*=x THE 1)ATE ON THE LABEL, IS THE ? DATE YOVR PAI'ER WILL BE STOPPED ??l)c Hoxboro Courier WATCH THE LABEL OX YOUB PAPER AND DO NOT LET YOUR SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRE J. W. NOELL. EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. HOME FIRST. ABROAD NEXT. $1.50 PER YEAR IN 4DVAJSCE VOL. No. XLI1I ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening, July 7, 1926. No. 27. American Legion To Have Big Exposition and Circus ? : Opens Monday July 12th. In Winstead Warehouse, Rox horo, N. C. Maily Excellent Free Acts Presented. VIRGINIA-CAROLINA AGES FURNISH MUSIC The American Legion has booked ahd will pre-ant an Kxpositi* n -and Circus and Auto ;Show combined* al" e.\t we^k ut the Winstead Wire Hc>use. The Washington Becoratlng { o., has Vcn . engaged' to he" I Blue col r display Will be earned - . '.ut. The. Washington D.e*: triors ?' ??arry7 ever 910.000 worth of _ .decora - lions, ant! are rated as the". best in tSe- country. The beautiful booths arc new be erected in the Warehouse, and Vy Saturday of this week, everything "will be m plac?- The Auto Display vill be as jjocd as any .large city. The A^to Show will be arranged own the center of the Warehouse, ami each broth will be beautifully ?ec orated, with all colors of the rain ' ow. ... . ? In the rear of the. warehouse, the ! ?t/iffe has br en erected and nine *1 he most sensational ' free, acts in | the United States today is ; presented J ; to the people every riifrht" absolutely | free of chaise! Opening the shew >very night with their act entitled] '?Twenty- Minutes in Jazzlahd" .the "World Famous .Orchestra, tV.e Vir - ..inia -Carelina Ace-, who joined the i - hi w from ijr of ! the .United j States.' and "theY are fast winning a1 5 1 ace for themselves in the hearts ? f their listeners:-' Their pvOffrafrir , uns from . Red Hot Jaw 1 the Old; ' ./ielodiqs th^t- arc -dear to evrr>; i ' heart. .? Thf twt# WHetWiifS ftyH vyr fri.yv *Korit| ? ? ;-n thi l.ilt i v an '.ft ot* merit ;>m-. m! -,'een- In these jmrts, . . ,-nnai'stinsf . of ? ho _ sensational ' Hand' Hahi'nvipv. -. r .'.f tr.f airi-. Mi:--. K\ J'.ir'.'.t' ? li.-wsf ,vfith a :? '"i ^ 1 tip nal Jlnilc;- Ska.trvj ? <?t in which does ,C(o|j Dancing! ? nti.- the -Tharle'ftivi on 'roller, skates. ; Dirt n? fclli-v ' w'^h . 'an " -:-i' ?' ' - et that In par excellence ? is .seV-'-Mid J .. r>'.'npne. ;hut . while all ? the a?ts><or'| \e' bill are ]>U;nsiru: and nhetiojniivil, >J ?ossibly the best act op. the WVi"7^;| The Famous Reckess Reckla-w Trfvjix nf bicycle riders who do' the arti :.nd ccijibdy ridinj? of the v! w. M rv > /lechlaw himself Yo-.-s :in art thai is' roth ins short of ; Impossible, every- ? "aftr that can 'he done with or ????* ; t bicycle he does, and he k'eeni it1 :--Hermiii;rled with bits. .>f "ion; .d\ 'hat keeps his audience in a cons:; nt ; . proar. 1 JSvtry -Act 'elwa and hiirh v utV: ?\nd i5t presented: evr-ry night. Qovi- 'the Lejruv'i ("hairwan, has-nV uced tVe s<va->ort:. tfrkcta to "jO i ?? ? : ;{? . ifcr i/".! ,'fv . ? .?< ?.'?ays. ,jr c ? :* i*. -s.irtjrN'- ?