Wisdom directs that if) time of b?r?iv? ment y.au c m pipy the sertrice that hat? re lieved so .many fami lies of worrnnenfc and confu.?un i? timi? of distress. We serve ?Sctent!y. We Understand SPENCERS' Ftinera! Directors Rcxboro, N. C. f o'r de'*r friend. On Sept 1$2.5, Dea^h Angel visited ne of M rs. Ch larlie Duke ailed from us her dear hu* , 'Mr Charlie Duke. Mr. Duke jrfcfrt in c'e^'intng_ heal'h tor some but the end came qtiietiy. He i behind a njfcther, three sisters ?wife ramo children tq mourn his de parture His stay on earth wa* 55 K years. 5 months nnd 14 days. He hid many friends in this oomniunit y lose hearts go out in sympathy 1 3 p bereaved family. He joined. Mt artnony church several years ago. le Lord saw fit to take. him out of this troublei-ome world to a wcrld peace and happiness. He wits at home in the pfc.'ence of a .. crowd. "We love him, yes we love him, but Jesus loved him more. Hfe vdice softly called him over yonder shining share." May the spirit of .God ever be present to snide and direct those left behind a?e the wishes of a friend. ? Evelyn Jecd. MEAT CLUING HINTS FOR TARHEEL FARMERS Raleigh. N. C., Oet. 12. ? Thore is no real reason why the farme*3 of this State cannot have as good hams and bacon as -are cured in^ other states. writes one good farmer t? the Animal Husbandly department at State College. "This statement is true." says Trof. 1a H McKay "If simple pre cautiins are taken in curing meat, a 5ne quality of hams and baccot may be had. There are four common traylhof curing meat? two dry cures rnd t*o wet cures. The dry cures ere the dry salt method in which fait alone is used and the sugar cure in which sugar and saltreter are fijdcd ti the salt. The salt is the real curing agent in all methods It chiefly and causes it to kec;>. Meat ciiMd by the dry salt pro;es? is rr?ne Tally hard so, sugar is addci to preT vent this hardnes-i r.nd to help, in . miking the meat firm and sweet. Saltreter is used to preserve the ratu"al color of tho meat" The wet cures, accor.-iin? to P-of. Mcjfay, inci'ids the b?'r.c cure which . ;r r.-.It r.lontf v-' ih.fivc to ti;; .gallon* ct water per hundred pounds of meat, 1 tho ;weet picklb cure in which U|)pe ?4rtre aj?i9"Dt of water ';s added ft : a mixture df salt sugar jand silt ' ' V.ct. . Prof. McKay states that the ' ? ivier cuts cf meat should be thof cyghly cooloi before putting into i.iiy V. ' nd of care. The curing vHtelr shauljl be Water-tight kx lower t'.is ;?-<* from shrinkage and- all If l/io . .;et C J ~a i.t used -all. S??at?j.' sHo.iH be b? /;?. Or.lji pure Hw, sijgr.r r.n.I : ttpe:er should be yX ad arid the ijir . should he well Bjwbed with tha- curing agents pnsh-'| WISDOM me ur\ cure 13 used it is wise ta re- | pack and rerub at the end of week. IJaritBorrcw your Neighbor Jtfjpgri " ? rnJ ( OwnyorcotvBf DR. S. RAPPORT | of Durham OPTOMETRIST Specialist in examining eyes and fiu I ting glasses will be in Roxboro at Davis' Drug Store every first Wednesday in each month. His glas ses will give you real pleasure and satisfaction. They are accurately j fitted in every detail. They feel tight and look right. Charges roa ! >on*ble. [? ' - ' Mjr next visits-ill be Wednesday | November 4th. PROFESSIONAL CARDS if W. T. BUCHANAN Survayor 1 1 1 1 Roxboro, N. C.. Route 6. 1 1 I DR. E. T TUCKER I Office in Hotel Jones. I DENTIST 1 ? 1 I ROBERT P. BURNS Attorney* t- Law 'Office in Old Post Office Building' I ?I I DR. O. G. DAVIS Veterinarian, Offers his service to Roxboro * | and surrounding community Phone ?7. 8- IS 6tpd* O. B. CROWELL Attorney at Low. ? Office in Old Po-t Offi'ce Building C. ? DR. G C VTCKERS ! DENTIST Office in Wilburn and Sattcr- ' | fipld Store Building on ? M:iin | "Streets up stairn, . corner, rooms. DR. J. H. HUOHES Dentist j Office \Ti Hotel Jone^. nesn 1 t*> Hr. Tucker's offioe. L N. LUNSFORD ; Attorney - at - Law j Office ov&r Garrett's Store Roxboro, X. C. 1 DR. C. I,. THOMAS. Dentist,- ? ? . Roxboro, N. C. I OfHce over Aubrey I.onjr & Go's ; I store. Main Street. Office hours: [8:30 to 12 A. M. 1 to 5:30 P. M ! 1 : o DR. H. M. BEAM Physician . Offers bis services to Roxboro and I the surrounding country. " 1 Office over Serjeant and Clayton'i Store. J Day or Night --.