THE DATE ON THE LABEL IS THE DATE YOUR PAPER WILL BE STOPPED 1 watch the labb. ON YOUR PAPER AND DO NOT LET YOUR SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRJS J. W. NOELL, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. HOME FIRST. ABROAD NEXT, $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE VOL. No. XLI1I ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, ^Vednesday Evening, May 1 9, 1 926. No. 20. I Farmers Are Aroused Over Possibilities Ot The Cow Mr. V. W. Levis, Senior Mar keting Specialist, Spend Friday Here. MR. LEWIS MAKES TALK Mr V, jSV. Lewis,. Senior Market ing Specialist of the~ Division of t^*e Markets, spent last Friday in Rox bord, In the afternoon he spoke to a group of representative business men and women", telling of the possi bilities of marketing the produce of Person C >unt.v, particularly cream, j i>ouiir>% iina hoe,*. ? ? Saturday nvpmlng Mr. Lewis left! Tor Oxford to arrange for sh'ipoing j j car load of hogs from that ooint ?t nn early date. He was accom panied by -ome of our citizens who trre^ted in this ma^kTT^ work Upci) their arrival hi Oxfonl they went to the market, where farm produce is offered "for sale tw ice each week, under the supervision of. County afcent and home ajrent. Then the County ajrent took the visit irs to two farms to we tlie"W feeding: demonstrations. On Mr, Brummitt's farm there were thirty Buroc- Jersey h?srs in a pasture con taininjr about a quarter of an acre At the upper. end of the pasture a| stable afforded protection from badi weather. t.arjre pine trees afforded srenerous shade, and at the foet 6f pe hill a small stream of water irave th, lvo*s water anA Bood wal low The hoes are beinfr fed aecorJin*! to the Shay method, under the sup. | ervwion oif Mr Blackwell. the Coun- ? ty atfent of .-Granville. Earh bog , ? ahnu' 175 pound,. The ? feed consists of Celled corn and ftah . nieal, .supplemented by sulphur, ealt ?ad ?aW jj'he com and tisfr meal ' are kept- in large self feeders that i hold enoutrh to .supply the ho^s ! abciit two weeks. The minerals are ? kept m a box that is divided in three . fn !"??. <>ne U sulphur, j in another -alt-just ordinary table I -alt? and in- the third, ashes. ; These hops weighed abut 10 or: . W) pounds each on March I Oth. theJ ! "y the* "r p Pni on 'atiOn accord- I ?>r to the shllv lnP(;h(W. At present ! ' ' '* 'eainjor just about oi pounds a .lay In .fcftrt 7,'. days fro? | he .? me- they were put on this fwl! : ^ 7" **'*" "?? and ^ car' Oad of h^s wdl be -a hipped to one | of the -h?r markets. Mr. Brummltt ! W.I 1,ave tlrirty ho*, ready for this I lh" i:x>eriment Farm 1 M .t.ranvitle County* will have fortV 1 ?y- A- minimum car I ad eon ? fM**- 80 hAf?- I" recent I " S ii) Richmond hoic* fed accord- I tn jthe "Shav method have !,een ? Wmsine 12 -1-2 fr> ,4 cents., on fnot. j 'he price continues t^ held ud ! H*?nmitt will prrbabh , -ear! ahoiit ifrtofl. over and above exoer <-. ! f r his r. days work. And thf re , >?"t so mudr, work about it. tne v.-lf. feeders :?-e (,n the job, \fier loolsinjr 111 these ho?? -Mr. ! I lai kxv,.!| then carried us to another Kt wherf there were three hr1?s ' taken from this ba.>ch when re- j reived, and fed like are used to r:"e """" f"rf' Nr,?, these three h->CK were jUst as Kood as the others, ^en ?