THK DATE? ON THE I.AKEL IS THE DATE YOl'K l'AI'ER ? W!U, BE ST0PPED J. W. NOELL. EDITOR A\'D PUBLISHER. HOME FIRST. ABROAD NEXT. VOL. No. XL! V ROXBORP. NORTH CAROLINA. WedriesdaiiEvening, March %. \W). IN ADVANCE No. 9. " Season's Worst Snovv -StxH4 in C I Raging; Roxboro Bound In ? ?round Covered With Snow From 12 to 18' inches Deep: ,\11 Traffic At StandvtiH. 'WEPjpsT IN MANY YEARS Y tMerday cvVnirtf * .juM about dark'sacw kcgan . falling .and thi nft ruing the earth is -cover cri i?> a depth cf.fjwip 12 .t?> .18 \ " incfe**..' Triple lfi tird up, fdiul v' ., for the first time this . -winter } ^ 1 the morning papers were ur ? . :iblt\ It! make i hi-ir dktrii ill i? m . ^ j The wind was very strrng a!l night, and wliilo it is net as c )M hs we have had, if i? biting, al .1 \h* mor? noticeable because of the contrast with the spring- ; like weather we have i>een hav- ^ ***'7 It is xtill snowing. with no >l indication of a 3et-up. -- Asks For Cooperation ScVjH iaJ months ago to supply a . rTsat -rteed of the High Schorl Bcvs ? ,.i?d u3L"cm-r>fcoit or tat; very necessary training, rf - wfeor games for the children and ;'jwo-Q pa cf the Town we hope that ' > 'fKjf' one will give - liberally toward ; ?iSc original co fit. We - hope that | gifts will be, in sochs^mounta I : . J bat traH compare favorably vuth'j ? Ibe Kwid this ' building hould do .1 A , IX>NG, K. AT P, CA'RY. AD)CM?.- - ? ? "'jjojr's Work Com,, Rotary -Club. . . --h?- ' :i A. T. Baker & Company Merges with Collins & Aikman.- - ? .?> i % '< ? ? : ? " ' : Mai ? ? I t Mews. dVp;it-!^cs fnaiiir ? carry -a vei.y intOi^tinR jfV" % y to - . :.U 'Ko'. bar .v ? pi?op-h? that Collin-: ,& Ji> krfrar < vimtmny of that' city and T; !>/. ' .'n^in'ny of Phikuh I r'tfia-, aivV TtoxHoro hav!'."i.ic r.2e:i 'thai? ?-u: :r.? ' V, > ' thi ? ,iiv.n(.*fl ".-flflit* r-'. 1 :?r i ni;int:rwr-:'ur'M - t . i Jsjur'a .i- . v. ? This witi*/. -TT>-* ?ibh' rty / ]rrif:\n :\ ftVoa't deal '/o/ ' ? Jer'T.V pmht. .v.'-! we am' '.om f r ?vAid- with" eonfidi-nct to Very": ; sijiyr- ;^yi?k>pii)c,ni!= lbj*V*; ?' ' ' : ; r-'-O"-? > ? Automobile Accident r fA Xcry distressing* accident _<-?yryyd on South -.Main "Street. &a>ur iay n^ght- en~ a Fcrd to ui' in'? -car . xlr\v+ ? "by I\ B. "Clark* ra up, to the- extent that fcad to ht? .removed to Watts nos and from the last report hi? ropdtion^was sotmwhsi jrrave. Ojirtc ?/ ? under bond pending., the outcome r.f MaWk' < ndition Found, A Barrell of Beer ChU f bwj .? (i to think j -' w.t? jroinj? en in the. honie j RwfCofiekT that w* . not exa 'by tn keepinj? w th ^ood. order, so. L- ri -iny ?*ncrWiHtg fen- Uarrcll of -m\ r uh^lv to mak?- f i:n f Ohrnf J Hflw vt $4* aW?v ? Jr jnn >pjrnpt^o ti> Aci he w*s fcjvor. a .hearhlSf. CHIEF OLIVER HOT AFTER IIAGRAN1S Kcxboro To Enforce The Va$? rericy Law ; Chief. Oliver Made Several Arrests ' if you .haven-'.t ? aity visible"' me cf making: a living, ? you had fec fiml one. or' move on, ? or you inight have -\a answer some -t!ti)barra*ir:c qui 'sticn-f.1 Tfeis happened^ K. Chester S-rmris and William Wbod, two colored boys, wh: didn't seem1 to be ?dbmj^ any work whatever, sp they wire ?tfiVen an opportunity to tell Mayor Bursts, but In the hearing ficUrit evidence to . convict them' ~ould not '-be hriaisi-t oUt__sa they were given the 'benefit pf the. doubt. :ext Sunday nijrht and Se rure to do our best in giving. Ur parts W.- O. QT. Miss CaiTje Clayton's, jyroup haa | harjre of program next Sunday nijrht. Introduction, Miss.