THE COURIER J. W. NOELL. Editor. ^7" Published Every' Wednesday Evening 3 SUBSCRIPTION TERMS i$k* 0 a jremr;. 75 cents i:t <5 mouth* CO lifUlB f U 1 'J !!:?,? nth* ? '-..Ml .\,i, . ?sure. ~ The Editor is in no way responsible for views expressed by correspon dent*. ADVERTISING RATES: Display Ads, 35 Cents per Inch Heading Notices, 10 Cents ?>er Line j *i*n R?pw?w>uth> I THT aMERIC AN HkFSS ASSOCIATION Entered at the Post Office at Rox ,l>oro, N. C., as second-class matter. Wednesday April 7, 1026. HOUSE CLEANING We do not know what the suit brought to throw the Co-op Assa <r kit ion into the bands of a receiver Had to do with it, but we do know , that closely foHcvtungoh the heels -of this suit there was another resig nation of one of the higher-ups. If the suit wa? responsible for -this ' actr then said suit was the- most beneficial f"fF 'Innft f*?r the A "^nrintiftn It was stated in the trial of this ease that the Messrs. . Patterson Watkins, had made a profit of | eipht hundred thousand Sollars in their re-drying deal. ^Whether it wa? eight hundred or one hundred it was just that much money which, rightfully belongs to .the farmers oamponing this association, and they should be made to disgorge, if such a thing is possible. It is rumored that. Mr. Oliver J. Sands may .socn follow- suit and send in his resigna- I ? tmn, and from latest" , evidence, it1 veuld l>e emim Mly nVHer^and his ; resignation wouM doubtless be ac- i ceptod before he had time to with draw it. ^0ie resignation of. :hese" higher- j ups should do much t> clear t'ie at mosphere and materially help liithc swork of organizing the new associa tion* - . CLEAN-UP WEEK ' This wk has been* sejt apart by, the Woman's Club and thfr Board of ] Town Commissiloners as "Clean-Up ] Week," and. we hope every citizen of the town will heartily cooperate. It -is not enough to- simply cWn up ! in y .ur front var-1, but pou^ the rear and ?oe that everything is re moved which mi ght be condusiye to i the breeding: of fljes . 6r nvosqulios. We have heard .the t Wn Dads criticised quite k g^od deal for the fad that : h< > I'd .not .-t aliaco* there were any street in Ro\boroV^sa\ <? * .Main Street* They have had a fcree' of considerable y'ze. at. work on- this street for some time, and they should have it in ' fine condition by thk J time, but V- lid \y\t s'ee this force at work on one of the minor/ or s.fle streets as they are commonly called? We have no fu?s to make with the1 Town Board, hut what we want is to see every street in town tr or .u"h V cleaned, including ' vacant lots and alley-ways. . Let's, not 'on jy make j it "Ros-boro . Beautif .il, " :'ut iet's 1 make it "Roxboro Healthy." .It. is too t'&tzy to tell. "-fert't the dealers tell us that the farmers are , not hauling out ..-fertilizer as fast! thin year as usual. We sincerely j hope our farmers will.' not try to j ^inajce a bumper erdj) tf tobaee-> thi* ' season, for, unless all sign? fail*-! tdbacco, especially the' common grades arc co-lnc to be low, and with I a hamper crop Tnany- farmers will I not make enouerh to pay for the rnai>o. Better look well after food and feed stuff, and especially those cows and chickens. With th' s issue we complete :iur atrial, "In Valhalla and Out,-and if you failed to rea.t it you missed* one "f th? very ben books which ha* l*en printed recently. It is our in tention to start another *eri&l how ?n the very near future.' and yftn ?want to keen nil ly'tt1 your l.K^I ? <V'n't ? nW ? hn iiviuc, u r v n rmr . time expirei your paper will. stop. "Watch your labeFamT 'send in 'y - ur renewal -promptly. .