail, pheasants, wild pa<, wild ducks, wild turkeys, sea culls, eagles, faawks, cwb, etc. The animals consist cf deer, tar, ! fox. Wild coats, squirrels, ground k?C?. coons, 'possums, etc. / We had this exhibit ence before and ii greatly pleased our patrons and w? understand that it is a great deal more elaborate this? time and will be a big additicr. to the 1925 fair. *? Among the ether attraction* to be seen at the fair will bo Delanna, the High Pole Act, with one ma? dointr his stunts 80 feet in the air. This is a thriller. Then we have the Steiner Tr '. ' consisting of two men and on? wo. ?fnan doing a trapese and horizontal J "bar act, also a comedy horizontal bar act iij which Buttin-burstin: Comicalities give laughing color to a gymnastic serios of absalutel;: fearless feats. The SWiuolfield Military Band will furnish the music. Other attractive features will be ndckW and announced later. Tho 19i!3 fair promises I* h* I hi best in history. ^GREENVILLE COTTON MU.lsK pkWc ore always glsd to note pro- j li^eK by any c f our citizens, nndf MM are glad to see our young, bnsi. {Rem men branching out, but ??< would jtu'.-h prefer to hovw ? beta, able ko';JirtM)unce this ppj'iy'.Cj.jHte ruoss for Kotbor-J. Sftf5= 3. A. and Lonj? being the treasurer. Two of these younR men. Mess. J. A. lyng and R. L. Harris have had'.' lung ex perience in the cotton business r.rid have demonstrated their ability by | the . uc'sess made of, the milis theyl H ''tnvr l>ecn; running. . } ? ^ STOLEN Til UN HER La?t week we nnncunced the pro gressive spirit of one of Roxboro'^ j livs-st business concerns in giving: the people the benefit of the score of the Work} series inning: by in nintr, when, as a matter of fact this 1 progressive concern was being sup plied the dope by another one of our I most progressive firms, Mess Mam ; brick. Austin and Thomas. Anyway, [the other fellow got the benefit of! some good free advertising ? HnAs$?f J pays to adveqfise. OLIVE Hill. PARENT TEACHERS ASSOCIATION ? ' / . m jt\\v Olive Hill Parent Teacher ?As^cciation will meet Thnrs<^?; ,nf t lirnoon October the-fifteer\th at'3&0 j o'clock. The speaker of tho.\after | mm w'll be Rev. J. W.' Brndlgyv Patrons, and al! % those interested in the prepress of the school, ariJ cof-. dially invited to be -present.- A cijlte ( will bo prpsenterf to the grade haying the hiirhest percentage of pprenio, present. ? W. -. " a ^ r. CHANGE IV HI S, sn?Rpi>I.E ? in another eoWmn will foil .new Bus schedule for Iiuihiim-j boro-South.-BostDW?Bus lin V ? the i-.ew schedule RoxtfjJro daily, trips :tp D&th and two trtps to South Bwtpp: - This gives .6? a. splendid" ^etvir^ni'rt 'cur J people will .give tly | PUfronage v ' *' ' " ' GRAMMAR iGRAD*; TffAt . . ! . -i ?? :? ?*<*&. ' ? i C . y ?t ? . The cramm?f ? ^ fourth to *ev?., #30^ismzs3: ZT?VZ&SS&Z?, and rhem^. '. The Research club was delightfully entertained Wednesday afternoon at the home of lira. JU J. Winstcad. The topic fox the lesson was Thoma Hardy. The first paper was by Mrs i E. M. Da Tie on the Art of Hardy The second paper waa ea the novel, Far from the JUUcnlnt Oowd, by Mrs. S. G. Winstcad. The third paper *>? written by Un. Mamie Merritt on The Return ef the Native. Mis A. M. Bums gave a review ef tht novel Teas of the UrberviRe;. The entire program atas very interes ting and enjoyed by alt. The hostett ?erred delii-ious cream, cake ani* candy to the members present.? Cor. Sec. The Review Club was delightfully entertained by Mrs. Otii Wilkerron l??t Thursday afternoon, the arr crram subject heinj; Walter Hincs Page. Two very interastmn papers were presented by Mrs. >\ M. Sham, burner and ? Mr-. T B. W"-Jv cn' Page the Ambai-ndor, and Page a National Asset. ? Aftar the proeraap a salad cotrrre was served tjfj iffc, hostess ?Rec. Sec. . - . ? Lr Mcsdames E. & "Thomas and F. O. parver "^'delightfully enterta irt*d h.Veduesdn? afternoon at He hdr'i- f Mrs. r?