THE DATE ON THE LABEL IS THE DATE YOUR PAPER WILL BE STOPPED ?he Courier WATCH THE LABBi. ON YOUR PAPER AND DO NOT LET "YOUR SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRE J. W. NOELL. EDITOR AND PUBLISHER, HOME FIRST. ABROAD NEXT. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE VOL. No. XLIII ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening, June 23, I 926. No. 25. THINGS ARE GETTING IN SHAPE AT GRAIGVIllE Few Loom* (ioina: Making . Towels, Others Expected To Start -Up Soon J AS. H. CRAIG, PRESIDENT Mr. ' Jaa. H CrAigr. president of JoHv Watts & Son of Philadelphia, also president of Somerset Mills at Craiffville, N. C;, a suburb of RfX boro, Mr McKoy, superintendent of Jbhn Watt 3 & Son, V)f Providence, R.I., and Mr. Krank Hill of Philadel phia were here f it a few days la ;t week, pttjests pi Mr^ an3' Mrs. \V. 11. Kinkend. Mr. Craig favored us with' a rail and was very ?enthusiastic over the prbspeets f Somerset Mills. Ho is very much alive to the possibilities of this section and says he expects ib <v -me down now soon for a stay of several weeks. While the" Somer set Mills are starting off in a small way, we can but believe it is enjy the beffinnLnj? and ere lon? much of lh?> business now. handled _ b?v the Philadelphia concern twill be. turned this way and Somerset will l>e one of the large concerns of this section. BEAUTIFUL WEDDING Mirm Gladys .Beam Becomes the Brideo of Mr. Raymond Hailey. The majrriage of Miss Gladys $eam j and Mr. ' Raymond . Bailey was sol-; . e.mnize# at Bethel Hill Baptist church Thursday evening at six .o'chrck. A large number of. relatives anji frknd < fr*>m this' section attended." * The church waV ^attractively tfec- J orated with fern.*,- ' .pVim.*, green ! Ann's . Lace and .daisies. On eacSh 3ide cf the aisle an arched gtteWay : was formed and many candles were u*e?t. Mr. Jtrihrt W Fefunt'alne w*\s ' organist and played a number nf ' selections before the ceremony, While ?. Mr. ? Mr?uft-y Fountains ? several .violi/i setci-lions.. Mr. T.. W, Smith of Richmond, Va., sarjg? "At Dawning," and ''Because." The bridal party entered to the i strains of Mendelsohn's Weddwgj March, The paces, T. VV. Smith, } Jr., and Joel ? L^-.e Day we^g fir*t to j enter, then , f f. > ushers. Mess" fNither \ Beam of Louisburg, Mr. J ,hn Bvley, Mr. Timberlake f Louisburg, and Mr Ha rvey Olavtoh of Uoxboro. The;/ were followed by. ..the following j. young ladles. Misses Lena Bailey, sis ter of the groom, Virginia Bryan of ; Abbeville, Edna Karle Hinton of; lacksonyiHe, Maude Montsgue, Inez .Brocks, Ro.-sa Robertson, Kramn Robertson, Marion I'une and May] Ellen Powell" of South Boston. Va., j ' if el en 'Joyn^r, Carrie Lee V.'iv; . >ij and Mrs A C. Geatrv. They f ine d a circle around the' altar and sing the bridal chirm from L thenar le n. r "The maid of honor-,' Miss Elizabeth I Woody, approached ft* m the left. ' aisle, and the malrorn />f. ho>*,or ? was.' Mr <. T. VV. Smith of .Uichmend, Va., ! . sister ??f the bride. The JL wor'gicts 1 Were nitces of the bride ? -Marion 'j . Dixor. Beam .of T.ouislrjrs and, Mary J A lire Smith of Richmond. Va.. whil ? the r'ainty Htt!e riir^or bearer was! Beryl Beam ttmlth of Richmond. Va. j The bride entere i with her broth e?\ 1 Dr. Huarh Beam of Roxboro. The! 'groom" met her at. th? altir, aee-.m--* ftanied "by hHv ' b.