THlj p\TE OV THE LABEL IS.THE DATE VOI R papjsb W1LU.IJE STOPPED watch the label ON YOUR PAPER 1 AND DO NOT LET YOUB SUBSCRIPTION * EXPIRE ' J. W..NOELL. EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. ; HOME FIRST. ABROAD hjEXT. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE VOL. No. XLIV ROXBORQjJMORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening, March 16, 1927. No. I I. Many New State? Wide Laws Made By General Assembly ? um miss ion Named To Make 4 Survey. ? Two Constitutional Amendments IM ??posfd; Emergency Judge; Highway; j Child Labor Outstanding. 1 .2 IS ACTS PASSED LAWS Lead School vpMaUxMlcn Xun/'. incrc^s ! to : 1 ? ~ Ernerjre.n?y jucljrship 'act. Vu t ho i;i Ziition of $:|O,J{K>O0O() vfor - :chw.Vv> ar t jnvirjar. state highway ; .mmksion fowri to iout<- roads. ' < " H i Id labor law. limiting \v;rk of . ?iQiheri between. ages of 14 and 10 ? ?'. j cHght hours a day. Chariginir datc"fi>r- issuing aUt?? Tobitc license to January 1, iftaif'-wide game law. Creati<7n of commission to sfcudy ixatlon. Submitting '? Con*titu ? lection i providing f-r clarification f property and fix in g lower t :ix in. ^ tangible*. % t^SFftiiriissfrin creaunt to- rrgukrte .?n*ratiOn of vehicles. Authorizing bridgv 'ovim; Cape X far Kiver at Wilmington to fcfrtt \ ? Authorizing appropriation f :r ". tnd$ to be embraced by Smoky . Jcuntain noti-ml park, Measure >peehare in '?iiU- cquifizatioh fund. JletorVn Tr ?y? tenia of ' county j^ov nmrnt Raiicijrh, March r2.?-A totiil cf ?; '.2QS bills ani 43 resolutions were nacted Vnio law by -the past general ^4 of 1 ,~4H laws ? iompar<;d to 1,-43 laws in >f the many taws passed; about 100 -vp of, /vtfdl interest to the state, ?dth piasibly another 5.0 :1p some . *ay applicable to the entire state ? a|r of such h technical nature; us .at to. warrant doseriptton. here. The tmerjrenvy Judge tret; the $30, ?0,000 rbad b:nd law. and the ao ... ynrrpanying -measure g-iving. the ijjhvray ' commission the power to otite highways. the enactment c;itt '%% dfrwn the hoars during; which; ? -hiVcter lu*t,vo ;o:.V:i the change .vl. .automobile ct-nsc- date. t<> .January I. the. A tat'' ? -. ':-diR. ira'twe bill and the;.iirn ky Aloun .i;u j ark measure stand pui real .?regressive laws. Tit- cbiii mission > Study tu'\at'ut:i will ?\vobabl.v .do crl< of. nV(?rji' value to the state, thaii : rny' othei: . bti- o! men set "t;? \vcik ?'ii.auh ^er.\.tcpi fat ?* a .new ,ll?\v* 'tiring ' t'ftfs ^^islature iust -pa (ile ? thi pit-sage . f a- law" saltid-g P. ~~~ ? ;??: ? ! fill. ? ? ? ? v^tom. ,-uM^by . the - p^wiiii* ?at- ? t h< " ' ? /i/"' ' ? I. thft. t^irht - ' at-'. a Kwer i;aUV' t ?"! repcrty. .\y}J ign :do\vh as; another fi? stop :tiou ai\ls : ia a I pi ogre'.- 9 in ;:/\e e"o'njt>ni':c . 'admir.ji.tratU.ii' .of." : ?; e? .1 overnment ? of ? this stat.* an.j |>Me ' tiixftt? h. . \v!',v! t' , it ? "?v i 1 1 be, ihe .>a.K. burfjensbin'iH : ? Xj^n- e Da Ur~ ( Gauged. The iiUtM>j^c"}jire. I i cense dat*v ^\va.? ".handed \ry thv cr m ' f A I asscnvbly ? om June :J0 ?, December .'II . with f.ei* of* !2/> cents added to. the. Grningium. Those half Vear ing* , vi> c*cst exactly half ~tfu> u^ual cost ertfm^ er. 1927. -?* ? .Tiul liglit^, n>?nt? be chrritjd on all ? >rayfln?- and .-oth^r ? vahlclm on all .tage highways of the stat*\ The .state is authorized t b.