*'u?K jtfph! ? >< re ? ill h'e- !f : r 1' ??? fi-.r" "Who UYi: i> : ? i.Iisi Kojdi o r<A i**.. ; av h fc h ;vjil open at once. ' Each Lady . w;'l ? vec'ivr . ? .fior cent r : ? ;uf. :ick( ii" for iv'i *' i.'i-.r- ' ft? Fi '.iay t; i crht jqjf r* \t -'v ' 4 ?yt .?<"> 1 1 *0 . I >2y i? an 1 v / '<?- - /'f ts ylU hi; &<oi jMt ? - nr..'- ?<) -i About L'n l.ifia ? .t'"0 V'R.Hed to he:!) ' IhYi Boys- pnr ovi-r. Th: w v. Hi: I?c . ? awintr i v -! v >v.i rh* wi(|| by. ? .--hi? ? (vavdliri-n-'Virirfjfia a m face orebf^trtL The untun- (laney y/ill be presented I'' rid ay n.i?rht. in 1 he form ??t~ a "Snrw [>. ;n- ?" . . >1 The electrical offttccv r snMv,. etc. I The Dancing will --tart at cv. ? y 'r;tfht. The Roberta Fx position Ca.? who is stajyim* the show here, is cl-ju- -ed ,.s one of the .best and has rust iniahed. a successful" show at Dun- ; . ille, (Chatham and South Bo ten. >'ach . show was highly praised and1 'he manafreV s?i?i heretodpy that the ' ioxb ro sh w will he better, ar.d wili open Monday night. j HR. AND MRS. I.LNS fY)R!> RETURN - ?y ir ?? i,"' y ? .tl n ntiil it ? ;i 1 1 ill ? iiH.ii inlin null yl Saturday niffht. from theirytrip WcsU SO- Mr. Iainsfor4^rfpi'e*eriU?d the. Rc tH' V- H U- ] nt h.i n nt i. I'), >r . ? ,tll- . - 'Ut^-1 '.rl ?? nnc time sitr&L and visiiintr relatives *of Mrs-. ai&u w | iie *ri the ir ? jS. Wins Trip to Europe WocmfgSj i - David Wilson, 15 years old, of Lincoln H. S.v Portland, Ore., i? the winner of the League of Na tions e.?say contest, in which 4 contestants were entered. He gets a free trip to Europe. Newsy Notes From In And Around Helena IfPritJay" night July. 9th in the school Auditorium, Mr. G. .Hi! Hau si-r'.v .^dnday Si h ol Class will j?iye an pqtertainmenty ac'njission t"> and ?v-.-v-TV,c ? Community Aid "?o- ? cicty win hi. cr'oaih . on .the" svhool . iri\ unds } bcfor?7und: after $he ?lav. ?Tht* Fourth, cf July w'as observed by' t.lu pe ?: p|r? t.f re;a'Uy at , ourr t (?ir\ m'uhitv Quits ?e\v f vh ? youh'jj tr sot nt tlve clay at near by sari * . A community flsh" fry and jvicril ? wa < ?; V by. nsiirhbors in- * he ! ?art; ? Zion . SjBctiOit: down. .n tbe .river ' *ide. ' - ? ' Th'-:'i>f?*riotje. -.^rcranV ' put "oil ..bv ?t'hi* ?'L'jacr^v l-v??' Sunday rii^ht was; by r.;>od ^onfirrefrat'ipft do- ' ? threacenm^ Ayerith<s:v Anmnjr, thr " nl s t ? rl&t&TiizJ .feature wa-i" a-i muM??nl rwtivation by- ? Miss ?, A^r.a I I5qrt>> ,y ' a^oropn nied by MvWy*>> Lucy T"1 ??? ? and M.iry Ashley. :;.j pat r; tic] ?*:njr by .member- of th e Junior League in connecticn. of which Miss j VJola Bowleg ?ave a patriotic rtfid aintl the story of '"Star .Spanirled Banner"- by Mis Earl* T-mberkike. ' P" f. SatterJiek! srave an iierestitti? , little exper/once of his in Conner- I t'oti; witfh the while h> was in N'ew V-: rk' <"\Ky. Mis? _ Helt-n Mali i \ya* pianist f ir thx? evenins. Xext Sunday rii'.rlyt Mis? Zeph'ia Burton ; will have chargri- of ; the prop-'ajv uh-'i d?'r thfi attspi';e< .cf Mr. Han - .t's., y.iintlay School , Thtusday afternoon July Isi f 'om . lo -r? Mr;. H. E. l.aju-e erv-'-'i inc.? thv member - of -the" C?>m ?mimi-ty Aid Sli ? y at her home h Ire Ti..- ju '>i.lc -i. Mr:;. J. T. T : :t ! "hcrw -of i 75 v ?"? <pJfrs * s-. - ten .vt'r?>r '?it: the ra'cM-iK.-r* a a r.cTi ??t '?ri which Mrs. Lotii'.