Roxboro The City Where Pessimists Forget to Complain THE ILVfE-nON THE LABEL IS THE DATE YOl'R PAPER WILL BE/ STOPPED WATCH THE LABEL ON YpiR PAPER AND DO NOT LET YOUR si ?scrutio\ EXPIRE J. W.NOELL, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER, HOME FlkST, ABROAD NEXT. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE VOL. No. XL1II ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening, December 8, 1 926. No. 49. , R0X60A0 WILL HAVE BASKETBALL TEAM The Boys Have Organized And Will Make It Interesting For All Contenders WORK-OUT EVERY NIGHT ^loxfeoro Basketball earn Lead. m,r As a ba?<* ball town Roxboro has B !? rig held an eiiv itation, but ys rave been unable K; Ut make much of a reputation in f >ot E vail ami basketball. However, we >ok for a different story from n:.\v n, < upecially in the basketball end .f it. The follow ing young men Lave rganized and are meeting regu'ar " v in practice: lake Taylor, who Has been selcct .. d #is manager, J. Sain Menritt, who s' actiniae -in,, the capacity captain, I Satterrteld,- Ed Lewis. Prcf. Vftr.vv. Sidney Wir\,8tertd, Kenneth i?kh> . Ertwm McMtilliii jand- Tiri<\\ Long. Suits have been ? ordered and .".he boys ! are getting in good shape. Send in your chalienpw, the boys re ready and Anxious t .> go. ? -i ? -? , ? o- ?? Liquor a Danger ous Thing Why will'a man tivke into his an - nuHhing that not only rrbs inv of his reason but subjects him 0 all manner of danger, ridicule and ;;nttcism. .fh'e aboye truth is being '?orne. out \vith facts" all around Us faily, as only a few day-, ago word c.*me la Sheriff Brooks that a vpung tan was seen dr"; jk and down, out n the Chab 'Lake' road. Mr. Brooks ? ont out ami found, him drunk and . ridly beaten up and left to the iner ?v of tin* told vprheTui sky. He aai in jail M'or the inuht xbert he K^bered up, and was releas ed- ne^t- niornrng. j'.' . ; ' r? r? O-:. : t-\ Interesting Rotary Me<-?t Th<- young' me.p Of the Roxboro 1 igh School wei,f guests of the Ho rary Club last .Thursday night. Af ' r .lunch the high school b.ys puUed f f' ;a g faf stunt in which "I'ed irange" and .Miss Helen WHls w,u oddi'd." Samuel Byrd VVinstead int . d as Red- and J. D. Perkins took .: he. part ?.f Misi Wills. The grjom ? ore a football suit,- while the bride vas attired in a basketball a it. 1 raped in a tennis net. IT- ? ? Interesting Meeting The WomartV Club held its regular t meeting in the vlub ' rn 111 )tv. lith." At the request of tfe. Clubs of the State it was r fecided^t ) send our quota, 25 Christ iias stockings to the patients and .rrse> at Oteen Hospital. A special feature of this meeting ?>as an address by Miss llattie Burch 1 n the '!Gonc?irVjiticn 'and Pre^trva ?i:n of Our She especially ?eplpred the destruction of the bei;u iftij holly trees ajt this season of ' no year. The club voted that this] .fhirf-s sh-ald be published in The1 'ouripr.?J Cor. See. Good Farming Mr. I>. S. R:\td of Wpodsdalo, '?Urate 1, has just cause to fee] pr .ud ?f hi* Micces* as a farmer this year. KM tobfcvao- crop will, brinj? lim >.3500.00, and ''e has just about all if the (necessities to ?i1nable him to ive at hc/me for another year, \fr. fteade .'ays h*? hah squared up with he world, and .can I ok any ,'hant or fertiliser man in the face nithout flinching:. Mr. Wilkin*' Pig* Mr. ?. R. Wilkin. hnnHed. in rfpnt . f hi* I?-o pi(T*. n? follom*!': A(tt 14 nom.u i,. one Weiuhod <113 and one 4tHf We rah but w rrior what ttew ptas < ? > would have wfttchrii if he had kept thorn until rhoy h? i-flifipKoRs. lavi, .1. I>m ? mm l ? i 1 -w's (iIRL FRIENDS playing at I'll ? >. ? ? ? r ' ! and Saturday thi* *fek. 'defendants in hull mills case EREED State Releases All Persons Jailed In Noted Murder Cas^ - ? ?? -V,. JUDGE PARKER AND CJLARY Sommerville, N. J., Dec. 4.? Judge Charles W. Parker n.lle pressed the murder indictments remaining: a gninst Mrs. 