THE DATE ON THE LABEL IS THE DATE VOIR PA PES WILL BE STOPPED WATCH THE LABEL ON VOI R PAPER AND , DO NOT LET YOUR SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRE J. W. NOELL. EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. HOME FIRST. ABROAD NEXT. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE VOL. No. XL1II RQXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening, August II, I 926. No. 32. N" C. PRESS ASSO. PROPOSES TO SHOW NORTH CAROLINA To Entertain . llUy- Presidents Of The Natibnal 'Presto' Association FIN ANCING TO BE SOLA ED Forty-eight presidents tf a<5 many fa-ess associations - a -, the . United States, or &ny -part of' them. along with- 25 or" 50 leading newspaper and magazine edifctrfj of tjie country, would v^ft. sruests of North CjvraVn.i I ? a motor, tour from <"?rte en-! of the state to, the tfther 'arid lasting ten days or two week*. tf the ,pri - pcsalV that have now reached ihe point of discussion with officers of r T:c North Carolina Press Associa te n are realized. A. J. Huneycutt, of Albc^irarks ?' ?\v pies-id^nt, and M;s< Beatrice Cobb, cf Morgan ton. secret xirev, of the state press association! heJieve the proposal can be made a reality, on? that wlft'me.un more to the State of North Carolina.,. than air r-ost any ?ne- thine tha: could, he e:ne toward lettmgr- the wOi\ld know wKat this stat?? ha- Accomplished in Hcrhway*. edfucation, industry and ? agriculture durin* the pvt few years. It would brjntif to the- state the "nrojw afcent" Irvip Cobb a'i-i ' North Carolina necked and. the ^enst would be. a .mere pittance as com pared with the' value . . would' he reaped durfn^ the. comitT; v?*ir. it 5 Relieved. . The _ l(3ea" u^vmifrat - ? .:i.- a r.i-- nh > f" (^obb's. e?thQ.t 1 Wwk, Av.erafcjfij; Better Than j ' ?. ?2-3. ( V-'n-t ^ /Thf C**\: ' t, ' rke;.< vay are very eTi:r-.????;? ' bv'tUrV ;Vr???v ? twenty* ri v? j Vents.. wfcicft '? ?. h '.ppobably' the baa& . p-- u;c . . 1 319. N I "T>e errifr "jr. ;'.thi> iriye.? | i^denffd of jje^h'g:' the.- licnu a? wei? ti? i r tJtfi'- lanfc-v. . In. year/.", .mi ii iv. icHfs :,p k^epintc witii i:v> ^o'"ivj>. in . o;!' in r-^y; ^ju$ W.tlh'-ivn ?& Sat ?*t ??. -fir-Hi ar matV>ff. wftepnya i? for ??*.?}? . npprur.s- ' mw ' Thfth* buvei** nr? iu?t h'tclv from the- 1 "V'ortherh market* and are. btt?y as j Retti*? thinij? ready ? >r rht | oremrwr. \nnottnc?>merifc v/iil hi ru-M t^rouerh these columns as to date rr| oreitfne. Mr. Bullock Elected^' *Jtt- -a- repent nw^tinqr-jrf the- RoaWl W Town (Vrftmi.** ioner?? Mr. 0. B. "McBroom tendered- Jns resignation, r?*rtf Mr. \V, , O. BtiMork vm* ? elected t* fill out h?.? un^tpired t?>rrn. Mr/ J ? V'.O' ?n.irr i'U' 'hn-n fit r.vnh ?i"lvif> 1 1 t hf Hwi! Trul T7TT" ,. ? \jas roarrettcf, tyit th?v "fro f r tunatc In na^lnf Mf BtiHoBi. r?i is ?!??? ?f the nutjtandir.jr yonng men of the town. /Flo" 1- ^ wfcn :" fl.iik.1!'