> . OaiiW y ' * v": is the winner,. >The Vin-ae -s i ..?ill: 'i and wn.Or.s- n:< r.;f.eshmeotw ? V. Turner of ^part;rihur<\ i>. x'.. i 'visiting' paUtt'nt. ;? ?? V. Chi lv ? ^i?e? Helen FU'urt tjvn} . \v-hm Button were week-- v!t-i ?he home f Orac Ti'.a it ? f Mt> T?wm)i*v' ? '? Misses Viola Bowles who at- ; tending the Summer 'Soh-Vd 1 ? Hi ke f University and Hilma Bowles oi < Ilichmoml and Mr. and Mi's. J. C. Bowles of Durham, spent tVi e Week \ ^ nr! here last .week. % J. M. Burton and family, ' J". F- j (*n?h and family and a few friends } en joyed a picnic last Friday on the*] river at Burton's Mill. Mrs. T. P. N'oell is spending . the wcrk at Virginia fiwic'h. ? ? - ? - ? ? "TOT? FLAPPER CftANDMOTHKB" Without ?Houbtr- thin is one of the | niOAt' d<*l?KHtful . home>tal^t . pro i .[in lion* "ami . sr.ttfcd in lhr ? Smiths ..The ladles 'of the Presbyterian chu-vch t'a.e" Turtonato. in securing the *iei> | Vices of Mi.s* Virginia Catieton of . ij . W ? > > TTTS^f- - ,Se '.v- ! i . Lyceum ?4ud Producing ?('?>,, of Atlanta. Oi?? On - V .'^r %vhojie management the Prv>doc- 1 ' tf&r i*. *lagcd^ , ? ; ~j FIND AGED NEGRO DYING FROM LONGHPO* Help for the Aged Ne^ro Ap peared to have Arrived In *"?" Nick of Time WILL PROBABLY RECOVER Apparently dying by -decrees, Sid ney J?fferi, an 81 year old negro, I was found lying under e clump of. I tree* yesterday rot a atones throw from the new Western. >utlot high way and the .State College Experi mental. Farm. Jeff or. a former em-, j pltoye of the State College farm, had | * ^uc'h a condition - for J weeks, .-according. to J \V. F. Hunter, a white fai^mer re- 1 sidig in that section. .1 . Help . :*wr :h<- a crf."S negro- anpearn to have, arrived m the. nick < f time, physicians statinp 'that ho pt/>bably w .uld not have ;urvived another 24 hours exposed to the elements and ravage4: of . iweri*- He wn?? Cn clothed when found. A structure . resembling a pigsty and an improvised lean-to consti tuted. the old n euro's only home. The hcvel lacked flooring afid was without a single window, . although large s!it< ih the roof and walls-prm* vi<fe"d ventilation and amfde .room for. rain to enter. It appeared as though' at any moment it might col lapse. IQdd bits of fcioth-ing* * specimen* which even the most commonplace rag dealer would, disdain to. handle, broken pieces of crockery, a pair of rusty, bed springs,' several old boxes all invested .with bugs, die? and a leg: art of other injects, were found ; inside the drear v, hovel. Exposed to ' Elements. Two weeks apro. Sicfney, bent with the- infirmities of old acre and 'disease-. '< crawled ..About five yards, ftfoni cflajiidrttod hbyef to a clump of tree?;; it was learned, tic re with nothing to cover him but the-rjtArs. and where rain hacl beaten ' inta his fa?2; he had foUghi off the Grim Reaper, probab ly hoping j}gainst- hope that i de iit-inuf.l on Page Right v V j1 Person County Farmers Making > , Unusual Yields Of Wheat Now Mr. Hester Long .Made More Than Kortv-Kive Bushels To One Sowed ; and J. A. Russell Reports That From Six Bushels Sowed He Threshed Two Hundred and Sixteen Quite a dumber of farmers have reported their yield- of whtfat, many making rv.Ore than twenty-five; to lie- so we a, but. the he. -a yet was r o pcrted by Hester Loner who ' sowed one and "a quarter . busheU and threshed fifty-seven bushels, making forty -fivev-ancl six tenths to one -ow ed. This i unusually f'ortd for .this i ('6uhty7 hi . 