' V ? ?? ? ' . "" ? . ? ? r . " There Is No Room In Roxboro For Kickers~-Boost THE DATE ON THE LABEL IS THE DATE YOl R PAPER WILL HE STOPPED WATCH THE LABEL ON VOI R PAPER AND DO NOT LET YOUR Sl/BSCRIPTION EXPIRE J. W. NOELL. EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. - HOME FIRST. ABROAD NEXT. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE i . VOL. No. XLII1 ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA. Wednesday Evening, October 20, I 926. No. 42 Roxboro To Have Dollar Day October 28 FACTS AND FIGURES NEVER WILL LIE C o m p a r is o n s Are Odious, Though Sometimes Found a Necessity KOXBORO MARKET HIGH Comparison* are Odiou*. Though Sometime* a Necessity. Wt> do not brieve knocking- ; i.i:y markbt, in fact all of the mar ?T:'cN -no having g:od silrs aml^ Vccco Is Selling well, but so msny; i y< fi"X ??? th- m paid for it. are tolling yoj what certain load a c.f tobacco Tifive brovyrht eiseNvhere that we . stptply can not refrain from telling you abrut a ..load, the half of which yvam buough here one . day hist wt t*k. This load was divided as a test load, half " sold n a neighboring market and (half isold in Roxboro. There were four lot* in this l:ad and the first f fat brought in Roxboro $15.00, cn the other market $12-50. 2nd lot .-?old in Roxboro for $37.00. on the other market $18.00. 3rd lot sold in Roxboro for $47.00, on other mar lif-t $40.00. 4th let sjld in Roxboro for $43.00, other .market $33.00. N \v. tlifs is no trumped up sale for publication, for we saw. both bills of sale.: and While we could irive nnAie of" seller and also cf other mar ket, we will not -do so, . f.r . But the moral ??f the t;!l" is that &>xhoro V the BEST place to ?-ll j tobacco, ?.???? . ?! Some Advantages of Buying at Home 1. Lower . prices ? -R? member you i o v fv'.i-ght from mail Ortler house* it c mips high! ttr.tt.er . goods ? at home you set* what y u are buying, instead of j inking what is. sent you. Lt is not damaged. : Nd railroad claims to h'other with. No inferior j^.cds ta l??* nut i;p with, rather : than bother tc .return. So cash in advance ? .v> money i- iers t,o pay for. So risks to take. No delays ? take y ur . goods right! homo with you. 4. Keep your ca?sh circulating at J- :ue? -\! ?- v ur lyeig'. borhood r qve prosperous. .">. What's tthe of son ling you-' - ir ^d money .away for good* w?? can . furnish you right here. (Jet' it here. . -t ? ;?n r, -h?t ?r. easier anlquicker. Chrurch Announcement I.ove that- i "fds t; be entreated j *? *i t pM'fe-t live. A n:c? chur.rh. ( . 1 ?? t.i Longhurst Sunday School. -i::VV A. M. ? , ' T^feachifv' a* 11 A. M. Epworth TVagucs 3:30 ? 6:15 P. M. ?- ntrhurs* Methodist <*'hur:^ lcks v re'vntly Tainted. Kist Roxboro, prcaehir.g at 7 V. , M next Sunday: Pr a ye Mcct.ng at Longhurst ?. -rv Wednesday tt. M. 7 o'clo?k. Rvcry member is urged to assist : r -? c ia lly Con t'erence i s n ear. m r Maj. Me . Lc.idon, in charge. th? docket is wry' light, and court will pr bablv la*t only a few days, 'unless s.me K^gthy civil matter takes up the I'me. We will girt full- proceedings in otJr next issue. ' a Visum pf life before. JKrth in ? iKLL ME WHY at Patacf Theatre f ' "n)'y. < > to' >*? r 22nd. ^ ^ u?TV>rt inn >?f |fndU'H CQSftK - ow ready for you. Any prrce you- may wish from $11.75 to $67.50. n arris & Burns. ROXBORO HIGH TAKES GAME FROM BETHEL ftoxboro High School Eleven Smashes Bethel Hill With Score of 6 ? 0 JERRY STANjFIELD SCORES At last Roxborors Basketball te:tm has scored a victory, Jerry StanfieUl scored . the touchdown Saturday af Jrl n on, wHich gjrve |t*he Rf. xboro eleven ? their first victory of the sea son. when the boys held the Bethel Hill team to a goose egg. whije they .succeeded in making 6 point.?, which, gave them the vjstory.' Through both peT::ds of the ' gamp, Roxboro hac^, thfe advantage of the Hill eleven; by keeping the ball on their side, and also by showing speed that the opp. -ingtoum were at odds to over cohie. Th'e local h are working hard t j. make a similar showing in the'nrxt game, and if possible, by