I i ?'i i THE DATE OX THE LABEL IS THE DATE VOl I! I'APKR ^ WILL HEJSTOPPED WATCH tue label' OX VOI R PAPER a so no xot LET VOI R siascimnox EXPIRE J. W. NOELL. EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. HOME FIRST. ABROAD NEXT. $1-50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE VOL.~No. XL1V- - ROXBORO,' NORTH CAROLINA. Wednesday. Evening. May 11.1927. No. 19. "The Scarlet Letter" One of Seasons Best At The Height h Of Ms Popularity It Comes To Ycu With Thrills MON. Tl FK MAY I6-17TH .. " Thf* picture o| years is here, .nQw_; Tii<v Scarlet Letter;" from Nath&niel : ; Hawthornr's classic the most famous ; i American .lore stories? 3s . nriques vonabiy ffte most dramatic p^rtr?yai i Lillian pish has ever given the scrceri 'i- -? T:u- public that has been hungry for ' Jf' ? Lillian Gi$h notional triumph' ,11 How see her in a role jhat < ?'..rills, to the .soli I- Its beau- y. . ' ndcryc'ss. pathos, charm. as re- ? -ards. it? thousands of' players . and _ . ;nssive tnounthig?riiOlt bh?gest 1n its-Z 'Wt r to -rip and artirt:'.e with Scenes ? 'r.d .Dramatic moments that v/ill UVe . ri {he records of motion picture ? .mils "The Scarlct Lrtter" is on? Ol <hir years true . masterpieces' of the ? . ree.n. Direct- from its $2.00.- -Broad-' ? iiy showing to you. Palace The re. lon.dav .'and : Tue*< lav rvlav 16? 17th. ^ Rectal Matinee Mondar--~3:0?) P.~-frfr Jv^rpi)? Performances 7. 30-? 9:1;* p. Commencement Roxboro H. S. . TVeic&n rrtefacemeiit address for the Roxboro Hich School .-will b". -deliv^ ????I" - MusMa; h ^nv :t0 1927 Dr. iitrr Woodburn ' Chase "Presi-. . nt of . the.' tjniyersity ? of. 'JfOEth < nr^linfi. , . The? latest r- -volume . ot-. ? ?-wivv.s Who . in.', America'" jjives...t he '* ? facrs-uboU Dr. Chase: , . H i i'rv Wbr b i i rrt Chase . etfuc 1 1 or : i n .Qroyelttivd Ni .tv-.. Apr. j.1, liSMM; n Charles M?rrili and' Acmes . ; Wdodburn* Chase: a'.- .B.; battmotfth 004. A- M.. 1908: P1Y. P . Clark Ufii - ?-'? .1910' lil. D4 Lenoir Co! lyre . :id Wake Forest College-. 1920. LL. . ? . University ot Georgia. 1921. Dtrt outt>; 1925; married ; Lucetta . Orum ? . ? Lp^ansporu Tnd.. Dec 2?i.\ 1910: daughter. Fl. afceth Woodburn. ?Director', cilnic for -nb-normal . chil tVflU. ; Qbirk Uuivei .1^909? 10; . pro- ; ? ?.s*pr 1/RillosWphy ' educftltOh; 1 010 : l-T-t ^pr.fessor philosophv. of . ettufia ?;-n. 1910-rM processor . psychology, j . . fit 4--19, acting _ cteati College of Lib-'. ? r.\) Arts. Oct 1913 .t 0 Jan. .1919. .?jalrmanof , faculty. Jan.. T9i9~TO one 1919. arid * pn^ldont >ince Jimp >19 Uni.versitv of North -V Carolina, fetnbe* ?. American ?5#ehdlogy ' ?Asso--(J ?U i km Southern 'Socjety for Phjioy#^" hv and. Psychology ?secretaiT" 1917 . ?V; Notional A. ^ociatioiv: 55tote Uni '?sitivs ? 't secret ary. treasurer .t'mce ? 292 Zh Society Colic ;e . T^a'c-h^s ? Qt \ Tciucation. Contribiitor to ' psychiloi^r $ . al'-and cduc liivn 1 ; >urr.rJs. . Home . 'C hapel" Hill. M* C. ? A y eat or t.w6 aao the- Uiiiversii^ ot [report made u t v rohs ;bld. for- D*' ! hise:; bnt the aliiDMii aiid fnlelid^ ' / ? ? in:- ? ' : v a C i- ? ? ? u -m i'a;i that -lie Tiur ?:er-:ided to i:0? ;.in ?U*rc- Voi:. canndt aflorcl -to ['rv. tiir n'pptarriinitV ,'of bearhi . >o j' >th1. .iiislietl - sptak. 