the courier ... J. tf. NOELL, Editor. Published Every Wednesday Earring 1 SUBSCRIPTION TERMS , fl.50 a year, 75 cents for 6 months j 60 cent* for 3 months ? Cash in Ad vance. ? ? The Editor is in no way responsible for views expressed by .correspon dents. ADVERTISING KATES: Display Ads, 35 Cents per Inch Reading Notices, 10 Cents per Line, i 4 For*?|jn AHvfirtwlriji RrortjWit^Uv^ * rm* 4MErMGAN-pRfr8A$$:iciA;r;oN Entered al the Pnst Office at Rox fcoro, N. C., ns Second-class matter. Wednesday .Jlny 10.,. 1029- J ..I NEGLECTED THINGS .-. for generation* -v.-hVn a favraov applied- to the b^n3c% or tp a merchant for supplier to'.rolp vaiso hi* crjvps th? fitst question \ a sked v.*n? '? T lo\v . jnuch tobacco a t?? v<>u r- .iii ;t to plant ??". And h U *c redit wa s ?? tat^&d , - to i ? thousand ? hillr ? X~ tobacco h - :> V'd ' jnt !::e. Xo ? j ' , riv niany cow*. rv?f r i'tftiekens he' in tent!- J 1 o i :.":s f. i ??<! ?right here is where we all have fall -Tni down, we have failed to take note ' of ?he I r ?opHidered little, 'but in reality they, are the hig fHngSj the things which will bring. mow ready ?oottey, as well as clear money. Last Friday Mr. V. W. Lewis, ?Senior Marketing. Specialist, N'ortV 'Carolina Divjs: h f Markets. De tmrtracnt of' Agriculture, was here and addressed a small group of business jn cn ;.nfj ' v. email, telling of the po.** hiliti.? ..f the Cow, S dw IIe'.-/:^.| v.' hat c< Mi L dohe, and |s- -hVi^g. (It>'!e. . witlt -thj'ee cgwk, ne sow and one hundred hen*. Three V^ows. just average' cows, v.ijl produce' one pound of butter fat per cow for three hundred days in the . year, which at- forty, cents per pound, the avevage price, will bring in $360.00 Orr hun-iri-d h( i:- , average hens, will lay ohe hundred ap<i fifty lW each per year, which at' f'rty Cents per dozen . ii: <500.00. and one" ii ct?, tw.j litters of six each ? litter ia twelve pigs, which should easily he made to weigh-* two* hundred* pounds each, and ;tt left yen;** per pound is ? 92M0.00. . Wh:ch to ?anr it ;; p > : 3 oow?; $3<i.).0Q 100 Sen-. '*~,i r.,00; 1 tow, .$24,100, total $1100.00. And think of the investment.:- Irs* than the average amount paid for fertilizer. A-rd.' this ?n" W' .Idttt < being done. :nH r . jakiiw , tram you- , crop* A urvry Was made - cf the, "farms r> in tVom ! berland ( '? -:y. ne'd- -:t ?? waV' friurd ? 1 hey wori:< d jn : an r.v<.!-agt! ? of ..Nvm four to five . .ira a ay. Miml .V,u. this -fras ri'tl ;; Jes ,v f rV:, " t \vas .'.a carffoi / a * v c v. ' ? A the f?ritt?i-< f *\ r ? a' Til-, r . U. ye?-;. '? Six ./ 'V- t' si ' figures, :? , ? J . ... f ' - ttow. ??> p r. . ..y. i, ' i . row -.v.. ? , ? ? ?: , (i .. .. ? -.'''ftcgrtf .tk?re ??*' . "'.v.fsihViti- : ? certainty i , ,n i ?>' j.v ???? ? ot :z ?on than' y:u , ? are raakVn- f^ur" or ftv#; hoxjf-?. Ari,i -.v' t x clirt iv.-Jv :?.> tobacco, lea1 ?'*. .? fs?w ^j4j ; t-yV) ?\ej . art<l inuU?y > w.? to tiy? ^Qfirj wifo, while U 1 p a r- y or-. . :,A. ,t all. But 'Tc two :ad to ?My we haw 4 neviT Reerf oui ; < >-0 thoroughly aroui^d f >7i: rair.t: farm"jnjr as tlWy a re todays-farmer*, mrrchnntu, pr> en pfi I isirte m**ri .'cn tbTSkUy, atiti fioai t.