Improved Uniform International Sunday School T Lesson f <By nmv P. U KITBW 4TRR. D.I>.. r??nn of D?y and Hr'Mn, Si-Hools. Mood? BlbU | Ilttltvti of Chlcato ( ifc. J?M. N 'wiptpar Union. > Lei ion for August 15 JETHRO'S WISE COUNSEL ! LRItON TKKT ? Kxgdui 11:1-17. WLDK.N' T KXT? 'to every man ht? I Work. i rpIMAKT TOPIC? Jt?<hro H?!p? I Milal1*. JUNIOR TOPIC? Jethro Give? Mn*i Good Advice. INTBK.MiCIMATK AND SENIOR TO? IC-^Bpln'g. HolvVrN Yt'UNG PKOPLB AND ADULT Ttf P ,J&? Orfcanfrlttg for Her vice. I. Jethro'a Visit to Moeos (*v. 1-6). I. The occasion (v. 1). ITprn the receipt of the news of th<* marvelous deliverance of Ihe Israel ites from the Kgypiiaus. Jethro went' out to meet Mown. V. The object- (vv. 2-4). j It \vm* to 'bring to his wife i aril i hiitfre'n. When (?od called him to 1 firyi't to' deliver Ills people Moses dltl tjf?r iheny It "wise to lake III* wife nnd < hlldre!i.v therefore left them with his r Iti-Ihw. " 3. The place (vv. f?, 0). At M?>unt Sinai where the Israelites were enca ntped. II. Moies' Reception of Jothro <vr. 7-1.-), 1. He bowed to liltii and kissed h!in (T. 7>i Vf??.*eR not only honored him as his fai her- in-law, hut as a priest ofMld iiii). .Dethro. though outside of the.'eov ehMit people, evidently retained proofs ?.f tie true as M^lchlBedec be fore lj I ?i> did. Closes <^Twrse?| if|^h[nt the won ?lers which God had wrought through Ki ??. < v. .8). It la through Ihe testimony of those have experienced the wonders of < .? ?iV grace that men come to: know th? true tiod. Jethro's response (vv. lM"2)v ! '.? . fie rejoiced fop^ all the good ie** which Ihe Tx?rd haft dofie lolWael. whom He hud delivered out of the hand . of the Kgypiittn* (v. 0). 2) He blessed the Lord f?> JO). He t *\t only praised the l.ord for Ills de liverauce. of Ids son-in-law from the*. but for the deliverance of The peopleof lsru -l from th*?lr bond-. H{p e.iiift>N<-?l j he supremacy of tV? (v. ii>. He said. ^N6w I V.m-w fhftt tlie . IjtinI Is greater than all -' Rods." ;4 y He oft'e* :?ld spcri fioCS I o God (v. ?'_i. ,\W (ire utudih" to deter:irjn.e, the . <!? of ShK'HSKrtiCc of. this !(?:( J ?? evidonily o.til;of a tiinCe^ heart ? thiv;. oA ei'lfijj. ?ill.- The : Ofccaalon; Cvy. ift-i'V). . i .\rtor -.Iftfli.j f) < jtriK* to- llo.^s 1jo -I ? ? \r?% rVfil iTOW* ? :?(> I ? ! pi ;? If! { y Mn^A'' f I fHO j ???.K I" i?i ls?iffeii Wlft'fl l:J I . : ' .. ,\y ? ; 'a.* ,?.;vvm J?'v* sot ihtf ?:^k. jip Jn* ? .:???'< j u'.'vV. nV. to' why lie": wag ?(TojTijj'-'tUlv j ?? Uri'ti till ahiUt't . OSp|}l)llfe\l It* | ? i Iru thirl YjU Oi^U . ;n*?t 'ifiero'v 9 ?s W-f tit ?.ihljfiii*.'. -t * | ! t of :.!?'? ?Jiliiir tlu*-! : il ' ? :.i I : ny > - it ' I/a'). U?: the JV'.r j '. ?? i-..* 1 M i- rno! lv?v I "ill!' - : : i.sIiikI WifS JlOt j .1 ? 1 .. ;?v il v.vmtd: Insult' iO'VASt ' ..1.1.^' )..s -?f ? .*. ? .T-i-i > i.i <*'n <vv. ? !) av;k 1 tr >}n? (iiuouhc [m'?; VMfiwurl - 1"" l?ri;i'^ their > firiil iH 1 . ihfrm 1 ?*?* or?|i Jtltil |llK% (ft -h- ?:tv them 'the V AN !.??? 'M, tiH'V *H 1 1 1 -if \VS)I1{ ,'lhtt Uie ?'.u iiiu'st 'I'll <vv. lp, 2U). SirnnW** sh.mlil he p?0 \ -.>*? niters over Mmu.H:ihtU. httn dreiWl; fries ami t ;>!?*. ( v. > 1 >. All great . ; H.r?: "l'>" ? I ; . ? ; ?m ;?*<! of h'jr ' M> ?-? aii-i - i!t- -uh .'fjliitry mnners v theke jwfjifs: i '* ) Qm.iUIv' j |ii">ns ft f ;hes<? suhordi V'.fJ '1.'. v v/cri' .??>? ho , ?? ? -- ;* is T.hey njust . r,Vxi...