!' "? ? .nil svilh.'llL ^01ja huaineis. , und will giva _ to the .town affairs the ? *rmg, ."V" ' ? ????: ha ? gK-t1a hi* prirnte Tiusinc IT HAS BEEN SAID? That "cne-half of the world does, not know how the other half lives." Hut neither d?> ALL the folks in this town and County know and appreciate the Wr vice ten dered in- so many lines by The Courier Classified Ads. Buy, sell, rent or exchange? it's so EASY to call 39. a*k for an Ad-Taker, ? and solve your problems the Classified way. THE COURIER Classified Dept. Court In Seuion \J j Person County Superior Court b ; in session this week. Judge Daniels ; and Solicitor McLendon are pushing | things right along. ahd thft State r ocket will prcbably b* ?this afternoon or tomorrow mtJhung. j The grand jury completed tn^r 1 work 'and were discharged after mak ing their report on yesterday after- ? noon. Only minor cases c f misdemeanors I are on tlie docket. W? will publish proceedings in full in our next issue. Brunswick Stew Tiie Junior Order of Roxboro Ccun rcil ' ' "No "" 1 i ijgaVe n " Brunswick ~Ve\v ' tvt Mr. Flutn...Lp?ff,s^Rtore. iast fright. I There' was. a Iarjr? crowd Wlid;.a jelly. : >i-o/.d time r.y i\U. We regret w? ' ,\\VV? unabll' to .accept an invitation i Baracas Entertain Pliij&theas - r-i f#? -l'*as * yesterday - ; r- T h y met ut tbe iniuvh tat ij 5 ,-v\rlock' and motored to Clu^r Spttii&s; \a. The boy* : had prepared a lunch - and served .to the large crowd. aiid; \ ti e ludies said U was? just about the 1 nicest and best ? they- had ever tried. Altogether. it was. a deeided success ; and the ladies expressed -great de ! -. ^t. for the evening's entertainment. Toilet Goods Specialist I Mr*. K. Edwards, well known j toilet goods specialist, -will be at | : 1 Davis !)r.u.g Company's rtore | ;iurintr the week of Ausrust 16th? i week. See the arfveytise>pet?.fc j ?of i. he T)aVls Dr-U-j?' C>. -ki '.another . P'cnic Supper ( .Mr-' W.. -T>. V.'hite and :Mi.s> Mli | S-Jausrht'-v i utile ' their : Cl$ss 'o.i f'rov;*to;ic'i* Baptist i i ' 1 in es?\ ' out t<> ; Lteh Lily for r\ men ? \ > rper on .Fuiy 29?.h. The chilHren j i greatly* pleas eii- at thi; K.tle 1 ?r'.'::-. till ha:i .a '.rood time. 'Ha ; c-la ^ was acf-mpanicd by Mrs. IV. j W.^ Karri*.. Mrs.- A. C. Qrayett Stnd I Khs. R. K. Yoimr. - The Hat Box I The Hat Bex is the name of the j rew millinery store which Mr. and 1 ! Mrs. L. W. X'^rth will optjn in the Store room formerly occupied by- the Commercial Printine Co., ri-rcfc door \ tppi-ar jhes*1 -e! u mmii in y. lji'i'.'i H?"i m ly renovated. j*nd will be one- of- the. most -attractive" >how places in. the town when ready foV the openin.r. Bitty LeRov-s V AMTIKS QF'H>2fl beauty Chorus pf ?rjH*' -Ai ? I'rfl.-f TV nv IV -uvok. .. ? ? . . TO RESUME WORK ON STONE MOUNTAIN Contract Let For First Section Of Central Group To Sone Moun tain Granite Corporation ; Work To Start Immediately I'pon Mobiluatioih of Necessary Men ( Rector's Wife Mr*. Prances Hall, wealthy ?Uov of New Brunswick, N. J, ha* been arrested and is: now oot on bag awaiting trial charged with the morder o t her husband iiad his (M singer, Mr*. Ritla ? a murder Bjrsterr now four years old. SUCCESS OF ? I XTERPRI SE IS ABSOLUTELY ASSURED Atlanta. "Auarasfc 7.? A contract has been awarded for . relieving. oat Tininjr. antf. pointing -the equestrian figures of Davis. Lee,. Jick^-w an;1 a color bearer in. the ca^tral gnou? nc ttr '?