NEWS PROM ROUTE FIVE Mr. and Mrs. Lex Chandler, and family, and Mrs. Easton Ropers ppent last Sunday with Mrs. J. N. Lunsford. * 'Little Misses Beryl and Mary France! Barton visited Missea Foy and Edna Earl Lunsford Sunday. Mr. Willie Gray was a Route Five riaitor laat Sunday Mr. and Mra. W. R. Rogers, and family of Rougemont, Route Thi*e spent the week end with Mrs. J. N ' Lunsford. Miss Ma: i' Lunsfotd of Timber lske, Route 2, spent last' week With her sister, Mrs. J. R. Yancey. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Dixon visited Mrs. J. N. Lunsford Sunday. Miss Corene Lunsford spent Sun day afternoon with Miss Ruth Clay ton of Timberlake ' Renew your subscription promptly, Wateh your Labbel. MOVING! ????'.'? ? . - ? ? ' ? ? ? We are going to move and in order to save m6ving expense we will Hold a 15 DAY SALE starting October 15th, f 925 ? Everything win be sold at a BIG REDUCTION. If you need TIRES, TUBES, OILS, or any AUTO MOBILE ACCESSORIES you will? SAVE MONEY by coming to us. 1 0 PER CENT reduction o? everything. GIVE US A CALL Jj. and W. AUTO CO. Court St., Next Door to Moore's Market Roxboro, N. C. "7 ? ? ? SEE THE ? CCMEDA? DRAMA "Give and Take" In 3 Acts More' Than TOO "Laughs - ONLY ONE OF SIX ? BIG PROGRAMS . --- - ? AX? CHAUTAUQUA SEASON TICKETS ? $2.00 CHILDREN ? $1.00 Roxboro N. C. - Graded School Auditorium Nov. 4, 5, and 6th. Ttir. BOSB report or thb condition of the peoples bank ?t Roxboro in the State of North | Carolina, at the close of busintsa, 1 September 28, 1923. ^ RESOURCES Loans and Discounts, . -$827, 809.16 United States Bonds and IJberty Bonds, 125,400.00 All other Stocks. Bonds, and Mtrtgages, ? 90,550.00 Banking Houses, $9,248.82 Fur' and Fix., $10, 500.69, 19,758.01 Cash in vault and net , amounts due from Banks Bankers, and Trust Companies, '109,882 1 2 Checks for clearing 7,781.79 Total ..$1,187,131.58 LIABILITIES Capital Stock paid in $100,000.00 Surplus Fund ' 109,000.00 Undivided Profits, less current expenses and taxes paid 22,110.63 Unearned Discount 4,060.00 Dividends Unpaid 3.218.75 Bill* Payable 245,600.00 Deposits subject t? check Individual 964,69082 Deposits Due State ?t NX}. or any Official there of 79,199.72 Cashier's Checks cat standing - 4,758.20 Certified Checks 32.12 ?Time Certificates of Deposit ? Due on or After 30 Days 286,751.80 Savings Deposits -r~- 69,272.14 Accrued Interest due depositors, - 3,167.50 Total .$1,187,13158 State of North Carolina ? County of Person, October 6, 1925.: I,"E. G. Long, Cashier of the shove named Bartk, do solemnly swear that the above statement -is true to -Cell c^prer . MONEY IN Ol'l) eU)THFS Our second hand -clothes t calo ha kent* up better this. summer thqr. n?y previous sniui^f and We feoi . (hat ?it is" "larVrel>' 'due to t?ie space which the. News papers of "our fHatp so kindly gave us in June, but I tear that our" pe6pV are forgetting us ence more and we are asking you to remind them once move to sen;! t?s clothes. .. , We arc simply cverwhelmcd with boarding pupils this^ term and are j having ta buy double decker beds i in order to house them. We must provide work for each of these board jers, for we take only those .who need to be self supporting. It all depends upon the qunnity and quality of clothes which you s^nd us this win ter, and we urge you to send all you possibly can and as often as you possibly can. Also will you appeal through your ! columns for Auto Knitters which were used during the war by the . lied Cross and others vto knit for the M- j SKE TV t: ? ? :jg."15l Money to Lend on Farms There, is an unlimited amount of money