About your Health Things You Should Know Yresh vbgotables ? You sit down at your radio an J "time .in" for the .bi??**t city your fc.et will reach; you ? listen to the projsrram. which usually en.bcsMb]y including one manufiiclar fr.p company! The value of the real garden is inestimable. Out in'. the cob n try where the vweet rain falls from bfaven ? wnere pure fbil rourishc** 1 ' i.Kt fi irh. U'T.V! , -art.-;:.. where : the beans. radishes, lettuce, onionfu find what not, vrow to perfectkn in the r re i, :.'r imap'ira'blt:; where ntraw berries, ra>.|Vberr!e> currant -y ^oosbeirk^;. cfierrie?. ripen in the *a n? '& in)e . Whe re even . the cj^irn Jxets r. re ?o harmless! AVbel'e- t?ma ire real; v. here T he h::rii of the "Vri^terr.an** the . wholesaler, the "Jobber" i the r eft i^trator. Vn are Ttnfcr*.wr. J*' it any wonder that . rural fe -s land^ *-.N. viable "? m ks cflm*. r't tens-is.? . ?Fre?-h'-vi;ardt r.-cr.. :wv ford? : ' the ! ? * . t llere lh? vitamme ? jr . at it? r.-r.d; inchc'st ?? potfto.cyi ? ^ Jtei^e'the protein jr. "the" yofc'etabte 1 i* ./i^an^ffi^urel XaturoV Wonderful : V; or:. : A 1 ii nt?\" I ice ? . . ? Jf?p!y ?. tjjft ; with everythftfj?;| -N - I iZuilf-ri, ?. ? ? ?: '. V$>P ."^vAv: . ? '-.'.ri .<* -ithe. _ Miyeri* . ?'r .'j ; ; cv Merits* [ ffi>t':u?\zaXi'onJ' lV?i enoU^H ? ii> ;?*& . - i: .t 6 . ? hi t. :-. i : >jrt ? .. ^ome ' 'time: ap' ) . - * rJ : -r , . of c ur carufint > ript+zm ??'>?*n-/. ? : :.r.nir lt-tit ;*> '.f ' t-he pi- -uiv.a-.j.y ? ipivbrcf* are gr , \v ;v. p , ci a il>* i n Lo? ?''AJigfeie?.: Why not rut riot machine? , n'utsjdf the ?Vurt- house for- tho.?> , tvfco can't jjrtt. my from v.-uik. rfttn. ? o ? ? J r N IOR ORDER MFF.TIN * . Roxboro .Council No. 121. M eet .:.c o porvi n yr i'. t o e: ock ; P . M . All 'ir'^rnber^ r^ou.eit'ed to br.t.-; Yi - if _ ?? f ;*.her- onic J'?. . Vited.' _ ? "V K. . - T J ? 4 ' r . .u - . -t "-ur.ci-lov. '? ROBERT. LU^FORD, R. S. i Mon?y t*a~% without qutiticn I if HUNTS GUARANTEED ? . hKIN DISEASE KF.MEDItS MM / * PV Salve and Soap), foil in I KA J I lhe treatment- of Itch. Kezerna. i/\ Rincwcrm. Tetter or other itch tkin divcauea. Try tl** t/eatxseot at oaf r|Vu DAVIS DRICS CO, Itoxlx.r.1 N. C i^Vw.1 ' Y'tWaLa* 'i T ii' 1 . XjfilJI |; Fains disappeared & 1 . .' irVi:p Ijvm (? ' : i- - -i. *,11.' , v Mr*. X I Jr.Lr. K. r.-l'. J ? | bin &ft "I c*>aNj not do p.ny. 1 ? ; cfifcT rra. ..i weak 1 Sj 4 ? mjv,. k i 0 tr.i ? i 1 ? ? !' Sue::. g?l "I I - " ? ' ' :c; B .1/ (This strip should ran witfc Ad. No. 344) In the Kitchen 0^6 Famous Cooks EASY MEALS FOR HOT WEATHER (Editor'* Not*: 'J his ? one article in an unusual cook in* MT?e? ? ontributed to tbia Vttinrr by eix Inmuu* took**) Where is the woman, who enjoys cooking hearty meale in hot weather?.. We doubt if such a woman exists. She may cook big meals because. some members of her family who toil hard demand them, but certainly not because she herself derives ^ any real pleas ure from hot miss rosa weather cook MICHUUI ing. With a little planning and forethought, however, many of the discomforts of cooking irrhcrt weatl.ei can bn avoided. For instance, as Miss Roea Michael is, New Orleans domes tic science specialist, points outj an oil stove is much easier to work with than a coal or wood range "It is much more conyenf ent," she says. "It needs no flues," and hence may be taken to the coolest part of the house easily, as it is not very heavy. ?? Just a Little Planning "Thf woman who gels her kitchen wiork done early !n the itiQfniitg aa*I ?:;os't' ct- her luot l prepar*#." ' cot\-. OtuCff -MlthueHp; '\y tUe COC'rst. She just ne*:i;s to dv; a little *'?;)>? It- '? ".Th? fewer roast*- and >.a"kei,t : ?!..