'i* os l~)r, .0 1 1 ?iWj. -j ... A-.. (>. fe'PALVKV. s.upt. 1 Bethel Hill Commencement " .Thi.1 .EJcn>?-nu?'iV* Orttdrv- v.iil hriy- ? * fir. IT ' r ?.* ? " 30V- We a'f i'h ? iitoie SO r>v becativ" th? jn .. wilL" t.tj;, v6 hours' to carry out. ? Th* High- -.School' ? Vb>\x jcfey" tf*v: . .'rtteek wUr take ThescTa*/ Ki",bt . ?lay ' 17. ai cfcifc? y^pioclc I'rcA/v *or r.. W. Jloshw t ? "'vi'.t deliver act ress. Professor.: RrVshart* the nolr of- Vocational (Stiidancv at ?lit' GolJet?\ :?r.d rOyi.y I ) well reromFnoridccl: 'Chore v ill be terj ...rartuauvs . this ?ar, Harold Bui ley. Lillian , Brandon ... Gracc Perkins. Annie Laurfo. Uoyncr. ~ .rrry Melton. Elmo Jonos. Ida Whitt r*n nm C-->-v<W WHHf Mae Whilt. ? nd Mary Wrenn. Amont? the SicU _ Mv. I'. B. Polishes, v. lio hu bf^-n m . -hospital vn Riehmonci tor : ^veral ? i h.v?, ha* r^tnrnfrt horn? antf n dr;* nicely - Rev. >V... F West, who underwent ? a operation on; ..his knee. still at t Luke's Hospital Very rneniira-''-: '?? -v*' report was' received from "fiini ??rd.iv. mid 1. t ? ? be. ablj '.td -aetmtv homo f '.ir.P' r >' f C'vaV ??> < ;t%u; . : y \'/.i j. - . . L'lived about, j?42.000.jt\ spofc^ash tot heir h<?? ? feedtrif ' i>X*t*T}6r+ ' IbU >ruK" I MISS SALLIE DAY WINS IN BEAUTY CONTEST Almost Reached The Goal The president, of the Red Cross] Chapter informed lis this morning that- the contribution to the flood sufferers-had reached $350.00. The , ,quoto for Rdxboro was $450.00 and she says that Jhi-. amtapnl >hould. and will. InFFer opinion, be reached. .If -you" have made no contribution to Jhis worthy. cause. putfcit off no long er. but- ??cnc1 it to the Red. Cross Chapter, and ii you have contributed, it might not be amiss lor you . toi make another without hurt, to- ttr , l>ocket-book or . conscience. Important Notice The W; .M U. of Beulah At^ociation will h ive its annual association meet i in? ^ith Mill Creek _Baptfst Church.. ' Person Coidity. Juiie 2.-fr0m 10:1515 3:30 o'clock. " ' We do prayerfully ur?'? every Bap-_ ? tist woman to be present. Each -woman has Her part. The great work ?for? mir: Master her* in" -Beiriah b.> incomplete until we . have the prayerful co-operation of every wo man- m cvery church, . The program for this meeting will ??blished *in -next weok,> Coir. u>r. In advance we wish to. express to The Roxb->ro Courier ouf most si'n tere. add heartfelt thanks . for. ifs y'reat help-, aiuf: -support ' iiv alt Wo- . uinn'4 Avon:.; Ma.*,; this: be our wnU.Vfr prayer: ; ? Obl'enci us .'Lend; from every ill. Stuyr. '."then our hearts .to do^Thy will: In all we plHii an;l all we do. ? fSfill keefp us to Thy.' service true. di\ let -us:. hear t lie inspiring word '" WhirLi they oi ol^ . at. Iloreb .heard.. Breathe'/ to- our. hearhC the. hi^b com- ' . ? r^and. Go onward arid iwse*- tlwhnd! !l'!i who ' art Light .? shine. on t-aeh. soul!' . ? Thou, who are Truth, . each mine? ' conu-qi! ? . .; ?