.4* BtfftOYSD UNIFOM nfHOUUtKNUL LcS5 < By HBV. I' - 1? K'H'/JVATEH'. L>,L>.. ?>?*il 1 of the Rv*,)iiiK ! ? ? + ' r Lessen for March 14/ THE LA&T WORDS OF JESUS. ? WITH HIS DISCIPLES, r LESSON. TKXT-Johu 14:1-31. OOMMSN TKNT ? l am t h way, the .'truth ??rwl the J??lin 14:6. J'KIMiP.Y Telle of; the JliirrvnTrl y Hnmr 1 1 * JTNI'Ut T(/PJC~ Wonderful Promises of Mk ^ ?. 1 XTfrl U &1 IS t ,> IA*' K AND SKflEl OR TOP 1 y 1 ' . -i 1 ? ? m ? rrn VG U N<2 ITUPLK ANt) A1?PW TOP l * I. PointlttQ to the Reunion in the Father's House- fv v."" 1-3"). * I. lie Asked Til em to Trust In Hltn \ '' h'n ; f , lu'Jth, ifi the ? O.qti man 'CMirt9f*!9foflH : ? tvili steady ? tlu? heart no mattrr l;nw Intense the grief, nor how gr eat the J sorrow. - j flu Informed Them That He Was j Oolng to lire Father's House In Heaven to Prepare a Home for Them (v. 2). .1 He ireo them ? tl)iit there wnt abundant ro?? with Himself ! In the heavenly home Torever hTorC] II. Revealing the Wsy to. the Fa- I ther'a House fw. 1-11). Jesus ? -ihfOi*fiie?Sj th?.? disciples thnt j H."\ -knew, the place .rind ' tlve^ny ? fn 1 which He was rolng. Tm this- ^Thomas ; Iu|erp??s? the ?lgor of ihft sheop fold .ybfi, the i vi-i'.y ?'iitr:?!i<*o lo the tre?? of' life. The Triith (v. j\\. Tlv ;>? ; not -ho'.rtdy ...the ' io^cher^'Minl^ Jlio Trtij ft { fieitmt^ In 'I KMr^hrbfi - j ' . tfon f-'.< t? ^f?v v j tM fi l "^n 1 j mterlnl v. >rld* wore. 'jni*pd. Thei "tope, every', line of .-tnrth. ? ):? -h.i- ^iMtiurl "r- tn n\i r C'Hiv. CM-crc's in 11';;.:. No.. i?V,e ' n1fl no'i.n l:now ) fjm (Jolm if'S). Jt The Mf,? (v. r.v ? . t'lil i-^t W ru?^ il!" rely the iCivf?r% of !ifo. i"rt lip u rt?e * ewtenee ->f Only . :,rt r arrived at h v |nfe.K" '-ni:d process.- Ti !?; ? ? my we^ which mil only he penetrated h.v falrfi III. Assuring Them That Hia Work Wn& to Continue (yv. 12-14). i *T#Mua' irrlr^c nwhy wan n^t to and th#?*"\voTlf \Vldol) Fte had. h ".run. This i ho doubt meanfrthiu through the mU?-; V unrk whirh lip had. ln.T r ft 1-metm tho f:,.Vpw a 1 rmnl. ? rjinw. -Uxtfam Rte m|?- I lotry tho mnmnz? w:i* ormflne>] lo tho' * whttf* '*r'1 *;^oni fcirtPr'1 m^*nx' llf #rallv ot,e nhlwl to the nlrte of.another j .'I ?lrp Vlji, |.r..t_,.i~n,,n in.L deliver ? t. nut'*'. 1 liJs^ i-n/oforfcr WHR^thft Hnly 1 Spirit. Jiv.'is w's m tho comf,irti>r ujillo " ln ,hp ''"Cv TI.e ifoiy Spirit wok io he iinothei* enrhforter ' ' Them of "Hi. Return to Them - (vv. tA?n ""r.V Although Christ wont away Hn > Hln rtiarlples a, prphnns. Ho I* oplrlfually i>y<>?<>nt with them slway* The I'nthrr mid the Son irtRlrti their Ahcidc with the (Uvclple* who 1'Hf and i>h<*y .Tesa? ('hrlst. . * i V'J. Assuring Th?m Thst ths Holy Spirit Would Aid Thsm in Rjitiember fog and Understanding HI* Words i?. :vt;_29). ?JTilf the Holy Spirit dor* Hy llln? hilrmtinr Hro- mlnrta of the rltnrlple*. VII. Giving the Legacy of HI* Pesos . (tv.'jTSH). ? , By Hlic pesce. I? meant the iwrenlty of ?jjul whlrh rnie i-jijoy* who '.know* that, ht* sins are formlven. j>y_ ; Depend "Upon ,God '? All moil. Whether they know It <:?r nrt, ore wKmHjHiSly duxngsnt _ ? ( : t.A n! imn timid live out n day. Tl.e izlljJoiK tti'nh la -hose triumphant debut at the Metropolitan makes her a rtar of the ;>rst magnitude. Gene Goldman demonstrates the ability of her sex lo earn money instead of Bpending it, by amassing "a million dpUaia oetliii^ Chicago real estate. CHEAP TEED PKODI CEU ! BY GOOD PASTURE ' 7 ? itnluivM. - N. Mare?r