High $ For Your Tobaceo-More For Your? In Roxboro THE DATE OS THE I.ABBL IS THE DATE YOI U PAPER WILL 11E STOPPED WATCH THE LA ON YOLK PAPKi AND DO NOT LET YOLK SLBSCRIPTION EXPIRE J. W. NOELL. EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. HOME FIRST. ABROAD NEXT. SI. 50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE VOL. No, XL1II ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening, November 3, 1926. No. 44.. Democrats Apparently Gain Control SENATOR BUTLER IS DEFEATED Bf WALSH While Votes From County Were LHfht. Democratic* Have Big Majority l.EE S. OVERMAN LARGE MAJORITY New York. Nov. 3.-? -Slowly accum ulating return? from yesterday's t - nc-ral e ection developed So manjr tmcertoijatiw that despite sotne net t:b!e . Democratic gains some of the < t tan-iins; <*cunte:-t> remained in tfce doubtful column. i Demoernte not; only re-elect e dGoyernor Smith in New York but lacked up en?, senatorial sear in Massachusetts defeating Senator Botler, personal friend of President C^olidgre and chairman of the Re publican national com mittee; Boston, Mass., jS'ov. 2^? United >:.ite.?. Senator William M. Butler, chairman of the Republican national ;c:mmittee. Was defeated for re-elec t;on .today., by f ;rmc*r Senator David 1. Walsh. Democrat. Senator Butler -ebsccded hrs defeat, shortly before Vm.dciprht. / Charlotte, Nov. 2.? With repo/ts skittering at best and with actual l.\ turns received from only apprc.vi mately tine third of the state; '.North Carolina today on the face of avail able return* apparently ''grave- the D wr.ocra'tic .state t icket and U nii ted Statje? >.etiator Lee S. Overman, a impority of in excess- -of 100,000 in t v general election of: today. Vote in The County The returns fr^iii the County show li ovtte.hl, h g vote, but the majority was: a " :'.yp rl>e to many; as the small vote was expected tr. help the Republicans T>.e majority ranged from . 651 to. ! ;i:> The 'official-., returns from 12 ut of. 15 precincts are an fo*l vs: Legislature* R: L: Harris- 1292; )V. Long;. Jr.. 3.14." Harris* ma j rity 958: Clerk Superior Court: 1). W. Brad .Register -f Deeds: W. T. Kirby 1 U3: j. T. Wpody 344, Kirby's ma j . t v -h.-r.lT: N v' Brook* 1252; .1. W. Climbers 100. Bro;kV majority ? s"2. ./ c cfi "Treasurer : S. B. Davis 1202; J R. "W'ni.tt 415. Davis* majority 787. Coroner: Dr. A. F.. Nichols 1140; ;v?. T. Carver 37K. Nichols' majority " 7C2. Surveyor: W. Koy t ales 1057; W. ' T, -Buc'ranofi 40*1 Cat.-' majority ' County Commissioners: A. C. iiontrv 1187/ 0. M. Cash 1145,'K C. XVjgsLaff 1141. C. 11. Hunter 54,,?; V J. Clayt n 481. .T. B. Davis JJ56. Average Democratic majority 721. 100 Per Cent Capacity Dec. 1st Mr. J as. H. Crai*. of Philadelphia. . resident cf the Somerset MH1*. us a shoirt call last Saturday. J<?r.'Crartf is very much pleased at w rk.'iT the miils., anl say- they art riow running about~80 per cent of f.eir ?capa? }y, but expects-- to ti f y 11 capacity, 100 per cent, on I^cember 1 He siiyi business is ^-od, in fact they have ail briers can: take care vf. Notice Until further notice 1 will bi- at. t'la \\'ater Plant after 8 o'clock each i fternoon. When payinjr .vour water bill, tax or otb.er accounts pie ise pay i Vm before 3 >j>*c523irtcv U. a MAKOiM City Manner. The Musical Comedy Sen*ati n Att > V.lf.ny rCandlur and hf* "Broadway lailicV'- At Palace Theatre-. .-Th-uv<u. f4lay. Friday and Saturday,. Movenv^ ^ber LI. 12 13th. ' Roxboro Is Leading All In Prices Prices On Wrappers And All Better Grades Show Mark ed Advance 1 BARN AVERAGED SG1.S5 "?V . . Truly tl-e tobacco farmer is in luck this year, and if any one has tobac ! co at all desirable it is bringing a f good price; and honestly, it is bring ing just as much, if not a little more here then elsewhere, at len'i that l is \yhat th-se who have tried other markv.s teH u.