th* date on the LABEL 13 THE DATE VOI R PAPER WILL BE STOPPED WATCH THE LABE ON YOUR PAPER A>I> DO NOT LET YOL'R S INSCRIPTION EXPIRE 51.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE J. W. NOELL. EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. HOME FIRST. ABROAD NEXT. VOL. No. XU11 ~ ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA. Wednesday Evening. July 21,1 926. No. 29. J. H.CARVER ATTACKED RY NEGRO EMPLOYEE Following Argument. Mr. Cur- . ver Knocked Unconscious ' Bv" Blow on Head ^ NEGRO UNDER $50.0. BOND | ;v ?v JJioV H.v ; :?i : he last bl :\V br.ousrht Mr. ?" "arver to _ he- ground with a long gajjj . in the '?ciid.' He was at once brought t>.'j i? -heme ?>n R?ams Avenu?. where! fter a short while he regained con- j eiousness. He seems to be '. recover- ! ? ig. nicely . at this writing. Ihawson was arrested and brought j h trial, when he was b uji? oyer tc . ex t term of Superior Court undvr . bond rT $.>00.00. Manliness ?"TK- work (jf men"-ia.nil -what is ; . ? Well, .we tnay any of us ; ii ? w*- very quickly> on . the condition ^"TieSner whelly ready to iro .i. But -*any of us are for the ? ra*,-t. part * linking, not of what we are to do. . Ut of what we are to get; and" -the est of us ar:nrinttaMy; talk of taking ?p our cros$a. as if the only harm 1 a -cross was the _ weight of it^-ST ; it was, only a things to be carried,; : ?? -stead of . to fci- Ciuctfte*! upon. " They that are Christ's have cruci e: i~i A. M . fi. I.. '-\*il 'Turn'./* . Preaching I if A. M- ?Subje-t:' "A ^ Fur%h?*r." S 1*. M. Stibjeet: v.ifc The- t.iuh! Of b. v; r. i:: i p. \r. ?A-' ccVdiai . wclconjt- if v-\' tend eel to 'H W F. WEST, Pastor. Larcje Estate Left By Native of North C. lany Citizens of ttoxboro and Person County Interested In This Hu . Calif., .hi? reoonter-tioo of ; nt* claimant- hn? intuitied. Judfce. Lori action }?as' b-:en *- rkiinr ,;n \ i tb aioiir.?'t for a jn?n!.r. ; pr'X^nt'it* . ' >e r f the '-eirs an i working on ? - uthl;fvhmj: th-?ij <-!nirhi*. ; ?\W. ,T. K!nur ami Victor . Bryant of Durham, Ni\tlV98 I un?~ "ord. of Il'Xb-ro. aijd- Palmer ",nd ?ft?\ckweWer,, .of Concord, also Vop ple lant Saturday, nmmpg , the list I <.i?ur Mr. ah(C Mrs. Oconre Krap?, "" J.j.raTp?.MU?6Url. X)r I.. Ithc.v and r? \\a. >i > MM! ftWV * "J ?un from Cfareensbor v Mr. John Rhew ; I M . 11: . w", the l^lr t. 0>_?iK'. if #ry .CTavppr" nljd . rw "'t i.jJit ; 3t#xb: r-ypr^vh +44- Cist 3 ; ? * : *ri 9,h-'Sdr*n f tv-io Vlu.i?vri: and temper j justice with mercy. j. A iife .Vr.s* ? Driv. ?' . m.; i? Jici interment in.,tiuj Baptist <\>me tery hr*re. ? " ~ ? Three Danger Signals, Stop! Look! Listen! .?Sunday School at.J.onixhurM. .Meth odist church every Sun ay A. M Preaching: at 11 o'cleck. We need the support of men. Art appropriate theme for next Sunday. Prayer Meeting on We?rt*esday p. m. . at 8. C ; me- me; Come all. Preaching at East Roxboro Meth odist Church on Sunday p. iii. 8 ]>. m. We n?ed the support of the entire charfrej_ we need men and_ women. The Supply Depot. / The railroad companit s make . abundant provision for supplying their engines ? with" fuel and water. No engineer; heeds to. have a ifead ?*hen the > peal- or condetthied **hisfcy, the interrupter -.broke in with: ' But it is medicine. k A .iouir . f h whisky and Water will break up a cold* "And eif^ht t: losses will break up a the speaker- retorted; The CAuse of StripAi^ Three hundred. convicts in the; penitentiary of Alabama were asked I bv its c' aptin how many of them | owed their convict stripe* to the i use of liquor and 281 irse t> their fret. ? M C. R1X&RBE, P. C. . -O Attended Funeral At Pittsboro, N/C. j. A. liOnjj, A. B. .Sialvey i W; H. Harr-is w.nt to pyubtfro ' Monday morning to attend tpe fune ral service* held that afteimo.,r. for j Squire R* M. Burns, who died caVly , ! Sunday morning- ^Ir. Bum< was ; the father of A. M. Burns ' this! j city; j Sjwial Notice To- ' Onvifieys ? f auioiUQhile-* operated u\: or Ajl^mt Vat without iww state tug*' " ill 'ha iMlrhirf ttu ? ? .urn^7~; t* rtT7i^>, r--' of Ro y. j '*>: f&r -tt^fog^-arcitnxnofaiie'* - ]':? t-.v- h t _ k. Tt. ci &s;- r.Uy.>r ?- ? , I "" \ v "T^-t ? 