-rv?-. TabW- tytirt placet! I ?i: th: ft r.i wis f r. t! ? .. imi f i i ' Jk and jjir.ny .miTi-". rijj ; HHflvi- 1 Ufr. w;-e reaped.- !x>velv vm-f arrsr.-fci in b4r':?t# and p i i ?: A talsfi bourse witlM |ic? tea whs tetvwi.' . the guests. H puin^i' ? pink rtitsWid ' baskets filled ; p??> i-^4v V?we, cftffee^ "with whipped cream and mints, were served to tit fru?st?.: O- Saturday afternoon f*or?3 5 o'clcek Mrs. T. B. Woody enter tained the BrWge Club and a few invited guests. Three tables vere, arranged in the living roam and many games- were- ertjoyed. The hos tess, assisted by Mrs. .E. P. Dunhiy, served a salad course- with caffee. HELENA HI S. CAlOilV.VL Helena High School *b hav? a I Camiyai Friday night Oct. 16 st.7:S0 | p. Dl. The. cBtllt-'^eheDl will participate in Uu> varit.'xT shows of :!)'? <:v? nintf. ' The inpin _ show will be?? mrnl*ir jWaivirtJ ' TlW'-ad?nis;i<>n to fhV main -haw ? ivm/n* fifteen cent* an'! f f ? ? -; m**{ !ED TRAC1IKKS. AtEPrrK(JH t?lorcd t?aohew. Qf-tHe 5 ifiSs?!*iS r?T!: SACCO THRONE HASTKHN (A HO 1.1 -V K f Pria? at Kliultn U?p from 1A Cents t? 27 (>ata a I'oond ? Beat in S?r?r?l Years ' Kinstoa, Oct. 8 ? Tobacco is kiair in eaitern North Carolina apia. Warehousemen today said they fc? 1 iev ad the present averavo n???? t?? would be I. of the season. The leap from i ?18 oenta a pound to nearly 87 1 not more than a third ?rf production had been Bar' ke ted. and that largely scrap. Th? ? present level is the beat in several 'years, according to market men. . ' Sensible marketing" daring the first weeks of the reason left gn trs the gjrfnera by the sadden rrwuf . They Withheld many dm lio?- pound* ct the b?st weed, de clining to sell it at th'?. ! iw prevailing. in Sep'telubft; when the overage price here toas nder 16 cents Warehousemen urjed farm ers to> ccntiJiue to tnirtXt' todng. "The re-ion i< yoan?," if "wag tojay. ? Mora th?n 20,900,000 f of the leaf is ft'lKct? J !?use:- hi the territory? trib<^_ Kinston. jt'ia beliajed, .fnclu^H ?7?aas of tha 192" p/oc.-Jw'iijmB ? ; vt ./ ;?* "MI NTT ? . \ v ? , v?i - .-"'i the weelr and >'ou rtM "Too maj & QcrosSs.a^stifc:. tnjpyvj Iwhen yw will L ware of it. Ifis uanigs.^ tWrd -fi jjui v?l tneatre down tewn with ia duisite interior. You *f> f?pc to - je i windows. -7 Dissatisfied still ?; Then wh. it it the ol your diKsaiftiafsc What, precisely, do you want? __ iSm want the pride of poJe^sionvl You are not extent l.i. Vv ibffl j'ov a towel- a nr> /? htt 'if ? ? **"? * - ?! it jmintipg. You covet the Viyht . Lay: "This \ Custom. reason and law unto, ?aylnp thai ceVtain. thhipri bc"lon| Junes. Tfcey do not belong ta Jo* It is decteed tjint h* may enjoy t (Ota wh!][a and then n surrender them' posterity; ? The Jtfwel.-ii thtf1 shop wii _ yours to enjoy until ic'ji remoj Junes' jewete' are hlij. to. anjoj^; hr Is removed. ? .J I;' iWJjt a>.,v.fry no$le.-nspir? tfcis yarning ^My;. "Wne " J p af'the rovt at It? * ?.?ga "?!-. *C8> ? - ? /? ?/? Sl/NDAY MiCHtXINf ' ?" ' *?' Last Saturday morning the-eKJ? a. sHtO(tVfr4?ti itlj this *<*ctior ?lovVed Sunday .' rrtornihg with ling frost, .'and nome i-e. N?-,_ standing the warning Saturday nil ing^nifce a (rood inaay -farmer* w caufcht with tobacco HtQndlrtg. M- o? -p- ? '.V ? .? WORLD SERIES ' ?? ? 1fte.. Wortd Series being played thq Wjiahiiiin in and Pittsburgh ball' tfciinte bai attrartcl a great of interest 4e{t during the pimf? Thf are tivd at this writ in, Wtl3l having W0rt (hr< . games. . "~ uocidtnjj gami will be pliiywi , W W VOIC WITH J Y. T. Wade, one ... jipfeOtar salesmen of tho *c*efetsd. a K?iti?n %yith Blank? :\jtd " cordially * tr;*h<' to g-iv<^iuni_a. , a!. -,r | j ?>* *???>' ?*??&? suptrtihi. train Whitif." Wyando oaefc. Apply t<* kins, Jjurdlf M j ; J