-.??!. -a " W ? ? ' %? ?s : I .- - . . > at .pci-'.y i-.\ ;?i? :.Ui?d "M a y. oman rOie' -.fcaa". to'. . Mlaa ;?iichfc?-iiB "sha | ? i.i ..ill net use.*her. oven i;.y . . t he v/Vu? k da : ; r: jr !: c> : w < u z 1 < r. h a t l ake eno-jgh to lasL frcvei ur .. v. . i ,, " A" dinner w-\. M It-hae! u rtconVthends nK.'parti.Ci: Jurfy. ? io. prepute iu.hot \v*?tl:e?; i* all cooXt-d ti.i pot; it. con's try*; e titynsiiu, tithe -una' fatl.. " ' 1 > A Dinntr in One Kettle | To prepare it. ' take A foup pot j f, He'd w;?!? enough wat?> to eflvfir ;hx?fe kiotincs i.t brisket. 8ea*on | with >aVi . After the a oup .lt as horied | t- or an hour, lowec tne r.au.t and Jet I Jt simmer for halt nn.hour. Add i ?':.?? Lci'.ch'of carrots, a tvuhcli of ! tYiriup# a '.tl a )>ouii(i' \ l potato**, 1r i,i.d cook for another half ho?ir. '\V!.en ri?ad>'. take out tari sole, l'.tii-fr .and- sprinkle with cn'epp'ed - j.u t.'ty. Take < ?'. turu.pf l.jj'H H'Mfi i -?tt?-r. a uMlhg a\t?rju?po<>ri of I t .:>? ar if *?:i:8'?rcu.' . Serve potatoe? >na* lied. Take out j at i.nd f:(y with ??ri :trit, or - serve v ;;h a tor., mo euuc e._ Add a Salad and pcracrt I . Now w ith a- Kiilfcd.- dfPM'rt.' it'rid ' i ?- \ ? tUKr. '.on# IttUI it r-j\| .? Ir meat, j -:m Imiiifte .hoap, -Anc ;.?! e Joked Vi* ; i j.*:- t'.arne! ? ? : For salad, Miss" Michael is FnVgct ts ' i>cuxr. halved. or. !? M; irav.fV co\ - ! ered. V. sth 'French , * d r^t I Dg. -'.Fruit t-.akeo u kooiI liiistii. tc uccoffiyibf this eaay ? jasaas. Another ?a*y Afee/ Mr? Sarah- ">?*/>? Itercr; the f/.v.rcus rhtJr?u^jpi..a- ctsc #: Ir-C Otpeit* triple M?aJ ? $ ] ,"f t.uMar, four r.f nunar. .aari four V?t?;j I'ut pan In oven under the a?rpt<-s. ".I'Oit -four t.Mc spoons of cooking fat In ?a^shalioiy frying: pan over SUBSCRIBE TO THE COURIER SALE OF 1AXQ ? Ui.tkr a.-;i t?;; v&Jag tl tfie. powers contained in mat certain -Joed of trust cxtcuted April 4, 1925, by R. Lv PeYkins, of record ir. Book 5, pajre 374, office of Register of Deeds of .Person County, deffeolt havir.p been rosde iii ;be payment of the bond secured tJxfcreby and the owner of .said: bond having: requested that said l?wer be exjercl*ed? the un dersignc 3 will on July 10, 192(i, 12 .0rC{O.c < n<# n* it ttae. .cov rt faokUse .door in Roxboro, N. C., sell at public sale to the highest b.dde.r for cadi the land conveyed by i>aid deed *'< tru-t and described as fol lows, to- wit; A certain tract of- )cr;d lying in Roxboro Township, Person County, N. C., befog lots Xos. 11, 12. 13,- 10. iG, J 7 ate 18 of tjie Mr#?. JU A. Snipes property, part of the Blanks estate, acd" fbrineily arid bitter* kn^wn as Joe Ycur.cer -property, !o-' cateJ un the Rcxboro - Loch Lilly Road, u~ per plat of T. N. Thaxtor., C. E.. dated October JO, 1923, rr ' recorded in Plct Book ?'M, page-* 210 j aid j|7. r Jo."; > m>:v r i. s.f - llc^y s : ]/;V NV<, VVj rcqrit?r.s 3.31 i .t No. -}2 cor : i. i6 a: ? s; lot No. 13. contain* j O-20 i.ci ii; lot No. 10 contains o.SG . c;rcs;lct Xo~ JG contain 4.(&.&*?$s* l-.-t No. '17 contain* 3.34 acres (.no. j Jot N"o. 18 2.'2j a. "res; for farther n: nee e p!:.t ;;bovo ferrcd to. See .deet^er: ? "1 impress it upon your mind!" " "But mania, ain't yo.i mistaken ubout the location of my mind"!*4 . A new pest b&>: attacked the po? Uto vjnos. It is called Etocepolf-x j Hyperthena Cullinajk. Bat not ivery , often. 