'Frances Stevens Hall, : i\er brothers. Henry and William ISteycns. and their Cousin, Henry De La Bruyere Carpender at a hearing [ here today. A vet dipt of "hot guilty" was re tail nctl by a jury .last ..'night on the charge that Henry and Willie Stev f ens and their sister. Mrs. Frances Stevens Hall were the slayers of Air--. Ek-ano-r .Hills. The Indictment foi; the murder of Rev. Hall was still . h \ngh1g- oyer them when, the defendants were ? hi ought into court this morning. Noll Prwwed Attorney General Edward L. Kat ..enbach made the. motion an behalf of the State to nolle prosae the in lief merits. He Was representing the State in the absence of Special f?roS ccutor Alexander Simpson who ? had failed to put in an appearance, al thoug h he was notified that the hear ing would be held this morning. "At the April term of the grand < ftryV indictments for murder were : returned against Mrs. Frances S. Wall. Henry Stevens, William Stev vens nadj . Henry Carpem-ier/V said Katzenfcach to f.He-eourt. tf.Three ef \ th&s6 defendants ,ha ve been tried on ? the c'arge 6t murder ?nd have been j > found -not guilty. (Mewing f>cene "The State- of New Jersey now ] moves for the nolle prossing f the . r.c! ivtments against' all > f vur defend v mts." ' V.;.'7*' ? -The motion- will be granted i.iul ; tne Indictments nolle pressed," ruled1 J.l't'ge Charles AY. .".Parker who was . itting 011 fhe Wench with Judge Frank L. Oial&rv - wfi . ? Says Moon Has No Influence Over The Weather Or Soil \Yai*K!ngt;n .Nov. 28. ? The moon may 'effect lover*, and taust- th<T>rrfea. ..tut ".moon farming." is pure moon-' P ine, department Of agriculture eic ; perts declare, thus exploding another t: ariition. ; The supposed, effect n certain farm activity done b' the Vdarfc" o ? the "light" Or >* i .e other ph'tse ' of the moon, finds no -substantiation i among the scientists. They . say. that i the moon has n?v influence on weather o? y,oil and wen the light f the full ? moon "is not nearly itense enough to. Kiive: any effecJt on plant growth or Leases. Abbitt-Carver The following announcement bus j , been received: Mr. and Mrs ItMC O. Abbitt i.n- j r.~unce the marriage of their dau<h- j ii-r Mary Kvelyn to Mr. William David Carver on Thursday, Decern-] jber Second, nineteen hundred and] twenty-six. fhinville, Va. i A;t lome after December fifth,! . South Hill, Va. Mr>\ Carver is one f the popular' | voung ladie? of the town, having! i been bookkeeper for the Or -well Auto ; "o. for a number of years, and a j j moxt faithful and active worker in j I Her church, the Presbyterian. Mr. Cai rer is the s n of Mr. W. T. C-irv-' ; f r, and i? a successful. business man f now located at South. Hill. Va. Parent-Teacher Auo. j Th? Parent -Teacher Association cf I Olive Hill School will meet Thurs day aftei'rt^dn, tXec. 16th, at 2:30 o^cloek. Aq interf .*ting pr gram has been 1 lanned, Jind a cake will be eiver. to ? ? It- jis urge*d . that . the parents of : pupils' attending the t?cho$l U- prek {fnt at * the meeting,? Sec. Nation's Youngest? Margaret Joyce of Alma, Nebr., | is the youngest .school teacher in Nebraska to hold a state certificate. Only 15 years old, Mi.s Joyce Is a graduate of high school and is now teaching in a rural school. If you know of a younger teacher this newspaper would like to receive name and age. A Correction In our Dollar Day page last .Week i we had two en .i\s; In the advertise ment- of. Mess. Wilburn & . Satterrield we had them offering 90 cent shirts for $1.00. X every one knows jtfbfc progressive- firm usually soils shirts fcr about ten per cent less than their value, but to advertise 9.0 ! cent, value fcr $1.0.0 was -too funny, fcr- anything. It should have been 1 .90 cent value for 65 cents, and 'thai! is. just what they, will give you on I Doll a i Day. Don't miss those shirts j they are worth ycur. attention. ' The other error wa<? in the sp*e?f! j Hot tea t ); Mr. -I; V. Blank?. He Save. the