^. Sales were c. orl ail of week, and on Mondiy there was an un ; usually large sale, and the prices5 advanced considerable, especial. y en wrappers and the better grades. It h nothing unusual for wrappers to sell for $8.0.00, artd cutters As high as $55.00. The best average made on tHe market so far was that sale made f r Mr. C. E. Long at the WincVead \Va rehouse. He sold 746 lbs.*~far $459.98. averaging $61,65. Another gocd sale at this house was that of M'ess. Hester & Yellock. who sold 824 lbs. for $322.24. At the Hyco many sale3 were made averaging accund $50.00i Mrs. Al len Cievrs sold 618 lbs. f .r $250.86, uve-raginR $ 10.57. O. H. Horner sold 500 lbs. for $221.13/ averaging $44. 00. Mess.' Walker & Dixon ? sold 540 lb*. fo r$l90.13, averaging $36.00. The Pioneer and Planters, have an array of prices in their ad, and ,\ou will notice some splendid . sales. Mr. Jordan I. ng was the highest. He Id 870. lbs. at ah average of $57. 00. Mr. F. L. Tillfty sold. 608 lbs. for $206.02. averaging $48.60. Mr. Ciar v-er sold 538 lbs. for $271.44, averag ing $50:40. -Mr. Paul Wocten sold 8(16 lhs. for $415.80, averaging $51. 50. and Mr. W. H. Duncan sold 532 !bs. for $3p2.6t, averaging $49.00, We could fi!l cur columns full of the names , cf those who sold arerac berween 'forty and sixty dollar?, b^t pace forbids. Just bring your T.?xt| load here and be convinced. Prompt Service ? r~T . | . H'i&htowera, N. C-? November tf 1926. j SatterfieVd Irts. Agency, Roxboro, N. C. Gentlemen: It give* me &reat pleasure t* ac knowledge and thank you .sincerely; for your check of $2400.00 in full ; ami satisfactory settlement for the ' c-omplete loss of my dwelling ;*nd f'Jrniture on October 21, 1926. This is the .most prompt service we ever ? Dti in this community. It was a mistake published last week that Mr. Hines had any part f my insurance. You had it all, 1 am sure my friends with me 'will: ppreeinte your p:? nipt and c.^ur- ' tfous treatment. I shall take pleas ure in recommending. to my nei??h-| bar* and friends y:ur prompt ser- j vice. Since you have established an: ?:prern/*y near us at Yanceyville with Mr. A. C. Gentry and S. M. Ba>on ? is managers, I am sure you will . U 't the patronage of this conrmunity. Again thanking you, 1 am Yours very, truly, .J. T. RUDD, Insured. j All Day Ser vices The Prirtf'tive Baptist conjrresra >on had all day services at their | bur^h last Saturday and Sunday. The following preachers were here vriri t>k part- in the services: El ?rrs JET. C. .[-M", .1. .1. 1UU, -T. A !I .'rndreri, C, B. Mall and J. L. Wood. ' r * jrregat ipn* were'pr >>ent on *oth dnys^and dinner wa? served by i | the ladies of the Roxboro ^ hurch. I . -."-T-O: One -b. o$d svar and troTTftwrs of.: p< r year cest litt'e but will aid I much' in providing a plentiful supply phia scientist, has perfected a tube ; for projecting the Athode ray. A mouse after being exposed to the ray for but a fraction of a minute was disintegrate*!. It kills plant life ? turns acetylene ga3 into pon der and does other amazing things. Dr. Coolidge hopes to make the ray of help to humanity. Fire Truck Called Out Last Friday' m;raing the fire alarm ! v.