*? wish one yt -at- bxnkv^nM havt its directors put their heads j together and work out some plan i wherfcby "it iroujd finance Y-sp homo for buying thoroughbred >ov.; and. hog^. Nothing would mean quite so Wii Lo mls giad Luumy a> mur,. improved oirws, hogs Hnd chicken^, If they fail t6 lake advantage- of "his splendid opportunity perhaps The Courier will form a club for the I men after it is through with its I Boy a Com Club. We have been very much pleased at the complimentary words we have Wrd from several ^concerning cur editorial in last issue a^tent - the county government. ? Well, let's keep up the talk and when" we come to selecting a man to represent us in j>^i<xt legislature ask him what he thfcfcs about it. There are several j things which will come to the front _in the next session of the legislature, .and it is well that we send one of cur very best men to represent us. Boys, do not fail to read, the ar ticl* ?n thfc front page heoded, 'Torn Project Beys." This~meeting~ir~or ! importance to you, and we hope to -ee me entire number jjfesont aT this meeting. There will probably' be some other features concerning this project mentioned, and you want | to know all about it. Come to Rex- | boro next Saturday afternoon at ?2:30 o'clock. Miss Elizabeth Kelly i, to talk in, j or on, or through, the radio in Chi- j (ago, on the eleventh, and when she has finished many a man will know I more about North Carolina than he ! ever knew bofore-and he will won! f -*-r where he -hag l,n(,n vll ^ .,.h..|e- , not to have heard of such a progress- ! ive, 'God-Mt-ssed co-untrv; j ' * ? ''Or- ? ' - We see it stated that JIr.v;on ? Butler has reserved the -Coventors r:om? at the Washington DulTe~ for I ^Republican Stat?_ Convention." Take .,UI- wort- fop it. those anti-But lerites will know he lias been to town I cfore that e invention is over. V* ?? . I A MI.VJ.TE A UAY makbs milking iwy One more minute, per cow per day ; -peni out the teed ? <un>? <?"?! fWi;. pr ducer: - by .ach' anffnal, w-oiild show the dairyman 1 which of hie cows are really^work me for him and which aiv 'oafig ' .on the job. Thirty-one ,e.-on is p:r milking i, an the tin,p- .-,r,,mpr ; needs to keep tab An the perform- I ance of each of the cows in his herd. ! The majority of dairymen Who j CO not keep records of the feed . on ?^"Ttion j>-' hi ilk produc-ticn of. the workitiS^ un:!,.,. the del is ^^Jlgr^H'a-keenine VT such i ?r Is v':uW "tf^wore time than t w c uld well afford to spare." ' | "They ate wrong. Actual timing under practical conditions conduit-! el by the Institute, show* tha: it takes only eleven second; ram- "per ! COW for each of two feedings U weigh oat the .react feed, than it rakes where the leed is n:t Weighed ' To Aveigh and r co.d the mi.'k from 'i <afh cow was found to take, onlv ,1 twenty seconds more per '- milking , than it takes to just .iump the milk < ver -the c-ooler, or -fajHy seconds I for the; twj milkings. In all, no ' , more tian sjjtty-two seconds, or [ about a minute, is required to have' a complete vecird of each cow's fee. I ! c: n. unapt :on and milk prod-j-tion. If that extra minute devoted to keep^,. re<r rd. for . -ay . twenty cows, should 'reveal that one of them ' was a typical waster? incapable -0f j producing milk in / stable <|iian- ' titles -the dairyman would not only be saved the countless hours devotee ' .to its feeding and care, l,ut he1 W- Jld ftml Him he was b-tte- Mff :l, the end of the year with the remain- ' ing nineteen nw. than he was with. the Original twenty. "Roughly speaking, there are on- 1 y three distinct type, of cows. The ! Susies, who^aTe-TfSfcd lookers, b,t< s:mply haWt the capacity when it I cornea to the milk pjil. Aft feeds! . -ey ?et ab*vt the amount lequlroji of mri^UCe, I"1'"' ?UantWw m,lk a,,d krP them in c fiffltion are wasted. Ahe.Bettlc, J the] thin emaciated cr??, ores who look) ?? though they were ready to lie' -down- and quit, but 'which l ave i >nhH=m4- r*Trfnro nuiic ' ^Tirm r^^~nwUCt these SiL?ir;r'" >^k!.. j , , sa<,'y tinderfod; ??i thlt ? IrL "f|,"g ?"