^-t- man, who was ]| iris brother. Earnest Bailey; The i . impressive ceremony was performed , by Rev. f. A. Ream, father of the bride, and Rev. N. J. Told, her pas t at, . . ,rf he brid ^smaides Were identical dross," fashioned of Georgette lift! Rainbow tints and carried hat bask ets of daisies. The maid honor and dame of honof were handsomely -; gowned in green- and peach geor gette? carrying arm bouquets A Columbia roses, sweet peas, butur fly roses and white snap dragons. The bride was: very benutiful ln-h*r wtil ', .- > ding gown o/ white, satin, with a j long court train* -her . veil was ar . langed coronet fashion with or ujge - ? , blo^sf,m?f and.her ^rm.-beu^uet w ** f ? "" bridr < ? i'?ii Thi* bride of .Thursday the1 "7 jjroungest daughter f Rev. and J4 t J. A Beam. S i\e i * a iiadua^-- ni ~j~ "TJfereftTFh rdllefe a nT b+fen tfea in.g .tft. liM . 1 Hill f -r thn ? y-.?arsr .irhv.T ' -he I-.- 1 ' fav?rrikvj _n vf e- " ' - ? j.11^ jl/.V ivJ ? Judge Meekins Puts Tri-State Group In Hands Of Receivers Newsy Notes From Helena Despite tho - f turns showed Ruth Bryan Owen, daughter of I've i famous late Wm. J? a winner iof the Democratic nomination for Congress from the Fourth Florida district, it would seem she lost as the Anal official count is' being tabulated. Bryan Luck? Mrs, T. P. Noell 4 is visiting rela tives ne:y Hiliibora. 2 Mis* H"1"" *-?> ] i- r i n* Vt i 'V fij hVn fn g. a ftar visiting relatives * in Roxboro. fMiss Maggie .Ton^s is- visiting relatives . in Wendell. Mr.. JOscar Dixon, and children of MuUin's -S C., Mesdames J:hn Broiks, Ciei. Fox, Jr., ?and Irvin Brook* vyei'e visitors jit the home of Mr. A. W. O'Brya/vt Monday. . Mr. Bryan Cfcsh was in Henderson Saturday wHere he went to-, stand the civil service examination. Mrs. Goy Bowies Durham vis ited- ?l*elWttVeS here Inst Sunday. ' ? Mrs. Percy Noel 1 who has been on an extertd?d visit to relatives in th'e Western r art of th'e state '.has . re turned home. Mr. Roy Pearce of Hjenderson ville is. visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. (). Pearce. ? * ~ ? T Miss Gold ie Bowles returned home last Sunday after visiting, relatives in "Durham.. . Mioses Helen Lance and Grace Tilletf spent the week end with Miss Sue Cakes of Hurdle Mill. Mr. and Mrs. J. L; Timberlake had \ a; their guests last week end, Mr. and &ivs. .1 .(? Timberlake and family ?f Cojuir.bia, S. CI., Mr. and -Mrs. Kdgar Tjmberlake and family of Lexingtcn. Rev. Mr. Broom of Rr>a- 1 noke Ranids, and Mrs. fc^ade Hodges of Chapel Hill. -Mi\ and Mrs. H. E* Pearce of I RjchitfOfld, Va,, 'visited relatives here list. Saturday. They were Lere for the home c:niing day at Mt. Zion. I Mr. 'rid Mrs. Will ' Bfacfr&rrl and I family of Wendell visited friends here Sunday cn their way to the -fcrvices i\l Mt. 7,L?n. j Rev. B. Ov Merrifci, former pastor | of the Mt. Tirzah charge,, was n j raost at the home of Mk- Annie Noell Sunday evening. Mr. Merritt j took charge of the evening services | in the church here, much t> th'j de light of his many friend?. Misses Elizabeth and Lucy T Fltett of Mt. Tirzah spent the week end I with Miss' Mona and Mary Ashley ! of Helenit. Mr C. R. Ashley and Mr. ,J. G. Chambers left yesterday .for' Black - shear, Ga., where they will opcitat'e < a tobacco ware-house,, there* .i?eing reported a fine crop of the weed this season. Mr. George Yancey and family of Zeblon, N. C.f were cafienr Mr. C. R. Ashley's Sunday, going home Sunday P. M. . '> ?':.>?> j BIG 5TH OF JULY CELEBRATION Tho citizens of ^oath Bo.-iltfft nfe j? iitg u> celeHratc thi> ?Ith' of fuly ?in ?n i-l.ibofatg ' -H-ale. and evary cittr?n Oiunty U coylfaHy j:j . i t?l - par: ititkite- - fa aagHK . ?v.i'.i.'