0??000 0?????00 i x- ? . ? r? ? ? ?15 In Valhalla and Out J ' Q lu hi George J Ettielbert WWO 8?rvlc? Walsh (Copyright. 19X5. toy W. ci Cbupmun.) CHAPTER XV The torpedo boat Sprite had picked up Dick's wireless at sea, and hurried. I to the -ialamf; but the IVllcan was ten, mile* nearer and l>eat her' I > , slnall margin of time. The arrival ot \ the warship completely demoralized Captain Brent ai.d hi* confederate* ? After 11 thrrirt nf the commander to j blow up the rave with a, depth bomb r they surrendered and sulkily per mltKTfl*Mln'i>.s-??l* M*. f) t f> -tnkfn P'ir oners. * Dick was not sorry that the re^pon ; slbillty of duH\iriiij!- fliul holding 1 hem 'I wan itranfiferred to another's ?hou1 ;t ' and Confidenite, Hn M^r, Cutter's private -secretary, -to manipulate the stock 'market lor. his own benefit, tiding a brokerage firm of V|uest|onftble imputation a con- I federate. .Knowing that ihe enforced absence o? Steve / 'tjtler wonid create a panic In the " stork s supported .by hluir he had planned skilfully to bring i about -.this situation.- ? . Through, the. suggesfchin ' of Doctor Alster, he Inis'.cred a xlrug. thAt ; slowiy weakened t li o < >1 d m a : i ? s k o;vin i . gradually breaking' down Ids ir*?:> will until- h<> was. apfctliVflc and indiffer ent. He beonru<< siUcrijijiely peevish" and -r ?,/.?. .eiY' by pe- ? :',TTOfrs of : ?>. >vi^; /*b .Ti."^SsJoi?. . |.lis o\v'ii . . ljiuii iy ' J.!;.*,.? :,il:< ..ud condi tion Blake won' the power, lo speak 'and iicft -for him In Many imp '..riant ; matters.* lit hard '. .vMin Johnston dismissed, ami Brepr installed in his ; pla'ce. Then lii. one of ;)U^i?eriods of 1 d^Jectlon ive prev^Vile'cl upon emptier to i accept u temporary -change of physl- j clan*. | After that the success of the. plot was assured . po< tor.Alster \epY his pa tient weak ".and' menially depressed until it wjis time to spring their coop. Captain Brent had been to, Valhalla to install the secret wireless plant in the cave, and when- he returned, arrange ments were. .completed' fr>r the second step in the achenie: ?.Doctor Alhter Imil v.afi.ted. Cutler a period of: absolute rest wa's - essential, and he. recommended a tr.p to ValluVUa. Alice.- had unwittingly fallen intd. t heir plans, 'and w li?'-ii. she added her Ver'suil-ions to that <>f -.he : others, hc <>;d aaju ? !.nd ? grrtmbOng'y yielded.. . ./ . I I . Ail ? . fi'.r.cn's fur V.ie : i- j been' !?? n. t?"> i.ia ? nf:. ills 4 plajB>:!;N ?. ???? ? back for moire >-<{r\ ..i,t<,t y^ag' by MIk.-; Cttfler until her ku-si w iv v v ? of nifli '.in. hie" dealing wvvc-i?r'*':;scfV by Dick ' The Bclicun fiad uiercljL^iLe'ajaed o fit ? tn Marsh jfiUM, \Vh,ere it' was. n com- ' mun'KKtjori with tlic islaritl. and also! i wWh a>lKuc wireless sj^uthin. ivi:?kc's: messages to hl's brokers Were , thus ! relayed to the shore4 i;nd answers re j ceived via the . yacht'K .wireless, in the | name way. The mnh'* ori^:ii Jjilea had been! to commit *vo rrltne IhjTt^uadjil be traced to him. But two iactbrs de I ? veloped that u|?set l?lVplanR. one j was bin growing pMHston f4>r Alice Col- 1 ler. which, when lie had her. In his power on the iabmd developed int health Mr.d ?veii Ueatb-o< Steve . qutler. but aHer that It bad -1 resrtfd :i?d rrfi.ve^- some of Ua^ _ normal ' tone. ? ; ? /I'n urn Kg n i Hi 1 1 ? i y. mii M1 fui niiikg, .he had. tu protect *hi? jiiargrinx with' Muck* .iSjTiiEiSVraS .inffiqsp: U.lu.0. !.?. n.ii^.i tr..m ? h!? private Hrtrt '.vpoxit vauIM on1..ixlprpiT when. hc>buld get them Wily. fun lift (i . rollml ' by wiH'tf"!! ? ffir ? liK.rr itntt rrrrrrf. margius UOt- ? : . .. . .'