*-* DoX^:;r,!y - tHe; J_l>oHie* the army c.f w?,ter cpws ' * *>o Ho?s Thief' ? The authorities of Asbury Parte, N J have arrested 92 year old Dr. x E P T R. Obaldeston, foT steel ing a horse and buggy 46 yearo ago. The Doctor claims police want hi? half brother, who has the same jAme "He has a silver plate In his head, like 1 have, which he got from a gun fight in New York." that .-simply -.can't- produce mi\k pro-" -fitably. They eat and eat and their owners have neither beef nor ,niilk to. show 'for it. They are overdue at "ttn? ? ImU-'herV ? iw. are in every herd where the dairyman does .hot feed in accordance.' with milk capacity- and production. Keeping feed and milk records, will $how the dairyman how to profit lifcom the Susies; cash, in fully on .the Bettie.?, and how to avoid losses on the Dol lies. - - HilRDLE MILLS SCHOOL ; HONOR ROLL First Gra'de? C.'arisse L: r.g.^ Second Grade ? Minnie Lee Moore, Marion Coleman. " . Third Grade ? Shirley Brioks; Vir i-:nm Garrett 'and Floret', ^ Mbore. ^ "Fifth Gratfer^rX1^:a L Hawkjns. , Sixth Gra^ ? Ruby Claj.tori, Mary CoIeRian, Frances Rmjm-r, O.- car Hawkins. Seventh Grade-r-Thelma Leng, Xt'll'-. ?d\var.:l?, . . Ruby F ox, 1 Roy ce .H-jff, Adell Clayton. Eighth Grade? ftuth O'Briar.t, Frances : Lon?. Tentlv Grade? Ruth HawjcSns, Gar ney Rimmer. Eleventh Grade ? *.Mabet Mary Whitfield; Want Ads Read The ni The Real West in all its glory "THE PASSING OF THE WEST" At Palace Theatre Mwday April 32th - ? :?' ' --j We; satisfy your neighbor in .Shoes, \Ve ? ? " ca n satisfy you/' "Vf i]bu? *V "'<* ? SatterffeHI... ??'V FREE tickets. -to the r.t C :..: tor'F Dept.* Sic re \v;:b y-ur pur chases. KEYS LOST, on ring in leather. case. Finder please, return' ."to : The ?Courier offtae. and. rtec?;ve reward. Summertime ?? trouhle time for feet. Bring your Foot Trouble? to ?us. We carry the $choll applian ce?; an - know how to fit thf m. Wil-' tuim & SatterSelrJ. ?" . *? . LOST* ? 30x3 Weed Chain last Thurs day, March . between Jafcng. and Mebane. [ Finder please re turn to Courtier offtce and receive reward, or notify W. B. Humph ries, .Talong. 3-24-3tp It pays to buy good Shoes all the time. It will pay you ta get your Shoe* from us. Try it. Wilburn & Satterfield. "Yerra's Hawaiian" (Hawaiian Sing ers ? Dancer ?? ^Players. Electrical' Effects at Palace Theatre Tuesday A^ril 13th. (One day orly-i^^ Trunks and Go d ^ium we are closing out Wilburn & SatterfieM. Bl'Y your dry goods from Cantor's Department Store and get a ticket to the Palace Theatre FREE We have" a (ejtr Seal Cqjigo/iu at a fTricW W Our Piece Goods Department i<* Bright with the Seasons Latest, designs. Wilbum & Satterfield. HOUSES FOR RENT ? I have 3 ? good empty houses for sfTe oF rent. 2 six rooms and 1 four rooms. Price shall be reasonable WSU-piv* pa&ession at 'onte. -Garrett. ? ? ? *? Yrnng Ms?. Sfmtetbing ffw Neckwear at Wilburs & ? gaffs/i*. ~ flrfd., ' r- '">j ' .V-j ? - FIEI-ItS ST.F.D MMT 1. kmow to u.' e- lims^-iret in* kEST, )he" !