- 'Of' -ion l. efflttnj po\v>: <ts 5.; ? : i-? ??If r*'\ f* :'>?? ! .V _? -f .?t \v i ! f '.power *? . r< ? " ii ? " ; 1 ' :i. - its ??<*??. 1.- !??.??? 1. | !? ? v . "M- ?.'? - : : : ? ' ? ' ^h. .. . fiV j r .i.n v-. i .? ' / o frdil*. i/ fi. <xh o :<i*H !hc? ,v?;> 'tojr^K Tn> ?.c j .: /'??) UV? !';j :?>?!?.< ' ?->{. Un j jNf :JII. ; T* f >vt>n it J?.f? ? ruler of ifco i ?v,-i ?, i?' inlifii lie fnvf frnm.ilM* MUHplrlon j i'l ? < ilr*tv . 'i ^ Ui.> prrtfi'Minn liccausf oi ; "t fi &??!! I IV. Mo'^ce Accedes to Jethro's ] CcunftMyy- -1-27). ' , >, f iT. inn.Ti.'^ ? s(? mad?i a ? i ?.k*' in >!'?>? ?*' tuytrf. ll<? r?*tNj.g t 4hfll <!'??! was sii^iUlriK through A i ?:?? to l>?nt. 1 :!* tlie > i?U' tlfro .iu?lu?*s and Moses j U?cni. Wlifii (Ills work Uft'il ^ ? ??? n i'? Hif II ??(-ill 111*, to I.Mluo's \kf, ,h?? tia?4c Mm (l^Mirlur*?, ?oi?g into i liifT tjwii I art ' I . Lotion From the Son of God Tltf hlglicKt wrvlct irmjr pfe jffcr*?l for and rtom* In the hnui " >?!? ??t nurroMnrttnfis. in silence, In . - ni^iir.', aiiuiotl^d. In yean ? ?. ? ..r imtfnh' nnri-o>nled dulUas. ttie. "" SfOti frf God icrew itntl waxed strotif. ? 1 ? * 1 ?* Cure far Indolence n.?- unly . cure for I udoli'iice la ? . SvorV : I Up onlf fBTV fwr l ilVi-i": ihc "jil.v ''i,re for v , ? l Ot 'luuUt ~4uitn; eiirlst'? bidJIwg. About your Health 'Things You Should Koow by John Jo?cph Games, M. D. ? Terra, THE At \RMIVG PKfeVALKN'Cfc OF HEAKT I >!SF- \SF Let my ro::t!o!' .bear n mind thai T am speaklm? strictly fr*r.v my owr. not from the authorities. My opinin is. that throat ? infec ' i.:on leal in rnu-.i'njr esrlou* heart affections. Influenza i'< a most dah perou* and dear, y thin? ;,f neglerted. Tonsillitis m?y cauw either vavu lar. disease, or myocarditis. N1 . j throat infection should aro untroatcfd for a sing!? 1 our. Colitis, accompanied o'v putr -fac tion in tire eolon, is n potent r<'.ui:<J" of hea:t disease. The . pretence of im-ican in the urin tells us that v/a have the makings of serious cario vascular trouble, Unless we attend to that colon, and diet Accordingly. Onct* heart disease U set up, -very hearty meal aggravates the circula tory disorder. If you h:J\r?p5"n to have a large abdomen, out 7^ pro portion to vour general build.. you you fire putting up with something that will. make you trouble . .some day. Watch your colon. . Of course pneumonia and rheu matism often leave defective hea rt.% hoth of thorn bearings disease-jrernvy from the respiratory organs. With sucTi a heart it i* foolishness to give heart stimulant* with the idea of effecting a cur?. until you ure rid of the Reims chat are caus* ing the weakened heart. In my e?t^ perience. .Vaccine*- are the most rational treatment for infections,, though many physicians seem to be lieve differently. When failure oc curs the diagnosis is probably in accurate. : T'fc'O valuable . suggestions for > the heart are,? do ; liqt neglect. jrour throat, and, take care of the colon ?-do not overeat. In this way you may lesstm your chances for hcaS't ili.-.ease. With His Father ? ??<*rr ? , The body of Robert Todd Idncotn Ja.-t of President Abraham Iin vdn'-? immediate family, vrili - soon r>*. plscod in the Lincoln tomb, near of his illustrious father, at Springfield, 111. He passed away v sl?^p in his summer home "i rvhesier, Vt., last week. BETTER 8 WINE FEEDING PAYS GOOD RETURNS ; ' " | Raleigh. N. C, August 9. ? Because, of the result-? secured by farmers] who have fed hcgs according to prop- ( er* feeding plans, the number of demonstrations conducted bv c.enty agents \n this , work hai rncreasryi ubout 300 per cent in the last year. : W. W, Shay, swine extension spe-?