.ir. mi if yoa tT-ay 'iuIVST^fUKV ! -'t m'-i it. ?" ? " I James H. Pou, Halle tt S. Ward, and M. L* Corey, Three Re ceivers Named BOND OF ,$250,000 EACH Elizabeth City, June 10. ? Femoral Judge. I. M, Meekins - 1 ate today an nounced the .appointment f M. L. Corey, of New York, James H. P)u. of Rileiih, and Halle tt S. Ward, of -&la2hir.gton. N. C.. as '?o??iver5 for tlva Tr'-State Tobacco Growevs Co mparative Mhrke^in? associatro:'.. At six o'clock preparation of. the re 'caivershipr order had, not Been com pleted-. Ipounsel- for the" association and for '.he Federal IirteriYiediate C' C lit Bank of Baltimore, a e:. -defendant; in the sirit.'ga've* notice that an ap-_ peal would be filed in thii circuit court f appeaU for-..thi 5 district. Attorneys forV;":h sides' depressed themselves as entirely satisfied with the personnel of the receiver alii p. The receivership order cites a$ reasons for the receivership that, i from the facts ? presented, .it ap peared to the court that the directors i and officers- of the association haVej so managed its affairs .t^oi 'i^ i -V either iusoivent or in imminent dan?- j er of insolvency. r It further sets oat, that the" or ganization's directors- ^i'higfr sal aried oj?rcia}sr" and -other firms it i ^?fich they -were financially inte ? est e3ror re-d rjnng 'much" fcobacc". , ojidj made large -profits; -that- ??Tfr!'. i>ts1 were "approved by th<? dir -fetors; ..t'*ja?. certain <> f ?" t h $ . di re 3 1 ,'rs an d pffcVe$S-l bought warehouse properties at: exh:rb'tant prices; that"saiasiean\ere paid in excess of the v;*!i*e erf tK? services rendered, -and sometime? "ffr unnecessary ^services, .in* d?<*reTa"d of th* right3 of the members. ^ ? As a result of the .icti >ni of the' bo^rd. pf rectors'," the order- * de-.? clares, the association i* beirig liquid-.] atjei - by a j Vint"- committee of three ] direct: rs an d t\vo# representative? of 3 large creditors. . % The .association '-has failed of ffcs ; purpose, and such purpose, 4has been-J gendered impossible/' .'due to th? fact 1 that tiie management ha-s lost the confidence of the membership, It is asserted. As a further result-of the way the affairs of ,the association have been handled, Judge; Mekins ! said in connection with the order, the j members have sustained heavy loss- i e3, -and the association's assets have I fallen far below an amount sufficient i to pay. a fair market value for the tobacco delivered by t' e members, j MR. HEFFNER AD DED TO FACULTY At a meatl ng of the tra3tr- i ji f the Roxboro Bru:i-?J Sc.',-, ! Mr. L. T. Heffnc-r, of Maiden, ?>!??? C., *.va?, i'ii'i-t.-i af >z-r -of t.ia ? faculty. ? Mr. He f iner is a graduate ->f I)uke .University, and crrries highly rvi-.oir. meiided. The board of trustV>e? p i id Prof. \ talvejr a' very, hi*h corr.plirr.ent when, a motion was ad pted appropriating: money ? pay his o xpenses to the Sosqui-CcMenni&l in" Piv'ladelphh. HOPE HE GOES AGAIN j From a private letter from our I good friend, Mr. J. Shields Harvey, we quote: "We are having a fine , time 'down, there ? ^Norfolk ? except' that the Air. is right, coo) vvhcn the Winds come from the "Water. Have had light aprirrklen of rain, but it is very dry here,/fcnd we found it sq .all of the way dbwrt; Clark and I have been flabing twice, with fair tuck the firfct day, nly (?) caiffht _11G of fair size, the largest a Plkel iriieasurlngr !SU fhjrtfes. Saturday Ve were joinpj %by Mr. C. .!??. Ball, Sr., of Baltimore, and had a good day on Laic*. Smath-. The catch w^ n?t' so targe in r.umhcrhs before, hot the average si*tf was hotter. You c-?n tell -Taspe* that we .nriight have fcent him . some had _ he not talked too_ mtich lust time wo were dTwh. . VVe havr^-.eaten -fiifc until they are not, g < ( ? ? mrr-jy ard ir we? so traye-m K.