* lot. hut today! ever' rf> "f T" we'Kh a pound] ' ? lf eh,,t niuch. And in ad- ! dH.on to the feed which they have consumed they , llnnine on J clover field, getting all o, the green I * ' 'h7 can -??? and vet-well I you should see them. j Mr. Blackwell will be glad to eoj * h a"y County farmers and their friends t? sep these ho*,. ,.lnd woV^ H!,"Ur'"i i( wi? he well , . your """? and effort. It will ??ke just about an hour from Roxbiro to Oxford. Go to the wen th?r "Hk for Afr B,^k 1 lliii" I,-, ^ WQUltL ? TL't"*?; tZn rnr*n*'K*? last * tk- '""father abcot the last of this week V?? ^ - ? fwf??. : You Gan Ko.-to "~rr^r"[' ">m""""l,on and h?f|- Hj Ju.xl.oro Wlthin fJ shiP 'hr v'ri . Sea ? Uistory's moiL appattius Dii '-."r-THB .K1HXSTOWV l-l nfflV' "at Palace "Ehehtro,- Friday May 21st ? ' (One day only) FORTY YEARS IN\ PRISON Durham, May 17.? Logan Meadows. Durham county white man, who ha* spent approxi mately 10 of his 56 years in jail, on the road* or in the penitentiary, face** another long term when he will he fried in superior court this week for store breaking and larcency last week. Meadows served 2.i years f?r killing Jailor Royster in Roxboro about 35 breaking and other terms for numbers of smaller offenses. He had i>een at liberty only two weeks when he was arrest ed for the last offense. Interesting Notes Around Helena Prof, and Mrs. Garrison Leave for Summer-Get-Together Meeting Miss Maggie .Hones of Mt Zion | bisitod relatives here last week. Mrs. Rosa. Sassar cf Geldsboro is | x siting at the home 'of Mrs. Annie ? N'oeU. Prof, and Mrs. Garrison left last . Friday for the western part of the) state and West Virginia to visit j relative.- during the summer vaci-J tion. ? I Mrs. Joe N'oell and daughter, Mi?s | Mary, of .Mt. ThtaK are visiting relatives in Jortesberu. Mrs. A. j. Terry was- in Durham ; or,, .ay -last week shopping, A community get-together meet- i ing Was held at the parsonage last ? Thursday ov^ng under the auspices of the third department of the Ep WortK League, about fifty guests f were present and enjoyed the vari ous stunts pulled off, especially the ones that had Dur genial Cuntyl Superintendent. Prof. Satterfield; i the goat. The hostess served "red I lemonade" and wafers. People of the community gat' ore i' together in the early twilight hours, to the church last Sunday evening to hear Rev. P. Cary Adams of Hox tern as he brought to thr-propt- a message of individual purity as the ' source of community strength. He i made a very impressive talk and { the. League feels fortunate that they' were able to secure him. The pro gram was in charge of Prof. Satter field and was interesting and well ? attended. A magnificent basket of Pink Pennies and other potted plants yee re brought in by friends t'i make beautiful t.he f.eague r:;om. An epidemic of thi???r*- seems to hive st-uck our community. The: .Tones rage has heetK.rn.tej'ed a number of times and tools taken, fin Friday night of commencement | week, hi-yoles belonging to Mr. Rogers and Helen Lnn?e were stolen from tlieir homes, five houses have, been vi-ited and chickens .taken. Mrs Oakley who lives near the treytle. reports that even her scare-crow was J taken from the field. A sharp look out is being made, and guilty 'parties i fin- being trailed. ? WIM. BE AWARDED DIPLOMA Miss Elizabeth Mpsten, who has! Wen a student in the Conservatory! of Music in Durham, -will Be awarded her diploma at the coming common-..