.f ??. ii.?. vyortb of .Steve Cutler's securities hsU ln??n turned over- !?? them. Rluko yto ; not oily a ruinod man, but s'thief and i ' absconder, unless the "market turned j so he could recoup his losses and re- ; p.lacr Die stocks naj bond.* bcfor< iiis j employer returned The scheme had beei^ blasted by j Dick, wfio from the Brut had appeared ! as the man's Nemesis, accidentally ; and then intentionally crowning his \ path at every liniioetnut turn to checks mate him. " Stere Cutler had come oujt of his comatose condition, partly as the re sult or Doctor Alster's ministrations. Just as Captain Brent appeared. Aft erward the surgeon of the torpedo boat look him, In band, and before rhs warship was ready to *aU with her prisoners the old man, though Wtttk, /wn* memay.v nearly norm^ Alice explained in detail, what hid happened on tl?e island before I'icJt was summoned to. Outlfi- K , (WsJ.le. The old iuan loofcril pale, Jim grinY and In a fight i a* mood.-- lie redded, as Dick entered. " , , "Well, sir^yon're a chip of * the ??ij'J bjqck !*' he said. "I knew MVfrry \'an4 NVss wheji lig was ? boy. !!ewy*iind I grow up. togeTnF*7Achtli;L'??mr -bi.t Qes In knee bree? Vj/ l>efon?*?Ms-ki.;kei! IWns on tile Streef^Wtf^ad to inert ypu, sir.** I >ick grasped tTTe withered ? baud, j and murmured some ednventfonu' r^ pl.v. "Now, sir" continued the?*nwine,v magnate, "w' at can \ do for ypu": ? T owe you < > eryfiiirijj. )?:;r price." I Uck's head wont up. "I haeeiVt any." he replied coolly.'^ C:Vv>f-h? What's that! He peat u !" t "I haven't ally price, f ir !? - I didu t do it to be rewarded,. Tpauk you/ < tut the ^srimei" ' "Rut-by gad. sir. you must have a price ? every man lute !" ; "Then 1 must be tlif exception.'4 he smiled As he did ko. his eye* drifted across the bed to the girl opposite. For a moment he was quiet and dreamifj* thoughtful. Suddenly, he laughed good-naturedly, and shrugged his shoulders. i* VVqs. I have a i rice." "he said, "but it's imi hiL'h for" -even von to nay. V>i conldn't do it "Couldn't pry it J" v nor ted CWtfe-. I "You think t hut ^ scoundrel's fuined me so I can't buy w bsil I want! V own z ?man. * oi/- \hv.'t k'now. me. I ey .,:d buy -i?u\ ? "" , I)li.k turned abruptly . owny. "f ,':nt discuss it any 'further,"' he sa'd. "I Shouldn't Ii^ve tnentloiieU it Ke ' rideK licsitating and looking boifK ly one tQ. the oth< "armi i. r iv.o.PV! 'have to .pjfy more than you. .and I .'shouldn't' dream of; asking her in f7fy my hfifc !-" roared the old. man. as -Dick .moved "to the door. "What deep h? mean, Alice *" he tiling at his i'ieve. "I ? 1 don't know,** came the st.-fln merlng reply, nori't know !" repeat* j ed the man on the bed. "By gad, , ndss!: N>e!ieve y?ui*re keeping some' thing from n;e. li .you were a man,. | I d KHv you were |y ing to me." 1 ?Ofr, uncle!" murmured Alice, bury ing her fare In the pillow. Two- days later when- the Pelican was l.i>r;.i-\N j?-rd hound, Dl(jk hat! Hie d?Vk* in the absence of Captain Bar . t.etl. , In tho nils-u mo?-;-,!iirht flgnr? wrapped In S. . mo.mI 4o him. ' sway a 1 '? t ' !< ? e;j? i, tiui(^ the va? ht lurched so. that he Imti -to support .her V.1J h u4?- .arm. ""V.'-l !:::ve - ? 'vji? 1; fuivny UOti0a<, ' siie whi. |?ered. "If you r^i.Tly y.ou'd >-:of? ta!k!r,u' ;ib4.ut my r- . i.i y. ;V,'!iy. i? *i;; at.