ANX> DON'T LB* w WATCH THE LABEL ON YOUR PAPKB. SUBSCRIPT (02T KX PIRE!H J^^NOELU EDITOR frNP PUBLISHER . HOME FIRST. ABROAD NEXT $130 PER YEAR IN. ADVANCE The DATE ON THE ? I vVBEL IS THE DATE vm 1:" PAPER WILL BE fsTOPpicp':: ? VOL. No. XL HI ROX BQROt NORTH CAROfc^INA, Wednesday Evening- March I P, 1926. ' | . ? ? ? * * No. Y0. DOUBLE ACCIDENT - OCCURS NEAR HELENA Foiuf -Cars Figtirf in Smash; - . Several Persons Hurt. Hut / . None Seri6usl> ? / ?VVRT IlOYdS TRB* CAUSE Seven mi r anil four aut^nrobjlo^ v. i iv.M-ho priiveupai" actor - in *:gi un usual autom&bife ^mash-up .which occurred about 9;3i) o'clock- last I Satupliy r.igfat seven- miles from R- xboro- oti the Durham road, Rob ert Tuck. Nick- Allen, Jack Slaugh ter, Otis Gtfutry, .roe Allen and' two ? ' eulored ? www received ? minor' ? rut-; and bruise* about the. face anjl body, while the car.* were badfr^damaged. "The cc-lored men "in *a Ford were coming toward Hoxbono- when they collided with the Ford car m which were Mr. Allen _apd Mr. Slaughter, ^ These, men received sOtne sliflrht in juries while, the cars were considera- j bly damaged. ^ About this timd: MV Ckntrj' in 'a Ford roadster stopped on the side of t&c.nciad and proceeded , to render what assistance he could ' when another car occupied by Nick I Alleff and Mr. Tuck, side?wrped/the wreckage and turned over on the hard-surface, tW Allen car being! knocked off the? road. Mr. Tur?k va^ ~ the most ? seriously ? injured*? of ? thrr party, rerefving an pjgtY:- cut. on the forehead. He was fcund lying in the road with bloqd and glki^p scat tered aU about him. but it is Mot thought he is seriously injured. The ; accident is. attributed to the stick nil ?ho ni>>hwiiv ^ "the" 1 imp. in addition t the drivers, fcsing' ^yMipd#d. by 'the appr. aching lignH./ ??.EXPRESSION RECITAL AT. OLIVfe HljbL HIGH SC HOOL "M Sara ib .Geri rud?"3$h itt, lipaU of- f he-v'^pH^ston ' . department Ch.tman College, Witt give a recital ;.t 7)}iv? Iiijl School Friday evening, Ma.Jcl; the UixK. 8 -a 'clock. . The. ffci t part of . the piV^rram will \be ; . "Siiri Up." the play by Luta -YVllmer. which hild .\u:-h a ocirsatianal run ia ? l^ew York. ,M|as Vulrtiar is a NVrih Carolinian ahd the scene of the play is laid in the North Carolina mount \\ 0n?. The second of the prcjrram [ .Wi]l be a group of old-fashioned num- ! which Mis- Kiult will give in costume. > The entertainment is being griven under the auspices of the Pareftt Tcaohers 'Association byit the ottpjtt is- to give the pecple of ' .this section an opportunity to hear something! really gPTrtl, rather than to makel v money for the P. T. A. ? A . charge.: of fifty cents for adults and twenCf-[ ? five cents- for ohiidren will he made V t > defray . "expenses. No one Who is an appreciation for worth while i nijfc-s can affoal tt? hearing, 'kiiur TCncrtt. " WflAT IS THE GREATEST \ THSCOVHRV IN "TUB WORM! ? I TThi'? citation will be d4*cuHsed | . next Sunday night at the First E?p- ; ? t'.Et. t'hurch. - Sunday -School 9:4f> a. m., R. -I* i Wilburn, Supt. ? . ' Preaching 11 A. M. Subject:] "?CrowinR In Grace." 7rftft P. M.J f ? subject: "??RodV J*te.?t Creation." li-.V -f ' V. G-.30 P. . M. JJtudy ? bourse Wejk is bein$r ob- j nerved itur'ms the month of, March by the R Y. P. B.'l throughout the i Southern Baptist C.ii>venttin. The yotine people of our church wH! con duct their i-our*e* next week. ."Che Staku* wil^ stiudy the . 