}. . | .Orr-rt ? cilT eves and . mak-e tls . see The path" which" !oa*cls1b HeavTpTnid Thee. '.?? ?? ?'Mrs... .D. W Bradsher.. 'Supi. ? Poultry Play At Olive Hill "~High School A fee tint; Of Poultry men To lie Held Friday Nfaht ' Thirteenth I ?^fhere Wfll ;be , Riven at Olive Hill Kish School a ioi'ir act comical pouU try; play c-nUlTvd ^-The'. Lay - Of , A Hen" The play is educational. instructive,' :nivl annisins and ? eoiit&ins a wealt h ' .-?:6cd -so'tvid jniorjnation await, I'ioctfUry,' " ' ? . "... '? "i*i ?* ? ()tav La. j ; "it o;j ? ijy :ho . j. nl (he* inmna > JvTill.;. Lour?-. TylO:'. vilh, Mr."' J." fry " Juhfltat*. pbaltry- socialist.: hi rhar?Je: -.of - he*; woi U, The play. deals j v;h j lKr amusing liven tUrcA of Lf lt. ] M. 'jJiiMSei!. a r?rlr>s -pQultryman 'net j ' . i r* ? Ba^kfett- a imccessful \pvultr v- \ Mrs, Lett M. . FUiSHell ':s also; r.iivrc h'.jntr. t;vd vimuV.ivc .rhifrac-t Tib iivm of Serjeant ^ C) ivton. bl ; lloxboro were . instrumental in ai; - ?? ninu fhiS; play for the^-Qliw \ ! j ' . ly.mmity and Pmo'n County-.' .*her .the play there will .'fie aT7^'?<i eril discussion b( problems of jiwl-.j .t .ram- Names vltl.'be put in a pox I arid by drawing i dry mash ' hoypc r . v U1 ]fio giv*n. : The play will stare at 8 o'ciock ! Friday night. May 13 Admission j free. The public is ' cordially invito d \ trt '-oine and brtsrt^-. the family and i s?> nd an evening of entertainment ! V' Kd~ instruction. Remember FItEF , ft'dt mssion.' Services At - - Baptist Church . ilcisuiar :.ervlcfs Jkt ITU.1 lr'irst ijnp- I !iv. Church Sunday. In the ?bs"nw I o-fUxvPaktnr. R?V W.. F. Weil ttf*. | J. C. Canip* will rttl- the troth I morninK :ind evephtt;- The public "Sunshine" . -. ' " . V ,.'l ? - ' ' jSftve ywi t. ever1 sg$n "Sunshine- lit; ni'.'ht? If nori. why not come to the ?Senior play Friday -night May 27. Miss Day Wins With Larcre Majority --From Field Of Twelve Candidates TOTAL VOTES CAST T11C> AS ,a~, result of fhe. voting whiGh.has been condacfed lor the past week Sallie Day lias won the honor of representing Roxboro in the Dur ham Exposition Beauty. Contest. This contest wHl form ? a bij? and in teresting part of the 'big exposition and trade week festivities which open in Durham, next Monday. Miss Day has always bffcn very popular ainfcnv her numerous friends in this section, and is noted fot her vtvaciousness and pharm of. -manner. She Is. a most attractive young lad>\ and her selection as "Miss RoXboro" ? meats uith general . approval. Voting: to select the ydtiru lady best qualified to take the . part of " ''Sllss Roxboro" attracted wide in-: terest and an unusually large hum ber of votes were cast. About one xlo/en candidates were proposed . . and each received substantial suphoort. The total number of voti?s cast. jvaa -I JJJ3. of which Miss pay received 'The result of the election has already been certified to . the Expo sition ' ' management : Miss Ro?;ix>ro will probably be Qcv-tmpanied ta_ Diir=_ ham by Mayor R. P. Burns on May 16th. Entries for th? . contest have already been named from BurliHg t tin.