'fact, , it is a.- goo'd 'yield 1 1. r . t b^htv wheat .sect ion. J. A. Rus-el! reports that p-om ?ix husftSIs ?sowed he threshed two hundred ;;nd Sixteen, an averai?^ of thirty- six r.-> one. Marion Carver solved bushels arid threshed t -vn h-.mdivd r.aci four* an average of .i. iit.ll<' moiv than t\vt'pi>"*n'ne *6" one.. '? ?; We have net heard from the i>vag }Vt:e which Mi', Charlie Reade "ha,st and it may be .that he will yet b? the winner Ope ihlrij? is certain, there will be more wheat . in' the tcranarifs of th|A County" than 'in manv tone years. iVnd^w'e hope our farmers will keep un .wins: wheat, for while it -may ? not produce as* in p.h in d(Ukir> and c.ent.s to the i'icru, ? probably r<;p I" resents- nvore oic-ar nvorioy than many will nrcvke >tii 'heir ?tobftcfco. .ayr^ for &?: re. I a any event < it ' \< a mighty > ronfo. table feeling, to know that yi u I will have plenty of white bread wit 'i I out asking any one to "chnrirv it.". Sow Sudan Grass Now And Cut Two Crops 6t Hay ^ ? ? Before Frost. Try Tim On "Your .Stubble Land. FOUR YEAR OLD BOY DROWNED ON THE 4TH Joseph Alfred Mc Allen Lost "his Life ih Enthusiasm over Fish In Trap DR. B. E. LOVE SUMMONED That. was. a mo^t distressing ac cident \v"J ch occurred on Sunday . wj\en the life of Joseph Alfred, Mc : -A>Ven. four year eld son of Mr. and Mrs. R M. Alien, long resident of Person county who p-.*side ab -ut 8 miles. from Roxboro. on the Bushy , Fcxk road . wa a 1 mo - 1 inr tanlly snatched : ut - when .he became . too e nthused over the finding f fish in a .fish tiiap and -waded out too fift and the water tool; it's. toll of an other 1 if Sunday ? morn in <r about' 1 0. o'clock \Vhen Joseph was dr -^*ned bef re anyone1,. eou Id reach him. J}\-, B. E. Love was summoned instantly but life wa* extiflet lonp lt>efore he could reach him. . t The misfortune occurred-- in a rather unusual manner. The boy with ??veral other brothers were in i the act of investiijatiiij*. a fish "trap, in wnich they .found two fifth; and , 'itfr^rrrtr: -t he- -yo jJlgu broth e r s Warded into the' stream, and. without 1 Vnakinir a cry for help *ubmererer In.! Jthe water. The father was the first to miss him. but too" late, to save his .! life, which was gfiJic before he was reaeued from the pond. | Master Joseph McAV.en. hav;ft*s rJi irhother and father, ten sisters ind fix brothers, and of the "family of! 17 children, J o,*e.ph is the first to inei't Kis death. . :;v The funeral services 'and burial - j9HJ|$he deceased were- held at' tne ?jBfijVV Mo h day afternoon at o'clock, awl Wt .'e conducted hv IUn. J. .1. thr vallbeaVv - wore ih a brot^.'-ri-iii-iav/ ?> ffh^* /Mid. who are-, as foi'ows : ? I.. . I>. Lortcv H. E-. I-vJXK. -I-. . E. Bowes.; and J. T. Hor ? ton. Misses Rosa Brooks,. Ruby ???Brooks. Love ' \VhfcvfieJd. ' Elizabeth Hortpn." Katy Allen, and ;Martha | Allot), acted as floral bearer?. Marketing Farm Products Great Need Of County - ? Aft Kidnapped Evangelist / f^vTor-Acrcp 1 First picture of ? Ir?. Air. ? Sample McPherson, the no'V'l -Evangelist,- taken In a Los ,\n<ele? hospital Miter her kidnapping. Mr*. McPhe?