^rd h^c^f [ q-vnrt o K .v Yi^-? -n'^d boy*/' " "THE DARK ANGLE" AT PALAGE THEATRESOON The Palace Theatre Presents Splendid Program. Monday Tuesday June 28-29th SECURE SEATS EARLY Hailed by Critics as the tit stand- 4 in& screen achievement of all time, at Palace Theatre Monday and Tues day Juno 23-23th. . The Story has already made fcood? as a sta^e play it was a thrilling success,? -A Sol die:' is stricken d xvn upo.n the field of Battle in the wo, rid war ? Not killed buL Ulinifcd for life ? A-gtri back home had promised to !>ec: me ' his wife, but rather than submit . her to his ;life of darkness he returns under an assumed n amp-? The Dark Anj?/:1 ^ the one that brings happiness to a main in the darkest hour Qf hi3 life. Cou^d yju wish for a more triily Dramatic situation ? Heart beats mingrlinj? with the Drum beats of war. (Tickets on sale thr:uflrh the B. Y. P. U. Baptist Church) secure you-?, seats early, and by all means don't miss the year's finest Film ' Production. Matinee Monday 3 P. M. Evenings 7 ;30 ? 9:00 P. M. Admissions 25 and 60 cents. Mon day arid Tuesday lime 23-26th, 're member the dates? The* Palace Thca- 1 tre." 1 Prominent Person Passed Away Li ". I -? ? i i DEATH OF MR. BARRETT _ > . * . * Kc Died Sunday; Afternoon 'After Being * " Ilf About -a /Vtzeft WPterj-'G-; C. tearr<et?t. a$e 44, ' ^ied. Swtday; aftern :ort ,al 1 fVclcpk^t The. koine of* his wife, M*rA. j^eor^e Strunj' - Barrett. -,>a Morgan. Str^t.. * Mr*. ! Barrat't had only been. Ill "about- 4 ' wfak ai t his death ca mo *a^\.a 4is-' j.tusjtp shack to- his friends* . 'Mr B.t - ? reiite- i'Tna^ried Mi&s Mo!li? Stvum j-a4>oui,four mon-Mi* &20 and they \Yere? 'making, their 'home ai? M rs. .Barrett!?! | until they era id' complete. their new [ home,' which was to replace {\xe ono | burne*t ab';ut two months since, an-i 1 th<?y expected to move to it ih fhe | Bethel Hill neighborhood now ?of?fi. ! Mr. Barrett, was. well" k-n -wn^. in j Bis home ''section, - and w'as re.a-iijy I considered one." of the. best men* 'in j <he c vmtoiunity, hayinjr always lived j a quitt upright life. Besides His I wife "he leaves fathe.' . nnd two. -is, Mrs. Ma *eo. ? Woody and Mrs 1 R. A. Woody. TV funeral! sdrvice;* were conduct ed from Bethel Hill church Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock, fche seryiH's con Juried by Rev. X. J. Todd, n^irte l by Rev. V/. F. .U*,^t. The pallbearers were Gu.s -Woody,- Lee Woody, Jack .Woody, Tom Wor.cjy. Bcdney Gentry and Maurice Foun taine. Presbyterian Church Sunday Scho.ol at i>;45 A. M.t H. L. Crnweil Su?it. Morning Service at It A. M., sev iVion by the Past:r. At this service we will have a Baptism Service for- the children of the Crmsrresration. All patents are asked to let the Past r know if they wish to have their child baptised. Mitchel Chapel. Sunda'y School at 2 P. M. Preaching at Bushy Fork , at 3:30 I*. M. Eyery one welcome at all services. REV. P.