-as sounded and the Roxboro Bake ry building was ifound to. be on tire.; The ttr** boys had it under contjoi > m record breaking time, Utile age' bsii)?: done. Hardly had the bsy ft rerurned to headquarters when / thvy Were again summoned td the j am;* place, but like the first, the ?r*?. was extinguished. Again -Monday morning the alarm was sounded and the boys rushed down neui- the railway- .station, but the fire was of little- or no conse- , quence, . '? "-j Invents Death Ray Presbyterian Church Sunday School at 9: 45 A. M. H. L. Crowell SUpt. We wish every one U be on time Let each member that was present last Sunday bring- a member next Sunday. Morning, servic i at 11 a. m. Ser mon by the pastor. Sunday Scho:l at Mitchell Chapel at- - p. m. We will havo Bible study at War-V ten Grove School house every ni-rht this week except Saturday. ? i The services will close Sunday af ternoon. We want you to come every ni^ht and be constant in prayer for j these services. Sunday afterho n at 3:30. P. CARY ADAMS. Pastor. Card of Appreciation I desire tc take this opportunity to extend my thanks and appreciation | to every one and especially my lady ; f,r':rnt!s, who so kindly gave me their i support at the polls yesterday. 1 nssi?re every one. Democrats and Republicans, that I shall use my best edncavor to aee^-that no cne shall ever have any just cause to rejrret their apt on yesterday. With kindest, ?feelinsrs and best wishes, I am. Yours sincerely, S. B. DAVIS.* , o Remarkable Hen Mr. W. D. Yarboro gives u? the following true story, which is i bit Interesting:,. especially . to poultry raisers. Ife flays that be has had in his possession a ben that reached the ripe old age of twenty one years, ^nd that during this lonj? period of life she was a faithful layer. . The Sbnth's Favorite is Cominj? Att Chandler with his ? 'Broadway . Kclr lies" a f Palace Theatre Thursday Friday? Saturday, November. 11, 12 ' nnd 13th. ~ ML MEETING OF WOMANS' MIS. SBGIETYi Full Attendance For Next .Meeting Is Requested; Nov. 30th. I MUSIC BY SEVERAL ^jjjPba Baptist Wojnans' ilissionary Society of Persoiv County and Beu lah Association met Saturday a. m. in the audit rium cf rthe First Bap tist church Roxboro. T'ris meeting was well attended by represe/iatives from thi different societies. Mrt, John Wade in a few well ch<Weu words welcbmed (he visiting: societies Clement church won the hand paint ed poster for having: the highest per centage cf its members present. Mil) ! Creek S cfety had the largest num- 1 ber present but not the highest per centage of its membership. The meeting was full of in.-pira ticn and information. The subject for-; ,<tudy being "The graded W. M. U." Mill Creek Society had charjre of the urogram and indeed jrendered it in a most original, capable and splemiid manner. Mill. Creek is prepared to give a pr.gram cn this subject as: 'his society, uhder the wise and able j leadership of Mrs. N* -J, Todd, wife i of the good pastor Todd (and we sus pect Bro. Todd is an active member: himself) js dcing a fine work, and! /-?ctice what they preach for they , are a fuUy graded A 1 society them- 1 >ur.Kon m t? ancf,P It i ya 1 Amb ir^a- j dor. Girls Auxiliary and a W. M. S. ; We pause here to give three rousing ? cVeer* for Mill Creek Church. Mrs.,' D. W. Bvadsher, Supt. of the W. M. j S. of the Beulah Ts?o?iation presided at the meeting in her usual gracious i and charming manner, giving much! needed information in regard fo the j progress, cf the Missicn work in the! Association. Our weak points which : we need td protect and reinforce vith an eirvpest appeal #?r the *Kv? nqr . member enlistment and f D.r more | tithing. Vocal selections were given by! Sunbeams from Mill Creek ami little Anne BracLsher a Roxhoro Sunbeam,! Vang, the enlistment soncr with Mr3. ; W. F. West at the piano. X social half hour follo wed with hot t hcco- ! 