8. Y.. P. ? U. Maniiol; the yttermediatps V'Tritinwig l" the Jun. ' tiori. "Bibt?">Mero("S." tt is h? Jf'i Ithst ' all wX6 ale inteferted wilfrcvail lt>i. in?eU'r>i of ; thin' opj ?i ttmity . "Sto?ly to ahow thy Keif approved junto God, a workman that "needeth Im ilr tje itahfcmed, riirhtly dmdinjL Tho" word of truth." 2 Tim. a:!1fc -N s ^ AV-JL-WF-^T, Pa^ttr. i- TS l'FUMKIJl ATK ('(M'.urr IjAVK | rrarddntBKStet , |ji? forming Intermediate CI tdit ?Tlteffc -met tn ? ttto. caarl. ? house- Hpt ilatacday eytflflng-. but owmu To TacV -BI_.<>!_er< it wsi impu aihlc i.i-'il! ,IM njn.mjA.lli. II ' itlir To rum,-, ? iiii . . lu r. was ,'Jfft ? open huf^there la'Tittfe' ... <lr.-'iiir:i'/H' Ki ;>:rr i:~h Ttn institution will his fftrm^d Jjere. . v iiiisa IN SPLENDID SHAPE ft. of Secretary Walker at Annua I Meeting Strews ' fcifr-" Encouraging Growth I RANKS NEAR TOP IN STATE i The annual meeting of Jhe ?nock-, j holders of thi? Roxboro Building, and Loan Association was hel l at 11. o' 'cock Saturday morning in the-, of fices of the Secretary and Treasurer, Mr. J. S. Walker. The meeting was j vtW-attended, a majority of the. stock being: represented.. ? i Thu Association one of ? thf?. youngest in' the State, being only three years old, but in that timei has risen since its incorporation un- ; tij -at present- there are few associa tions in the State having any bet-' ter rating The Build in- & Loan, idea Was new to this secticn, bpt| ever >ij?ce the first, series of stock was offered has filled a real need in j the community #nd has- aided-, ma teriaTTy in^the building and financing j of homes. The total shares in force ; number about 2350, and assets | aratount to $73,948.89. Earnings of this stockr as r.apc.rjred to the stock holders by the Secretary, have amoun ted to. ? 1-4 per cent, which is an un:- | usuatty high figure among organ i-j 7.atioi\s of this c-haractet. Its great1 success rs due almost entirely" to the! ?: x^ellent management and carefiH at icf.iJ.ion of its officers, and much" of the credit is given 'to Mr. J. S. \V>V ? ker, the very efficient secretary. He: ?Jias^hantik'd it: affair: moyt gatiskj fiiJtrtorily for three greats, ontii cly i without ytf tiu me rat ion ! The unusual- 1 jy high earnings of the stock of1 this! Association arc due largely to the .absence Of overhead " and opcratinp ? Tli?- .it -ckhoii.c-.:-.; rc=i icc;--; "at] the.* former directors with the exception I Of two, and Messrs-. W. fl. Harris' and J. W. Noril were named to fill] these vacancies. Immediately after the stockholders' Jhefting. the direc tors met and rd-felecied the i<5rmer officers, without any change. A new sjeries cf stock will be issued April lit, arid in view of the excellent earnings of the . Association in the past, the new series will no doubt : | be largely subscribed. J M. C. Wins tea <JV To Leave Caswell *" Marcus^C." WVnstead. who has since its institution served as 'judge of the Caswell "county recorder's court, | "has todu#; M"tVeh 2, handed in his LzeV.gnatiftn to the board vf county i commissioners. severing his official connection .with the offifce. ' M It is understood that Mr. Wfn .*te6d will leave Caswell around the I 15th of March and will locate at ! ilendor^onville, North Carolina, where he will practice his -profes sion.