THE DATE ON THE I ABEL IS THE DATE YOl'tt PAPER WILL BE STOPPED H ATCH THE LAMML ON YOUR PAPER ijW AND DO NOT * LET YOUR SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRE J. W. NOELL, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER, HOME FIRST. ABROAD NEXT. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE VOL. No. XLI1I ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening, July 28, 1 926. No. 30. FINISHED YEAR WITH FAIR TREASURY FUND .Actual Figures Show Balance On Hand at End of Fiscal Year $1,269*834.04 ECONOMY TURNED TRICK Raleigh, July 25.? A balance in general fund of the state of $1,269, ?38.04 at r^T^scl?s,e of the fiscal year on June 30, vw* reported last night 5n a statement issued frcm the G'ov <anors office. The final figure was sveater by $143,420 th*n the prelim*' '?nary estimate of the surplus mnde shortly after the first of July, This ?\/as explained by- certain receipts tvhich had net been repol-tcd cn that fate and the ostiraate of departmen ts and institution^ expenditures which were less than anticipated. The statement showed t-Hat " the fffosS receipts amounted to $16,220, 748. From this amcunt was sub tracted $3,169,967.31 collected and ex tended by the departments other tkan on appropriation but reported the treasurer and auditor. There ^aj also substracte^_$78, 5^9.41 ija_ avenue refund* ji&king -tbe. r\kt H general fund revenue $^,OT?,1?&97. / The gross expenditures were liat < A as $14,872*127.24 and the amount t cpendaxi by the departments other than from appropriation $3,169,967. '31 leaving total expenditures of $11, 732*339.93. Subtracting this amount . U. om the total receipts there was Jcft a surplus in the general ftfnd of 11,269,824.04. - o MARRIAGE INSTEAD OF FUNERAL The friends c-f Louis Saenxs, of JfyiAUfrM ?' * Aiabitif "av< WSS^Wk^jjftected with the Ca Pawer & night Company here, will be pleased to knsw thjvt the message : ; \nt from his ! ome last week was fin error cue to having been relayed] fo often. Having been sent in Span ?5<b by radio to New* Orleans, the pes sage was rflfther cctffUling in its wording. Instead' of apprising, him ? . m" an illness 'to his father, it was calling him home to the wedding c.t his sister. Mips Aida Saehzs, who I ?ViU be married t.6 a .surgeon of that ' /lace, Mr. Saenzs sailed on last . Saturday from New Organs for tlautemala City. Central America, i ? turninsr here after a. visit, of some 3t rlgth. ? ' ? He has made many friends since -?^mirig. tp Rob .ro, -who were very. ;j-uch interested . it) l is going; ond Will be very glad indeed to know it was not of a serious summons. ' NORTH ROXBORO B. Y. P. V. North Roxboro H: Y. P. U. pro f/am for Ausrust 1. 1026: '.Scripture !?>~"son by entire groups. Intorc'.u^t ry by James Beavor. 1st to.pic by .l**finneite Cole. ? i<\ topic V.y Fletcher Walker. Special music;'. .'Tut tropic by Mrs. I. S. Heaver. Chain of. prayers Poem. ?J 4th topi.* by Mrs.. W, W. M v rreH 5 th ttfpic by Ruby Walker.' 1 7"':i f'? ,I\ ; . I" I ^ i ;0 ? ? 1 * ? .11 ICY I 1ST The follwinv njfme?j have been ! <--awn for the jury to serve at the! August tx-rm of Court, which con- ; v- nes M : inlay, August 9tll J R. P Moore, H. M. Pleasant:. J. 1). W instead, W. R. Crunipton, F. E Wells, W. jR. Woody, \V. A. Barton, ; J. H. Rinrmer. J. W. Burton. O. C. Hawkin?, Jack Whitfield, W. H. Me- j Cullock. W. F.. Br .aoh, G. W. Peod, | G. Bamette. A. S. Giilis, E. M. j Wells, J. H. Jones, A. L. Bass. Karl! Stewart, I.. T. Bowels, F. J. Hester, ?, O D. Blackwell, J. B. Jones, C. S. > C oxarty J. H. Lockhart, M. R. l-^ng, ! J, Alvi* Clayton, T. J. Hatchet. S. J.. Dickens, Oscar Oakley, It. E. P}\N ;rm, I, L. James and W. B. Crisp. ? -Special Notice To Automobile Owners * Owner* ct 'automobiles" operated after Augirct 1st- without new "state Icense tags will be indicted as ^he ^;iw dir< ;#^' The same to". residents' . :W ftogbora rWning. automobiles n.ot_ having town tags. ?? ' p ? T>' r>T T T> vo , ? ' \ >" V. BROf)KS. T BRUM . MANAGER OF POWER CONCERN Appointed to Head Locar Power Concern Announced By Officials Yesterday NATIVE OF LENOIR Announcement of the appointment of O. L. Bradshaw as manager of the Dui'hAm office of the Carolina i Power and Light company was made here yesterday. Mr Bradshaw suc ceeds J.