1 i M~i iril-i "i-rlf nM rnin vg ?t rvrry Virn following the terrjftc two (Jay bombardment caused by fire- at the navy 500 acre arsenal at l.ake Denmark, N. ,T. More than -3Q lives are known iojt and hundrets injured. Th* camera-man risked liU life for thHr photo? ^wTille' big shells were still burst Scene in New Jersey Where Navy Arsenal Blew Up Sons and Friends Meet at Old Home For Aniversary; Is 84 Years Old NATIVE OF ORANGE CO. lioxborri, July 19.? Approximately ."130,: including children, grandc1' iid ren and friends, of Mrs. Richard (Harris gathered the ho:^e of Mrx. Itvne Gates, daughter of Mrs. Harris, for the birthday cf the a^ed mother, who on last" Sunday i-ea.chvd This large gathering and celoon*- i tion took place about fotir miles \ west of Rpugemont, in the coduijpj of. Perscju* Airs. Harris was ho . in Orange county in thv year 184*2.; and 52 years aoro she was a rcyg-j rent of what is now known ns pur^ lam. Mi*s. Harriv states" that. . *i\- 1 well as 'he can remember; that sbM lived in the iheart of Durham v*hen. an old country toad made an idea! main street for the Durham of 52 years ago. ?It was during the Civil war thai Mr-.*. Harris was married to. a sol dier .who wore the gray. Mr. Hniv | rls, deceased, was a second lieuten ant. and belonged to the sec nd N' C. Cavalry. While in one pavt. of the state tie ifrav and blue were under fire, in another part far away from the rumble of the cannons; .the j marriage of these two people took place. There are ab'ijt 46 grandchildren 'of Si vs. Harris who. attended the ? birthday dinner. The names' of th* ! children of the honored mother are as follows: W.-'.VV: Harris, of Me bane; J. K. Harris, of Durham; .1. \V. Harris, cf Buriingtpn; Mrs. W. H. Hooper, cf Yanceyville; and ACrs, Trene riatc-, of Person county. The children and grandchildren are responsible for the elabomti din ner that was served to the !-rge number of people that gathered to.; show their ' resptict to .Mrs. Harris. Twc birthday cakes decked i!*?e long Bt/iyWNG TENNIS COURTS Roxboro High School, under the direction of Supt. Stalvey; is building four tennis court* r?n the high school grounds. These courts are expected to be completed by about the first of August, and when completed will be open to the people of the town. Of course, the courts are being built primarily for the use of the students, but during 'the *umme.r vacation may bf used by the young men and young ladies, and will be quite a convenience, for at the present time there are no courts available to the public. j Insurance Firrrr ? Opens Office In Yancey ville ' S, 1'. Safterfied. A, 0. 'Gentry, and S. .U. liascon Form Company. An interesting , new> item of the week is. that an insurance, real estate, ? and . bonding company ha< b^ejn launched in Caswell county and has operted an office rn ? ihe ' Bank of YarctyviHe building. This new company |$ caMtd the Caswell Ttisuvancv i^id Uoalty Com pnny, the 'men constituting the firn being ? S. . P. Satterfield and; A. <\ Gentry of Roxboro, and S. M. Bnseon of Yanceyyille. } Mr. Satterfield i< skid- to have had 1 26 years of successful insurance ex ; pcrience. w h ic-h qualifies. him to ii i - Jiect. the affairs of the company ir. ; giving t?ve public the best sir ? vice possible. - ^ J Mr.. Gentry is said to be well known : throughout a large part cf the counj| j ty. He will have the direct manage | ment of the busines, nnd wishes it j kuown that he . is here D render ? satisfactory service to ' the patrons of the company. (Continue Interesting News Of N. C. 'Hasn't Tasteil Water in 2fi Year*. ?Ne\v Bern, July 1$, ? One .of the; most interesting Visitors in New : Bern lately was t>!\ Thvi Hsieh, known ;\s the 'Tc drowning in the Catawba liver near here today. Both youths lived at MoorcsvHle. A sheviller July 1-9.? -it. ( . Wimble, 2*>-year o"ET traveling -a\csman. who kwluaii * lO-vcar-, . -;u>i? /li-irr:: Vn- ? V?Vam^u,v >; i.x. i-r^ J "^?,i'iiv'Vit* O. Ft ' it* J learned. Kmbozz'ler Arrested in !?urlint:fon Burlington, July I0r ? Charged , with embezzlement of $1,500 from j the fiprjjly Wjggly store here in which | he was employed as checker, Floyd Black waived preliminary examina tion, and gav*? bond in the 'tiru of ^ i "*2,000 for His appearance at thv i next term of Alamance Superior, i court. - l Methodist Minister fices Investigation 1 Statesvillo, July 10. ? Methodist | ministers assembled here tonight to I conduct an inquiry into a charge of I immorality lodjfedagninst on-of their number ? the Rev. Ashley Chappcl, tf Asheville. Killed in Automobile Aceideiit ' ? K.kf.