value, but we failed to put his name at the end, H-i* is offer- i ?:ng for this " special Dollar Day 1 can ptas, 1 can c rn, 1 can peaches and 1 can of hoininy ail for $1.1)0: Of curs*- ye.u will take advantage of this offer, and his. supply >vill so;n be exhausted at this price. Better visit his place early if. you war.t this assortment for $1.00 Bazaar The ladies of Edgar, Long Memo rial Church will, hold their annual bazaar rn tre basement of the church c.n. Sat'-Irttay, Dec. 11th, 192(5, open ing at 11 o'clock, a.m. and* ; \>uy your Cfr'/istmas presents r.nd ? take dinn( r with the ladies who will serve th'e following. menu: Brunswick : te-w. chicken salad course, ice cream, '.ake and coffee. - ? ^ Mr. Peed Av ? erages $47.04 Mr. R. A. Peed sold a l^ad of to bacco M:nday which averaged him $47,04. His load weighed 702 pounds and brought him $330*20. 'TOBACCO MARKET TO CLOSE JE 17 DEC. Will Open For The New Year On Tuesday, January Fourth PRICES HAVE BEEN (X)OD At a meet inn of the Tcbacco Board jesterday morning it was decided to close the market for this year on Friday, Dec. 17th, and open ' for the New Year on Tuesday, Jan. 4th. The market has been very satis factory this year, in fact we do not believe we have ever seen a season I where the farmers were so well satis fied. Prices have been p od, very, good and few tags have been tucked. Sales are well 'on towards the ft Ve I million mark and the average has j been better than on many of the markets. \ V ' . Distinguished En tertainer Coming The public will be pleased to' le?;rn i that the well known Lyceum enier ? iainer, Miss ,Brulah K. McNemar, ; will give one :f her delightful pro j grams on Dec. 10, 7:30 p. m. at the 1 Olive Hill School under the Auspices of the Parent-Teacher Association. L Miss' McNemar occupies an on I viable position on the American plat form today. She has entertained, in [.almost every fate <Uv the Unix n and | before the most, prominent gather , and always charms her hear - T.he Shepherdstown Register, of i Shepherdstiowh, W: Va.-, in speaking ; of her say s: ' "ftjiss Beulah McNemar, of Kev ser, this State, gave a most -.enjry ' able entertainment ifl th* '' college auditorium, when she regaled the students and faculty with a number of readings* A pianrlogue. '"Christ inr Flanders," was exceedingly im ; pressive. Lovey Marry's portuiyal of "The Denominational Garden" was ? delightfully clever, and "Christmas :v a Mining CanVp" and Kipting.\ If" weret likewise- thoroughly en joyable. Miss \lcNemar is a very talented reader and .her w rk was \ 1 greatly eii joyed. The program will consist of b th classical ami popular selections i?nd "iy number ot' Pianologues. You -an not afford to miss this splendid iium . ber. ?' i Adults. ')o cents, all se.h.c! ehilr (!ren. 25 cents. v ' i 0 "? ' ? The First of* the Gus Sun Shew- ? , Sam Harlow and his GIRL FRIENDS with 15 people 15 playing at Palace j Theatre, Thursday? Friday and Sat-' ; urday this Sveek. Large Number of Foreign Cars Are Speeding South on Carolina Highways Charlotte. Dec. 7?' The southbound ; t;urist travel is at full height on the highways of North Carolina and ' nearly 8,000 automobiles from other ; elites passed through one highway \ district in the old North state cn \ one day recently, a traffic census ; rcpfDtt made public here today shows. The certsus was taken for the sixth highway district only and dealt only j witi" "foreiirn" automobiles ;?nci horse drawn vehicles. The count was made from 107 observation pointy scattered thr;uprh 12 counties n the district including a number through which the noith and south UounH tourist travel # IfcptfvWfii in| I the early winter* nnd ' morrt Ks. j The censufc showed a total of atatomobile* bearing foreign li- - cense plates untl :?,.r?97 h .rse drawn ' vehicles on the road. The .counties j in the are Aloxandw, A nson. ' ?Catawba, barms, Gjiston, IrcdelL, i