'ate and wafers served by the circled of the Roxboro \V. M. S. The next! annual meeting vylll be held with j Providertce Person County ^ht?vrh ! th.t first Saturday in October: 1027. j Announcement The announcement of the mar riage f this popular young couple; will be read with surprise by their many friends: Mr. Malcom Moore j nnd Miss Gr aw .Jacks: n were mar ried on Saturday. the seventeenth of.' A I ? il. 1326, at Chatham. Ya. _ : Death of Mrs. T. D. Woody Mrs. Thomas D. Wcodv, widow cf r Mr; Th'mas D. \V?ody, who died} ??'?out 12 years ago, diod at he!* "home ; nc-?r Bethel Hill lust f*itnday a t- ' temoori at ;? o'eUck, and wan Varied: at the home burying ground on j Monday afternon, services being con ducted bv Revs. X. J. Todd and J. , A-. Beam. .Mrs. Wcdy was in her, 73rd year, and had lived a long a*>d useful life.- , Last Sunday Before Conference Regular Sunday School and preach ing at Concord nnd Oak Grova next i Sunday at regular hours. Come Ktudyr the Bible nnd worship with us whether you are a member cy not.!' If y ~u ar~ a member ahd have not j done sq prlease bring enough mhrey | to; pny %up all your :hurch- duV : this year and., a-kttlo to help thi- f?'l- j ! low "wTio can't pay. I shall be glad! ( to carry -a clean nWt t? Conference.^ p~" J. BOBBED HAIR NOW; BALD WOMEN LATER "Bobbin? of woman** crown ing glory" will cause as many bald head* among th? feminine wx as there are among the masculine. Dr. W. A. McPhail, city-county health oflicer. pre dicted todiy. Kreguent cutting of hair, ac cording to the physician, is in jurious. ultimately eaqsinz it to fall out. Also, the doctor said, con . stunt visits to the barber *hop result in scalp disease*. which ter.d to diminish the supply of ? the t rentes* Dr. Mcl'haul predicted that Wumen will continue t.? hob j their hair. Death of Mrs. W.H.Harris .Mrs. W.H. Harris. died at the !'ome of her husband, Mr. \V. H. Harris; last night at 10 o'clock. Mrs, Harris had been ill for a long time and her death was not a surprise I?h^*Harri^ had led a consecrated Christian life, always an active work er in her church, the Edgar Long Memorial Methodist Church, and will b^ sadly mi.-^eti by her Pastor and c -workers. Her influence for good was great, and many will miss her ever willing hands which were ,ever ready to help the needy, but, her fine Christian spirit will long be . remem bered and help, those who will nils* her. ? ? . Besides husband she leaves thi-ec ?orss. Mo-is. It. L. Wallace and C. A. Harris, and five uaughters. Mrs. C W: Armstrdntr of Salisbury, Mrs, 0. P. BoweJi, Mrs. Martin Michie. Misses Mary unci ? f'lara Harris- ef Roxboro. Tlie funeral services will be l.eltl tomorrow afternoon at' 2 .'clock at the hdme. . " ? I Colored Boy Hit By Car Silvester Clay, son of Tom Cay. r tared resident of the county, rumbled in front of a ear driven. T?y Mrs. Buck Garrett Wednesday morning, near the Suburban Serv ice' station, while on the way to School. The boy was hli by the bumper of rhe car. He sustained several severe in juries as result of the accident, which * was said by eye witness?.- t" unavoidable. First Baptist Church Sundi'.y Si'ho . 1 10:13 A. M., P.. J Wilburn, Supt. Preaching 11 A. M. Subject: **0 ar lymjf- On." 7 :'?0 V. M. Subject: '"The Call of T-e .Christ/' B. Y. P. U., .Tunic r ?; P. M. In termediate rind Senior CtoO P. M. A cordial invitation is exteriiet to all. "Cast th\* burden noon the l.ord. and He shall sustain thee." Psal. 55:* 22. ? \V. F. WEST. Pastor. Mr.Tilman Ordained Mr, W. S. Ti!man was ordained to i h" ministry last Stfhday at Beulah Baptist Church in Caswell county. A larjre crowd attended these .