-ue r :i0.000,000 worth of highway" b.mds .r a continuation of the road Inii-d !1K program and part of this money '%? to- be u?ed' to ptiv back curtain , o^atl^s, where the program was .omJ)l??U:d with Ihe cbaaty's own vv> #'and^. A bridge will H>e btTtH^ -ovr*1- nhe v.:&po Fear fiver at WiVmmgt:h at cost of $1,250,06^. To)Ih will be barged and it is believed that these oils . will4 pay for- the b.ord- u"d ii^terpst in iers than tO^"nrv 'The ligh way- com in is ;r Ion* will ccllect "/he : -Ih ? rnt# -tale .. j;. nuxdi-Jt' wjpg t'lt-flir trr ;h> - fOUnTv; ? I 'X , ? V. ' . ? *rr I. ? ;\l.[lliiiT ?.? oi.i r vices . wei v held from the Baptist LCliureh,- wjtn his-past r. Rev. \V. F-. West ccnductitvg the services. His Vody was laid to rest' in Btfrchwood .''t mrtilrj.' M ,nr;ay A f tern c on. . t Mr* Yancey had been a- residcrt of | Ro:4boio icr -?iVioiit". &">' $"Var,v and i was vyell knbwYi to all. He joined: | himself, .to."' the Fifit Baptist Church soon after m vilip 'to Rnxboro, and. Was, a consistent and faithful mem ber all through the years He was a member of the b ard of Deacons for -about 2) years- Brides his wife he leaves three daughters. Airs. K. M. Spencer. Mbses Julia and Roxarna, and one son, Mr., John Yancey, all of Ro.vfcaro. ? ~ "A Little Clodhopper" In a letter to Dr, H. M. Beam! J Director cf the General B. Y. P. U. at Rcxhcro, Mr. W. C. Kendrick, 1 leader pf ' the Intermediate B.. Y. P. U., Mebene. has the following. to say ah'ut "A Litifle Clodhopper" as presented by ~^our B. Y. P- IT. tost Friday evejvirg. "1 want to tel> and your B. Y. P.. U- that tVo play given lure way. as &ood as most professional player.-- would have put on. Each one played his pait . wolf and s mebody lis due the credit for gettiilg it -up [und those young rteorle. I am sure you feel -pptfud of them, for they "have made a R"OCd impression here and am sure t'hey' will do the same where ever tne'y g<>." The Senior B. V, P.'U. will pre-cnt it, "A kittle .Cnodhojipei^' Saturday ' evening, March 20th, 192? . in the1 :4chool auddtoi'ium at Jtflong. ^ , | large attendance is. expected , and the play will J>c better. 'Jjlrs. C^afrie Bradsher and Mr. D. R. (Jake) Tay 1 r will render solos. Remember the date and dont forget that "A Little ft'aj.. Of c.tiu'sc the no'pie in this- stc ?? t m.'i; w ordered what ' had* v jiie ovf r j'urpm, lor they thought it must". bo im, as. hf. ha^-bietl <>ne of t.he .most .p:;j.giTtVnrt?$ -"n our ? immunity while iryifcl here. Bat ii iv'iic otn .-Coutiiy. Ma?< Vhose ^iyen -4*tti\ic ;,fr j ?nif.? \ uri-'in, ' buV, one " J: tin . lluyho ?rf (ireeiisbcr ? . Mr. Turpin R u^Ln'-s 'ji-mi-'his-. wift> were in- Rax >vhipr. the difficulty happened, ;.n'fi he wants all i f his old friends know it Wan another 'TV Hughes. "Honor Wins" The Helena Hit?}". School piipils . wil! present "lienor .Wins/' a three1 ' act comedy. Friday everting March M,_ :it 7 :30 _i>'cWk, ffhe ?evening \^\ i 1 1 be tilled with -entertainment, and ! laughter. A number of snappy choruse> uill- he given by the Jtigh 1 -.oho l hoys *ahd '?U*ls< There wllL b? one chcruK of mixed voices. The ; frutth and fifth grade pupils vri 11 to ? the ? relight '"of * the ? scrap ion. Admission 15 and $5 cents, Masonic Notice There will he a regular meeting ' of Roxboro Ijc j'i < ? ?- - ? " . ? a ? ' ? ' ? ? r- ? ! KOKSVXHE TRIAL IS j SCHEDULED FOR TODAY i-1 t | I | Smjthfield. Miucl^ 15-t? This " j lit Me eastern Carolina ?* low n f j will be the scene tppior.row of; j - one#o& the state's big murder j ' trials, yet Unsolved* and still a j I mystery to ;r larije extent. j I Evelyn Britt, pretty Durhinr ; | %ir\ Robert Sopark and Hob- ? 