- . Mebaiie. Pittsboro and -Durham; while announcement; are e\p . ? env time from Oxford. Ili.llsb^ro Chapel Hill. Sariford. Graham < and ycssibly others. Miss Day. along with tlie other entries, will, take part slso 11 the- fashioh. revues each evening. . x?r -0; " ? ' " County-Wide Revival Committers arr pusy Gettifrg fyvcry thing In Shape F.or a Great Meeting The following schedule has been agreed on for the County -Wide re vival: / ' ' ? ? " . Cottage prayer meetings- . Xyill be held jtbrbughbut five County and in TJo\Tfjro during the week o.f. May -2. This .committee met Mondav nijht and had a large representation of , H\e' XIirtisteis and iaymexj ind ?vvrv on* was enthusiastic oyer, the no? sibilities ; of this great meeting. On. Sunday; May 29th. ilie of Roxboro a^U hold their regular ?service-' at the morning hour, and *he everi/ng; .service '? 'will be helxl in tjtie Pioneer warehouse, conductec! o one o? the local Pastors. DUiip*; 'the ; week following services- will . be held' in. the evening at 8 o'clock. in the warehouse, , conducted by a local pastor. ? pet Sunday. June 5th, Dr. O. R. Mangum. of Oxford- will' be present and -will do. the preaching. Sen ".v will be conducted twice daily. The morning hour to be announced later,, and at ?: o '-clock in the evening. Hey. D. D. Holt Of Purham vvil have charge of the . singing and will be r.jvse-nt during the- week of May; 29#* and. throughout the meeting. Missionary Society .? Th?\ Mo.rv ?' Hambrick1 . Missionar y ?Socjctv .its regular . monthly busine ss .meeting in the Sunday i School Auditorium Monday att?er no on. .. ? : . ' ? , Mrs. Clyde C rowel 1 led the devo tional exercises, after which Mrs. Nannie ? Mo.fioii led .in prayer. Mrs Richmond gave an- .interesting reading ' Eyes , on China? FlcpovT^ of 'Jje" cfrcles~wece siv^n 'by the leaders afteo which the meet iiicr closed with a prayer" by Mrs. Shambut^er. ? Supt. Pub. Presbyterian Church Sunday School at 0:45. H. L. Cro v.ell. 'Suat. Morning service at *;t a? i:t . . ermon bv the Pastor. ' Sunday School ? at Mitchell Chn pcV at 2 p. m. Services at Warren Grove school ar -i. p. Jil- "* ? nhrtrhflH ^npio flf RoxborP . are asked to' pray for the folks of the flooded district. Friends, this ts. the wo'c^t t.hiiKZ thrt m :the U. S\ since the war. .Give libera ? :iy-io this ihrou#ii the Red .Cra*jC I P. CARY ADAMS. Pastor -Birth Mr. and Mrs. A. C,Y- OentiY an indn I'.Trwx" 4 Boirn. to Mr. nnd Mrs R. D Jl?rd-; mitn." a fliiiiSWw'. cm SatuWav ruirn lltg. 7Ufc-; ? " _ ' Old Veterans Honored Here By Daughters Fourteen Old Yets Attend An* nual Re- Union. Only About 22 Now On Roll ADDftESS BY Will. UMSTEAt) On last Saturday tlW Old Veterans of- Camp Jones held their annual re union. '.v iih fourteen answering to the roll call Since their last meet ?inj? six have responded to the , last roll call on this earth, and we trust passed to that land where jsorrow and troubles are, no more. If we are not | mistaken there are now only twrjnt v - t\Vo living Veterans of Camp .tones. ! After attending- to their business affairs .the Veterans gathered in the ^rtfded .school auditorium and list ened in a splendid