-, rti.yviiy. ? : may die and' leave U to ?. har Ity." t?j 'purity, not die," was the I?; w^u'ld ? I mean Ie:?v" It omy retd a little dhrtcily. pressing his lips to h*rf and forgetting 'all bis ?ib/ectlo?sr io tl^e bliss of ihe moment. ft I lit JuND.l *. , BLOCKADING REALLY AT LOW EBB In a recent iss\ie of The Courier I read with much fbterest and picas - uve the stritement of our Sheriff rnr |;t/r .good Bliton^ that blcckac/ing was . at a lew*, t^bb irr h i . (.O'lnty This i? ,s<> refreshing;, soul revivjpfc and; heart chetriog^. Mtiv the. l.'m< soon come when l/loeitadin^ at a ~t jvv ebb can truinluUy - he ; ri.nd. Jrrrr. c^niy i ii^r own Coutuy. but in- every}: county of tha - . -&( \1m Natiori. AnlT tfiii Trp";H if the popl'e would cbnsidtr their . morsT obligations and drftiss. whiihj shoul^ be- one ejHef-re?ricefW^ AIN'T IT THE TRUTH By . A. B. CHAPIN Kitty rt usually IErriBly "fifeeo WHCM PlPHfc? At^E tt> 6c WWltD C^e ,my FEPT WUO.T llM ABSoLUT6ly| k YaeoB . >n \ E^euy ^-ocrr ?uJy of us al. How- can w-s? e aim to b'. patriotic if Ave ? heathen is?r. ai> i . rnv wring the ..Wrath.; of 'a.ju?i ! o.'c-r: i ?ful; arid s'n ? aver* if; <: CSo/k-'. ; We a v.s called a ~ G#i rjs than. -n atSoii . 'a i ;vr:;;Y-of nn,-nc\ \vhlict Hquor business as they should, the-' two monster evils would soon be reduced to a remnant, weak and smr?ll. Dear Lord. help ?s to >:ee nure clearly and walk more faithfully the path of duty. Some of us are parents and grand parents, are we interested in our children and the rising generation c> we should be? Dear Christian people, including all moral an 1 pa triotic. people, if we fail to do -ur <\utyj in overcoming the gigantic. evils el^the present, which are' such terrible morAp an<|. v pixytual menace, and been-us'e ;.f k e^il environment many of oar children become moral and spfntjjar wrecks, will we not b - ' to extent- -responsible for thvir failure and downfall. But deat vr-cpFe, 1 .yvi not dictating: in the hast. I\lo^ not mean to be- rough, i ...vsh or u^rc^ohabie. If I have of fended you. 1 as J k pardon. \ also a-k :,^)u to consider seriously about the fate of our children, and the condition of our. country .ten, twenty, thirty years hence 'at the pre serif rate of moral decline and degeneracy. 1 \vi 1 1 as k y " ? ? again to rda liar t h e importance and Che duty of devot lesing' a portion of our. tiliie and i.-ner jjrlcs to the welfare of our fellow man and promoting the -best intere.se *cf our country. And now, dear boys an tlyiung men, Will you listen t?> a tyord of admonition frorn a true fn'end and well-wisher: We otien hear young people, and others too, spt ak of their freedom and Ger ties; they must have what they want regardless of cost and results, and in their zeal' for fredom and liberty they sometimes disregard the civil laws, and as offenders are tried irf coiirtLs of our lani t treatment of Itch, Ecirmt, ?? Rftifwc>rm,T Htw or ether itch ^ ^ ry *Ktt OA VIS 1)RUG ,^'Oj ;? Kt'soMf'o. N; < live*, young man; the rapid*; are be fore jtou. the precipice of moral and spiritual destruction are before yoti, if "ycti continue in your .xJowh tefed aa& Pyath- j'M irtetirity .-.are j before you; "choose thiir day whom you wiil ? is" Cod's command, \ and may you c hco.?e life, '.%onor- And peace, Ircre and ;heroaftVr. ' [ -B! cka-.'iini:. at a, *"W <*'/?>, Sherij , 'BtO v'kj\ What a ? .consoling statement; Great! ^CJi;anh loljow, are not at low^ ebb, the nefar4""s^ 'business oi bloskading is ;r. full blast some where, if riot in Person Coufrty. In" the resent double accident nipt NEW DISCOVERY ] OF MEDICAL SCIENCE MADE MR. SEXTON FEEL' ?LIKE NEW MAN ? ? ? Lynchburg, . V?.