-er : notwithstanding the : woather. M r. Til man has been an active lay worker for some time, in reality dqins: quite a sro^d* deal of preaching, and feeling: called to- the ministry was thus set apaet las* Sunday. Business School Assured . Mr. Win: Hudson. lhe~rBprtt^i'iHa tj,ve ' of the Georgia-Carolina Schricl ,of Commerce, tells us tbat the school ?'for Ro^borjo is an assyred fact, and rtfat .the first session, will open en or about N" v. 15th. The definite day Will, be decided , soon and notice will be tfiyeft In these columns.^ Dollar Day Proved To Be A Success Town Wbb Full Of Shopper* And .Merchants All. Happy Profitable For All A BIG DAY FOR ROXBORO \ Last Thursday Rcxbb.ro. pulled off I it's first Dollar Day, and to say it wm . success but mildly expresses j it. fThe farmers were here with [ their tobacco, and they brought the ;ood wife akng to take advantage of the . many bargain* offered by :>ur merchants. It was a busy day, ^nd the buyer* realized that bsrg fauiy could be had here and^the fur ther fact was strongly impressed: j-that Pfixboro merchants are fully ajive to the best interests of tHe j tcadir.K public. We are glad that it has been dem :?*trated that ycu can buy good* [just a& cheap ??here ;?s on any mar I k<s%, and fuither, that the lines car ried by the merchants of Roxboro iot only campare favorably in price* ; but also in variety. If you would ?ome trQ Rcxboro and look around befre makjrfz your purchases you will undoubtedly be convinced lhat it h not at all necessary to go out of Roxboro -f:r anything needed rn the home, on the farm ,or in the shop. ' Tothe Boosters Club belongs the | cmiii for this b'^g day, and Mr. C. H. iiunter, the. live-wire secretary, T ?ays jiist watch cut, he will be hav ? ir.p ther big days for ycu,. He ???<' j )je nesires to thank the merchant* ; for failing in .and helping to make ] the cay the. success it was. Roxboro Senior B.YP.U "l ife is ast .vy in volumes tliree, ?The rust the present and yet to be, v The first we've written and laid away Tht* seccrid we're reading day by day Th; third" and last of th? vol.inie* thr-.'. j Is locked from-sight. God keepetb the key." ' . 1 There were nine 100 per cent en -lope- Sunday evening, Misses Bessie Jcha Yancey, Muzette and M able Montague^ Hilda Mitchell, Mrs. WV>t, C;rnelia Xewton, Johnnie Hall and Elizabeth Whitten. "Gocd hoUgh" is net good enough. (Xir I'nion is certainly doing tine, but leta. ?rot b : nt:sified with anything test ; that Ar-1. Altogether lets go!!! Program f r Sunday evening Nct. ! Tth, 1926. Group 2 on duty. Miss Cornelia N'ewton leader. Devotional meeting. Worship the -Lord. Bible reading. Miss Julia Yancey, Leader. Part 1. Show for God's worth. Miss Carrie Clayton. Part 2. Man made to .worship his maker. Miss Hilda Shoemaker.. Part 3. We become like that whi.h we admire. Miss Eln Wade. Part 4: Not a tyrant pleased ind flattered by praise. Miss Sallie Day. Part 5: Worship is not Chris^ - an work, Mi'jfs Eli7*abeth Whittrn. Part 6: Seek "power for service. Miss Millie Jane Broks. Conclusion, Rev. W. F. West, SALLIE DAY. Cor. Secy. T own T ax Notice The B ard of Town C. mmissionera lave ordered all unpaid taxes for the year 1923 and any unpaid taxes prior to 1925 advertised for sale in the first issue of The Courier after Dee 1st, 1926. Come in now and pay your back tax and save the tronb, le and expense d ' being advertised and sold. B. B. MANGUM, Town Tax Col lector, St. Mark's Chapel Services at St, Marks, Sunday Nov. 7, 1926. Morriing service 11 a. m. Kvening service 7:30 P. M., Archdeacon Bethea. Public in vited. Yen we hhve them coming. At* "Skinny" " Candler with his "JBroad . way Fellies" At Palace Theatre* , Thursday, friday and Saturday, Xa** UV 12 and 13th. / ZXiM

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