- Carrie Clayton; ? Tiue Character is a Christians. Pjrivi- : lege, Miss Myrtle Riley; Character j and the under Sculptors. Chisel, Mil- ; lie Jai%o Brooks; God's Providences, j --Mr. West; 5>ervi?e. Contributes to | Character, Banna Day } Christ Dxir j G?: :d &amartian, Dr. Ileada; : The " ^rp.entor's Oomment. Miss Maud ! Montaffue; WTavt endui^ff mat^rjal : hould a o into our eh^jfecters, Mi^a ! | Rosa Thomas. ? , . / The Woman'* Club The March meeting of the Woman's Club wiH be held -at three o'clock Tuesday afternoon. -March 8th. . in .stwid, -of Moritia^y afternoon. The place of race tine: will ht the Sunday* School Toom ef'the Meth-disi Church. f'oHowinpr tbe business session ; tr.e iub will ix? addressed by Rev. <)? R. Mnnprum i" Oxford, who has been chool ru ?^itofium Monlay afternoon. Scrip I'uicT'h^son . was led by Mrs. Nannie Mr v ton. . ' World Currents in Africa/' were ?)ven. by Meyfqme* Shanib'jV-'vr, Muneh Feather ;tfnd Br X}7 C'.ay jxij ' J,eadta*s/ f different circles i ? ffVfr nfr- Wfk a ? -sod ,w?th---pr*ay?'bj' M:,s! Nichols. . h ? ? * ? . -Supt Pub^. BETHEL ML GlfiLS i BEftT ROXBORO FIVE Good Vthtetk Splrft was Shown fij Both * Teams Through out Game i. On last FrUiay. niprht at the Betht 1 k '''Gyiiv ' the 'fije'tt H ill Iiitfh .Girls up: -t the dope in basket ball when - t hey held this ; Girls Hig)ls ba'skr1 bail; team from Itoxb-r to the-, ^mali >ccre ? f two points, while the local ; girls, (.repped the ball throujjhv the f heps for t went v. three points. Tie town girls showed, plenty of : I pep but were-, unable to . halt the splendid pass work exhibited by the Hiin'assies. ^Ieadows scored . r Rcxbotc in rfpr "Chird. quarter; wtvfle billion., Brandon led as hig"h scorer for Bethel. ? G:od athletir spirit *tiawn by 4 both teams tljj-^u^hout the name. Mrs. Hill of Roxbcrb was referee. Notice To; the patrons of. the" Holeni? Hijrh Scfacjl: 7 ;Vv We, the board of trusteed of .Hele na Hi jjh Schol dociil district do notify 1 the patrons of Helena Hi^h School j ?thnt it i- necessary for us to charge i tuition for all pupils residing \out- j ?n'de of the local .tax district. ; ThU. is the first tuft? we "have; c nrjfcd tuition t: any cne, but 't is J r.ecessary from a financial . sta nd-: ( pe tit. Also for the cause of justice, to the tax. payer of the local district. Place yobr-ielf in the position of the ta* payer for ji moment, and yc'u will pay your tuition without hesitating, berause ycu want t; be- just and sec justice rule. We have mad*! the price of tuition leatonable. The six months will end -March 11, aivd the seventh ! -will begjfi - Monde y Mai'ch 14. letter wJH be mailed to eac'r patiop , :esidin*r outside the local district ex plaining the prices of tuition. J. G. OttAMBKRS, - A." f. TERJTV. F.. \V. ROGKiiS. XT ' } Sunt] ay at Mitchell' CHapel^j at 2 p. m.- Prea.'hir.p: .at' Warren' < Grcite sc.h'.oJ hou^v at.-' r- m Ser vices' at Helena. Methodist Church at 7:30. p. nr." * ? Every one- w-'clfome at all > M'wces -? P. CARY ABAM6, Poster Meeting County^Board Of Agriculture ' . ? " ? The ouSty- Uo;t r it of Agriculture 'will mttt Saturday," Mn*eh 5th, 1927 j promptly at 2:00 "p. m. All mem--1 ' lu'is pll'.ui I Hill, pl'i Iii)ltlyit . "J R. SATTEHFI KLD. ? ? - ; * The Roxboro Courier, . 1 Ro'xboro. N. C. trPIItfCTnen : - In the belief thiat it is pWper to give credit where . credit is due we. are writing: to express our appreciation of the .service your newspaper has rendered us- and of ..The Courier's efficiency as an advertising medium. The advertisoments we have run' with you have b'een invari | - ably productive Of results. ? ? . I Yoo will, we are stmv be glad to-krmw that your | I readers are staunch -supporters of the paper, j rarely fail to say "1 saw your advertisement [ Courier. , We are extending our Annual Farmers sate itn- i ' til the 12th of March owing* to its- unprecedented wuccea*. *" i L , ? . ? . * Yours very truly, . . ! ~ ' ? : tfTT/FTORN'S HAR1Ji5LAKl-; - E ? , ' ? V ' ? ?