- -Mr. Michael Sexton has had stomach trouble for years. He tried dozers of reme dies. and when about to resign h rai se if to his fate someone iold- him of a wonderful new discovery. That discovery was Med-O-Mint,' Jhe tried -it. To hss amatfepient? but read his own story. "For years 1 have . had stomach trouble-r have tried dozens' of rem edies but nj>ne -ectv.: d to do me.any good until a- friend gave a ?arnpJe bottle of Medomint'. This made - .v.*. 'feel iike .. ;:-evv man. 1 bought a bottle- and am glad U> say I feel better than I have for- years, j I can now eat anything' wit+.oat' bad effects and can iec<>rnmend Medomint to anyone having stonr ach trouble." READ WHAT MRS. ROBERTSON ? S VYS The Med^O-Mint C(X, Lynchburg, Va. Ueritlemen: ? No one v an appreciate the value of "your Med-O-Mint until they try it, and for a long time 1 was skep tical, but finally tried it, and it ?s ail you claim.it to be, and then some. As a cleanser, purifier, ap petizer and tonic, its a world beater. Any owe hatfin^g a .bad. stomach,' bothered with constipation, inril Irestion, dyspepsia, nausea* cramps, , etc.. bp astonished at the rapidity ? which Med-O-Mipt will make in removing the cau.se and .'effect a cure. j After taking it awhile, ) have a :most wonderful appetite, can sleep . like a log and feel fine all the time. 1 Any one who will try M?d-0 ?Mlnt according to directions, 1 am ?ure will be as bij* avbooster ns 1 am. Vefy respectfully, . - (Mr S) CHXKLKS U KOtyiRTSON MijJofoint does give quick relief. ~Ui ? alk^aComach t It wiiU tone up your \\)|?.le system and make you feel^like a r.cw prrgpTv dQwmi? -yt j ret yo?r money tonck. At your dxujysist, 25c, 98 and tT.QO "Srtrt by druggists and mm! mertrhintB. "6oy it imr wf> o ? r TTTTV: T ? "'"T1 ' .. ' "Helena the fcrid^nt was rud to the. V_ir f ' ' ' the- ' I at i'r*s. time, in addition* to the driver lu i.-irf by . lil^.-pp^pachiajr | 'xxhti n^gan^J not * a *1, ptopit ilidrkr light. I believe that of blocka.de whisky.*. ? a sad fact that our new roads -which cost we tax payers ho much to build and , maintain, iire getting extremely dangerous, Especially where there; is so much traffic and so much drunk fcnne**. Artd 1 V-a v Hk-vp j* , fo"w agaitist people -driving autos ?wjule drunk ? but it iz, notf often en forced. ? I think- we should tfelk^less about freedom and ; liberties for it sums to me we are coming under the ,?>6n4age of .corruption* Is there no prevention or remedy. Dear l. rd. help us ti realize the extent of our (jruiltj danger and duty. | t ? THAD- K. JONES. WH! MY RACK! * . Aching Rack >lilkrs Life Miserable J Per Many. RoVhoro People It isn't right to sufferll ay "in and | o'ay *w about. I.E-MON OMVKR. Councillor, * , O. J. BLUE, Rec S$c. ' While no great degree of skill is required in merely combining materials to meet accurate scienllf^ knowledge and experience are absolutely essential in manufacturing fertilizers of the highest crop*producing value. It is due to advanced mfethods of manufac ture, developed by scientific research and years of practical fertilizer experience, that "AA QUALITY" Fertilizers have the greatest crop-rproducing powers and excel other fertilizers by producing larger yields and better Quality crops. "AA QUALITY" FERTILIZERS BEST KNOWN TO YOU UNDER THE . FOLLOWING BRAND NAMES ? BRADLEY'S LISTERS HAMPTON ZELL'S FISH BRAND POCOMOKE LAZARETTO "AA" IMPERIAL' PATAPSCO , Muiufacfurrd only by The American Agricultural Chemical Company Our Agricultural Setvior uu, lot Dr., H. ). WfiecJer't Crop Hen* TTvblema.' etjit. Aiidre M: 9a Stat* Street. Boston. M*m