at our disposal which we will be glad to place on -Person County farm lands. We are prepared to lend several hundred thousand dollars to Person County farmers. One half the value of your farm will be loaned you on 1st mortgage. Loans are made for a period of 33 years. Semi-annual pay the loan in 33 years. Straight six per cent interest and no commission or fee charged ? only actual' cost of ap praising farm and perfecting the title. Loans may be paid on any interest date a?fte? five years. We would suggest to those interested in borrowing for agricultural purposes that they immediately see ? Att'y R. P. Burns or TJie Peoples Bank LOCAL AGENTS IN ROXBORO OF THE North Carolina Joint Stock Land Bank of ? J - . _ ? ? . ? ? Durham ? soldiers. Wc have not the money with which to buy these machines, bat if they can be given to us, cacb one will make it possible for a boy o- girl to become self supporting. Please act promptly for our need is very urgent. Gratefully yours, Crossmore School, Inc. Parcel Post ? Crossmore, N. C. Freight ? Spruce Pine, N. C. NOTICE ' I All parties who have not paid their 1921 taxes take notice that after l Nov. lat this tax will be put in the hands of collectors, and you know he has to have a fee for collecting; therefore, I urge you to call and set tle this tax. It must be paid. ' N. V. BROOKS, Sheriff. DURHAM? ROXBORO ? SOITH BOSTON LINE Making connections in South Boston for Danville and Richmond, V?. ?Daily Kxcept Sunday Lv. Durham 8:00 A. M. 1:30 P. M. 4:00 P. M. Lv. So. Boston 10:30 A. M. 4:30 P. M. Lv. Durham 8:30 A. M. 1:30 P. M. Lv. So. Boston 4:30 P. U. Lv. Rcxboro 9:00 A. M. 2:30 P. M Ar. Roxboro 6:00 P. Lv. Roxboro 9:30 A. M. 11:30 A. M. 6:45 P. M. M. Ar. So. Boston/ ' 10:00 A. If t 3:30 P. Kf | Ar. Durham 10:30 A. M. 12:30 P. M. 6:45 P. M. SUNDAY SCHEDULE Ar. Roxboro 9:30 A. M. 2:30 P. M. Lv. Roxboro 10:30 A. M. 8:30 P. M. Ar. So. Boston 3.30 . P. M. Ar. Durham 11:30 A. M. 6:30 P. M. We make connections in Durham for Buses *oinr to Greenabora, Raleigh, Goldsboro, Wilmington, Morehead City, New Bern, Fay ettesrilU, Sanford, Chapel Hill, Oxford and Henderson. siroig Pail and Proctor & Gamble ON SALE IN ROXBORO AT YOUR FAVORITE CROCIR 2 CAKES GUEST IVORY 3 CAKES P and G The White Na phtha 3 CAKES STAR SOAP 2 PKGS. STAR NAPTHA POW -DER 2 PKGS. CHIPSO 1 LARGE, -S-TRONG GALVANI ZED PAIL ? " ? " REGULAR VALUE $1.05 This Bargain Will be on for one W sek. . Don't fail to get Your Share While it Lasts. ROXBORO: J. Y. Blanks, Sercre ant "and Clayton, Chas Holeman and Co., Aubrey Long and Co., D. C. Johnson, W. E.. Ashley, Rose3 5. and 10 Cent Store, H. WooeU, A. O. Yarboro, A. S. Hassan, W. B. Cozart, Longhurst Mercantile Co., S. G. Cozart, R. M. O'Briant, . Mtiore^Bros.. Co., Fox and Co. Rougemont: H. L. Carver and St>n^i all for To our Farmer Friends: The tobacco market is in full blast now with all buyers and Companies represented. Prices have advanced since the opening day, and all grades of color tobaccos, with good boc^and texture are selling at TOP NOTCH fig ures. Roxboro T obaceo Market In Full Blast' CommcAi tobaccos, which, unfortunately, predomi nate so far, are selling as well, if not better, and no pile nvpr lnnlred Sn ynn can bring your tobaccos on whend ready, and we can assure you that you will get as niuckfj for it as any market in this section. We will endeavor to keep you posted from week to; week as to the conditions prevailing, and you can rel UpOh U4 tO take care of your interest, as heretofore. HYCO WAREHOUSE, W .T. Pass and ?o. WINSTEAD WAREHOUSE CO. T D. Winstead PLANTERS WAREHOUSE, W. L. Umstead.