* F. Knowlen, deceased. Mr. Bradshaw enters on his new t duties in Durham as. manager, com ing here from RcxbOrO. He has been in the employ of the Caro'ma Pow er and tight company for four ] years, starting in as salesman in | J 1922, and afterwards working him self up to the -position of lccal mana l ger* When the company extended I service t;> the town of Roxboro in" j January of last year, Mr. Bradshaw | was sent there as manager. While I in Roxboro he took an active inter- j est i "nRotary work and other civic r affairs. ^Mr, Bradshaw \a a Carolmia*, *be Tfrfp a nati\-e of Lenior. He is a I graduate of State ccllege. On fin- 1 V-hing college he secured employ- j ment with the Cai?qlir>a company and j -hia appointment pianager of the: local office is in recognition" of the service rendered * the customers \>f thi? utility While acting in such capa- j city. j "Jn my work in Durham I hope ij 1 it may* be possible for us to give gas I service second to none and I will! devote my full time and energy tn j this direction. Moreover,. I would : ! like to add that I want every one of! over customers to feel free to call up- | at any ' tiine." .he said yester xia\v? ritjrham' Herald. j GIRLS FINGER AMPUTATED AS RESULT OF SNAKE B)TE Lucilc Pulliam'. 6 year old dkug'h- j tor of Mr. ami Mrs. \V. C. Pulliam | of Roxboro . R,ute ' 3r is recovering' irenv a bite of a highland moccasin, snake, and barring . unlocked for complications will soon, be. well again. 8 he lost her little finger as the re sult cf the bite, and tfbr . a time it was feared tha,? it would be neces sary to amputate her right arm.. The poison was prevented from ? spreading through her system, how- j over, and . she is nnw thought to be j ?cut of' danger ... ajnft hopes to be home soon'. ! On the 7th al July she went into : the corn crib on her father's farm' and began playing with the corn 1 shelter which was fastened on a j large box and as she was reach ing for liter e corn the snake's head was protruding from under the box, ?<nd she didn't see it until it ".ad! caught her finger. She was given treatment at home by Dr. Gentry j who reached her in HO minutes. She was then rushed to Watts Hospital where medical treatment .was given with the result that it wa.g found necessary to remove only a finger. The snake, which was as large as any ever seen in the community, measured 3 feet. o HEAVY RAINFALL THROUGH OUT THE (OI NTY This section was visited by a heavy rainfall last Saturday, in fact it is said the streams were hipher than they had been for a number of years. The rainfall as reported by Mr. Abbitt, who keeps the record, was one and seven tenths of an inch. Tuesday the train from Durham due here . at 10:20 was about two hours late, due to a washout along the line. Other than this we have | heard of no damage. .SUNDAY SCHOOl. PICNIC The Sunday School of Aritioeh Baptist' church will have a picnic at | ?I<ak?wood Park, Durham, Tuesday, J - All members o< th? . church -and Suniisy Kihooi ureitt I rrtert. ? WMie mm lit Antiii. !i rhlirth I at 7 JO A. M. - ' J (I r BRl'l.Att BAPTIST ASSOCIATION ? ? r ? . | "The BeulaTl Baptist ^t-tsoeiattorr la j ?uit? 4 numbor uf