1 j ert Stephenson. Raleigh men, I i charged. With -killing- l<. G. I j ?? ".Mighty" Fiftsythe last Xov- | ' eniher, will go on trial. In- | \ ? tor est .'here in the ease -today j i mount ed h j gfcer and ? rr-p.icked, a ; j ecKirtrcom is expected. ' j Governor Appoints Two Special Judges Raleigh, March 11.'? N. A. Town* send, of Dunn, and Clayton Moore, Cf Williamston have beer, appointed the two 'special Superior Court judg es, from the east, it was announced no: m ? -rT-ht*y will take office on May 1 and Serve until June !30, 1920. The past Genpral Assembly au-t thrrizeti the governor 1q appoint four special , Superior Court judges, two f rem the east and two from the we?t, tvho are to devote their -who'e tiipe t: the work. ?" ? Store Robbed Some time. during the -night Fri day, robbers forced an entrante In to the store; of Mr. "W. .C. Allen,. of ittie Pusji seefcsHi. through a window and carried off. more than one hun dred ? dollars worth of merchandise. As we have .-ita ted before , there ..i?, t?o much. of this kicd of business ! gciiig on in* this good County and it ' f as become a puzzling propose* tich as tt just how it is . goin<2^ to be broken up. The County finances are not sufficient to afford, ritual, police pro U'.ctitn and about the . on ly way we know ot Co suggest at the. pTesent is; for every man who is * operating a store in a rural section tp place a fced in the..sT:re and buy a first class shot gun and sle^p with it in easy reach and when you hear a man breaking into your place of business for the pUippse of robbery, give him a little, (ipse '? s o mfeth iii g.*i hivt "? il Ua?t tr^^rT to get he r pleasant as eating ice cream and peftchea,-... .-'/V . First Baptist . Church .Sunday Schol TO a. m.. R. Li,; buVh, Supt. ?? 'Preach in'fr. li a.. m. Subject: "The Paraclete Of Our Faith." 7:30 p. ni. Subj? 4>. r.i.. P>; Ji. "XL; Bcajii, diroc-t': c. ... j ' "Tm-. < ;.i\- >vr;t . n. ' that -ye ? lpipfrt j J" : icj ? ' at Jf iiv-- i ? .'hi' Ch : ist. the I Sbh: of ? Goi; v!tv; that believing- ye i iiiisrhf have life through H i> nhnte-'lj .J no, . r A'^r^vTTial welcome i.- extended ? ail. ????:.* ? _ . W. F. WBST. Pastor. 1 Baraca's Entertain Philatheas ? T4jc Baraca class of the Bap tist Church entertained the Philati^r class yesterday afternoon at a Bruns wick stew at Happy Oak^t the coun try home ot' Mr. E. V*. Boatwright. ! There were about 80- guests and a most enjoyable time was spent at j this Uyely country home. , j . TkurieiT~"jrmi j it*- appreciation for hi? valuable ?*. ) vicL*H?i^hich he rendered. V ;i 1 v?? -w+*h*d to Jji pnk the " hr m of ( 1 rck and Woody for the us- of the furniture which they #o kindly i ? granted fheni.? > : ? r? ? i <^_DANIFL; SecT; See Corinne'GriflUn'.s latest achieve nrrt I UK I.Am IN Kl:.\llNK' -,i j 4 Pfciace Theatre. ami Tues. 1 i.l .iv 1 hp a w Jackets" play* d the best ^anu l ad - ever witnessed on tho B. the! ^ouvfT Bailey }od ill the scoring for Beth o 1, making 1 8' points rviftjilc A .'"Wnlk vr and K Wilburn : :hret? years- is prv:'ud. f r.--'r;h:o* _ played ' during the T020-27 >c-!u-rlulo. Four-' ti'en traijies ave bcor plavrd ' and only one . lo> t. Bethel Hill ' i.a fVOred a total, of -127 points .'while op ponents have scored i Points. "Professor Pepp" "ProfessSr Pepp" is a farce i;om- . Hy with a colloRf flavor, . K.'t'ry person who iovc.i. fun afcd u-ho will' like an evening of delightful -en1 Jcrtainmint must" 'rf thfx play lvhen it is. presented to the public of1 R x boro. A .well, selected cast or fir-" tens who know how to interpret their character parts into rear pp. - pie .will make this .