-? -Messenger. ? ?- ? . I C OTTON HEBD .CLEANER Men*. T. T. Hester & Company arc installing a first class cotton clean ing machine and will ha've same ready for business-' on next Monday. ThU is quite a convenience for the farmer*, for no cotton' seed 'should ' e planted without first flavin* been cleaned. , And while it Is true, every indication b that cdtton ? will not' bring a fancy price next year, we ? mrr 'it mors wilt find it to their advantage to plant some cot ton, ^nd not depend entlroly on to bacco ? it also may bit low. In any ?vent, when you have two money -imps you ?tand a Imttur. "h"w than when- you have only one. "Or EPH03U8? -CLEMENT FlfcLD Services Sunday. March 14th': -i-ambeth Memorials' unday School 10 a. ra! Mimmgr^ervice IT a'- in. It. Y- IV Pray ec service-at 2 OQ- ' , Lea Bothelt Sunday Sehool--2 !' m. wyvie'e J. f >esu* cttendril churcV <=pal.offl . was.- .he. Went irito the syna Ktyprte rar- thn fl?H>bnfrh r|nr Oo lt>\V (fori and mmy ? . T/Ove^ ot the lo.vor.. .. 2' W^lco?je"A;o. a)t. " r_L i.. v. r. ? iixs, raw a- ? The Prince of Wales, credited; with being England's beat adver tising bet, in his tumbling act l/oifl galloping steeple-chhse horses, has a real national rival ? now that John Coolidge, *an of the President has taken up boxing at Amherst college. Right how John is nursing a rather "ouchy" nose and tb? Prince is carrying his left arm., in a sling? the former having l:st a thrt-i round battle- in a boxing tOUTney and the latter frem'i bird spHK? his thirteenth fall in a race. The Boy s Corn Club Honor Roll These Com Club Boys Are Goih? To Show Dad; Six. , . teem Boys Wanted ; " ? ' We are mighty proud of our Boys Corn Club, but we /want seventeen ? - i move to complete 'our list. To date | there have been thirty three to jorn.l ami we vvaht fifty to complete the j club. Say' boys, don't you want to pet in this bunch (Nf live boys, one, . i wh^m wiU win,. Fitfy Dollars! < ?uiitiiout "any to the prcpfrtf- j tion. Of course, If .ve do not the fifty boys tf>. join, it will ?>n ! with th:>e who have joined^ bui^Vvej .. j h/?d set1 our mark at fAty, for- wo. j ?. w:r.u-d to si}o\v the old f^ruj^V| progressive ' ^ourvjj farmers couW do.J Come ' on ' . hovs, send in your no me ?this*, week. 1 :ffte . following ,lvy? compose the j club tp (iatv: ? ? 'v.* Lawrence C re wk. Roxboro, R"). CeuV Carver Roxboro. R4 McKinley Daniel, Hoxboro, ft 4 Bradsher Gentry, Roxboro, R2, Roy Ashley, Timberlike. * AVilliam Winstead, Roxboro. R3 _ Geo. S. Cates. Thnberlake, R# Wi R. Day\ .Woodsdale, Howar<f?Oentry, Roxboro, Rfi. Raynicind Jones, ^oodsdale. j Cecil Humphries, Woodsdale. Geo. L. TJuningham. Jr., Semora. . Jiasper Fuller. Semora. ? . William Edwards, Milton, R2. j Harry L&ckhart; Semyra. William Davis, 41tjon,'Va. I Swhnn Rudder, Woodsjiale. . Reuben Moore, Wccdsdale. "* V Henry Lewis, Semora.*' Clyde Clayton, Roxboro, R3. Aubrey J. Long. Hurdle Mills R.2 John Henry Winstead, Roxboro. R3. John Thompson, Roxboro, R3. John Wilson Brewer, 'Rtfxboro, R3. James Daniel,. Roxboro, R8.: Le-ater G. ..Qifey, Timberlake, ft2. Bavnette Pearc?, Timberlake. Elmo Rpfjers, Roxboro, R5." 