'V "* - DELICIOUS! .1 GOLD MEATS 1 E For the Hot Weather You will find our pure ready to eat, cold cut meats the ideal Way to aviod cociking and fixing in the Summer's heat. Delicious ? ap petizing and wholesome. Just the thing for sandwiches! Moore's Market l'HOXE 173 summer ? ?; Take a tip from the { ' j' sh fanious'cooks who . l' sU'd /-V if 'e c t ' (J n ? "7 -Be cool! ? Hot days are coming! Escape sizzling\ ? kitchens and wood or coal drudgery. Six. famous cooks recommend the Perfection for cool cooking. Here's what they say. 'TfHE food gets all the fieat ? the L kitchen none," says Miss Uosa Michaelis. New Orleans cooking ex pert. "In the Perfection burner," she .explains, "the heat is confined directly to the bottom of the cooking pot. That raearis cool cooking!" Mrs. Belle DeGraf, the Sari Prancisco authority, suggests Perfection "ttap titove" cooking for hot summer days. Least Time, Least Heat '?'.'hen i tried ehickep, glazed yvcet potatoes and boiled pineapple pudding," *-e relates. "1 used only the top of>.he Perfection. The food cooked quickly arid efficiently ? and of course, the shorter the cooking time, the cooler the kitchen.' That means cool cooking. ' Yes, and remember," adds Mrs. Kate ? FL Vaughn, famous Iios Angeles Home UcOiiomist, "the feast fire in your stove ' i: r nigh the day, .the cooler the kitchen, ?Vith Perfections no time is lost ih beat gererfiiion because cooking begins with .tho ip'jch ot a match lo the wick." ' Ao Ilot Extra Work "Th tco, the Perfection saves e world c sira v.virk,''' says Mrs. Sarah Tyson rcr. piorieer' cooking specialist of ;iliidelt>:i!u, "rto svood ( r coal to tarry . n rcr t-shes io atfty bnt"' . At Battle Creek College of Home F.co nomips, the nutrition evpert, Margaret Allen Hall, speaks of still another "no evnra work" point." "The Perfection," says Miss: Hall, "is easily moved from one room to an other. N.foive it to the summer kitchen, out on the back porch? wherever it's coolest. You don' t need to bake yourself while cooking ideals." Con I to Work With The "single row" arrangement of Per fection burners gives \ ou anxither ad vantage. Miss Lucy G. Allen of the Boston School -of Cookery notices tKis. "With the Perfection," she makes clear, "there is no reaching across hot flames aS with a gas or coal range. ^ on slay awav from the direct heat, yourself." }V ? fro.ni the one-burner model at SJ.iJ ?.,i the f:\ e bumer range at *12*1. Six famous Cooks tested this stove thoroughly unj now pronoun cc it ideal for hot weather. "Buy a Perfection, ' they say, "btf cno.l!" . ? _ . ' fufiuftu t({rrd ij ? ' PRRrrimoN Stovf, Co. fik.? ?' Clcuu, Eve?/ Cooking Heat T'.e '??? ,-.z. i Mvc.c y ?* nt i he Per . iccac n iui-u t v.efrv drop of the oil ir ???( her the kettle. ? Tl>>.s . 1 ? ? i \i w a . ean,^mn king ? ?.-? e v? < ' ^ Avi cart ive iTcnbty- *-' iir c of * K is ? ? ?.-: i t -5.es : v. i c.*j v..;- use a. t-ure wajer-t* Kti f>ene ?' turns - trail"1 v, e' c\ v a ini.v*" illicit c%ivf *i$ :"j ?: a ??d ' K t ; p l v i\e. > t .i* - . tS : Jr?|- ?: r i:':es that it.it.ar- I'aiuc ? u.V ki* i>} ieare i!eftc*li?; i..t y *??11 W?e-'i'- ' " KviO-eiie - \ ? arc : tri i'?rl ?vtrcic, ? { V* ?- *?->>' "STANDARD" KEROSENE ?.,.4 TFtese -Stoves ure soic^in Rftxhr>rr> hv T- W. PASS &-SON, HOME^FURNISHER S AN DARD GIL COMPANY (New Jersey) .distributors - 26 Broadway. * Nep York TPS* JPiUli m Oil Cook Stoves and Ovens W/V B.NINO : Use only genuine Perfection Wicks fin Perfection' Stoves. They are marked Wii'i red triangle. Others wifl cause trouble. ?* >???