-.ow a success, ' iL-SOll be too (rood to miss; so lo;k , fo; moife . detailed announcements j and Ihe rvart date nf thi? shn.v ir. l noxt week's Courier. . . Teacher* Institute A teachers -institute, conducted by MtVKerr, w?!l be held at the Presby terian Church "here freglHnln^ ."'un- ? 4ay evening at >7:30 o'clock. Ses- ; i'T- will be h eld each ??veping* thru : the W4?ek at 7:30. ' 'All are invited to meetings. '{ Township S. S. Institute There will be held n Tmvr hrp Sunday School Institute at Clements ? Baptist .Church pat .Sunday nr. ?Mai.-h --'Tnr. irr-^Stn U. m "The* i?ih, lie- Is. cordially invited' fif nttend this : HARNETT COW MAN IS TRAPPED IN DEEfMNELl F n^Liquay Springs. , March 15.-^ ilefl \sh worth tonight was su? penfled tw< -thirds of (jie wey d-own a 70 . foot ' well, .ten mile'4 wc*t 'of berfei the rock sides 6f. which hud caved in on him. Nei; ? 'bors Were working to effect his rescue. ? Ashworth had started to the. .icttom cc\ircd. W-oi.k; was at < nee Commenced removing heavy stones and ex cavating to prevent th<> cavinu. in of earth around the rock '. curb. ? .Ashworth was still .alive ai ti oclock taking with the men trying to effect his' rescue. The well is located in HaraeU county. Pretty. Home Wedding - ? ? Occurs At Danville Danville, Y:\.. March 12. ? Miss Alice .Pendleton Boatwright, da^igh 1er of Mi-: and Mr-. H- I... Hi it? wr;ght, wax married at. .Her honic at 0 o'clock this evening, to Walter Harold .Williamson. i:rm.erly. of. >fx>i th Carolina but now . of York city. The wedding while i m-, pie was largely attended wit Ha number of di>tintryiVned ?Ytt\*ts .',;>?'e for the. event. Miss BoatwriglU was giy&n in mart i age . by her .father. Rev. James M. $heiburne. pastor: of the First Baptist church^ officiating. "Miss Maricn Boatwright, sister of the bride, wa* the maid h.oncr ^.pd Mis. Robkrt Sanfc9d, of Evan? ton, 111., a .sister of the Grille, was rHe dame of iciior, serving with Mrs. Henry Page, of Aberdeen, N. Claude Tu*on, of Carthage, was the best man ' ajid Bobbie Boatwripht, , nephew of the bride, and a grand son pi" Senator Carter .'Glass, 'was tho ring hearer. * Mr. Williamsron formerly, lived at* K'ajthrage afrd is a- graduate of the University cf North Carolina, being . identified with the Chase National biink in N'ew York, Miss Boat wrig-ht was. educated in Panvil'.e, N'ew York and Parks. They wiJl I've Lat 'Kew'; ; siste? of) ouv townsman^ Mr, K. Y. IJontwHght, jr.;/ Jihcj is well known. hete. Vavin'p. beeu a frequent visitor 'in hi>, ?"?me 1-^-Ed:) ^'V '. .v" ?' ?- ' Mission Rally The . General, fioitrd cf ? the Bnp t in St uT ? C n\:.(>:vUon. of \vhirh " Dr. rharl'e? K. Aladry. "Kni.ifi-. jrene^il. Seyr?t,Ht>% uniting on !' v .it; ?v*'^?m'injiriio?!aV..:-'j-.roeisim -aii-i." of warming th'^ir Jiearts. for 'm ? : > - sacrificial .-serwiee lop the- SaviogY. . The rally whieh the people C* this section will be rnosl v.ituUy in terested will .be Vke one t" be held In the. Roxbeid First Baptist* Chut ch Thursday, .