>' MiUlfl'. . -Iij'.i It. vuum ty authorities are today ravestigat n?"' ;?/ -y nri-vo named -?K-Wrfc! . sv?>o Wu* >4H-n?l- * u:U' rif-' t--nw^>rr av^Vm J he automobile in \vh ?y>. ? ? -i? u ? r -ir' Mr Tmv. ? ? - ? : mm moom v MEE1S TRAGIC DEATH Skull Crushed By IjjjRe Tomb Stone; Other News Of Helena LEMON VASTY THURSDAY Helena, N*. C., July 20. ? Virginia . M.-Br ?->m the eh little three year old daughter of Mr. artd Mrs. I ! C'has. McJJroom met a tragic dent'r ' when an old t ntb stone pn which ) I she was leaning sr*ve way hitting, the child it) tat head ciushmj; he i skull, and causing- almost in>tant ; death. The -heart.- f ths sntUo com- j muriity go on?'t to the .Vouir* father i :.nd mother in their .-ore firrief. Vir 1 -? oieriy laid to rest iif the old GarretTWyU!!* -rvounA urday aCte.'no~n. Besides r? ? rrttV,^'r_' : n i mother, she is survived by one "little sUler* Clarine. a>re S .>. The community was eadderfVd l:?sc .Thursday morn; :>e: when- it wax learn eit hat Mr. Andrew --p.rJwn an honored member of bur commiinity had pa^cd away after only a. tew hour? .-;Vcfcr.vs*. M.-. Thrown hsd been 1 in ' under the an pieie,* ;>f the th;rd de partment. Conduc) 'm] by Sunt. .15. i I. Sa;terfie,?d. R? v. Mr. Adam* of i Huxboro honcred the Ltayrue with ? is. pre^enS? and Jrave :i splendn? 1 address on "Good B ?>*.*." Xexi Thursday evening th? IXuirui- aiuM I eopltr ? t' the community ifjner.itly !? will enjoy a lemon' party on the lawnl at the pai'sciift'ge. ?Mr*.. <1. H. Hauser spsat lite week j end with rejatives in Winscn-Sakhv Mr. and Mrs. Hxibeit Pearev arid family of .Richmond are vlsitinvr .rel atives in Jhls vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. J. il.wl ?> oi ' Petersburg are visiting rotative? 1 'here tl'is vveck. r Mrs. Tom Pea: ce nt home after..! ! .an extended tp ?? dftives in Kichm:nd, Va. Mr-. T. P. N'of' ??'i- n*turrsed j home after, spending her vacat' r~>n at 1 Virginia Bcaeh. Rev. ('. Rowland oi Fort Wdrth> I Texas, v'jsuod friends here last we> k Mrs. Annie. Noell is at homo after : a visit to friemts in Durham. Mr. I rv in Pearce left last week ( Continued on "Page ftlgh? ) Called Home On Ac count Illness of Father [ Mr. Louis Sands, who has been . with the Carolina Power & Utfht [ Company here for several months, ! has been . called i to hi* home mi. Cert ; tral America on aeccrint of the ill Church Notice - thii* ? w??i'k ^ Concord ? Preaihlftg by the Pn*toy i *n " V. t . i EARLY MORNING FIRE DOES SMALL DAMAGE ; Fire Department Does <***1 Work; Dupage To Royal Hotel^Hostly from Water J. E. LATEA CO. DAMAGED A fire which could easily hate as sumed laree proportion* (fOWTed, about .4- ? ?:V.Tfc- Tuesday mwninr in the' Cufe Department of the Eoyal Held. but tbf prcmpt ar rival and gcod work of the local Qte department prevented a serious blaze. The- firs ? 'evidently ? tnrted f f'tm ?h|>j| system wa 4 ruined and the counters and -H*l\*,-i badly burned. ' Tlieir stock of cigars, tobacco and candy | was also a to;a! loss.; , Ths entire ?damage will probably amount bo I .Vome over a thousand d?: liar s^15an>age to the building '.which ta* owned by tli ? Andrews Estate, will necessitate painting- of the walls and replace ment of the plate gin*.? window* u-hi-h wa ? broken t gain, entrance* The stock of J. E, Lutta & Cc. was also damaged to some extent by smoke. Insurance wa- - carried on the property involved amply sufficient to cover all los* . Approximately, i a* dc*en guests of the he t el were asleep upstairs, but got out safely with all their be te-ng'mgs. thi< pa-rt of the Vuilding . was" not ^23ched by the fl a avw , Th" work- of - r ?paITi:^? V*:'!' '!* ? ii be begun nt once: ' ? .U Presbyterian Church VSunday School -at 9:45V jj.'- L.Cro i well, Sbpt. * . Mo riling Service at! IV a^ in. ^erin enetta Spring Ycuu|? Peoples C nferenca lidlify Jf. L. Orow