- : ment M??s Mwsten is the daughter! of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Masten. and is one of the popular members ofj the younger set. MUSIC RECITAL Sou t Hall's music- .ct&ss will 'trew-iiffTr- rwtwr o? Friday bikm.' May 21st, at the High Scfc/yl Audi tor:um. Lovers of good music will have an opportunity of hearing, sortie teal music, and are' cordially invited t'1 Hii?. ii'ittal. RAPTI5JT -CHTIMjh VK\T .STXIJAT Sunday Si'tooI at 8:45, jlr. R. ' L. ] Wlltmrn* Supt. iservu-Ja at 11 A_ -M_ii ad H P. M." tly tfle Pa?tror B. Y P. U. at ,7 P. M. ? i The public cordially invited ROXBORO INSTALLS NEW RAE WHISTLE Town Puts In Fire Whistle As Per Regulations Of Underwriters FIRST SONG SATURDAY Koxbor seem* determined to meet i every requirement of the South* eastern Tariff Association and. se cure . lowec /insurance ? rate*. tho'usfh a rise look? to be staring: us !ti the face, rather than a reduction. . j The town has just installed a fire si'-en, which can be heard fpr milefc and miles around. Last Saturday. at- noon it was tried out, orwi cer tainly it was satisfactory a* to nu*k . in i? noise". ? The large horn is located on the top- of* Jacks: n M tor Co. and can Ka' T: w a* lised for the first time in announc?|r?fif a fire Saturday night at 9 o'clock, hut the alarm was a call to a small outhouse in the re^r of farmers Hardware Company, evidently the fire be in j? caused, by some one wha wanten to see how tjKe siren would sound when giving: a real call. ---AN EXCITING CHASE Last Thursday night Sheriff Broks received a tip that a party was off for a load -of booze, and in company with Deputy W. R. Gentry and Chief 'of Police Sam Oliver, they" followed the trio of 1 iguor hunters. Ab .ut ten miles out on the Durham load the car containing the booze hunters turned to the left where they proceeded to ga{h?r. their ioad. When -he men returned from tieir und in the back of the | car when the .three men were finally captured, together with about five-, gallons of moonshine. Deputy Sheriff | whisky that was ? Gentry, states that counting' the whisky that was thrown out by the men during the chase about 10 gal < Ions would be the amount' the men fiad with them. Felix Wade. driver f the car", wa placed under a ?5rt() bond for trans porting liquor, for the purpose of ! sale, and an additional $200 bond for I attempting to run over an officer. Iuther Hogg and Oiscar Jordan were j both placed under a bond of $500 1 eadh Tor transporting liquor. ?? ? ? O? ? BKOOKSDALE CHIKCH Sunday School at 10:00 A. M. D. $. Brooks. Supt. Church services at 11:00 A. M. and 8:00- P. M. FToworth League at 7:.'i0 P. M. Eleven o'clock -ervice, . "Our responsibility to the Com- ; munity." Kight o'clock service, suhject:' "I-oyalty to God." The following members of the! Sunday School Teacher Training j Class will be awarded certificates '.of j credit at the morning service: Mrs. W. L Loy, Mrs. G. M Fox, Jr., Mrs. . W. T. Carver, Mrs. Arch Moore. Mrs. D. S. Brooks and Mrs. E, L. Wilker- ! son. The public is cordially invited to! worship with us. W. L. I.OY. ? - - ?>' FR1GIDA1RE DEMONSTRATION I?' Sec the thrilling ej>HT I lyi ni l h-j S Pif -nti the great IHsaMcr .JOHNS' ' i'OWW klOOD" at Police Theatre, " Friday (only) May 21st. Mr. Hall Announces His ? | Candidacy For Solicitor Every Man and Woman In Per son County Should Give . Him Their Vole TENTH jrpICAL DISTRICT Every Other County in the District 1 Has Had. The Judge ?r Solicitor ] TO SUCCEED MA J. McLENPON I This. announces my candidacy for : the nbminaty n for Solicitor of the Tenth Judicial District, to succeed Major L.. P. Mt-l.endon of l)ufh;.m ; North Carolina, who has ahnoufieeii that he .will not l>e a candidate to [succeed himself. So far a* I: know. ! this Ls the first tim^ Person County has ever had a citizen .tp " annowice. hinv. May 25th. Princi pal's nrght. assisted by_jiirecto: o.f Higli School. ? Wednesday' night. May 20 th. Gramma-* Grade . Exercises. We Have arranged our exeri.