*o? wai found uandermg in a ?lazed condition near Dougla., Arizona. ? ' Bull City Rotary Club Steps On Roxboro Nine Yesterday ' afternoon the Roxboro Rotai\\: Club jouVncyod Durham for a- joint me.etinc with, the Durham Rotary, and for. a ball /x.qfmo.' 'The ?bojr>, report' a greh t V?ne:._ tfcp'njlh * 'Key put up a mijrhty poor thime of ftujl. the^sc - re. being 22 to 13. in hv^f; . Durham- However* the; ' Rctsd^r? bdy? evened up by winning. ip.a ';;*?nn.*' ox' ? murtitle.-tlte-iH"rv' cr ?. 'w.t* -ban ynrd-^o-lf, for .wtyivh t aev* w??K\-.f?r.e 'sentrd a ri-ffe "jovhV-X out. nf aj?_ eld pot. .if prayid;'. . - ?" . ' After tV.c\>o athletic *h-: Djrham. cb.Vj u~: iv :? ? ? ?:. ner.. Vl'hirh 'was ? i.-aliveued ? i'lari in p. rii' s.i-V ( OMMEXCEMK.VI K\ K1KISKS tf'ommenqenleht Exerciser of the I)aily A'acatkmal Bible SerYo! " were held in the Uapti.st church ' lus^ Fn-. day evenihe. The school lias beep a decided success, 124 ? y.vre en foiled V ."With an . average \uttenda-nre of 110. It require.! 23 i?achers to take_ c-r.re of the. . se? spl," and these teaenejm jjhv<? the^r tiriia and talent enthusias tically. Of course* the school was the direct result of the Pastor, ll -v. W. iF. West and Mrs-; . West, byt- we do ret believe we would be <ioir.:r 5 n justice- to any one toSsay that Mif< ' 0: a (wisher was th^-.hub to the w-.- M C actiyrc a? nriiic;nal. She ?*av.' her time wVthOut reward r hope' 'of re- ; War'V ? ?? ? Th;- exrreiv;-- .v.'e,v .rr . 1 1 y ? lov ed. :>r.ri i ??? _ ci*. V>1?* ? v.-'l ?*. ))lf< sojvtfs/.n-cit ' t-i .-. .hi-.: Mi fore ' ut'4' 1 -??I': cUt on ? \fi the .-eJ-.noj. BOY JfcfiSC 1 ED f Last Sunday evening several Men were in Kwiirt miiigr in a fish pond about C m ties south ea>t of Kox b;.ro, when Frank Wilson, the i? year old son of Mr, and Mis. II. W. Wilson slipped off c! a lojr, and but for- the tintt'lv assistance (it Mj\ .Ed Qv^.. croft would have drowned. The lit tle fellow is none the worse for the experience, but it was a clofe shave. MISS DA VIES WILL SPEAK Miss Daisjr D'avies will speak at Lontf Memorial Church,.. Roxboiv*. body.^is invited to hear her. Lunch will 4>e served to mcmbersj of Missionary Societies,. Pastors and their Wives. Miss Davies will speak at F font ?.Sttrrt, ftttrtmgton ? en?hl p- Mrr .July 11th. ? """ " ? ' MRS. MAMMIE MFJRR1TT Sec. of Distwct. (Sudan K'?a?s planted by -July to 4*111 furnish two h?>avy- ruttinc* of %h' ibatarj (fax! ? . . .Miss Bessie Heath Daniel Write* Interestingly of the "Prohlwn. Says Bankers are the Farm . ers Best F riends. NORTH CAIiOlJNA HAS IDEAL CI J MATE For reary a year now .a irroup. of farmers . of this .c:v?nty hfls beeu interested the subject of market ing farm produce. They ijxrve ham mered away at it in first one way and .then' another, and have en deavc red to qre t our . bankers antfr merchants tb become Interested in .. their program. , ? Iti May -Mr. V. W. , Lev;!s. Senior Murfc?