/ THE DATE ON TlfE I.AUF,| IS THTT' DATE"YOLji _ PA^Efe WILL BE STOPPED WATCH THE LABEL ON VOIR I'AI'KR AMI DO NOT LET YOL'R si HsrmiTihv EXPIRE J . \Y. NOELL. EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. HOME FIRST. ABROAD NEXT. - SI. 50 PER YEAR IN" ADVANCE VOL. No. XLIV ROXBORO. NORTH -CAROLINA Wednesday fcvening. June I, 1927. No. 22? Big Revival Is Drawing Wonderful Crowds Dr. O. R. Mangum Held His First Service Sunday Night Everything Looks Promising ! For The Countv Wide Revival J (00 PRESENT AT FIRST SERVICE Last Sunday night at 8 o'clock Dr. } Mangum preached his first sermon I ?? ti the County Wide Revival to a con . reiration numbering about 1400. the ! . largest gathering we have ever :?een j in v Roxboro at a religious meeting, j 1 1 was a great -sermon, and the people j wieard him gladly. His reputation as ! . speaker had preceded him. and all j v ere willing . to admit, that he . icasured up in every respect: At the v.Orntng service Monday at 8 o'clock. Ite was greeted by an unusually large i crowd for a morning service and' .?very indication is that the meeting going, to be of far reaching good. : The following schedule i or services ? ?-. ill be observe**: Morning service . L 8. o'clock, ill the . Pioneer waje .ous?. Men's prayer service at 7 .30 in the evening at the Methodist . chi\rch. Regular preaching- Hevvice r ft k- ? ri;(. , I'. i 11. -a I .thf ' are house. ; Rev. D. D'. Hoit. has-; charge ol. the . ong servlce.s and it is hoped to .nak" .hese services especially interesting. -At ?be Sunday night '-or Vice there . ere aborit 75 in the CbQitV wKn a. ?.iiartcl composed of Mess. Broadr . . ead. Street, King and Holt At each .-?ryice there will be many ot the old ? : lme hymns sung? songs .. that reach heart, and a solo, duet or quartet. People from every .section of the County were present at the first aer ???ice, and quite i? number irom the Country were present for . the air si rorning service: This is very grati . ring, for it is the wish Of all ron emed that you tee! like it is your " not a Ro.xboro^-qteeting, but ?.'QUR mee thlg. and you av^N^afnest ?? invited to attend "evry erviee^itSs- ? : ible. Surprise Birthday Party Saturday afternoon at 7 o'clock Mr. Alex! Wrenn of route 1. was delight- . . ally surprised when eLjht of . his: Iriends gathered at his home in "r.onor of his 36th birthday; After rll of . the guests had arrived which ere invited unknown to *he honoree,.; ?/J delicious three course tp;5?r vas. rerved m the 'dining- rooui wh een decorated for the occasion. In ? ic center of the table "was placed p irsautlful white cake, with 36 pink .indies., ""Thf' first course v/as^han;. ?r4(jd ; chicken, tomgtoc-v chicken a la d , with pickles, hot *. biscuits and . ioffee Delicious cav.c arid peaches ? ere served... ' ' . [r ? At the hoilr of ton. after * much ei; \;bj<ib!e\ talks, and joke-- ?''crepsjs^ed 1 ?* : he " bursts bid adieu. v jsti'mg rheir . . -o.' t malty, iitor?.1 . happy "bivtfidav'S '? "he itucsl:, veto: Mr. ami Ml".. R?ii ..en Ji^ckscn; . sir. ana Mrs. .Roy': SV r flp li . Mr , i i fl M 1" . L-' u ,s \v instead ? . ;k! Miv , a. ,1 B(i Robert Hams. I'!". ' : R. F. D. Picnic The R. F. p. Carriers oi 1 '.v.- -Count" ?rid their annual meeting at Loch Iji fly last Monday. Ji was a ' decided tv-. accessful mectms. ' with ten members cr??nt. one new mpmbrr cam? in on iiiK pccasi'tn. Mr. Stephen*!! of Leanburg. Mr W. D. Merritt was tjr* principal speaker of the occasion. hf betne followed by the president Mr. N'. H. Street Mr. A P. Clayton, post nast^r at Roxboro. and Mr. .}. C. Ciarrett: ? Thn following officers were elated or the coming vear: N. H. Str.t J. i resident.: Mr. Stephetfian of Leas ers.. Vice-president: Hassel Fox. secretary The following delegates witfr e'.ect d to the Slate Con vert am which will ueet in Raleigh: D. *E. Featherston Hassel Fox and "Mr. Stephensn. After th^ business meeting and pcech-makhHi a bounteous pibnlc inner was spreads When we make the farm premises , x> k fetter; We are Mire to feel, bet? r*?~* . ? ' , ; ' ; Prank Pa?uor i^yn ? - * \ :whead I usually do not fcel far be-.! '.?nd v The Star ot "The Bifc Parade Rone* vdom.e in Jmum f.?li vr Citrwood. .reaie^t- story "The ? Flarnimr Forest" playing' t at . Palace Theatre Monday nd Tutsday. . ? f- ? ? SALESMAN THINKS HE HAS A CHARMED LIFE Kingston: May 30. ? John Ma honey. 34. of New "York, a traveling salesman, expects to die in bed. Mahoncy. here yesterday, declared lie had been so close to death from a multitude of accidental causes "that he regards himself as the possessor of a charmed life. He fell four stories from a window ii\ a Chicago' hotel in 191*7; He struck an awning and escaped ?with a bruise or two. He was ren- i ??dpred unconscious by sas in a closed t garage in the New York suburbs tour I years ago but was resuscitated. Me survived an abdominal wound in the I World War. His collar bone was f broken by a falling timber which ttiiYlbled on hlui in a shell-riddled | barn in France, the beam missing his skull by. inches. A lifeguard reached i-.J iVljn as he was about tu drown ? iTrr the surf at a Northern coast resort last surailier. He has been in two j train wrecks: At the age. 6f 12yo&ts In- was rrUu.aHy ill from mea.sle>- [ ;rfi"mpli(v.iions. "lie recalled. " 7 " 7 Where Will We ~ ?Spend Eternity? Oh, i^ull why do yoG. linger at_ ?Death's open portal. And gaze with wistful eves toward j the goal.? Do you not know the Destiny that . awaits thee. When God unfold* His filial.