l.r? A pasture produces the best feed foe' all kinds of livestock and ' the feed is secured^more cheaply than in Any other way. ? Even the man who keeps but onfe cow, a few hogs and seme work stock will find a perman ent' pasture to pay well. "Demonstration? have shown that the loamy, soils of Xfcrth Carolina will produce 'irood pastures in/jjt will furnish succulent ^ood for liV3st.)ck froirv March until ' late November**' says S. J. Kirby, extension pasture specialist for the State. College "of Agriculture. "In almost every county cast of the piedmont section r?t "here are permanent, pastures which have produced ? hrtivy grazing ? f -r iu'.U varying f'rorn. one t i twentyrone years. Almcst any .type of -oil tvfll produce these- "pastures' "p nd some soils will 1 : oilucve " bjDtter pasture* than any, other 1#: d * -roi -.^. The b -< pa ? rtife land -is a rather feVtil" s^ii ranging from'' a sandy lor.m tb'" IV elayey loam of low to medium up Jajjd." Wocds, cut-over land-; and tfltfarecf land WW produce eosd pasture* and ^xr^'.eusiiy. prepared '-for', seed, -stated ' mr. Kirby. The wo als land may be i : .s*; : ' : uni!.-v- j br?sji. -tjiftinfng ^-aut ' the ia ? - trw j and %?.r-om -"sedge i land before suding. - i*ho cultivated ' land may be prepared -imply by ^taking t h\ soil.' bttter jjrcwfch- ia s-e.curi d the land has btVn ptswed the fall, before, ,biit cultivated land ? vhouM not be plmvYtf "plant inrr: to pasture just befortr1 ? tne seeds' ?j?? -sown*. . : ' . ' J ' ? Mr. Kirby .states" . that. the lapd should be well fertilized' wi?li* stabje manure, H00 to '400 pounds of acid phosphate and ?from 200 to ?00 j pcund- <-c some organic nitrogen ! material . like cottonseed meal or tankage. Seed mixtures to t usi- f?n be secured on application to the county agent or to the pasture specialist and seeding should be done between. February 1* and Apr'U 1." -o DELISTING COTTON SEED HIRK1ES Ci^BMIN ATI ON Raleigh, Ni C., March 1. ? Farmers whose cotton has suffered from at tacks of anthracnose and boll rot will find that delinting the seeds with sulphuric acid will clean the se d of disease spores and Will degi u.-e* Baunic "should be -use^ Acid of this strength will' dellot the . need in terf minutes at ordinary temperatures.. Not less' than 2 1-2 to 3 quarts should be usc ured about ten minutes. ^ Treat ment :foiv -80 minute- will" do , no.- -barm. "This i.- .itment will inr,? ...-. . tlte germinatiVt- eapac-ittf of the scad ana .will shorten' the time ; rvquh ed. "f r th?. plant tStart 'into active ?rq>wth," says Dr. S. G. Lehman, plant 'pa tfc-' ologisti "Usually from one to five ?drr-y-s' -ir- jrrain .tf. J t -pending ' on !he Mr1 t'f the SolL ? \C"nfT? Uu . has diss: lved the' "uyz on_ the seeds, they 'should be thorough I* washed, using several gallons of .cold water i for' each bushel of vee l- The ~erd ? should bp stirred vigorously and the.) in the New Handy Pack is the biggest value in v .long-lasting flavorful enjoyment, that yoti can buy. It is the best Peppermint Chewing Sweet Cor any money. \ J Handy PacK Tits hand, pocke t and purs e. >Look for WRIGLEY'SRHHandr feck k ; Dealer's Counter water poured off- as quickly. as "blc. Two ur three gallons vf vatcfH are sufficwit fir the sveind ami third washlngi. ? After-' "the seed have I been washed JLhey should be*1 spread 1 |- out whjr.e thf* will, dry Tjuickly. lintin# jco?t? about 28 ' cent* pei bushel but th.e /stand * is inipro+ed. [there is less disease .and the . seed are dropped uniformly* in the row." v l)r. Lehman advises . growers to j IVandle the ^ucid very. ca;efully and to Use a wcjfderi tub plated with roiof pitch. Time is . sa^ed if a second tub is' used for washing..