-CARY ?DAMS', Pastor. -7 o? SOME FINE WHEAT Last Thursday we drove out to _tii? f-.rnj.ivf Mr- R- H. Gate* down in .the: Flat River section. Mr, Gates ; Has about thirty three acres in whent * r-n thi* farm,, and his rpranafcer Mr. I Jftss Chambers i? ju?tiy proud of Ju.? crop: ? Mr. r'.imbeu, " j< a i i ? ? w a: ?t tractor cutting tM\ wheat, and he. ( expects to garner ft>ore than five . nml Willi., I .,'U^-tt-a*. fail he will not ha disappointed^ We have seen" ,10 fieJTer "wheat, Or H~t ,U? <i'r.?..i>cts fjr'<-ftrtiv tjyih hi. l a* i: 11. tills firiii. Red Grange's "Yes" Gal. MR. CRUMPTON GOES TO 1M KH VM SCHOOL , Mr. Hunter Crumpfcon hia been ' ^Hecfced 'principal -'f ' - ? Minium 'township hfeh school at Bahama, j The Manzum school is a twelve teache* ? school. Mr. Trumpton has I bden liririeipal of AUensville Hig;h . School r Hevera'r yaff. ind we'l qualified for his pr:feasion. County Citizen ast Friday Quietly Here is th* Miss ? Ednt Murphy ? who has been selected to play opposite the famous ^red-haired ? Harold' Grange ? in his football movie debut Of course Edna will say "yes" to Red in the final do** up-. Leaves* Splendid Record ? 70 Years Member of Church. 30 Years a l)ea?aii . 4 .YEARS IN CIVIL WAR ? Mr. S. -'P. Girjjry :,f i\is Bethel, ;5 iH -Mficrhb yrho1 i w is 'called to his '?rexrtjreh I *st Friday afternoon. Ho had bro?? f??b!e Jiearth for quite a "j long #tim^/ though hi* death came .as ' n "VMcjc. Oti the day :f bis death he j ?i te; a he a i;t y ? di Hirer an d w is: fee! ' ?i^ST apparently as well as he had fyr, ?some tujy*, -w-h*n almost siviien'y ha j 'was*' t?ke.n sick, and.. lingered ."inly : a- few -lwufs. ? * ... * I funeral s rv\-'s wcr.? /nr.- : Sunday evening- at 2 /clock, by Rev, K. J. Todd, hi* pastor. ;R<*/. J. A. j Hfwnr; for. m'any years '*paator';.of Mr. Gentry," spoke vary f^ej.inrjLy f hi'3.1 life, .recalling ma ay. incident' s-owr-j ing how his lift' had been t benedic tion to him. i MtS Gentry was forh i" Person 1 County, and spent hi 4 day* largely ir. the County* not living alone for him-i. ?self, hat giving of hi 3 time, . his ; talents f:r the betterment of th - o with whom he. cam2 . i1> contact. ? He; was man iij i twice, - $rsf tj M i-> . Sftr.ih VanH ok, by whom he- was ! blessed with ^o.ut" children, then to I. Mi is Sa ! 1 ie I .ink , a n d ; t o th'is -a r. : 0 n . ' ? were, born ftvn chil i.en. Ste of t; ese ' -urvive. him, ' bei:i.r . T. .1. Citp.fvv of South'- Bo-/. u-Mc-v R. B'."" Klliot'i of' VVeliyillp, \*.i., As C- Gc-ntrv of liox- : tori, B. P. 1 Gentry of LUljngtori, 1 County Strperiritonden t of Harnett County, B. W. Gentry of Betnei Hill. : *>Rd Mrs C, B. Wills?. ms of Durham. Mr. Oerrtry entered the War be tween .the states the second year ynd served ' through until the end.! having served three years . withruti a wound, though on one occasion aj bullet went through bis '"at, making ? thi'ee hd^s. At the close of the war he re- ; [turned home, and followed the pur- ' suit of farming, being one af the | most successful of the County. He | had .been a member of the Baptist : church for seventy years, a deacon I in his church for nw?re t-an fifty j years, and for many, many years had j been a teacher in his Sunday School, t faithfully filling this place at his death. He was piiomiiiernt in all .County .affairs,' and hrs judement wo s ?c Ught in all difficult 'propo-i- - tiooA. He represented this (bounty in the legislature one term. He was the- oioneer iri.good road a and schools ift'hi.. ??...? j . . 1., y,\ fa at Tt ftn. hnaii tiiri 1 that .his hobbies were' schools andT ipAdsV ' J . Pi-r = ad ft*!! y\ x "wo ^ In v.- nf n v "n^TS" 1 wha_i??H filled a larger jyla<ejp, and: with Tnors lv>ttor. t&aii did _Mr. Sv i V: 'Gentry. H*> was s:rupiilb?*ly > lionet, with brtU f-.