\tareh 'J 4 fronv lOtfKv to ; 3 p. m. J)r. Samuel H Teni pieman, pa - - tfcr of t-ve First Baptist- Church .M Klizabeth City,- who has led tbis church in a marvellous fot'wnTd movement, will he one of fhe. pfincl pai sipcUke^s at this meeting* Other speakers frcm Baptist Headquar ters at Raleigh will be present. All the pastors and representative men and women fron) each ef the Baptist, (-'.hnrehej of tHs sect inn are _LXp??".. ? /? Co. Teacher# Meeting ?A Gounty Teacher's Meeeting t'er tttt ? "f '.hi .elite U'Uvtirr* 'A ill ? hr held in tfce graded achool building ?; Saturday, Mjfrrh 19,' at ten o'clock. All teachers are urged to attend. B " I S ATT ERF 1 Eil.l ) . Services At St. Mark's IteV. 11. DeC. Maz?vek \yill hokl ^-ervifes Sunday, March 'JOth. in Si-. Mark's. Ky>ise>pal Churwh. at 1J ? iv .^.'g 7'."V> m. IV" u ;ii glad W bava-alV those thaEr can. came and worsjup with us.. . JSllGH INTEREST BEING shown mmm I'tTHon County Farmers Awake fiing To Fact Land Must Re Ttrraced TWENTY MEN NEEDED ? ijpTifif'erable- ?. interest; .is beihg"* manifested at the field meeting* in the different forms where terracing ? Cerrt^atrati vbV. a re being sehedu"'^? ? i. p (i Iready orders for Boatrnm.Fttrrr !i vols, -have-; been . placed. Thostf a1>. , t nding the>e meetings are not rn- , , mindful of the fact. .ths\t their soils :ir * Ai . away from t'em. and are amending thev- meetings f:r thrt purpose of learning how to terras* their lands to keep the creeks and ' rivers runn.yig red with the. blood of their washed Away land. There will he several of these: terraces* ' scat tered over the county arid more will' he made ax" soon hsjOPP- rtunitjr ^te> ' fefcnt* itself, vy* neearot Fw than twenty- men with instruments in th.r bounty to take care of the need f >? jt^ is work and in a short . time ther*1; [ wiO be several * meH sufficiently traw . od 10 ' ' their lands and their neighbors. The broad-base graced ? ridge u'r iacer generally known as the Mar uum terrace *is the. best type for AVernse.iftOiU or land with mcdernte ;* ? -sj.opts \ not ? exceeding ' " 1 5 feet, to th huiVcrvd). -trW terrace is. ? a broad bank of earth behind -which the water, flows with :i gently fall and low veHcity to . some, suitable oat I let. Kaoh field' has its own peculiar problem, but the following impor I tii iit* ? feature-' should rec? iye artet: tion whenever this terrace is to-.W ! Uus. ' . ' ? ' ' F.u= *: ? Bible Hfhdiiijt, Neva I.unsford. i.udcr> 4ntn ilai t. I . Niiiry \Voody. Sword By Thomas' feowla. .A'bra^hr On the MoK By Vltjrinia Miltb!: . Abraham's Call, fey Edwin Fou j -rher-. ?' - *' . '?*/? Abraham's; St.n, fiv .Mai' Id ? tee PeVkir,^. . ? A'S'-aaiah.'s 'cakh In' d:\s- Premise, Hy* Talme.Rc LinLr. Song,- TW. Ejpnd of th^ ltnad. Prayei . By president. . Very Attractive One f the most attractive s nit inviting ()huo- here l 'j\v is the new \ ife laon 'X opened by the nyxnajCW 8 * of t'hi Royal Cufft on ? Miiln.^Street, r.oxt dcor Vn the Pi>si tff'icc'. . The R yal Cafo ha? been run on Depot ? Street for a number of". years, and -h"ave t f joyi| !tn onusua} btisme?*, - hut to more thorough ace mniodato ; their . eustomers and. be .more eon venier\t to the traveling public, they will nuve to' the new quarter* above / mentiorcd. The Rcyal Hotel wdi r run a.s a rooming Hotel, with . , rrieals served at the Royal Cafe on 1 -SySn. ' ''? '' '? '? Olive Hill Parent- __ . Teacher Association I he Pari-ni-TeacnM? Association of Olive Hill ipiM-meet at the school -Thursday afterftoon, March 17th, at J:30 p. m. Rev. W. F, West partor t Hoxbjao Baptist, Church, will be* ther '.principal weaker ..xil the .aft^r ^ . aaon. A full attendance is iteaired. r-~ O I r^? It :is alright u laugh igtst if the ~lauyh IflftU. . . ? ?' 7., ' J ( - nw (;i itfith' in "THK t-Al>V IN M ;*t- I'alitee Theatre- Man v? 1 Tue*4ay next- week*