*' For. tftcfse who desire detailed in I founatiotr on this quest'ion, 3Dr/Xe hm?n states that r he/ .will be clad t ? answer letters sent to him. ' * ^-?~o? THTTY AI T. AUV^RtWg (Elfis Ha *J? hen is 'not supposed to nave "" Much.-ec*nmcn sense or. .tact. Vet every time she lays an eg?.. , She cackles fort>> the fact, A rooster ha n't got a lot Of .intellect to show. But none the le$s mcst roosters hav? ] Kn-::ugh .good sense, i: cttvr. The mule, the most d?spised of beasts, ] II a* a persistent way Of letting: folks krichv he's around By his insistent hr$y. . - The, busy little bees they buzz. Bulls bellow atrff . cows moo, The' watchdogs hark, the panders I quack. And dove^ :u\d pige;ns c;o. The peacock spreads' his tail and | Q quawks. Pips squeal, and robins sing, ? And even serpents know enough To hi^s be t o**?- they -ting. * But man, the greatest masterpiece That nature. pould TieVi**. \Vjlb joften stop and hesitate Boforc hell advertize. ? " J ? ' DEATH OF MRS OAKt.EY" , Mrs. P. J. Opktev. wife 01 Mr. T4 N.; Oakley, passed .away cn Feb. 2nd; 1 tlOaC, fioix thi- earthly home to the [ home beyond. There art: many re latives and-^fri&udtf let* behind 'i raivs her but God knew test. !I ; uge was 02 yenrj. She joined O'ive IT WOH REHGWH I The vitamins in cod-liver oil playi an important part in protecting the. body j' ? against germ-infection. Jj Scott's Emulsion | oi invigorating cod-liver | oil is the food-tonic that t; has won renown through I its power tojtrengthen .aid ; protect; the body. J If tfa % would heap <^.'v 4 strong, take Scott's Tf// u Emulsion! JiVjL .< Pric. 60/ ?od 11.20 ???Scotl ft Downe.BloomficId, 25-40?J Branch Baptist Church when .-he I irs old;" so^she has been y follower ot Christ ..for fijfty y.ars. >Ir*, Oakley leaves a Irusband, i no ,-ijter and two brothers to ftimtrn ove^ her . death. Her frjea'ds wire "nfafttjPV ?he \v _;C- ^jurv il at -the T. D. Oafcley faftiily jrrave vard. May we not Jiope to mqet hpr sonic time,~face to face. - For .in ? graveyard at, her U?t vt .vti'nj?~plafce. ,.' y TLl-. Go.iilcrr ' gate\? .ar? ? pyr\ ' * A gentle yffice ^aRS, tomp^ And \Vith farewell . word> unspoken, She. calmly entcfpd Hvmft * BY FKIKKD % .. ; Q * . j. SUBSCRIBE TO ?1E COURIER? $1 .50? Pjnx \Yearvin 'Advance. THE BEST THAT GAN BE HAD ? ? * FRESH AND TENDER ? WHAT MORE J COULD ONE ASK ? ? -== Moore's Market - - PHONE )?!%, ' MOT||ERj- Flet cher's Castoria is'es pecially. prepared to relieve Infants in Flatulency, Wind and Diarrhea ; allkying Feverishness arising therefrom," and, by regulating the Stomacli ' and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food ; giving natural sleep. To a*oid imitation*, always look for the signature of Absolutely Harmless - No Opiate*. Physicians everywhere reconrpend lit . So Much Youf Jewelry and your valuably papers are so much safer in a Safe Deposit Box. In fact, you can all.biit for get them, knowfrig that when you do want them, they will be awaiting you. The rental for a good-sized box i3 only $2.00 per year. Better get one today. .4 per 'gent' Interest Paid on Time Deposits We Will Welcome -^our Account -- - ? A "THE FRIENDLX BANK" ? Under SuBteryision U. S. Governnxeht