Lincoln, \lecklianburjf. Union, Rich-" I mend. Rowan. Stanly and Scotland. The greatest number _f * foreign" automobiles epante dut an; one ; p.olnt 'paused the obie n ation post lo , ctted on hig^wiy* number t<& be tween Salisbury and Concord Hen i .? . ? v J 332 * automobiles f bear iripr foieisn li censes panned within the' .12-hiuir period cf the census. The ^rent ma jority of those were southbound. A total of -'5.467 vehicles passed this point including all hor.?e drawn ve- j hicles; 2.957 passenger ears, 25 bus t's. :!l?8 trucks and six motorcycles. Horse dtawn vehicles were used ; to the ?rtiatest extent in Richmond county, the census showed a total' of 145 passing the observation point j tn highway number 50 south cf Rockingham. Only one horse drawn ; veVicle j>asseU the observation point on the Wilkes-Alexander county line t but 217 passenger automobiles, four lusen, 3 trucks and five f tvijrn tiara xvt re counted. 1 On highway number 20. between Charlotte and Oastenia, one of thea mosf traveled stretches of toad h> the state, 4, .'104 vehicles of all kinds1 were counted. There were 14 horse darwn ve hicles; 42 :bu?es. 544 trucks and 3, .794 * passenger automobiles. t 06 these 140 we're foreign C;<v>. On route 28. I.hariottO to States \ilU? 1 ^>28 vehicles passed and <v?. rout$ >H. 10; 3,400 one mrle east of Salisbury. RONDOLPH FARMERS TURN 10 QAIRYIH6 Randolph Has Set Oat To Be Treading County In Dairy Products MANY PUREBRED CATTLE Ashboro. Nov.. 26 ? Randolph' .;oon ty. farmers aren't worrying much ever the low price of cotton, for . cott:n is by no mean* the major ; farm crcp in this county. Corf and wheat prices are .cause for most 1' worry. And the price of corn and. small train crops is always of con cern to -Rand :lph county farmers. J\isr ? How these prices, are npt, by any means satisfactory, and the 'Randolph farmer is in ;ho better' shnpe than his brother cotton farmers of the counties : in the eastern pftrt of the state. However, better days are uawning f r tlx|rtdoVph farmers.- The walls , | of the new creamery arc airiiost com j pleted and when the building ii done] . it Will be equipped with most mod* tin machinery. This wil afford t-fel ; farmers, of Randolph an opportunity j to sell their surplus dairy products j at heme. It will mean a ? regular ! monthly pay envelope for hundreds of Randolph farmers -who have in the j past depended on corn- and wheat j and a little On cotton. In pre.para- ! . tion for the creamery, hundreds of j Randolph farmers have bought grfiide | j and purebred cattle. "j Another industry which promises. ' to help put ^Randolph farmers on ai ; bar^ of, financial stability is the j poultry industry. These tillers of] ..the >oil in Ranti.lph are becoming to be not too proud to "mess with chickens" and those who are gett;:i? | away from the idea that, chickens are! just something. yith: whfchi the farm < woman may spend some of her time are reaping thv benefits of their f>te? ' sight. Randolph has set out- to be oni of ; the leacrintr counties, in <Uiiry pr d- ! ;;ifc'h and poultry industry.- Tin- 'x- i tive-bonis of 'the * county- do /not 'j change -thjeir methods of '.farming' J l ovi*r nig ft, but experiment and take the change by stages. . That is what is happening in the farming industry in Randolph. Consider the Drivers Be thoughtful of. your gr : ceiv ami ? their dHvers. It would so if you wouUl place your orders' by' 4 o'clock, p. m.* so j>. u would, get ysyr goods in time and the driver could st op work before dark for their Mip-. per. I wiH appreciate this, and the ' feroctrjs, and the drivers will appre ciate it, it* y;u will try to remember. C. H. HUNTER, Sec. Members Expected, Friends Invited To Sunday Seh ol ? and preaching ' next Sabbath at Leas Chapel and I Warren's Grove, morning and after noon- respectively. We want to use three Ibooks; viz.