**""?*> Hire l. VI Y.-i.-y' . I I' "fiy Jus, -ft- Wifomrt-. * ? ? ? * ['? ? | \f ._ _J I )rrr Htftt(>r LVE BATE i?v Son. Ilorith i " April 8 .The nation at laricr, Republican leaders in particular, will watch. ? ith interest the reaction of scntirtae'nt following .'the <13^Rrt? beWeon Hi Nicholas Murray Puller aii the- picture, -with a challenge for debate.. "A Little Clodhopper" Was A Great Success In Every Way .. ? ' !kf- . ? ' ? It May Pay To T opdress Gram Raleigh, N. C;f March: 2. ? Small grain thai looks pale in color and' is evidently, r.ot doing so well, might well be given a dose of quickly ,a vail able nitrogen, at this time bt the year. This ccurse o'f -treatment is pre scribed by . Prof. G. B. Williams, head cf the department cf agron: my at State O-ile^e, who brieves that 100 pounds per acre of nitrate of Voda o rits equivalent. 72 pounds of sul phate of ammonia., might be broad casted on the gr?i:n with god Effect. He prescribes tMi teatment where thh grain U off in c lor and the' land if i well drained and not sour: "The efficiency of sulphate f am monia as compared- with nitrate of ] soda is about 90 per rent," says Prof. Williams... "This is proven by our field teats." When the. sulphate ami the soda are selling for about the same . price, the -"sulphate is cheaper to use* and ^qn'al}y-\is efficient as top-dres^ling. It Li a lrttle si wer fp ?-ction but 'sufficiently rapid fcr afl pnnctical> purposes." i* ? ' ' The applications of these t\to forms of nitrogen should be made uniform ly o>Ur the'* field5 about thex time' the grain 19 beginning tosehS up shoots ior the" seed heads. The exact time will depend jn the poil and. the sea sen, States Mr. William? it is best always to* be sure that the plants arc free from dew or raih so that ,the material wil ^n:t stick to \t.-o leaves ahd injure them- t?y burning. - If tlje small grain plants have. ,? healthy green color, .V is hardly ioc essary to go to "the expense of rjr chasapg the nitrate materials -"fpr tip dressing, Mr. WiUlamjs ^.tat Cake and Pie Sale Buy your cak'eal pies, -candy.... and' flowers fi;<5iri the Jjidies'of tfte K'igar Lcng Memorial Church Saturday at CarcMrra Power &' Light Co*s office, Main Street. Salij begins at 10T ?, m. ? ck?r rrrT thr fh:-;c?v Prices reasonable. as (5i ven B> The Senior B. V. P. if. Part Of' Receipts Set Aside For New Church BEST COMRI>Y~OF SEASON j - ! "A. kittle Oit-dhopper" was given ! ty the. Slgmor B..Y. PA. Xj. of the ; i First Baptist Church last .Thursday evening and ;was decidedly a success, both financially- and otherwise, rhiai J comedy-crama was probably one cf ; the m irterestrngyphiys giver. by; homo talent, each one taking parti acting as if. they "wPFc regular iHrr ! I formers. The leading role was taken ; j by Miss Sal lie Day,* who wa> r nits | chievous little lassie : from the poor house, and her acting wop. the arimira- j j all. Coy Day, aft a fresh ccun I try l^d, brought many _thriILs t the | audience, And was a close second to j f the star. Every concocted with ! thfc play acted . their parts ko well ? that we would not. attempt ta say f ?Who'carried c-ff rrv:st honors. UtBers 1 ^ ho. participated in the play were. J0brcie Hall, Miss Bivins W instead ; ? 3IisV Mable Montague, Miss. Mary ; " l^iJey, Alvin Warren, Johnny Till? ? i n?^n. vLrattf Day, Miss ? v'-.r-T nena_ New-ton, M i ss Sa)He 4fOU Wal-* j terfi, Willi's Daniel, Kdgar Masten* j Miss .Virjnhiii, Mathis; Miss Rachel : Btadsher, Miss I^ouise PulHam, Mi^ j Annie W. Winstead. Miss JeWie , Duncan? Mi- s N'cv-r Lun a ford. Miss ! Elva Wade and Miss Jan ie_AHj?ood. 