address delivered by Hon. W. Bv dmstea.d <it Durham. The choir rendered iome oi the old wWch: the 'president, Mrs. M. ft. Lon^ turned the .meeting .over to Col. John H- "UiiTch. . who ' triad* " a . brief talk, and called on Mr. \V. T. fteade. Wlio/rc spoifded 'in a most harppy maner. Jlverin? one of ' the very best spe-v'i - e.vef Heard' at these re-unions. Mr, George Moore responded to a .all and spo*e tfeiv feelmelv of the things oi the .past concerning the j Mrss RUhchc GirVmes - ? ' - California. r<ilrilVi:>r."r- - .1 v ? > v \ oi i.hc ( "aJifor ni:. ?.1' m t . : , ,.aJ. ? lir'd ?hi> year iv >Fr?hi> .? v l ? t?. -??1?4 4>y ;'i itmhdt of'; visit ? ? . /% 1 soldier? oi The v:a i; 'o.?^ .v-ocn the o*atra. ~Th^o I'X^rcL^s S.jnr hi fieri tiv Vet- . erans. 'And tjifir -wiv -s ind o'-k.-r in vited gUBSt* either tirouiid .?. most b'jimtifiil vcnaSc ai>d s^ i.\l hrv.r :n -rrijfyin^'th? itmgr. "m*TV pn<3" ialfcini? > ?yay />ld tfmcs ? To Tell The World About Roxboro And Person Co? tioosters t'iub Reorganized And Will Get Busy Telling Of Many (rood Things C. H. SECRETARY . number 'ui .ttlMk /citi&qsu-xif. fto\:>6ro. L-.t' he-red iii -the .-coiin ;t>6wse'? for .tile piirpj.se (?! ? i*i?pv^an:rih'4 the. Bor ;&er.s Club. It v. a , an interested group and every indication is that th-s club will b* .I'rfo.r'o ;er!ferrive -vvr. It ? was orqauized as an all-thc-year club iind \vill 1'itncttou Lrnm.year ra year, it the out. ; dosires of the meeting' are. carried M r." L. M. Carlton v.'a.v called to the . Chair as tem}>orar\ chairman and J.. W, Noell v. as requested td ' act us secretary. . dominations were ' c ailed Tor arid .1. V/. Noell Svas". elected presi- . dent; v:ith. Mess. J. A? r.ens. \v "t Pa?s. T. ft., Woo^y. E V. 3o;ilv.n>ht and JV. ??. Kii by as directors. ? After. sevefcal, inteTcsUn^ talks : ? nieetinr; idjourneft. . The " bSord .of . Jlrcctors met. day night, md,'.c triple- te^l ibe or;,avr by ' etcctiivt Mr. C.. H. Hutu .-r ^a.r -'.secretary., nnd Mr. T iv. Wood-, treasurer- . The . merchant -v. bfisiiv.'ss men afid professional moh: have icsoonded anil' have taken memberships quite freely, and it is honed the chib -.vrtl function with entire s.ui., faction and will bt the means of. .? bring ini?r much bu?i . iVess to the town, uhd County and'-' v. ill' prove <>; *. ? >?-vice t > alt. The;-. 'services ? v iuc;> lv- cn-n l ender, ror it. :: his desire, to -b-;' ot- the uapest ser vice-to. ail. cspcciaHy the coiiitiry Last Thursday evening.' a roodly folks Cake Sale Oct your cafce.v Saturday frqr.i Car olina Pbwor oc ' Lig-ht Company^ .score from ^:30 i(j 11 :n. m: ? Thts-*? tp~ is lor the benefit of the Edgar Lorn; Memorial Methodist Church. Your .patronage is solicited and will b? ap preciated. Street Fight .Court Street V.ts the .;a?ne 01 a rfively light for \ few ndnute.o^at nrday night when Red Cofield and Ed' Dixon, both colored, engaged in a general f.st. and slcuU fight. The j alarrh was given and ChieV Oliver ! arrested them and Dison was gtvfn -ft ? heisnino ? Monday morning, costing him $13.90. for his pari. Cofield did] "" Back From Canada Sheriff N - V BVodkA" I vie, FeaU^r- j - ton. and t) r. B. a: Thaxton returned J :v!teter-^rlw.iTn " -v.hu riU. PiflKft M'ftl W' bring back "to' Person Coirnty. VVilliam ' ffitl::. '.vjantgA herr? lar. ^mc '.violatiaa of 3-a \v . Sheriff Grodk c * Miys. 1 h'rft h<-- Juis . nvvcr- Mpn !)iorTT^1jeailtiful scenery iHHn '*1ULt hf saw. oh tW* .trip but he. found it prfett? "C->ld up Dr. Blalock Buys Optical Business. South Boston. 