$*:>?"?? ? Mounts:!-.' -M ? ti nil the w ; r-U will st a -t im ms.- : ? .1 : '? I > on a -Hir ire v/'as -nnou ? ? Saturday by Stone' Mou;.v ;nj Memorial A ^ociatbn. * . -) Tfce following statement wa< jr-ivjt; j pa: ' by HoHin>' Rchdr-}r,h, ;-p^3Kent. ; ,o fr bekalf-tO.f' t): ? ? As^ociatr- ry: j "We have- jibt ^ .? arje ' ? i , tyjxct: -?v.- 'tr?.. ferft i^Jtiohv" of*. iohtral ?."*"? vfp -to th^- >? *'?vt\^ ' -vij.l rt ;:r^i"-ri-'a.frK"'. uv oh ;>f :Vr? r.*?y? sa.ry r-.-n an;! irac?:n: yJ 9 ' "ill '? a ?? -.n ;v V:.:.-.;-. scale Vfir'<' St ? . - - !';'1 r piditv: . ? ? . .!? ' ricticte' v \* takert --itft'er ^\* hj&uatrvr e ttririer .tioiv o: ?pr'pc.-::!-.' submitted .by several W?' have 1o'.*t r.'o~>e: timj-in ;r.a!? >h 1 nward. bat hav? saved- w'e believe, a jrreat :ea- of ? ,:v.wev by retrain mar - fr-orj precipitate -vbtion. Ac ceptance of- th* tiropos-Vl of the Stejje Moiintair (j-'dJntfre C: rooi*** tion was unannn. us. Tn;ir vVork i to be ?3one itftciev the. super vis for and subject to the approval of t-ho sculptor. Mr. Lake man, v.- ho. wa> present av thv: :r..v;? tins' ivhun' their ?proposal wis . i 'T.-T': .-i an 'I c -ncurred. in flic action takev.. :The 5J:rr.e G/an.'te C rp oration : - onfr of. the- bt?i.*st and " IVne. cf busTn4 s .*n- c T/niteit St-:*es. J iT h: <"1- .int from the c'wfi s : ! i r.ta rn r'v- Vr trine < pTmudn'^ rij^Hiij of the mtf It' ha--i 1 een the'let^sc f-.-ur-i ipjfp yea ih$ Vmm* bus '? -.v.-nty i;x year-* ? ? r*r: 1 ft ha;; at '- .ruar Cf jS v?, y ! of men nr.:' :n> ?h*ir. ry. which . a-Mo.?. 5t t makf? an iprnve?!:atc? ^tnrt on h" v.'ov^ fo the Manorial A^^ - 3tror. Tl has hano!. .' o; v. ?? ?tone Mounrain Averaged 30 Bushels Tt> . A ere Another good wheat yield \< f-.rtat reported by E." -I. Jeffrey, cot., of Rovbcro. Ri>at? .He ?owed four and & half bushels and threshed 132. making nearly an average of thirty buabets to one sowed. Jeffreys *ays he sowed thin wheat by hand and ?picwed , it under with n tarn plow, til* otd fashioned way. He -say? he has the most promvonor crop of to bacco he has ever raised, and further more, he said ho ope craM ^eH him1 :t -penny pf anythinr on a credit. Why saiii l;e. i Iioeil -.imVie new cltfU^S ? rlSht hul a coulii rtot si>ll mii the best iTjit In Roxboio for ten dollar* on credit.. Ui? says li^-jy t^olng to sell hia to bacco and -just as fait ?* he cetT th ? . v h h" ? coi'j? to pay 'Vi-I- rwa-t. .;{ T will f. ?'] h - - .*> * f 'v ? ? [ arranite in .all sixc3.. -hape.v and. than anyone else, arid. :>er9iiv f.imiliar with th:.? particular1' frrupiit-? than anydne **Ise. "The company en.j v> a vory h rsjh j. .Imputation. in. the baaing. world.