-tm? Specialist of the N, .Cl Do j?t. of Agriculture,' was disked to c;me to Rox.bOro .ind explain what modern marketing: method - are do inif fot the farmer? in oth.er, counties of the State. Those who ^eard' Mr. I.ewis were thoroughly conHiicadL that he was talking, practical com men sence. Mr. J A. to.nj 'a^ked: "Bat -how. i-s' this, market-ncr". work , curried n ? There, a * *? of d#? t :ii!s"to be looked- after 'in suc>. wofk-,r. >tr T.ewif ,ir.v.v>' ed. "I1* eighty counties of. the sr.it e th; - urt&iift :;jv attended .'to! ..by" the ?'.-countjl a crests.*" Tli^n Mr. E. G. Long wattt?'!' to know ? 'Well. why .hav^nt we. cci-a^ cburity iicent? Wivi: will ?? 1 :ut a man"'1 '*?' the job.?" . This. was 0:ntatned,an,d then Mr. ? ptuWnff said. Vy.;p. just mii.'t l/.ave an - nt; hire to "look- aft or- thj^e' mat- i . ?? ivrs for vHe farmers Th > - bank* v>ill ore- before the ccimmi^i and ' bm-r t j Leftd' them the and 1/ vv?.t'tvJtho 'rate's are. i'ilfc. th? C.oun . t.v - r^n't puy? then \vo*J.j CI . 1-1 t^ebt ?the nvn&y.''. . . . ? ? '? 'On', 'tue. .fiiyt..' Mxind-ay, i)\ T-jh,v. 'A." r^.ommitt^: 'wen1>'l>c^rf.* i th? yoanty 'coir.nvissr ne, r ani. ' tiirr^ i to put' on. the'.cojnty. ;.i?rcnt \y<?r'-:. Howr | r-.Vr. our State and/^'^i-i il twite f ?: r ? t ?" : > worl; .. . und e r t h e ? i I v ? ? : r i ?' ji of ? MrV I. p. ScAfinb^ have all h-.< ip ..portion'ed. for this -year, we probably have ? \ v.ai: until .Tanuiry 1 si .i fe f ? ? re M r. Schaiib. r av."/ hiri fiowe'c . -iv '"c.ur I'ersyn f y jnt v .f irrp w.v ? ucht know that their hankar.v u r-: horough ?? nd - ineerely ?; n terest <??!? 11 fami prob! -fn-. and hnw shown : thi.f by t'r.ei- Ey-ery farmer. ! >Uj{ht tpi know that the .t>.apkers I are hi? frion^ -inti should so to th*n? f frequently tor atfVjee and ?r>Cft(i&Jre~ ?ie?:t. _ .Wh : n y :u are in t'OWft, drnjv: Lin- -and t i* IV: to .\Fr. E; G.- I.nit? j.nd 1 'Mr! "!\ B. Wr/'rfy, they. would like to: I (H^TO^*pro?pcrlty with yea a.- wall . I ks; lend yoQ Si'Viefpon^ hand in time '**4 I of i rouble. Onje" other th&lR the^'alife^'* taty* j .'fxr-f '. r'hhr'- every. ar'mirtf ^ught to t l:V<;w about: They -.Wvfc -put jtl.O a ; ? ^v:.rT;V:tit-v -f :m?K make p ssible our. creniii-iiiVilfiu' w.ltry truck.. The tr>i?kt hhaa 'not. made' enough prnjit e^efx' * ! week to* juVihy ,r!uV of !!*.?> j t rip, We } ft ink. -rfc L* i?" \3ucv in | t i t"r< fit duirht; r.nd air1 to the ntyv j ness o^the idea. [>iir farmers n-ji^ht J to k,r...w that - the iflanks .consider this frtiftk ? n gci>d proposition. ? . giving hit? apt>!*7val, Mjri -:J. A. Loilgf wrote to a friend in Hickory, and asked his optni n of the.cpeam busi v^. "If the hands of the farmers of j 4 Catawba County than anything that -ever happened."*' ?? - . 4 Please remember that tihs,. project of dairying ha* three possibilities: The money you' can get for cream, the value of skim milk when fed to Chicken*, calves and hog*, and the manure that increases the ? fertility of the soil. ? Don't consider your cream check the whole thing. The (Continued on. Page Eight) * . MASONIC NOTICE Call Convmunica ion Person Lodgt* nx iti, ttowij: i'?iM?iiinif .Muly Ufcli. ? Work in , the* first. , degree^ _ All meim bers and visiting SC>, 1 M. cordially invited to attend. CttSSTA Uftftftia, W M \_A. c. UENTltY.. sec ^ . ^

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