Tobacco Is King?Service Is Queen, In Roxboro THE DATE ON THE LABEL IS THE DATE YOl'R PAPER WILL BE STOPPED ip)c lloxlnmi WATCH THE OX YOL'R PAPE1 AND DO NOT LET YOUE s i inscription EXPIRE air J. W. NOELL, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. HOME FIRST. ABROAD NEXT. 51.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE VOL. No. XLIII ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening, November 1 7, I 926 No. 46. ROTARY CLUB HAS INTERESTING MEETING Mayor Robert P. Burns &poke Mbil Interestingly On Town Affairs MUSIC WAS ENJOYED Last Thursday evening the Rotary Club had, a most interesting lunch hour. Misses Southall and Coe de liar-hted the club with their presence i nd furnished music for the ovca vim. ; Mayer R. P. Burns was an in vHed . guest and spoke mcst interes tingly on Town Affairs, expres-'.tg desire to see taxes lowered iiv Roxboro during the coming year, T"s was followed by Rev. P. Carv Adams. who spoke rn Armhtice Day. Rarely have we heard a ?tr:nger plea for law observance, and the Eighteenth Amendment especially, than, that ,^ven by Mr. Adams. There were visitors from Oxford and Snow Hill. Resolutions The members of the Mary Ham brick Missionary Society of Edgar Long Memorial Church wish to pay tribute to one of the oldest mem btrrs of our Society, cne we love and honored, Mrs. Ro?a Jordan Harris of Roxboro. North Carolina, whom our Ic-vinj? father has recently taken to U lntniilf. First': We cherish her memory ; .d endeavor to follow her example who dedicated her life to His ser vice. .. Second: That her piety, her cren . tlenes* and courtosy, with broad mind and culture made her a woman o * clpkaracter and influence*. We bear wtfliftfr testimony to her beautiful ?life. Third: That we offer , cur 1 ve ? :id sympathy to eacV member of lier. family, praying That they may k ver prove a* faithful to duty as she t'id, and thusi receive the /reward -t::d up for His children. Fourth: That a copy cf these rcs , oUiicjns be sent to the family, The . jloxbor) Cc ur icr, the North Caro lina Christian Advocate, and a copy p aced in the minute* -of our Society. MRS. LAURA LONG, MRS. W. F. LONG, MRS. H. W W INSTEAD. O I Notice Boosters The members of the Roxboro and Pf rson fXAinty Booster sClub are . kehip t. apprehend " some ?? liquor iolatoTs fir.d upon arriving: on ?hi>