-is' frthufiasm we '? ? Kitirt ng. i r ih :>. I^Rod Co'4nty 171 .the very near lutufe. )i3-b't.3f .poke no f j|I FEEDING DEMONSTRATION. I-ast Saturday naorhinpr, in coftl ? .patty with Mr. V. W 'L^wV Wr. X. H. Pfflltl, Mi. 0, llcath Daniel : an<T Mr?. Fr?T" ~Vt, y.u1 feHie trip ovfr t r our. *iej^hbor . % < f Oxford for. t"ho" putpo-c o? se?:mg fr n' ^ 'ghVif ^V^'bx>?>r feeding demonstrations which arc be ing carried on over there at this time- M t. ^aqkyt-ell| the -County ttgent for Granville County? and he is a good one, took us in charge and carried us out to the farm of Mr. Wu J. Brummitt, a few miles out from Oxford, where he was feeding thirty .pig? w- ich he purchased in Virginia mid is feeding according to the scientific plan of Mr. Sh*y. On March 19th these pigs were bought an-d shipped to. Oxford and -v. li.? nit on feed according to ti;e 5?br.y mcth'd. In a,n .'art it: It on the 'Jirst page y u will bo -"t old --more in _ tail'aa to- this met hoi, .so.' wo Will ,;u>t givo a u.'W, faot-s. ' On April I [)*.}:, ' just 'thirty days after. go;iig 09 l\>td, they . werv weighed ;;r i shok\e*d a ? -rain', of. - ? r.-'ft and 's?von y svv. a D Jiaag V. x ..iqatK thcv had ate severity itnrcp; Jjiishols j of cor?r,;5ve hunui^d1 piJu;, 1 \Vlicat ?' - arid four tiunV!i'---5 'i>jH.ind^ . of" J Pn '..'?;:!. .v hk K .CO^t fll I '--V; ? u.n*. ? 1 1 T.-vo dollar and f '??v 1 > ~e v, Thofo pi g >? ,?h ow<- I an av- rage gain of fifty nine and seven T ? v-rn; V7'~ .? 1; : a?Jy -v. ? round.- .. \ day. : .At'!->e.t prices Von that day My. Bnjmibitt had u pioftt of twelve bent 5 per hog -per ('ay l'oi; the time he had been feeding thorn, -~-i ? -r 1 ; u nU-i . -I a-!d o-iu'., ?: ?!!?;, - _ . ?? 1 1 his month's. work. ? After, leaving Mr. .Brunftnitt'e farm fre visited the' -State Experi mental Farm near Oxford, where Mr. Moss is in charge. . t|e also ha* about ohe hundred arid twenty haad of hogs which he is feeding on the same plan. This brinch was supplied j by the three banks f Oxford, v*iti". 1 Mr. Blackwell- and Mr. -iloss^feeJing. the banks furnishing^ ? . the money simply as a dernorisTJatioin ' .to' the pe:ple of Granville showing them the possibilities of this business. Hte'Ve .is a cqincreUu.AO?mple of what can be accoijiplished by the banks cooperating, and this l.-> rhe example* .we would, like to ?.-oe our banks low, that is, after we have a County agent, for if course, nothing ot this kind can be accomplished without sue1-.* a man to look after them. Nothing is ho Convincing 3s see ing, and we wi-h a number of our. irood farmers, banker^ and business men would urive over to Ofxord and see what is being done oyer theix. STICK TO YOUR COUNTY MAN We are publishing a picture of Mr. Cooper Hall, Person's candidate for the nomination of Solicitor. Now, we want to call upon every . Demo cratic voter to- support Mr. Hall; > support him regardless of likes and dislikes, support, vhim because he is your owfi County man. We should have pride enough to want to see our own folks honored* for, you may test assured that is just what will happen- at ether placed. Hall lias the ability^ tliiV- . is J undisputed. ..rfl w^ien. y .1 . ,? - i hi'i^ yc u ire rot do?*'ff irtei^e r.ny ?:*. urt, iir.fl the ' .County should round up the majority It la to- give. him. ? His I - . i- * fie iJoajlrfation fs v.- ?!, : ii want t--. hJiyt* a.part thi* r.or-iir.r-llibnj. ro YbW. for. hl^.V.