-l.-es to occur in the evening because we realize that this: i> a busy season, . and we would - for all of the pa rents, and friends tp witness what pr misejv t be three enjoyable eve nings. ^TtT performances begin at H . o% clock; Monday night, admission 25 cents. All other perfo romances free. Come and witness the odds and ends of 10*25 and 192G C. J. FORD. "TtfB PATH ACROSS THE HLU/' At Semora School Building A Comedy Drama in three acts will be' given at Senv.ra Graded School 'Friday evenine May 2Sth at eight o'clock, under- -the Auspices of Antioch Baptist Church. - Come and spend an enjoyable evening; Ad miss:on. 15 and 25 ??en! BRUNSWICK STEW AT LOCH LILY The ladies of Oak Grove c immunity will give a brun^wich stew at l,och; Lily on Monday, May 24th. for live i benefit of Oak Grove church. Every one is rdially invited to patronize these good women on this occasion, as *they are engaged in a worthy effort, and your help will be appre ciated. ? ?? "-0 ' Something new in Motion Pictures is j D. W. Griffith's "SALLY OF THE SAWpUST" with Carol Dempster and (?.. Field?!, at Palace Theatre, COOPER HALL
nd : assure them of my earnest desire to give them the best: and m- st- ef ficient service of which 1 am capable. Respectfully. COOPER HALL. Rotarians Hear Dr. W. S. Rankin Shows Importance of Hospital in .Roxboro; Attended by Many Professional Men Dr. W. S. Rankin, wh 3 ha* charge of the Duke Hospital: Fund, wan ;?? guest of the KojibOro Rotary v'.ub last. Thursday evening and addrjs-ed them. sho\vi ig the cr.yfnz need of i< hospital i'c Rovfioro/ It >j < . v.vd i'at it was a questi:% ? In ? tercet. ? t'i f'Very mau. vvprnan and child *n the County, and . v hjle it-: would he an expense one way. it. would s-ti-11 be a great saving, both financially and from the stand-point of life; ' ? ?. | Dr. Rankin is easily one of the , outstanding men in his profession, and hi? address was greatly enjoyed by all ptesont. The club had . as guests' nearly all of the physicians in the County; with a good sprink ling of lawyers and business nien. < While nothing definite looking to ward establishing a hospital here was gone iilto, still, it is believed ; tat Dr. Rankin's address, vill il- - Ultimately result in there being a hospital located in ftixboro. ?DOT. THE MINER'S DAl liHTF.R" Saturday evening. May 2*2 nd. 1026, at qight o'clock .in flhc- school audi torium at Jalbng the play. "Dot, the t Minor's Daughter, or One Glass of Wine." will be gievn under the aus pices of X:rth RG\*b*>ro B. Y. P. U. I This plav is a drama in four jiJ'ts. ! nine males and five females; .time about two hours. The plot of this f play is well planned, and teaches ' this important lesson: "Look rot! thou upon the wine when it is red. 1 At the biteth like a serj^nt and stingeth like an adder '* " >? 1 Admission. 