showing a little more of the fight Vi? spirit add another victory to) their list of one. Swathmore Chautauqua The Swathmore Chautauqua held forth here, beginning last Saturday night. It was decidedly one of the best >eries of entertainments .put en here for a icng time. The lec ' tires ' were especially good," in fact" the -lecture Sunday night at the re ligious service by f'apt, Upt n was! well worth the price of the season , ticket: Itts subject was, "Playing the Game," and we believe every i one present will play the gar\? ?f life, beter for having hard this spln [m lecture; After the, play. "Applesauce.' Mon day night an expression was asked from the . congregation as t ? their j interest in the Chautauqua and rot 1 a ^dissenting lute .was heard. This j doubtless assures the return of. this I ' jden'did- Chautauqua. ? . . | Willing To Ac comodate, But ? , I am always pleased when an op- j portunity. is presented t help my j fellow man, and T am g!a'd I could be j of service to the fellow eaufrht In T. ,wn Tuesday night without lights. I money," or credit who borrowed the ! M^hts from my coupe in fr nt of the | traded school building, though 'I think he. might have left me one and I to k only cne. I didil't have any money but did have credit so 1 got home safely, ' ut in all fair plav and t. restore ' my confidence in my fellow man I think, he should mail me the- cost of my new bulbs ? 80 cents, and .net me rn my way rejoicings? Mrs. H. Lance, Mr. Stanfield Leads Mr. L. G. Stanrteld. wh; represents tire American Agriculural Chemical Company in this section, had the hon or tc lf-ad all salesmen in the South rn district during the past year and ? '-on a cash premium f $00.00, This | J quite an honor and we conjrratu I 'ate him upon his success. - o If you ever on?e take Sam Wa'den ' ? nd Chas. Loftls of South Boston. ; Va.. Motley's warehouse, a load of ' ob'aceo you . cannot help coming a ! i ?gular customer, because they know tobacco and how to get the hiirh market dollar far every pile. Look at ome f the saies they made for one of their customers elsewhere Jn this issue. Take them your rext Dad and ba rnnvinreri they inr thv icadeTS. unletting high prrce*. ,ki.\rWn Tjaf^ios," a wund<'tTfut ylityr . >i at l'alnrr -The ,>??? en Tuesday. Oft. 20th7 -r Woman's .CJub. Don't rata* H. , Byrd Touring U.S. In Polar Plane im vVv ; ..z,"' i>- -X . . ? ^ . /^v . ? . re ::: -agpamii. -1 Many cities and states will have the opportunity to see tha history-making plane that Commander Byrd used to fly over the North Pole. Floyd Bennet will accompany Bynl on the trip, which it backed by the Guggenheim Aviation Fund. Roxboro Toltco Market Has 1 Passed The Million Pound Mark Members of Oak Grove And Woodsdale, Look Next Sunday la^t service befi.W Conference. Let's all go t V church and pay out all regular dues. I'm looking for you and counting :n you. Your Pastor, J. \V. BRADLEY. Presbyterian Church Sunday School at 9:45 A. M., H. I,. Or'., well, Supt. ' Morning.' service at 11 A.M. Sermon by the Pasaxr. Sunday Scho:l at Mitchell Chapel a. t 2 P. Mi ^Preaching at Bushy Fork schcol hou.se at 3:30 P. M. Every one welcome at all services. P. CAR Y ADAMS, Pastor. ? ? i> Rotary Governor Here Mr. Wade H. Marr, Govern "r. of this- Rctary District, met with the j Roxboro Rotarians yesterday even- j 'ntr and addressed" them on the sub-.} jeet of .Rotary. The ciub was i-rt- 1 t'jrta;ncd. by the young ladies of the! Baptist Church and served a .dinner { whit" hw&s a delight t < all. Several 1 of . the leading citizens of the i wn were invited guests. A Card of Thanks For Co-Operation J have been asked' to write a few words ? f thanks for the East Rox born Church. The. member-? and paste, r are truly grateful for the kindnesses and c. -operation shown ' them while they were preparing for the stew that was served last Sat urday. The churches on the ' East j Roxbcro and L". nghurst Charge are' doing their best to make a 100 per) cent record this year, therefore the j members appreciate all co-operation. : Thinking all who contributed to ? ward making the occasion a success, i Pastor rind Members. Return From Their Honeymoon Mr. and Mr*. Clyde Crowell nave returned from their honeymo:n and ! w'iil, we hear, go to housekeeping on Nrrth Main Street. The people of Roxboro are glad to welcome Mrs, Crowell, w>o before marriage was Mi*s Delia Boding to *>mi? good t jwil I ? ? o? ? The Harmoniaers of old time South- > cr'n Melodies "The Big 4 Colored Of- ; chestra" at J'al&ce Theatre Thursday Oct 'ber ' 2lsV . ? _ ? . * O- 1 ? . "I.JsTfrn tartlM." a wondeftnt 1^*7. 