2 Children Lose Lives In Fire Father Rushes Up StairsTo Save Others Whom He ThaugrhJ were Trapped HendersonviUe, N. C!J March 5. ? - Wwo children of Silas Fowler h>st] their lives early today when lire ! destroyed .the Fowler, heme r.ear here." They were Mildred, agred 9. "tiid Riit<h - "j Twelve porsopis, eleven of them im mberc of the F: wler family, and ? Stella Gibfv-aif were i? the li'.uSe when neighbors gave an alarm. The two children who Were fata^iv burned were sleejjinu: in- J- he | room_w^th thei" father, who rush-.' eji ti]jstaji\s to.. save others ofi thb.j family, thinking those oh the. . floorfl i^below had been rcscued. j NOTICE TO~ FARMERS ! It gives us p:easurr lo state that, | because '? the remarkable success of ! our Fourth Annual Farmers" Sale j ?we have decided t to- continue it] througfl the month "ftf March,, realiz- j ink that there are many who fcr ! various reasons have hot yet had an J ^opportunity * to avail themselves ?f j the unusual price reductions .we are offering We take ihis Opportunity of thank- . ing the\ readers of The C.curier for the liberal patronage they 'have ac corded us during this, sale and to as sure them tha. ta hearty- welcome, as well as ;\n unrivalled opportunity to* save money on farm implements j awaits' them a ? 'all times at this i store. If you have not seen one ct our.j circulars, drop U5r? a card and we j will mail y oh? one. BA&BQUR-W1LBORN HWD. CO. j ? j _ South oston, ,Va. ] a rven Garrett, r- R : xboro R- ? Bright Ashley, Timberlake. Harold ...Jones, Timberlake. * Roy Oakley. TimtJferlake. " Raymond Oakley, Ro xboro, R ? John Woody Rogers Woodsdale, R2. New&'From The Old North State | . Kiekenbacker To Referee Run ' Greensboro, Mareh ,8. ? Eddie V. i Rickenbackef, American aviation, aoe in. the world war, will referee th* , memorial day races at the Char lotte- speedway. May 10, accord hir j to announcement by O. W. Roberts, j manager *>fthe" speedway. . ^ ^ 1 II i O I I ?- -1- ? * . Ju Uod.v ot browned Seaman Recovered New Bern, Mareh 7. ? The body of Capt. P. W. Stow? , of Hatteras, who was drcwj?ed Hcee miter ' 20 when he fell from- the ^sailboat Alma White ?between Hatteraa and Washington, recovered lrtST week by. fisher, ?men at Buy ride, according to news ' rcattiyng this city. ' The body was 1 oclRed in a fish net. * ' ? ? j - 0 ' Mortlsmf In Build S250.000 Residrlice t- 1 1 ? - T" t"hinlf>tf?, i*JarcK l> ? Ann P ' j jnent wa'n toa'de 'hare today that l>i<l? ? .wWU'lif Mnrth t i' 'by IQI roerGov. Camerpji Mor.claon for tftc . I l i fTiTin ij . n.y. 000 hilim-. t' , be built on hi* 1 - tate. ls-ur Fiorr . Tlw fMdUi.M 1, 11 RIi'iiI ijlf 1 WUL4, Merger of Power Companies Planned Raleigh, March 8. ? Announcement I was made here thin afternoon that Jilnns :niv now underway for the consolidation of the C<\r finn PovJer -and I.iirht company, ?he Asheville PoWfrr and Light company, the- Pige on River j Powe?- company and the | jCarolinn Power Company. Truck Driver Killed near Rabama James J. Lowe, :U-yrar-olii man who has 1>een living on the tAl- : stoii avenue read sj,x mi!*? ?r<<m f Ourham cartic to hi* death about. 6;8(f o'clock.' Thursday high* as the reauft . <if injuria* received whi_r. a tfasoiine delivery trhek he was driv -int; ii'ft. the rt?<l WBfc ?w?ftuM?e4. about -rniie^ ffSB. Bahama . ? . 1 ? ? * ?' Ql M?-L- ' . J? ? Heeretarr- Kt4|?llK- at Tinehursl j ? 4 a_ ?? I Piyhuwt, March 8 ? -Seceettry of! I Siaj?7- B. Kyllii^g. j Kitlotrg arrived fiere from Waihtnir- 1 Ion fir iheii j4arty_^jit of- .two. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY ! COUNCIL TO MEET Meeting to. Be Held in Raleigh; WH) Spend Om: Day In j ? ?: ? " PwlaUn w ELABORATE PROGRAM Between 300 and 35Q women, in- 1 eluding ftboat 25"0 delegatosh-tO*' the annual convention of the WothanVj Missionary council, the governing j body - f womanV iriisslonarv >vork in j the 38 conferences of the Methodist! Episcopal church. South, to bo j held! in the Edenton Street Methodist j chte'h in Raleigh. March 10-17, aTe "exacted as guests ~Qf the tmrham district Woman's Missionary society' and Duke university next Saturday, March 13. ^miwtanqing xeaxuri f the ?visit wiH be a Utncheon tendered the delegates, and i>thef hostesses for the trip . from Raleigh at the Washington Duke Jjotgl. The pro grom wilt include an address -"-'of welcome by Dr.W* P, Few president, on behalt of the Durham district, and a talk by Dr. E, D, Soper, head of the school of religion at Dul$e, who| will giye an outline for missionary, -training . which will be included in the courses of the -school. Pictures of bt-tti the old and rtew campus with plans for buildings and grounds, will be thrown on the ?creen and explained, by Prof. R L. Flowers, vice-president of the university. A drive over the -present', campus ami the grounds for the new. university wrll be taker, after the lur.cfaeon if the weather permit". I \\;un t ' . i f&t&sti arrive- from' I Raleigh Saturday inor-ninur they will bo received by President .Few, Prcfv .essor Flowers and other officials wf the .university, olonyK with Mrs. Merrittj Mr-v A. w- v-ie'e presi dent of the XortH 'Carolina conference "missionary /o'ciety; M D. "Iti - - bee, superintendent -5SrJ young i;c: ^)Le :f the .V^rth Carolina conference, irnd the presidents of the 31 auxi liaries of the Durham districT n^iss lonary. society, ; ?This, will the first ? opportun ity. the 250 vVornen from all Wer the southern spates _and_juany from j Raleigh will have tcT see the plans foj1 the great university provided by j the late James B. Duke. . Puppy Stake To^ Be Run Frjday ?Considerable interest is beinsr d re played in the- Spring Puppy Stakes to be rUn hereby tjh'e Piedmont Field Trials Association Friday March 12th. Over thirty .'dogs have already been entered by their owners; and further ejttries will be accepted up until Thursday nig-h't. Experienced judges have been feecurCd, and loeni arrang:- j ments are in the hands of j\fr., Garv it of Rougemont and K. V; Ruat wrijtht of this *jty. Seventy-live yor cent of all erUrunr.o ami starting fees will be awarded the winners, ex cept that handsome silver loving ?cups will bo presorted to the winner?, of the membens' t)erby. A large gallery of dog-lovers is. expected to I be present t<f witness these Trials. KNTBRRTAINMENT AT HELENA' ~~ " Saurday night. March 13th, in the school auditorium of the Helena. High'*""5et??l, there will be given a public .uiiwrtw'njnimt under the aus pices ofrthe Aid Society and Epworth League of Helena Methodist Church.; They plav, "H. \v the Story Gitnv," ' and" other feature* will mtike up the 'evenings entertainment, among w h i r K will be .old, glprttatton melodies \vith string band acccmpnmwient. Ad fiiU-ion 15 and i!5 cents ? CALL TOMMUNICAtlON There will be a call tion ? d Person Lodge No' 113, A, iF. A. M. on Tuesday ' night. _ . ' tmy. degree. Win. W. MO^RBT h, w; 5C A . -C. ' < 1KNTR V, Clerk. *7 ?'