- i :alist at State College, finds that j lest, year at the middle of July ther.? ! were- rr> Hem oh *t rati oris with 730 I hoars under feed. At the same tim.^ this year, there were 174 fcuch dem onj*trxtic:ns ' with 3.617 hogs.. E^ich of the?e demonstrations is carafully conducted. The hoss ^re weighed at the beginning of the feeding per iod,, an accurate record kipt of nil feed given, the co?t computed and the weights 'of the hogs at the close r,t the period are .obtained. Figures are kept r. fie A the swine ex t?n?ion,.-. office -ind n complete recorcf af the work i* mailed back to the county agent and the cooperating" farmer. Thus do the cqope rat ins? j'- allies know. Exactly whether nt' n?y I h as been made c i' * lost.* on the ? <. pi onst ration. ?fTh:s work has btsen under way , for four ypsrs," says Mr. Shay. "During that time ever 600 farm- 1 ers hijve conducted . febdin? (k<nvjr. - st rat ions. We have, made out the feeding schedule* to be fallowed hav'e tabulated the results of the Vicmonst"atri>:n3. During that time we have seen the prtce of hogs as. low i $$.5Q ''per hundred pound-. i\J we have ? ?er it as high as $lo. Corr!: has sr?Td by the carload as low '*? sixty cents per bushel and as Mirk as. $1 50 |>er bushel. VFhere "in-, struct ions in feeding have been foU lowed accurately, there has been a pr fVt fr0tn the feeding. The profit fr:m the. eo n so fed has been from 300 to S00 per cent greater thah if Daring the foil ryear-s. growers it were sold at current ni* have been urged to govern the "breed ing t&fces of their hogs so as to get the pigs off the svft pork producing feeds at a weight npt exceeding 80 pvunds and to add approximately .113 to H') pounds before^ selling them, jo&fc .under." 200 to . ^5^^unds.\ * l Suffered wcaii, nervous "T WAS in a very weakened, ^ rundown condition, surely \ in need of a' toaic and b\:ild- ^ or," say3 Mrs. J. IL Wren n, of Anna, Texas. "X was bo weak ? - 1 had' to gci to bed, and kept getting weaker.. '?I suffer c^'vTitb my 'back so - inuch. I tors v?'rv iicrvcius, couldn't rest pood 'at night. I couldn't eat anything? I just ?wasn't -hungry.-. ? '"I had* read .so much of CJardui, I thought best to use it. I took eeven or eight bot tles. and by ihe time I had taken them I w a.3 stronger than I l>ad been in several years. I can highly recom mend Cardui." ihou3ands of other women h'avo iound that. the tonic ef fects of the purely vegetable ingredients of -Cardui were just what they needed to help restore their appetites, to help* bring them easily and natu rally hack to normal health and strength- Its action has been found to bo of great ! benefit in' many common fo : male ailments. at your druggist's. For Female Troubles Moore's Market PHONE ITS ? FOR A SU-MP'J uD"S SUNDAY DINNER It's most necessary that you have ^o->d Meat ai the basis for yonr'Munrta< spread. So- you will at "all times find here the very choicest cuts you like: TRUSTEE'S SALE OF R8AI, ESTATE Cnder and by virtue of the authori ty contained In an order of the Honorable Clifford Frazie#, lUfetfee in Bankruptcy in a certain matter entitled h. E* Loner. Bankwot.. the undersigned trustee v.- ill offer for sale at public auction to the: highest bioder. for ca.?h. 12 o'clock M-, Saturday, August 14. 