1 will he frre.-Hmtod lit" Palape Theatre ; ifn, I u^KiJay, uct. 26HT7 tfeneiu oil Woman's Club) Don't miss it. Sales Are Growing Heavier Each Dsiy And The Price (lets ? Better and Better READ AVERAGES MADE The Roxboro Tobacco market has been djpened just two wi'eki arid already the million p und mark has b< . passed, and best of all, prices j .uet beter and beter We ha v.; r.frver ttecn the market so active, the buy ers so anxious f r the weed. Honest ly, tl eie is no market m North ('.ir olina^Tr Virginia, where the b'jycr? are look in ft: more -cl sely tffier .the farmers tobacco than the biiyc?> on' this market. We are. proud of them ; nd the. market i< to be congratulat ed upon having such a splendid rcp ris.ntative of buyers. Talk is cheap, in fac.t there has been much cheap talk by men why wre paid to spread, surh propaganda, as to what neighboring markets are doing, and how much better .it is ! selling at ther market-, but remem ber they a-re only talking to earn their salaries, and when you want leal facts ask the man who- has sohi* . here. As further evidence read some of the; few ^prices which have ber?n paitl s . me <>f your neighbors during1 th; psist week: ' The follo\v:r.g sales have been made at- tl'? I{yco" Fr.'C, C'layt n sold 478 1 !lv?. for $222.-12, averting $4 .Newman & W. sold 428 lbs, for $184. 36, averaging $43.00. flag & Co. sold 170 lbs. for S185.2G, averaging $38 pO . J. L. ^Gentry sold 540 Vbs, for., ?206.40, averaging $:18.22. Holi'way & Tally sold 334 lbs. for $122.72, ".vera g in g $36.00. W. A. Oakley sold >02 ]'bt/ f r $194.81 averaged $.V 0 7 J Pioneer and Planters report th? following: J.' Reaves Long sold 1080 lbs, for ; $491.57, averaging $45.51 . Carver & P>radsher sold 604 lbs. for $277.34, averaging $45.92. Mr. Giles M. Cr.wdor probably made ?the best sale made here this season consider ing the quantity. He sold 3014 lbs. f:r $11*6.46, averaging $39.37 for; the entire lot. From the Wln.?tead we get the fol lowing report: C. C. Carr sold SSS lbs, for $188. 78. averaging $35.01.. Smith & Walker soW 500 ? lhs. for $l.82.S0, j averaging $36 42. A. D. Knott eold 334 'lbs. .{pr $153.13. averaging $42. ?02, Thomas and R. sold 616 - lbs. for $230.14, averaging $87^0. A, P. Carver sold 012 lbs. for ,$259.34, averaif iivt-r $12,37. L. H. Carver sold_j "14 lbs, f 1 $rJGr>r,. averaglng*Vi()T 00; ( arrrr-jmd^P. sold 546 ov -TTZtorr* oW-4 1 25. Jfrs. tori $4^,^ averaging $40.50. . ... , ?? ? . ?, ? v; . v'-# . ' Another Big Day To Be Staged In Roxboro "The Old Maids Association" The Helena High School will pre sent a program Friday night, Oct. 22nd, . at 4ey en -forty five o'clcck in the s?ha:l. auditorium. This Is the first prog rani of. the sc. ho 1 'yfcsr and promises to he one of the b?-t ( ver given at- Helena. One of the main features will be the "Old Maids Association," pr-eT serited by the entire faculty of the Helena school, assisted by a number f Hgh school pupils. This number is -unique within its. self. as well as in costijtne. This is the first pro gram, in which the faculty haVe. ap peared. Miss Mabel Montague, the : president of the club, has a ou-'y ' crashed Through the p'.a.te glav ?indow of ap automobile salesroom r.>nr tie Cardinal park and bounded off the side f a <'hev?-olet c~upe display inside. In acknowledgement of his feat ihe Bambino was presented with I he. coupei "Times have' changed, said Rutn with a broad grin. "Some- years ngo it would have been a serious offeree for any of us t .1 break a window with a base' ball. N- xv it Urings a Hew. ?