*i?nd and foe, j INVESTING MEETING HELO 8Y BQTARIflNS Blue Back Speller Come Into Its Own Again, Professor Stalvey Wins VISIT OXFORJD TOMORROW Last Thursday- eveninar t!*e> Ro taTjans had a most interesting meet ing. After lunch Profs.. Stalvey and - Satterfleld were ch.sen as captain^ and after drawing 3ides a spelling i^e was pulled off. Really, it was surprising how v.yH these ^oys" . tir- H Biue .Back. ^ grof. Sta'voy provod to ' th* heat speller, standing. after all others toatf tjftne, thouprh he was the only one - left , on either Side, showing there was. no .walk :ver for his t-.-am, . T-cmon' w evening the Club will 30 to Oxford where a bail game will be -t aged, after which they will be guests of the Oxford. Rotariana; HALL ? REDFERN MARRIAGE Couple, Prominent Throughout the State Married at Winijate. Win gate June 22.? A wedding of unusual interest was solemnized |;Saturday afternoon it "five o'clock \t the home of Mr and Mrs. Henry Austin Redfern when their daugtt I tet, Mrs* Aiine Ruth, became the 1 iiride of Mr. Cooper Andrew Hall* j of; Roxboro, N. C. The beautiful and Impressive ring ceremony was performed by Rev. C. J. Black ' of King' sMountain, who wa* formerly pastor of the Baptist church at Wingate. The vows * were: pledged cn the . front porci'Y ; before 3 towering .' j $crt>t?n -of palm<, fehis and evergreen irrtermingieJl with Queen AnneV fwe. The bride was attended by her sis ter, Mrs. Blanchafd Williams, of Monroe, >f? ( , who wa< beautifully J reused in or hid georgette. She ?carried' an- arm "bouquet of. pink Kit arn?y roses. Accompanying: Mrs. Williams w:\* the. brother of the jjroom, Dr. J. H. Hall, of Atlanta Gar The bride followed, leaning: on the arfn of the groom. Her wedding suit was an exquisite creation of midnight blue georgette and she carried a lovely bouquet of bcide'a jro-ies. ' Mr>i Hall is the attractive daugh ter of Mr. and Mr3. Henry Austin Reiifern of Wingate, She received her education at -the North Carolina College for Women, Greensboro, N. C-., and $i Massey'3 Business <v le*e, Richmond. Va. For the past few years she ' has been very suc cessful both in the busines - world and in the teaching profession. The groom is the sop of Mrs. Win- . r;ie Hall, if Roxboro, Nr. C., and ia a lawyer -of that city. Ml*, and Mr.-. Hall ! .ft immediate ly after, the ceremony, for a a extend ed t>ur, .after whieh they witl be at, hemve in Roxboro, ? ? - AN UNUSUAL YIELD Of course, you can not with safely count chicken * before they are hatched, hut Mr. C. G. Reade has cat some wheat which he says is just about t.e best he ever raised. He Vowed one and one half bushel* and after harvesting1 it he say* he expects to thresh out fifty bushels from this sowing:. He has this "off to itself and is going to see just how it comes out. We trust he will favor us. with ji . report on it after it is threshed. To -lighten your work, use Sunray Lamps. and no bond could be better than his' word. Not only were his neighbors his friends, hut every one who ever knew kim- wag-glad to call ilim friend, and we shall all miss him, and it will be a bn*. time, ere his plage is filled. Truly it cart be said of. hrm, that ;\ good mm} ha* gone, f^c he wa? Ye<?aj?frt4ed by-irtt-w an honest, eew^ ? pcientious' Christian gentleman* He BEp8 h "? ?*- -3^*+-- ^rrrrr? m - -Hie ? faith, 'aod no doubt id n?w tasting of the^ reward whieh obrtffc* .?d .tk0** .. who p^jt their f&ith. .in the Lord . Je?us. .w

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