l'.ajiti?U fiyiu FhM3_i,SW Tn att?ri"n?c. - . To Grow Bananas In South Three Warehouses, Hyco, Plant-, ers and Winstead All Heady To Go TOBACCO CROP PROMISING Roxboro is makiog ready to hand le all t:baceo raised in this section the ccnring season, and with the hou? far sce.ured Jjiere witt bo. no" v?nsor for a pound nt tobacco from this section <roing- else where'. Three houses have been rented and forces secured, to run them, and the gentlemen in charge assures the tobacco farmer that he will find everything ready foir them. The following houses have then* forces complete: The Hyco, under, the same nlanagement as last year/ namely Mr. \V\ T; Pass and Mr. George VV . Wa 1 ker. The Planters will be run a<ain by Mr. W. L. Umstead, who so suc cessfully ran it last year. Mr. Um stoafr is an old warehouseman, and has probably sold more tcbaeco than almost any man in this section, and his: friends know what to expect when they t;arry their tobacco, to .Vim. . The Win stead will be run by Mess. T. P. Featherston, J. J*. W instead, W. F. Long and Robert Hester. All of these men, save Mr. Hester, are old and tried in the warehouse busi ness and are well known to the farm ers of Person and acljoinine coun ties. Mr. Hester is one of the best known and mOst popular young men cf the Bushy Fork section, and ft is J conceded igeherally that they .will sell their share of the tobacc ? of ? this- section. ; Efforts have been made to secure i the Pioneer, but it being leased to | the Co-op Association, it is- not i known at this time what will be the ; outcome of this lease. However, if j it is available it will be run by some I wide awake man; and there will be i. four houses hfcre next season. I The tobaeco crop in this County is ! very promising " jast at this time, | with a good acreage, there should be more tobacco sold on this market I than for several years. The ! housemen say they are gcing after it, and we believe we can assure j them that they will have the hearty ! cooperation of every business man | in the town, certainly The Courier is right behind them, and we be Llieve the market is going to come I into Its own. We woirld not advisfc the farmer to sell his tobacco on any market, be it Roxboro or elsewhere. ? if he j can- better himself by selling on I some other market, but when yon i can do at well at home, then eer ^UktAly, helipa -it is 10 .the ?n ,l-' f-rmrr in train""*" tlU j local market. Let- us adopt the motto t 6f . The Cr. urier ? ,4ffwnie First, j Abroad Next-*' i? O- ? ? Bating ?cofftinjjffoo.dfl ts-<>ne cf the : brwt way i of kee-pmv good nal.umfL \ in tht 4 j tinn vrerkersf Elk'? Chi ?( Charles H. Brakelow of Phila i delphia has Just been chosen with out opposition, to be the new Grand Exalted Ruler of the Elks. This ia his seventh term as head of his local order and ht has served 3 terms as Grand Exalted Es<|ujra. SMALL BRIDGE FALLS KILLING SIX PERSONS Several Others Are Seriously In jured in Crash* The collapse of a small foot bridge over Coal river at WthTteviUe, 40 miles from Pittsburgh/ caused death cf six persons tnni?<ht. Five were ? Vrlled instantly ami ne died Inter, fi'cm injuries suffered when the ..pan j trnve way last nijrht undt^r the weight j of 12? spectators who had crowded upon it to' view a free, carnival act. Most of the 00 spectators injured when they were dropped 20 feet to the shallow water of the ? river bed were women and children. Thiity five were hr'iight t:> Charleston hos pitals. The remainder were treated t on the scene for broken bones and; .bruises and later taken home. CHURCH NOTICE Revival on this week at Oak Grove. Preaching at 8:3$ ami 6:00 P. M. | Meeting next week at Warren's ^ Grove. Fir.