? iUl?. J#nic JEUirt^i r.f MerBitti Cr>t Wg -finU 'liy.war. > * ..i... . ? i ' .A V. ' ROXBOBO AND OXFORD ; DIVIDE USKET6ALL Oxford High School Ba.skeet*re ?Unset Expectations of Manj tiovbor* Fans LAST GAME OF SEASON The Oxford high schcol baskeccera '-upsst the expectation of many of the local fans, when they, defeated the Roxboro high school- quintet by a -core of 19 to 13. The (tame was the most, exciting and hard fcogbt battlev that has" been played or. the local court this season. .Both sides brought into action the . five man defense, which prowl to be- more valuable to the opponents than to the locals.. A vedette, of tho- ' Oxford team contributed 7 point? to the tally, while Harris, for the locals came' through rfith 6 points to hi* credit. ' The visitors seemed to find the basket more often than the Rthx boro lads, who missad many crips, which might have made a diffeftfrtt story: . . Line up: Oxford (19) Roxboro (13) ? Position Hill (2) ? Winstead (/) - R. I". - Arvetttf (7) Davis L. F. Hunt (6) l^on? (3) C. ' . IMhg mire (4 1 Stalvey ? R. (\. Perkins Harris (G) Ii, G. Referee, Merritt (Bushy Fork.) Second' Game .' ; The Raxboro town .team anirex#a an ither game fr:m t he. Oxford team ! "in' one.jpf the' m 'mtimsive , And" ex- ? i citing frame-? --:<i the* ??on the- . I focal' court la si night:" The '&tbppr'\ ! was -20 to 17. When the whilitie l>U-w for recess, ? the Oxford ring throwers were one point in the lead, the score bein? 5'* to 4--,JBot?h teams ? a me back in the ; second .fitlf with a string determina tion t /\i?kt the lead and keep it. . The lOCat-. tftssers. however, sac- - ceeded in overcoming. the one point ! lead and - ? when the whistfe, blear a^ra/n the Oxford . teum needed ' t hree 1 I pynts t d make the score a tic-. /Winstead k-:ntributed seven points ^ jrti the score of the locals', while Oak ley ran 'a. close second by making r a total of six points, also playing 1 an exceptionally gxod pwe, breaking up many passes. Parhani,. j\pf the vi.4i<fars, dame through as* ' hijfh scorer of the gatm.' jrtaking a total of eigrht joints. j Line Hip: ' . Hoxboro (20) Oxford (l7> t ? Position Clayton<21 >? Pridgen* <5) " ? R. F. ! Oakley (6) Parham (8) . ; ? ,..L. T- ' : ' < ?' ' J WinsieadW ? H an t<4) fc C-' It Clayton Hunt R. C'. Merritt (5) ' Curren. , I '? ? ? L. o. . ' MR. BULLfrCK BUYS INTEREST IN KAfcMBRS HARDWAHB . r: Mr R. A." Bullock, who has bo^n with' Mess. W'atkinr, & Bullock for several -years, has lioutrht the in tf?eat of Mr. J. Mel'vitv O'Briant in "the Farmers Hardware Company. ^TOiis firm is well known and erijoya a larjre trade, and Mr. Bullock's con- "" nection will add materially to their popularity, ? . COMING ? oomim; * Clemens' Marionettes in "(aclt and the Beanatallc," in four acts. Scene ry, Fight ?ffect.<, music and manit ous puppet actors ' 'praded school auditorium Monday, March -15th, 8 p, m, Benofit of .the ciation Admission *15 and 25 qeaW. t ? fffac puprU-^'cff; Mm. Emery * strati will irwi1 h |ii?uu ThlMSfr iijv rvvwing. >ta-rch aa'lg>h nt ej?M i in the -thool .-lTi.litorlunv. ] pie- public is ab-rdrallv iavited' tS-'nt I niwi. '? ? - 1 h -

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