132$. th?; following lot pare ^ of land situated in the village v- f Hurdle Mills, North Caroiinu. and described as follows: Bounded on the. North by the T.ands of George Br.oks and C. C. White; r/n the East and South by vthc Rox bot>o and Hillsboro. public ro*d and the lands c,t John Thompson ana X. D. Harris; on the West by the Iwtds cf Mrs: R. L. Long, containing thieo (a) acrfcs. more or less. Situated upon this lot of land is a five rocm cottage, store. filling station and other buildings. T?; siu;co;.-fal bidder is required ! to d?ipos';t a certtfiei check for ;eu percent ox the bid *v\\h the trustee. Any and all bids are auhjcct to re jection by the Referee. For further particulars inquire cf the. trustee or C. A. HaU, Attorney. Place of Sale: Courthouse in Rux hoeo, North ' Date of Sa e: 12 o'elc-. j c M.. S t urday. Augua* i*i> ij-6. Term.i Of Sale: C'a>h. " ThU th- 14:h day cf July, 1020. TilOS B. WOODY. Trustee in Bankruptcy. L. E. Lcr.y, bankrupt, Surlintrton, No rtn Carolina. J CM OR ORDER M KETINGS Lcnghurst Council N'o. itO mtets ?.'Very Monday evening 7:SQ Ccmc i ihese meeting members. Rusi ess of importance coines befor* ui ?fien which you should know about. :.EMOX OLIVET:. Coancillar, a. .1. BLUE. Rec Sec. ADVERTISE IN THE COl Rlhfl "J I'M OR ORDER MEET IXC Rji'iwro Comictl No," 121. Meeting opining at 8 o* dock P. M. Ail m&nbers requested to be pre sent. Visitors ot other orders in vitei. V\". K. MOORE, Councilor, ROBERT LUXSFORD, R. S. DR. S. RAPPORT of Durham OPTOMETRIST Specialist in examining ey?=s and fitr ting glftsae* will be in Roxboro at Pavis' Drug Store every first Wednesday in each month. His., giaa bes will give you real pleasure and satisfaction. They are accurately fitted in every detail. They feel right and look right. Charges rea sonable, My next visit will be Wednesday September 1st. ?' I I J i *L,oca-vtria Magic Square Rcgin-with "1** in renter and read 7'i^lkg any ?*y .Rt.ilHE t.> any I corner and it will he **! DRINK MOTTLED COC V-ITM V j A L O C A C. 6 ' C D E D C O C A C O I . A L O C A C O C D E L E D C G C A C O L ocacocdeltledcocaco C A CO C D E L T T T L E D C O C A C . ' A C O C D E L T T O T T L E D C O ? A C O C D E L T tO B O T T L E DC O C OC DE LTTOBKBOTTL EDt O j C D E . I, T T O B K N K B O T T L E l> C D E. L T T O B K N I N K B O T T L E D , E L T T O B K N I R I N K B O T T L E j L T'T O B K N I R D R I NT K B O T T L , T T OB K N I R D ( I V D R I N K B O T T I L. T T O B K N I R D R I N K B O T T L I E L T T OB K N I R [ N K B O T T L E ! D E. L T T O B K N I N K B O T T L IS D I C D E' L T T O B K N K B O T T t E D C 1 . 6 Q D E L T T O B K B 0 T T L E D T 6 J C O C D E L T T O B O T T \. E D C O C j A C O C D E L T TO T T L E D C O C A J C A C 0 q D E L T T T L E D C O .C A C i O C A C O C D E b T L E D CO C AC O S {. O C A C O C D E 1. E D C O < A C < A L 0 C AC O C D E D CO C A C 0 L A 3 5 ROXEORO BOTTLING WORKS Roxbpro, N. C. shelter In Storm or Fair Ah work and no play mak^s life very dull and hardly ' worth while. With the call of the great out doors, sea or camp lure you far. Pleasure and enjoyment becomes a matter of finances. Will the pocketbook cover all? Should a storm of expenses riser would mar yrmr complete enjoyment? Provide yourself with ample shelter ? start a saving account. The First National Bank -THE FRIENDLY BANK" -Under Supervision U. S. Goveminent

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