-; ft f ' lvfc< 8UcceA?fufly tmn ?? satisfactorily. I nei-f^i-iUL-'K- o'* - an f lie p ^ i grtrahite caCyi'ngr ? [ edntra :ts ".or. re-, rd. It; finished' a ^rt! of the? rrnr'He ' for the t pMt-.v. j' Vjver fridge... iinkinfj..'. f'hiU, |. a;cle;p'* ' i X'vy Camden, ? tjie- . fv | c-n-X h-i-r:? e ?.-??.*> pcncTon ^ridjf? in^tjtfc r 'A-orfii. ' . .i'.:r;vi!-.a.c 5 ft that contract v fi i f bi^4mjeat$l pan ??? of n -It i> 1 . . ? ?*_ ; ?*:jrV. ? ur i ' ' -f ''.?lie' vrv'ar.irs' f-Sv '?A.itHhg'i i la* ? Br ;<&?&< across- the^^otoniih: I. vVn-:v:^:r ji. It is unVIt--:;'.i:'.r.tra.rt .to;: ? .f'.tvv i.' ?? th<- V.w '.Cohan* iie^ nnujr.eViile ' other pabi'ic. baHdirijar?. bridjre*. -t>. . . ' ' "In u i ^tion .to it?' p -ration ?. at Stone. Mountain, the ronijitany oo;?ra at.;N?\v Orleans a vprv jaVtre monumental works. b .th in granite and marble. The officers" of the com pany are Albert Wviblen, president; Fred. F.. W?':b!en. vice pre -i'(rn' : . JofLh ' . Weiblcri. .-secretary .?prs e. We Lb '.en. tivasurer; R. E. / ?sale's manager "Tr- j?t< iv? M urita-n ^niOiial As5.oeva.tipn has jn cash and -bil;ty- i;nd character as Mr; I.uke- i rnanv ;'i i'l-wi:'n the' e\ecuti.vj, of thos-'i*. i. . c' ....? jjrh;i on e n.ountain is; the. huMl? ;f a- company, of such' ^roat. cxper ibnee anei higrht'Standincr,' we fe*4 that ' th6 iiiCcess of th?* en-erprise .is arb ?S'olv.te!y ns-'urcri." ' ? . ? ? >4 No, Not Sam Wrenn We- -.veip talking the other r\ay Mbout that ccrn out on the Bushy ? Fork rind, 'near Warrens " Grove school house. Yes. said one of the listeners, Sani sure has sfot some Zood corn. We could but laujfh, i'or Sam Wrenn never raised such a crop, for it takes rnuscle and pers piraticn to produce its like. We I were talkinar about that acre- be-' lonjpn? to E^tee -Wrenn, member of t ??ur Rots Corn Club. r<>" ? Swimming Party ,y Mts* Winnitr" Wlilburo Krav;?>* a : .nvirtimins: party las; ? Thursday af- : ternb'.n at Loch Lily in honor . Jier cousins,.. Misses NfeU Woodson of Lyno' hinsr ami Ann Wo-aTsoir o t rgusibvrz. After fr^.Vdkin^r inV.the | whiter in - their, full .desire . a ] ;i'.' iu'ich/'Aa * . rv<*a. 7" r." OIK CORN CU B BOYS \Ve liave visited severaJ of our Corn Club linwlhepast week, and- everything looks gor.d. The last one- visited was that of ' John Woody Rogers, and he .ha** some fine com. Of course,' vi e can not say who is going to win this prize, hut we, will say that the hoy who win* it should feel proud of his achievement, for the winner is going to produce more than 100 bushel.* to the acre. Forty Corn Club Koy< producing an average of clome corn. Helena News The revival meet (fig at th* Metho dist rharch is now going on. !t\be gav last Sunday and will continue i through t'.*e Week. The preaching is being done by Rev. J. B v^comb | Huyley : f - Roagemont circuit. The j hours for service are 3 o'clock P. \L. an?) 8 at night. I Last week wn* picAic -veek with the Sunday Skoals of Mt. Tij.