- ,a:y:l gcet '.?? f.-'i.od to -?;> v -.-tV. : - . :*hd . v^t:1 ' ior,. h:rn. . W v have exac t : y ;? '{ oi-t.y vr.l ls'ted in .our Bays Corn Club, rind \Ve!want th.c ?!?? forty boys to -how "Dad > 'UuZ'k >vh77T ; their : orn is harve Stick, to !t, b:y-3. Don't let any^pfia.-.; ' grow .under .'.your feet, an !, be ; ?? ure | "tfhat no graft* grows around y^ur ! corn. The Republican County Executive Committer met last Saturday and named a lull County ticket. The ticket as a whole is very jfpod,. but especially J8 . their nomiWees for County Comauiij.orir.r^ nn r.. . . It behooves the Democratic party to name their very best men, that is if want. 'j ticket the equal to I that of the Republican-?.. AlnjlNI?TRATOR'& tUfriCB Saving- qii:i!ifi(ul-4 as ' Admnistrat ir bf' thC ? >'? .it?' 'A .??! i>/. -K: h.J 1 X>:\V tc ru de o.ea?< <j Ikte "of IV- ion .County, North .Carolina, thj: is -to polity psupsztifcii. ohiirns; 'agfaiiJst 'the* t state' ../i ??sai'.l Jeaeased / to evhrpii i . thorn to" the u^der^ijpripd' aCRcx^pro., N. /C. on or. b. f-). ?? .the <la ' [ay i yi'i. this a will b? 'jrf^Sdcel in ?xu*; of roc.ovcry. ? Ail indefct'AK -t3 said" es-' ? tate ? iyiil. ptea'se / piake immediate ' Xhi i*th* !:vy t. M.w s \ [% $$.% NEWTON. Ad:mnM4n:':r ! ?3f MJi- ISlUt'l . . -W, -*.?>? v.'r ..??!?. ia:n. . .:J I Should not be grazed too cicely, , .-.p. ys -vSani. .1. 'Kir by, ?pasture spcsriul te ? ... - One Need Not Be Rich " in order Id' be able t6 comftinWd ^penyr Service. Vy"e <--frve 1 ich. poor, high and low. giving io ail the best- we have. The matter of cost. doe-- not bother us; it need bother none il . who need our service. Oar >Cr ?vice |s always within 'reach of alK jB PHONE r ? r&aerScr'^F^ is OurJfim. 3t Qosts iAfoCMorc SPENCERS 1 FUNERAL HOME J ROXBORO. tj. C. Mt They used every method of cooking from frying to bak ing, and were .enthusiastic 'about the Perfection. Read what they say ? ? ? "Whether I broiled steak or Krench-fried potatoes, the tesults were hoe." Ays Mr*. Rarer, famous Philadelphia cooklig teacher. WLu^StovesamtJtoens Six Famous Cooking Experts A^ree ? ? ;i -'?.( = nlf of Mexico ^ w Knglanri md 1 Michigan! Six of the country's foremost cooking experts have ^jusl completed a rigorous test of the Perfection Stove. Roxborols Rest Store 'When the In si -IHr.v trunk has keen jd'.fnv.TiMl irtti-ihe new hont?? and the honey moon trip, is over ? then - the bride must cast up her wedding- gifts ami see just what tho^e kindest of friends in their hurt y. and. their friendly ignorance ? have neglected to prmide. When you buy t* . ift it MW!.!- .'I RNS ? ? ;i i -1 ? . ?u Ul please '"n?th bride and jftcom. To the above let us add :hat the one >afe way to he thrifty is to bank REJGl.LARII,Y a part of what you Mm. The sooner you BEGIN to deposit your money the better. IK) ST NOW! Not only begin but always make the balance to your Credit' GROW. We Will Welcome Your Account. The Peoples Banii I "The Bank of The People'' t I For Sal* By ? hi & W. VI TO CO., and ROCK lit SERVICE STATION ? ? ftoxliorn, N. V. """ ???v. Advertise In The Courier just A&cur \ Eve^y Tiae ; pfAte^ will tell Vol' MICH E UN TUBES are Best {? we THEM ( AT ORDINAKV \ priced J

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