> climatic, the same tfcat is used ;M the Station. "Serd your orders, to E. R. Moo>e. .Tim ; bc^Iake, ?N. C. ' ? . ? Spring Fabrics 1 That are envied ? by spring flowers ? Everfast Suiting . Everfast Gingham Printed Voiles Plain Voiles Plain Jane Prints Percal Prints '.X:. East Color Suiting off cents per yd. <? ? ; 65 cents per yd. y 35c. to $1.35 per v(). "X 35c- to $1.00 per yd. If; ? ..'50 cents per yd. : 25c and 30 c per yd. <? 25 cents, per yd. (ji Eoxboro's Best Store WOMAN'S CLUB The* club- was , opened. with '?hV- \ (reading of* the minutes by . the ! j retary, Mr?. deVlamirig. j Treasurer's .report was then pre sented .by Mrs. Teague. which ..;as very encouraging to r.r.ow that u:c ; ! ? re finishing ur last meetings with a .rfice syrti to .begin our. :ncxt, year. Mrs Wilburr then -poke of- the : J Art. department, and what \y6rk had J.Wen accomplished. 'Several bcau t!M pictured were v. \<y t he ? ren in selling tickets ''for.the Art { Exhibit. Some were' presented to j J'the Granimar School Library. . j The report on Cemetery work was ' L given, by Mis? Burjh. Ls?tely che work h^s'Vc^n io- clean jp and get ready lor Spring. A large new 'awn 1 *?&r?r has, been given by the town. There is one third more land in "grass < | than formerly. I i ' ? ' ' ' ? ? ? i Some plants have increased by seeding themselves and all growing things are m .a promising condition ( ;.mi the c ernetery*^ beautified by the.] shrubbery and care of lots. The same Keeper has .been ail the* year and this- speaks well fo.r h-is work j and knowledge. - - 1 Another good report* was heard' from the Educational department, | by Mrs. Thomas. The picture -'The <k>ose Hangs High," was given for the benefit of the school; the "Lit tle Marionettes" were shown for the : same purpose, shruBBery was plant ed out at the new High School and lasfnut' not least, $10 in gold was :ffei*ed for Declamation Contest. In the Library Department, fifty books have been* added to the? y>ilection. Work accomplished by. 1 different departments jn the * Extension, Library am^nts to $64.50. Mrs. |'PajPie ii n of Home TScononucs department, and reported splendid work by the children in sewing and embrordary. -Clean up. week .begips^ ,Ti*s<iajr April b. After SUr town is tteaned, l?_ue ki;ep it cleab? tCor Sec. CARD OF THANKS I wish thaftk' the (rood ? people vt RoxW, ? foy~ the many ntts-oFt ktndneas ?.hnwn during iA. and death of "Hi y dear hoxband. .May the. good Lord- bleu each and ivtry one" of y.q is my prayer. The Peoples Bank "The Bank of The People" Beffin. to bank your money while you are young. When you are young,* the whole world is before you and just hew much of it you conquer, rests with xo? The best start a young man can make is to work hard and REGULARLY bank a part of his earnings. It won't be long before he is "noticed" and soon the older men ace reiving upon him and he rapidly comes to the front. Young Man, come in, start that bank account today ? $1.00 will do it and it is up to you to keep up your de posits regularly and succeed. We Will Welcome You 'EACTRR egg hunt e T> himt ""??'r KTT-.rTT*rf snrt rarntv tivf eggs were .hidden and Uie_hunt w*> t^OTOTyftlv . fTiroy^d . by ' fh>l<lrwj ?4 Mr. and Mrs. X R. Clavion. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. SbotwelU WK fnTl Mr*. -C. B. Erathher, Mr. and. Mrs. J. 8. Tsitym, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hr.mtin, Mi. iiml .Wjt1. K. L. hft4fe Tidm b?r of other little children C ARD OF THANKS iWcLjifiaire to thank eai^and every toe far their many acts of frlndness I ?l>jwn ut during the i!h>e*s and our iMhwy Mr. T. S. CiHy. __ preciatte ataijillinff you did for la ? in tBe trying hobr. We aalc Crxfr r ictPMt 6Te??-ng upon y?n all. ~ ~"TTTF7"dSy, liroth ?r^Pl^"gSSSr8T ~

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