'They play wax, a great- success and ? w-.tfe the actors did -U'iei'r parts well. \ it .waft plainly vvidont thai there \yas t a. se&et power behind, aftd; that pow- . ? c was Mrs. W. F. West and. Miss Ethel . Irvim who c ire Med the play 's r i froTn beginning 7 ta end. A-* lon^t a? j the servtei:* :.t' Mf?t Wen ami Miss t lrvin- had there is absjiu^ty. no exci--- for import iri? directors '7 r ' any ploy the home talent may *ant ' | to put' oriA ; ? ' ?? | When the B. Y. f'.fC, took acoour.t j of. th tr tinanc.*> it was found' they jhad Realized sorm-ihing like $150.00. and they dccided'Tlo set? a-ido a port ;i fund far the building a new i church, being the firyt contribution .h r ;,n;s rau?e Mr. Brooks Improving Mr. .i. W. Brook?, who is a patient, in Watts, hospital, is refciofted to-be imprevjnfr vwy mnoji. He is b;-jng treated for poison. Furniture For Sale If, you ar* lockinfl f?'? >omethiujr nice :n.:thf .farrtituro tiny, which ran b- bought at a ?vmg price; your i attention -}& rnHfrt to the ' a-dfyertlsf- i mont of Mr. W. ii. JVlilliir j?a another page . v ^ . Torfi Ta-rhi'vl sSy.* "ti:'"'rnnHi .-TtiTiV. I .? N hett-rr' I jus |?ptinfc, ? ; .. ? > . v- - ? ?? ? 5 - ? Or. Mangum To Lecture I'lider The Auspices Of The Art Department Of The Woman> Club TUESDAY 3?! > . i\. M. , . Roxboro p^op^c wk. appreco;~ 1 3frE>:tVg 'WWifltiflg/ of the best :n the lft?tur p. m!, in ike Sunday Schipl rocria of Th?- Edrar *I.*>hg Memorial Methodist cbar?fa The 5 : deject of the lecture for ?*e afternoon will be; "Tin* Madonna* o fthe old Musters,'* with fine codi*-* of th?w famous pictures illustrating the lecture. The art , department, of The Woman's <*lub i* .giving the pr< ^ra mfor the afternoon aiwt fimsidiiT themselves fortunate indeed in liMn able to secure I>r. Man gum, ax He i* not onl ya pleasing ;tnd able speak i;?* but has a charming and raagtwec:? personality along with it, ^ Mm/ eyenirg of Tuseday March the rtgittn it eight o'clock, he will lecture u* t graded school.. (Not the kign , sch 'oO. The subject for tile*- evening ! lecture will be, "A Trip ta the Bat tie Fields of France." Tile- lertur* is given under the auspice* "ef.-tca t Revrc-w chib o- fthe Literary depart merit at tin' Woman's Club. A s3crr | offering of 25 cents for adults sad -*?"? " nts for children will b** talu . at the door. The proceeds go'mg* tr. ? ? wardst he curtains for- the. tfcii school. I>r. Mangutn has* tntv^W-^ - - extensively In Kurope, Egypt, *>yru^ Asia-Minor, Turkey and Gr**r?. While i nPari she made rhe trip, c* I the battle fieMs cf K^ttnce, jrotar ta I^heims and Bellew wood and to- tw& of American cemeteries. 0?*- ' aisne, Aisne-Marr.r whwre tkr inspiration for the .lecture vu tor. Mrs. B. W. Parham. leader of thr choir of The Pirst Baptist Ch^rrtr. . Oxford will sing at both lectnnn. Th:?r i?y indeed a most attracsx** feature and an. addition to both c- : casions as Mrs. Parham is the ISar tunate possessor of a Wonderful voter 'A >food many of our pecple ?have aJ ready heard Mrs. - Par^tam sing -t* vouch for the fart that music lover* of our town have a rare trrat. in ?? for* them. Dr. ana Mrs. I*arham are giving their, taientai for nanie." Moi. 3:16. W. K, WEST. Putar. Mill Ends We have just received a car kwtf cf MilT .^nds and Rubber Rooaiw and this roofiirfc >s just as sroo?* v&'"~ , the regular stock, the only different being, s;mp rolls have two pieces in them. We" are cffermR tWft ffl?~ Jerial at a vtAy Jaw price. I Pt> SI. 00, 2 PJy |,i:2.V and a Vfr WIL^ORN'.S IIARITCVABE SontH Host?r>, Va. Married * The frir-iKis of Mr. John Pnjrti a?? . Xliss Lottie Hurch will be aarpriMwt . l,-.i rn -erf thiSr marris*4??< i