**ah I charge: Hurdle Mill went'. to. Lake-, wod Park. Durham; Nw r Bethel" V 1 near Roxboro and" .Mt; Ziojry t Hur- ? die Mill- Every body ^eeined td j hju?'Q. ar. gdod" tim?..' - . ' ' ..The auspierjOas ."things-' .that ? vvejre' | tp be .observe; I on the. Mt. Zior. }*'? - ?riic# .Wfrrte the games . f hor^e-."8' :v whk-h Geo.- F6ustiee., Sam Moore. ,L| T. B!ackar"f the Baptist Messenger.' , Mr T. C. Singleton and ehrjiter. returning from their vacation j-n , Richmond, Va ? honcred us with ;> visit with Brother Xoetl. edit v. of w rds to- say ir. his paper: Friday* mornvifi-' FetwriN ! ing by: way of I<(txo ? '?. H i i U ; vi?i't with. Brother N'oel'. editor, of. the. Roxbfcro C uriiir, ITe iw ryl j .1 he. -he s t i s i t he a t hie W e f o urid >? o n) r f the >a n :i _ day .o:v;>. ;n t"1..: . s*ct renv in ? r he fate. TV. is i>* a muchj better 'v'yuUv 'from the north eastern v-ect'ibh -of . the iktafee than by Purha.n. I Softie f the prettiest- .farms' -n t ? .-?late may hi- found in -Person eoUnty '? Record Georgia Tobacco Sales Atlanta. Ga , Autr. Tobacco sales in Gt-orpia to; ay set ;v record far ali time when. 3.128.631 pound* were sold fr $844,700 7 J. . ah avfraw of nea vy thirty cents per - pour.'1.. Five Hundred Chickem Mr. J. Y. Humphries of. the Bethyl Hill section has cone into the chick- j en business on a commercial scale, j having: on hand now five hundred! chickens. Mr. Humphries has been j giving some attention, to the ho* | business for some time. Ixit derided | 'tlits spring he v.vtftd try chicken.-*, and has us pretty a fleck a?, will be found in the County. Mr. Humph ries says his wheat- crop was, "fine, there being raised rfn th- Humphries j farms a&out auu Kusnels, and , pr.;s ? never better Patace Theatre Thursday ? Friday .si Saturday this week Billy iLt-j RoyV "Vanities of-l?2ghly-fatal epidemice. Thousands' of nativen crowd the Chinese hospiihls, *+ios* faeiltiiew are utterly inadequate;. Ohly a few cases ,can- he treated, thousands dy ing .irv hovels : without medical at tention. ' ' ' Only narr. v.-' n-ree ty . separate the ' foreign .concessions with' their 20, f?00 foreigner-. of' whom more than ?1 n : ?? .lapa'rtese;- f.i?m tib>. d?n-e-" ? !y ? c rowd Ld -u: } It Oh' .^e quir t\t,. ' : ' ? .. Dev;K Of Miss / Novie Walker ? ? : . .?? ^ Mr. arid Mrs,. \VlTf W.ftlfcer, diejl' -at ". Vf'iitl'v .Hospital .Monday at .10:30, A . - ' .M .. V u r.e'ra ' > er.vice.s were chn~ *? ? K. Bnctrst .iliurch at -2 X11.* M : !.;?.? b>dy -l.!ih'>w;ii? a photograph last \vt>e!k of a of iniiMO tobAcep -hUls. The- tobaco was oppc'd \ f:aV e > ? hi srh ' h ri will 'aver atfr move than five leetj t It* will b?> nri-niin-a: this yvet*k, and expert? t - cure mo"re vftah .!TCtj->rri hundred pdujio5 tt> O'v* acre.. ' ? Another Ofd" y Soldier Passes rT- ? ? ? Mr. Kemp AYalfce wh lived near | Waodsdate, r? ^Kpr. in? h.nhaig tn nee- forty Corn ( -lub- ?*y*r-pro4u?Inic au uvw- '?,'1 ajfe of clone ,to 100 "bu*hels-^?ny, some corn. ^ , Don't- miss' Billy Roy's "VAN-* I ITIBvS OF 1926" at Palacy Theatre. Thur idtoy? Friday ? Saturday this I week. . / .