-Phone 31 ' Do You Have? Headache? EYE ACHE? Do You Hnld Thing too Near, or too Far, to S?? litem? ? Those and many more are symptoms of Defective Vision. Wu ha*e .furnished properly, fitted glasses to over 11,000 just such, cases. OFFICE IV CONNECTION WITH- MR. (JRKEN. WATCH MAKER, OVER CAROLINA TOWER AND I.IGHT CO. Cf.me to -See Ui " " ' Roxbdro, & C. 0R. L. V. LISENBEE, registered optometrist jundapcMol T Lesson T i* y RBV. P. B. F1TZWATFR. D.D.. Dw> of vNb ilnr School, Moody LHbl* la st!; u .? t>f Chicago.) \V*?t<5rn N?*ipap. That Is. It Incases itself In t*?? rr^ ! clous mantle of low ar s!uit:? :t evl!. 0. Love Is Tn:- !* :1 ? 71 Jt looks Into fill . ' i ' t Lj fldence. 10. I-ove Is Ho? r?t K TV It seizes the V ??' " < .vfre. brings vthem Into the present and ap propriates them for Its use. 11. Love Is Firm (v. 7). It Intelligently sets Its attention to things that are right, and with un varying strength, holds fast. III. The Permanence of Love (w S-13) 1. It , Outlasts Propheey (v. 8). Propheor In the Scriptures means both a foretelling of events and the teaching of the Word of God. 2. It Outlasts Speaking With Tongues (t. 8). The raee once spoke the same language, but as. Judgment for sin and rebellion, Ood brought confusion and csused the people to speak mnnj tongues. 3. It Outlasts Knowledge (v. 8). "The knowledge we now have Is only relative, tut the day Is coming when the ?relative knowledge shall be done away by the coming in of a wider and nobler Intelligence. Seed Grain Oast forth thy net, thy word, Into the *?ver living, ever working universe: It Is a seed grain th#t cannot die; un noticed today. It will be found- flour; tshlng aa~a hnnyan gro.Vft after a tho^ sand year*. ? Thomas Carlyle. Fear of Making MUUkti Some of n? know what Jt 1* to bf mIMrablj afraid of maklUK mistakes It oar work. How graclonaly H? m?t> this with -I win direct tpeir work in troth:"? Frmtftt B. H?v*rg?L MARRY -me rich 30W WHO OWNS FOUR iM'S. ? GUESS HF /ESTHE ground : WALKS ON/ NOW READY! We are running our Cotton GinEvery Day and can Guar antee you the Very Best 'of work. Bring us your Cotton anrl we will guarantee Satisfaction. Yours for service, T. T. HESTER & CO. Lamar Street, Hack of Pioneer Ware House Roxboro, North Carolini^ REPORT or THE CONDITION OF VT ROXBORO In the State of North "Carolina, at the close of business on Sept. 28, 1925. RESOURCES Loan* and discounts Overdrafts unreeured ; , -- United State's Government securities owr.ed . Other bonds. Hocks, serurities and etc. ? ? ? - Banking house $15,500.00; Fumitu; e and fixtures $9,225 02 Real Estate owned other than banking hruse ? Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank , Cash In vault and amount flue from National Banks .... Chicks on other banks -In the same city or town asreportkijt bank Miscellaneous cash items , J. $961,392.34 1, 5454)0 11,450.00 29,700,00 24,725 02 3.000.00 9,062.46 31,693.42 1,260.00 1,254.28 Total LIABILITIES Capital Stock paid in ...... : ? ? ? ? ? - ? - ? -- Surplus Fund ? Undivided profits and reserves less current expenses and taxes paid Cashiers checks outstanding _ _ ? --- ? ? - ? --- ? . Individual deposits snbject to check ... gt.t., OmtTi rv nr other municipal deposits secured by pledge cf assct3 of this bank or surety bond ? ? ? Dividends unpaid ? .... ? ... ^ Certificates of deposit other than for money borr&wed Bills Payable v.'.? 1? Notes and bills redisccunted _? ' *1 50,000.00 40.000 00 1,627.30 16,595.82 108,047.21 16,000.00 131.00 335,370.07 127,000.00 280,351.12 Total ? ..1.^; 51,075,122,52 State of N. Cj, County of Person, ss: I, Thos. B. Woody, Cashier ef the auove named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. , 4 . THOS. B.' WOODY, Cashlur. Sltfl'.crlbed and V worn to before me this 6 day cf October, 1925. M. W. SATTERFIBLD, Notary public. Correct ? Attest: ' . R.;A. BURCH. W. T. PASS. G. E. AUSTIN; Directors A WONDERFUL TUNE - - - - A satisfactory balance in your Savings Account will give forth the most wonderful tune you can imagine. It has the rhythm of satisfaction Vhat makes you glad you are alive. It carries a message of contentment you will ever enjoy. Start your account with us today. UNDER SUPERVISION OF U. S.