7.- The Vr H. i Glasdr' . OiniCAl bii, i'ies.. Main. | street h<a?/ b^rf pkrcliswerl 'bv . pi:' ?*B? 'V n:. i,e.; "tvivo. . - /ill . romtttlic M\o - 'v ->!!io'-s th$ piy.^nl. v.-;;- v.) t)V- : :-:nicip^l ' buiWin^. Dr, DlaWk ?Vvts- .;;raxi^ited ? :..o~o th>n .-txt #*cn_. ? aiio .at the South 3^ricl College of Optics nul uv/urdcd the cip^r^e 6( "Doctor 01 Qptic^' /Oud a- r^^LvVrod optometrist :n '-'the .?ta H** c?ss .in South Boston and:- yiclntiv is . ;rc?dict#?d. ? ... Mrs. Synder And Henry Grav To Die ? * :J-'orni;vlit> OF .-Sentence VYns Postponed I'rttii Next Mpn d ;f v Morning .. N^-a' Vo-rit. - May. $ --Mrs. ? . fitrth" Rro'.vn Snyder .and ITo;i: v Jucuf- C'-r-.y. ' hsi* cortfe-t ' paramour. . .1 to ' pa y with their -lives tor tflr orunf .thai - -sn>vt3Vi?d theiri frplii ?a rj ,d -made .them ? .intern^ -t;t>n?ily.\ known. / .Deliberating lt?U thoij Uvo hours. . a jury, cair. i tSehi.-'oi ..th'*> imirde'r. of -Mrs.,' Snydor's Uu-.ha net .w**1Slb'? i*f snyder, ^Vasiftzine/art editor. lieath ; ?nt^ice-: :/;;'-.nclato'. '. for fin* ^eUree murder, bijt the tiriviaUty oi ?,rt -n*nr? \vst> no.^t}vjrrct<i unnl "next -Mori f- jEfcfy. morning ,* r : ? V-v -M AUensville Flag Raising : -Last Sunday rhr ^Junior -Order* of Jalomr prc.^nu'd a Bible and had i I lair raisttv:. at AUensyiHV High School. This was an occasion which will loh<t I be. remembered by the friends of the i school and- the community in general. It is estimated there a ere more than ; fifteen hundred in attendance, and ^ie. speech making v of n very hi?h 1 oratM^ especially have we heard very ' "* dress of Rev. N. J. Todd. Rev. J C. McGregor and Proi Da we:-; Preaching In ? Court House Re. H ^ Ftowe >- Dltcftftm will ec'titiuci prraching .?qrrvtrr . in [ court house in ,iiext ' Sunday evening : f iv t 3:30. The public us. cordially in- . I VUed tOf> .this 'service. Lin C&nadit.tfcc . jives- jiwt b^mmng , I in hr.rl ' The tilp illlilUaU the country * bv automobile. gi^in^ Ihefei an 'opportunity . to s**e the cotm- ? in-- v; Inch he say> la line, but Jib'.: i ??> ?>?<???? than .tjh -nTcr-gorth state ; Tornado Does Heavy Damage In Many States Death And Destruction - Rides Crest Of Tornad? Through Several States TWO DISTINCT TWISTERS Kansa.% CU;'- tarty i ? The v;rath. of the elements-." after <ivons .the south west and middle ;\ex'.. a. brief brcatlv ?hio. spoil. ;>-.vopt" clov. n ovdf.tiv? woek-entlV leaving a rail of death of devastation lri the Hvake.ot tqrnadoes arid high winds in Missouri. Kansas, ?Texas- and Iov;ai .. , Fifty-nve. persons were reported dead tonight; iii the four sfatcs_?iUx ( property damage estimated irt 'cxcess . pf three million dollars. Two .separate tornadoes swept t hrotfjg h r-.or.t'iiea-icrn T\j?ras ? early^to .day., causing the deaths of .32 per son .pit Nevada, Garland. Wolfe City ~rrnl rC^ll ?crl wm*re. property damage^ v. as estimated. at. or. ? niUlion dollars. At leas; person r ere ? injured. . T- -in* '.