^utomobile'/l ?. ? ! ; At The Winstead Tie warehouses. and Rxb ro ftrt erally, art* to be congratulated upon the strong force ail of the ware-" houAt.* havo hcn1 this year, but we ! doubt if there is a man in the bunch who is more ' tho-oj^hly known. ?tnd. we might add;, better liked f;r be ing kn:\vnr than W. R. Wilkerson. Wllie," us his friends call* him. Hi' has Ion.? been a booster for Rox- , boro and Person County, and when anything is to he bad which means c the betterment cf the town and Coun ty. Willie is always found on the [ light ?wle f the question. We are *lad to knew he is associated with the Winstead Warehouse this sea- ;? son and his friends will find him . ever on the alert looking after . their \ interests. \ The Celebrated Big 4 Colored Or chestra at Palace Jheatte, Thurs day nly, Oct. 21st. ? - ? 4 Cooler weather is >u?t ahead, the greater part of our Fall purchase ! of ladies and" misses coats are t lu re, i Thev are idealities too. C^ats are 25 per cent higher In" the wh les?le markets now than ! when we bought ours oiv acecunfe I of *Kvxt&; -tYqu tte T>an*n?td ?.our- mrY)- ; purchase. Harris &, ? Bums. - ? ? ? * **' ' ? 1 *f* ~j ?' ? ? 1 The Boosters Club Have Induced The Merchants of Roxboro to Put on a Dollar Day ?i ' *> SEE FULL PAGE AD We believe the farmers of this ?;n(I adjoining counties have learned ore this thai the Boosters Club, with i .Mr, G. H. Hunter in charge, arc rea)ly at work in the interest of the farmers. Mr. Hunter has succeeded in setting v me of the wide-awake merchants to put on a Dollar Day on Thursday. October 2&th, and on -that day offer -ome extraordinary bargains, .Look up the page advertisement and see just what -pecial Dollar Bsr oqi < i oil udty} jam noA* uit?5< mierchant advertising, the article and make your selection. You- wl' he able to make considerable savin# on thus day and the merchants want i you t know they are making: no ' money on these SPECIALS but are dcing- this simply as an evidence of | their desire to make Roxboro the most popular place in this section for you I patronize. Remember, the Boosters Club and Mr. C, H. Hunter are here for yjiir benefit and; nothing trey can do will be k it undone, Call oh them. A Strong Mam Th. quality jf :m indivM'Ji1?a j strength is defer mined by his internal ciir.iit.on .f r.no amount ;f physical ?! xer?i>i- will make a man stronar so ?long- a.- he suffering from some se.ripus organic disdrder. N'eithi-r can one b? string intellec tually nor spiritually whose person . ality iA suffering' from a diseased ; moral fiber. What \ve. do is.- determined by what !. we arev - ? "A good man out of the good treasures of his heart bringeth frfch tl at which is jtfocd.*' Luke 6:45. Sunday School 10:15 A. M,, R. L, Wilbuin, Supt, Poaching 11:00 A. M. Subject: The Ordinances-? "Th e Lord's Sup^ per." 7:-W) P. M; Subject: "A Man . of Strength."' . - B Y. p.' 7 T., Junior 0 P. M. Inter mediate and Senior fi:30 P. M. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCn. W. F. WEST, Pastor. Mr. Hayes Here Last Week Mr. .1 ..hnstiin J. Have*, Republican Candidate for, the Senate, was here last -Thursday and delivered a speech before a small cr:wd, about 125. Mr. Hays is a pleasant speaker and wan very fair indeed in his remarks. Sel dom has a campaign speaker be. en heard I" ere who received more com pliments. - .... o New Enterprise Mr. ,T. M. O'Briant has opened up a new enterprise on Leasburg Street, it being a corn mill and filling sta tion. His ad appears in another column. Icok it up. , Mrs. Morton Makes A Good Sale Our gctal friend, Mrs. G. W. Mor ton *>f Woodsdale 'tvas in town ]Mt Thursday witfy a load of tobacco which she &3ld nt the Win stead Warehouse, and, she says it was the beat *ale "made nore trtis year." In any event, Mrs. Morton was delighted with the sale, -which netted her an average of better than twenty dollar*, and* considering the quality she insist? Tt was the. best sale made. , Q . i A Tremendous Photoplay of Mother * j Theatre ? Friday October 22d4?