*t service Monday night i at 8 P. M. and through the week at 6 and .8 P. M. Communion service nt C.ncofd fol lowed by reception of member* uext Sunday at eleven. Preaching at Three-thirty and at five' at Oak Revival closes. I U\ BRADLEY. PROF. WHITTAKER VISITS ROXBORO ? ' Prof. T. E. Whit?kcr of Oak Ri(1fr? ; Institute favored us witft a pitas-" to know there will probably' be.-ovu? al ycung men in . that well known-* institution from here next sec.rton. Fers^.n .County has lori# been -partial to this splendid school and theri* are ciuite'H numbef of prominent *wep AvT *< fc f* icctkn \v,ho \\v 'at-ef^ I . ? , OXFORD IS GIVEN NEW EXCITEMENT TUESDAY Nude Man Walks Down The Main Stree Of The Town Is Now In Jail CLAIMS GEORGIA TOO HOT ' Oxford, July 27. ? A naked per son came walking dofcrn the main street- of this city Tuesday after noon, accompanied by no me until he was met by Minor and Newton who immediately toe k charge of him and carried him to the office of Mr. Gordon, who put him in^Jail U* re main until Wednesday afternoon" when he will have a r-reYminary hearing. He gave his name as Fred Crabe, of Macon, Ga , and having left th?re about a week ago. He claims that he had been down in Georgia. Sod that if got too hot for him ani he decided to cdme up this way. Ah. he appeared within the city he pulled his clothes off and laid them down on the campus* of the" * old Oxford college, and came walking dawn the streets of Oxford. A crowd immed iately gathered and? viewed the uni que spectacle. When he said that he had come from Germany about 15 years ago. one is reminded that he probably is j a member of the Adamite religious sect which lives i na forest within the country of Germany, and i.ves similar to Adam and Eve, This person claim? that he can cook, do carpenter vfork, and paint. It is th-ufrht that he was an es caped inmate of the. insane asylum at Raleigh, but a me.' sage came here telling that there was no per son there who had escaped with such a description as had been gixon. I^ow, the authorities are striving to locate seme of his people. WORtU RGGfUU) AND 1000- LB. row fcaleigh's Toronb's M^me, a ycung Jei scy fo'\v. owned by the . Sherman-.; Nursery Comr any of Charles . City, Iowa, established a world's record . f r Jerseys when, on her fir <t of ficial test, she produced 902' -pounds ? t:f butterfat and 10,08.") pound- of milk as a junior two-year-old. Meme has just completed her sec ond tost with a 3G5-: day record of 1003 po'und* of butterfat and J9.07rt pounds of milk. With this record* she is tHe world's champion. Jersey milk producer under five year* f a pre. She Is the nineteenth Jersey to yield over. 1000 poUnd* pf butter fat; ... This great producer is a very at- ( tractive individual. Sh? has a good top line, n plt-asing head, and the ; wedge-lshape conformation which, marks the great dairy cow. Beau tiful udder development is another nttable feature. Meme's sire and grandsire are both Gold and Silver Medal bull-, while her dam traces back to Lor etta D., the best .cow shown at tVe St. Louis Exposition. CHURCH ISSTRICK BY MCHTMNG, ONE KILLED Granite Fallsv ?T uly 25,? During ai heavy electric storm here this af- j ternoon Saint Matthews Lutheran church was struck by lightning kill ing David Hallman,. prominent farm er and slightly injuring Rev. Paul Sigman and several others. The j lightning struck the top ,c.f the church running in on the bell cord to 1 which a wire was attached. SlftPRfSE BIRTHDAY PARTY Relatives and friends of Mrs. Joe-' P. Williams gave her a surprise ? birthday party cn last Monday eve- 1 ning. Mrs. Williams had been at- ! tending church services at Oak Grove and wKen ah* drove up to her home and saw such a crowd a* had gathefr ed she could not * understand. The event celebrated her 73rd birthday/ and wa* enjoyed by all present. The* following teachers have been selected to have -charge of Olive .Hill School for the year L82& i'>"-7> rMi?? Helen W . Gntven, -Prmcl?