-: Bible, softgbook and p-r-ketbook. Thanksgiving qfferinjj for Orphan- , age. please. J. W. BRADLEY. Pastor. Fine Apples Our friend, Mr. R. L. Day of M:riah brought us some very- fine apples, and he said he was like' Rov, i J. A. Beam, he cotild have brought some finer earlier in the season. Box Party Tberefc will be a box pnrty at the j Hurdle Mills School building Satur- . day night. Dec. 1 1th. for the benefit i of |be piano fund. BeMde* plenty of boxe- of delicious ?cats'" for >,iU\ { here wiH bo mu-sic and other at tractions in st-re for those who at tend. Also a number . of very * Inter esting and amusing content* v.* ill 'take place, so come with a fat purse and a keen" appetite.' . ? . , Chnrus of }>e&utiful Young Girlaj with Harlow's CiHL KRIEN-DS play in^ at Paliuio Theatre, Thursday Friday and Saturday this week. NO DAMAGE DONE BY HRE LAST H Fire Was Found To Be Pile Of Trash Back Of Califor nia Wiener Stand GOOD FIRE SERVICE Just abrut time far the fatthlu? old time piece in the tower of Fer son County's Temple of Justice- to register the lcnesome hour of mid night, Tuesday, the shrilling peal of. the fire alarm was sounded and Rox b:a*o realized that she was about to have a fire. Instant response by ocr new truck driver and city fireman proved the fire to be nothing but a pile of rubbish in the back ya^rd of the Calif; fnia Wiener stand, which had accidentally blazed up- Right here we want to take advantage, of the opportunity to urge all. business houses to keep1 a)! trash and rubbish cleaned up arid then we will help make Roxboro safe, frorri the awful ravages*. 'of - the fire demon. Progress " Progress is the sense of j^onisi 1 lion, is s;nu>thing; but: progress in i the sense of being, is a great ileal more. T : grow higher, deeper, wid i er, as the years go on; to conquer ' difficulties, :*nd acqt&ire more and [more power; to feel all one's- facul ties unfrldmg, and truth descend ing into the H>ul~^thUv makes life worth ; living." .J. V. ("LARK. Sunday Sphr.ol 10:15 A. M." R: t>. ' Wllburri, Supt. I. Preaching 11 A. M. Subject: "The ?' ord> Portion." T:80 P. M. Snb I ject: "Menc, Mere, Tekel; Upharsin.^ B. Y. P. U. 6 P. M, DemotiKtra tion propram given by the NTi>rth Roxbor" Union. " A cordial invitation :is extended : to all-. "Thine, O t, rd, is the great ne>sT and the power, and the glory ^ ;*nd the victory, and the majesty; for all that is in the heaven and in the earth :s Thine; Thine is the kingdort. O Lord, aod Thbii art exalted as head above all. 1 Chr n. 29:11. P1RST BAPTIST CHUItCK f. W.' Fr: West, Pastor. More Fine Hogs ,\Iiv N.?T. Denny, of Allenfiville rSit-.ct!plV was in town Tuesday of this I week with a load of tr.bacco and | from what he told us, he is not only I a good tobacco farmer, but I fine ltdgs as well, having killed two Nice -young pigs weighing and I ??J)8 and pips' were only cna >ear old. I. .L Day of the Surl section ray* I the only proper way to have rice hogs to kill in Ihe Fall, is to" feed | and properly tare for them ?lur:ag j the Summer months. As an evidence of his ^ood judgmetvtr-?h>ng this line j he reports an ? ,e,ight month old pig that will weigh 300 and another fast a few months older that will weigh 500, Health Seals for Christ mas Cards and Gifts When decorating your ObristBias cards or package* use Heatth Sesla. These are obtainable art all the drag stores and the Bazaar. Out of every dollar spent m pur chasing these seals seventy-five e*rrt? goes to the help of tubercular raj in this county. Will your cH not be in favor of the*e Seals? Honor Roll Beth? Hill High .School The h nor roll for tk-Tourth rr?t*e in the Bethel I1111 School is ^ follows: Ixiix <"laytotv. IWm Hall, Madeline Hull, Ophelia William Huttaphrietf.. anil John Doff JAyner. '?-? ? The (lirl Friend Trio (Harmony S'u* ers> *ilfi Sam JBartow'* UBU. . FRIENDS playing ut J'atace fliwtii ' Thur?Jay? Friday ?n<i Saturday ate. ; w?k. '

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