so I Mat to cat It. I im proved after my tint bottle. Cardvl la certainly a treat help tor narrousaeaa and weak back. I took its bot tlaa of Cardui and by then 1 waa Toll aad strong, Just did tine from then cm. Cardui helped ma ao much." Thousands of weak, raf tering women hare taken Oardul. knowing thnt It bad helped their mothera or their frlenda, and soon gained strength and got rid of their pains. Cardui ahonld do you a lot of good. A0 Druggists' liOnghurst Council No. 570 meets every Honday evening 7:30 Come ta these meetings members. Busi ness of importance comes before us often -which yon should know about. ''GEO. P. COLE, Councillar, O. 3. BLUE, Rec See. ing farmers is shown by a survey recently made by extension worker, of J. ate College. North Carolina is reviewing its progress at local and sectional fairs this month. Reports show that both exhibits and attendance are good Subscribe for THE COURIER v ? NORTH CAROLINA - PERSON COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT BEFORE THE CLERK E. J. Robertson -vs Mary L. Bray, Hue Robertson. "Lucy Robertson - and Sallie F: Thompson. NOTICE OF SPBCIAL PROCEED IXG8 The defendants above " named will, take notice that a special proceeding as above entitled has been t^egun in the Superior Court of Person County, North Carolina, for the pur pose of partitioning among the ten ants in common a certain tract or parcel of. land lying in Hoiloway township. Person County, North Caro lina ,on the Roxboro-Virgilinu high way, adjoining lands of T. C. Pool, D. E. Whitt, Thomas Sanford, Henry Tuck and others, containing 849 94 acres, being a part of the late J. W. Winstead home place, and alleged to be owned by the plaintiff and the defendants as tenants in common. The defendants will further take notice that they are required to ap pear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Person County at his office at the Courthouse in Roxboro, North Carolina, and answer or demur to the petition or complaint filed by the plaintiff on October 31, 1923, or judgment will be rendered against them as therein demanded. This September 29, 1925. D. W. BRADSHER, Clerk Superior Court ? si From Stores That Advertise You have often heard people ask this question, "Why is it 1 never strike a bargain like You do?" That person is not a wide awake nor careful buyer and doe* not read the advertisements m this newspaper. When a business man pays money to make a public announcement, he usually has some t'.ing worthwhile ty offer ? something if at is to your advan tage to know. He has a money-raving sale, a new assortment ol styles or extraordinary values of tome kind to tell you about To take advantage of these opportunities you must get at the meat of the newspaper ? Its advertisements. THE COURIER | Rolled Roast and I Browned Potatoes - - - i- ? ? ' ? - ?' " Just one 6f many suggestions for Sunday dinner from the store of Quality Meats and Pleasing Service. Phone in your order or come in, aa you find moat convenient.-*. . Moore's Market PH014S 175 Every mother is interested in a, stylish and serviceable fall school frock for her daughter. This Nada frock combines simplicity of lines with richness of cffect. It is madd of tweed and mirrolean. This nineteen yfir old school boy, Fedel La Barba of Los An geles, startled the fistic world by winning the flyweight ehampton shlr- from Frankie Genaro of Now ^ort, in a docuioe ioqt. Uncle Jahn ' Aint it funny that so many of our big, financial bugs was born in plebian circumstance ? among the c?mmoa plugs? Tbp Sunday paper tells us of a Rail way Baron's climb from down among the alley rats that "shined" for hal/-a-dime! An other happy billionaire is- look in' back with pride to the bar rel that he slep' in ? while the other paps was tied! An still another heavy-weight has forg ed his way to fame ? gat rich by cleanin' cuspidor* and * lay in1 with the game! Then ? view it from the other i slant ? we find some grenadiers that's squandered their inherit ance in half a score of years! From out the lap of luxury they spotter, flash and fizz, to over come the handicap that wealthy parents is! Their chapter of ex istence makes a mighty harrow in' tale, fro'fti affluence to pen- j ,.?y jjiil ... And then, the dis-iHuaion? -it's ' too ! late to make a roar? when we learn, the son of fortune is the offspring of the pooi l THt FiCST is T?CV ARE ? 7H6" ScCOHt? AfTEE. VHcY.a?-6~ \Ef/ ' the coming winters, advise horticul tural workers of State Collage. - Subscribe for THE COUR1EK Tickling Throat Always an annoyance*, worse when it afflict* yon at night. Yon can stop it qnickly with CHAMBERLAIN'S COUGH REMEDY Every uaer ia a friend . Good health is one of the greatest treasures which we possess. Most of .us do not appreciate this fact until it is gone.. The spine is our "Health Indicator," have yours examined today. ? ?SEE? i 10 ? 12 and 2?5 Dr. R. B. Davidson, Across from and appointments. CHIROPRACTOR Royal Cafe * 4 * V . Better Prepared Than Ever Before To Serve You ?A * County Fair "if PT ?! a Oct. 20, 21, 22,23 f" ' ; * />' " ?? ' ?? ' ?' .* '? ?' ' ?. . ? SOUTH BOSTON, VA. BIG DAYS a BIG NIGHTS 4 $5,000 ? Given A* Premiums For Exhibits $5,000 ? Spent For Amusements FIVE BIG ACTS, TWICE DAILY TWO BRASS BANDS, GOOD MUSIC Fire works every NIGHT.larger than ever. Big Midway furnished by Tip Top Exposition Shows. "MEET YOUR FRIENDS ON THE MIDYAY" . ' iv V Special 'Premiums for Person County Exhibits. Write for catalog. W. W. WILKINS, Manager. South Boston, Va 'Hi