15 and 2 JJ cents. The j public is crrdially inWte* - ^ ? CONVENTION WEEK AT (? R EKN SBORO. NORTH CAROI.INA The Annual Convention of the Jefferson Standard Life insurance ; Company will convene at the Home Office in Greensboro cji Tuesday ?May 18th at 10 A. M . lasting through Wednesday and Thursday of this week. ? ' I All the Southern and near Northern states will nynd-deliignh" near one thousand. The "Old and Tried" Satterfield Insurance Agency, who is a merri her of Um>- *l.riftf>QOOO i lub will be represented ?by Mr A. O. Gentry,, the field man. A, great namt>?r_ of the North Carolina policy holders will look in- on this convention with special state pride. Eirer* North ?Ciii-alini... ... prtlif it in tl.ic tlnm>Tf.iripliny j' ~ See . Satterfield Insurance Agency, District Managers, ' AND PGNT OHLAY." 7~r . - , ? ? SATTERKIELD INS. Af?ENrfyt " . ' "Old and TrM" : ? flit REPUBLICANS NAME COUNTY TICKET Republican Ex. Committee uiet last Saturday and named Full County Ticket O. G. HAMS. LEGISLATURE At a meeting: of tJhe Republican Giurity Executive Committee laat Saturday the following County tick .et was named: - ? Legislature: Dr 0. G. Davis. Sheriff: Tom Boone Davis, Clerk .Superior Court; ?L G. jC ham pers. : - , ' ' Register of Deeds^ J." ,T- 'Woody. Treasurer: W. F. Long. C -unty Commissioners: .R. H. ?.>. Bailey, C; H. Hunter, E. J. Clayton., Surveyors .W. T. Buchanan. Coroner: M. T. Carver. T 1 1 " ??? ?. ? 0; MEMORIAL EXERCISES FOR MISS ETHEL NEWTON" ! At,, three o'clock next Sunday af ternoon, May 23rd, Memorial Exer ciser win be. held for Miss Ethel Newton in the auditorium of the 'graded school building,. The pro gram as follows: Song by th?' audience. Deyoti.nai, by Rev. F M. Sham burger . Song, by the third grado. Appreciation as a teacher, b/ Mr, A. 8. Stalvey. Appreciation as a friend and neigh . bor. by IVf r. F.- Q. Carver; . The Ethel Newton Memoriai Li brary, by Mr.. S. G. Winstead; . Song,, by Mrs. Wheeler NeweU. Appreciati ri "as an Kpworth League worker, bv Miss Mildred. Sat tejpfiehf. ? "Appreciation as a Sunday School worker, by Mrs -R. G. Clayt'n. Closing, with Benediction, by Mr. Sh-a-.m Hurler.- ..?? M A R RI AL E A \ NOL N ( ' F>WsNT . Mr. anil Mrs. D'Arcy William T^vad >Her ri ?\uest the hdiior of your 'pres ence, at the marriage of their daughter ?'.? - . ? Edna Eari: * 1 Mr.- Richard Austin Bullock r>n the aftenlP^niJ i Thursday the third of. -fui!f; nineteen Hundred twenty six at five o'clock : First Baptist Cliurch RoXboro. North Carolina No invitations wilt be sent in town or* County. Friends cf both fami lies are invited. . ? o FOl RT BEN C '( ) NT EST A NTS Cue anion? -the many ^ood things the WonYan's club have established' "n. the awarding f a $>">.00 prize to the best , reader and. $">.00 to the beat reclaimer. F'ridafy. vveninjr fourteen; of the high school student? contested f t>r these prizes or rather the rfeht to ervti'r tu?; t:nii|s f-?>r thorn, the chosen hut of five fourteen were: MisSes Rac'hel Bradsher, Winnie Withum, Elizabeth Barneite, Kathe ritie Wiristead and Neva Lunsf.;rd. The filial contest will be held iti the graded school auditorium May gSfrfcvj VISITING PREACHERS LAST SUNDAY Owinp ttv the absence of pastor W. F. West, who was attending the Southern Baptist** Oonvention in Houston, Tex., last Suttday^his pal- ? pit was filled at the mornijr sorvicc by Rev. Mr. Roberts of Wake Forest College. At -the evening: service JRev. P C'ary Adams, pastor of the Presbyterian Church here, occupied the pulpit. * They were greeted by large congjegraticns and brought mes sages of real worth. PRESBVTERIAN CHURCH - -Stmd^v* School at 9:45, H. L. Cro welt, Supt. Come on time and bring Pa" friend. Morning service at 11. 'W A. M. Sermon by the Pastor. t Sunday ?ch