*!; 1 Mr** Earie Henderson. Mi*? ^ era ? CThkok. .Ufa. W. br- Cu!lillU> Wllfc A cnilcjjrr'r'. * ' ? ' ' ? EDSEl FORD VISITS WHITE PINE GAMP Some Western Governors Do Object, However, to Fed earl Farm Meddling TOO MANY RESTRICTIONS ; Paul Smith's N\ Y., July 27. ? The new development of commercial avia tion in the TJTnited States was dis cussed today at; White Pine camp by President Coolidge and Gd^el Fcrd, xon of the Detroit manufactu rer. who is heading the aviation ac tivities of the Ford interests. Mr. Fortf.' ace. , rupanied by Mm. Ford, arrived at the summer White House this morning to remain until tomorrow, . and at the some time Richard Washburn Child r former am ba-?sadcr to Italy, came for a visit of several days. Beyond a brief annuncement that aviation and bnsines conditions jren ermlly would be discsssed, no informa tion was given about the. conversa tions between Mr. Coolidge'and Mr. Fcrd. No indication was given as to whether the leasing of the nitrate and power properties at Moscle Shoals Alabama, was mentioned. The inieits remained at the camp the entire day, white the president left, only long- enough in the after noon to attend the necessary busi ness at the exacutive offices. Toe visit ~ f Mr. Child wa^ de scribed as social and it was said Mr. Cr>olidge did not expect to d'scoas the foreign situation with him. COUPLE DROWNED WHEN WVVKS SWAMP BOAT Punta Gorda, Fla., j\ily 25.? ^Every ? available boat tonight was patrolling in an < ffort to locate Mi* a Thelma Johnson. 24. and Lkyd Edwatda, a y ung lawyer, vyho are believed* to have drowned v. hen ; heir . . matOP , . Tioat capsized about one mile off j the Tamiaixii Trail bridge just before I nightfall today. Two ether occu pants of the boat? Mr. and IVCra. j Monroe WhVtteroore, of f Lakeland, who remained afloat over 20 minutes until picked up bv rescutrers, were :-n the . verge of exhaustion . and had. J | made about half the distance t5> | shore: ' ' The boat was swamped by waves . which whipped up suddenly when a i shower of: short duration passed I ver the bay. I ROXBORO ROTARY DEFEATS DURHAM La,n Thursday the Durham Rotary Base Ball club came over to Roxboro for a 'game and suffered their first defeat. This was the second same between these clubs and Roxboro was determined to break the winning spell, which they did with the sc<>re of 15 to. 13. The weather was v> very hot that the . game was Turtles# thrifsrhout. % After the game the Roxboro Re parians entertained the visitors at lloltel Jones at their regular weekly luncheon. RFTIHN IltoSl MARYLAND Col.W. L. I.ewis, Mr. and Mr3. K. L. Street and little Miss Billy, have returned from their vacation in Maryland. Lewis says even George Washington would- have Iwen doubted had he returned from a fish ing trip and told about his catch, so he in not jciing to .tempt any one by saying how many or how large, were his catches. SERVICES at PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday School at 9:45, Mr. H. L, Crowell, Supt. Preaching at 11 A. M. The pal* lie is cordially invited. NOTICE On August 1st, 1926, a penalty of r. p^r cent is added to all City Priri "TijTe Tax. Be sure to get your license before Aug. 1st and save the peS Irfty.- - - ' ? . ; B BMANCTTSr, City MAftMCT ,... " . . ? ft- ? Plyde GvifHn of Anson fite'ity states that lie has matte more - i nioney from two g?od cows ttut .???;_ i has been milking for about three : years than., he hai from his cotton

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