>pifi^ns Vf-^.riv killed' and a thousands made homeless as the first: 01 \:\c ' ?' ::>'"r..s '? .hat. ' ruck four &ift i iounttes Saturday rnsht, casing tiro?j-riy damage of nearly a ; million unci a hal; . ? dollars. Four persons \ver<? ?tb'-'.h^ve b**n injured. V Sv.^'pine through the industrial. :'ci. and . poonv ri: idenrial. sec ern. of. Hutchfiu.son. Kas.. the". Gloria, caused -pl^upcrty; daitta%v. of ? ti million y\ <r * . . ge iii Kansas at .$il4Q0,00Q axyl.j ? v in Miller e Missouri rushed tit? sweeping a ?uck Ol^an ?u-iic'; Callavlav county: causing fiv^ deaths, m .\u>;vasse N? \\ RloomfleW . and iCarrihgton and injuring: a dozeu person >. Tw?;*Tlt,, persons; :*re ? severely in -ju reed i n '?* ,t omado : h U?h * a patii ?a r quarter. .pi' . a , mile wide* in Douglas county. -near Ava. M >Vdcmol^hiiig at leo.vt iV.iie farm htfu.>es and other b'Ulnin.' in St. Louii &h?' mail, a negro.' was filled and--; v.omjih injured, when ?a hi v.! i . v. jit.d --truck :? iir?r-"j .ei'rh" ?' today, \ Uprooting ? trees, and- ".untoof-inc b r.fd- ' .\r. .pramt'e CiLv. in., one eiid. of ? the 2ie-/. million dollar power plant of the St. Louis Coke and Iron cor One : \\oman has drowned ' n '<vr Sioux Cir:., I"?v,*a. \yhen her motcf car 'yas swept info a ditch' by a . higU Hard on Law-Breakers' Richard Packer. . middle -a^ed hit.- mail, who .;**?. serving a flva r-e-.u '-term ih; the ? State pvi>dn fbr. . decided tliat lie out 'vide world had nVor'r '.attractions lor him ' than c!tci Uir sk^te prison, so on'; Isust samrdnv hp -ciecided, td irtake lil> cscap* ^^nch he did. andflftade i.v. v. ay \\i>:'yvaiU; unrpnlested by ths hond 6 1 jav,* unj.il He .reached Per >n -Count: a here '"he parked his little: stolen Ford on thfi roadside Sunday night and pillowed his head tor a ..ood " nights sleep, with a big,, new Smith and We;^>on -pistot by liia side. , Our County officers had been notified to be on the 'lookout (or his appearance, so Deputy Gentry spied him and about one o'clock Monday morning found, him over, near the Virginia line sound asleep as aboro stated. Deputy Gentry covered him with a grun arid brought him to jail where he was kept Until Monday evening when, he v.- as carried back; to the State prison where he wfil' ... ?ki; up hi.-, so.ntenr ? Bethel Hill Senior Class Play May 14. Saturday irigl^t ? o^elpck, udmwiftn.'gft and M etnta. Patrons and friends of Bethel Hill High- School are cordially invited to ?crm.tr and en toy trhig ^ood 'piny.- ? - ?An Early Bird" a comedv in three acts" \ - ???. . .? - Act I. The private of ice of Cyrus, B. KilbUCk, A morn in g in Mnrch. Jj 1 f D i yd m , ti h<- Tree. ? ? ~ i\c t >? , 'Hie silt raj OOfners The Bird in the Bush: Act 3. Suj|*e as Act 2 The after noon of the aa at -d?y. The Btr* m the Hand. ^

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