- scroff? ?If. yottl* life has been one bay round : of Sin and Pleasure. t With no Service, rendered the ' ehll- ] dreu of men. Well may t here be doubt as to the 1 ?fate of you. When all pi Life's pleasures have end. It \*our liXe has been spent only for others. Key er thinking of -elf all the while. And molded With care lik.e the Mast- , ? er's. ? Heavens portals will receive you With out guile. ; | Oh. Soul! do pot wait "til Death's . door you're approaching. To consider your Eternal Fate, We have only one life to prepare for ; Entrance tw the Heavenly Oawrr ? -~N. L. V. B. Mrs. Lindsey G. Day Mrs. Lindsey "O. Day. wife of Lam beth Day. was carried to Watts' Hos- ? pihil "May* i?5t'IV.t and died. -May 27tn.; 1027. Mrs Day had . been in , very ; ; po^r health-,. if or several weeks and: it ??: j-: \s hoped *hat a hospital treatment j wmfld restore-, 'her health, but her : dio.cassr was. so advanced that mediea> ill uu.s r>ov. - j-li-s' . Hei* body was broucht home by Mess, Cheek- and Woody and interment , was made , in j F" The' 'funeral was^eonducted 'u\ I Bey, J. B Currin. Heme Cominj? For Helena "We" wish to announce that on the | I'cond Sunday in June there will b*> an all day service at the Methodist i ?Church at Helena in the form of u * home corning day. We are expecting ) finite rt number of the ministers who :.av,i been on this charge to be with j us. The meethjfc "will be conducted by j the laymen who. will be g^ven an oo nort unity to express themselves in a 1 brief way. Everybody is invited. Dinner at the noon hour. " H E. LANCE Pasfoi Program At Concord Everybody invited to hear and ?ii . joy the Sunday School pay services | at Concord next. Sunday morning at | eleven. Preaching at Oqk Oroya at j 4 o'clock. S S. at 3 p.Wn. Let all: the | children be there on lime. J W KRADLEY Pastor Our ypuntr 'friend Mr Headier i K^rock, the . {xipuiar- .representative [ liens lor 4he tiTjrhmh . Morning H^r [ aid; Before brpafttast. is spending | hife vacation tn the coal fields of- West i Virginia, and .write* lu* iv having i a great time. , \ ? . - * "HEAR HIM" Jr. O. U. A. M. Ro^tjorn . ;counrtr N*>: iSt: . TWtJ" officers of said council request the . entire- membership" oi *Ive Order to '; present themselves at Lhr Hall noxi Monday ni-;lu. June *>. 7:3Q' o ait A march' in a body to the Pioneer . Warehouse <o; hear Dr. Maimun. The seftts Jiave already been reserved, and it will* be worth ",hi:c to . hear th?s-* man oi God. ? - . ! Let's be r.eal men cmcL. fuake this a j hundred per cent attendance. ? w. a. Sei^eant DR. O R. MAN'GUM WOMAN TAKEN A! POLICEMAN HOME Criminal Charges Made Against Women Arrested At Ser jeant Bailey's Home ARREST MADE BY SHERIFF Charged: with aiding, ami abetting in procuring abortion. Mrs. E. K. Forsythe wag arrested,, by "" Sheriii 1 Turner last ' night. At 'he home of Mrs. James A. Bailey, \\ile of. -.a_ Rart- ' eigh ^p"olicemari* fl03 Nfw Bern .1 ve nue. She was lodged Ln jail inr dc lault of $1000 bond. ^N^Hnilp;.;, wanted in com vet 501.1 ? a^WjMlar- eharg-\ h;?4i*iu?t be^n found. ylvas learned 'at- tli.e oiiic.- of Sheriii . -Turner. -The arrest oi - Xho? FOrsythe woman v.as secured through t Uie eo-opcration of Mrs. T. W. Bick elt. Wake county welfare olTicer. with the welfare officer of Guilford coun ty. The Forsythe woman, who is nboiit 50 years old. was said to hftVe been arrested by . i he sheriff after ?liy luid arranged .Ine .detail^- for an illegal operation Acceding. to information of the welfare officers, the woman had been r." ? 'oiu^ 411- :hn practice .for ? time; -although they have no idea'. of the number of victims upon^wi^'iu I hey have worked. The Wake Coumy welfare ,vo'?*er> have. . been working on _ the case: some time;, it became, known last night when the successful coup, .was mn?V_. . V' '? ' J Commencement Exercises Of Roxboro High School - ' _ ? That Lindbergh Boy From . Little Fall*, Minnesota Adventurous- American -youths, get j thrills and education k n o.c k i n g ? around this big, varied America, look in? for their proper" place, in the j world. Such is Lindbergh. He was -brought up. in Little Fails, j Minn., a hamlet mn thousand strong. With his lather, a- Representative in ? Congress, lie khevy Washington. He went lor two dissatisfied years to the ! University ol Wisconsin,, a gangling"; boy. disregarded by lhe ' college l'ra- ' ternities: He tried in vain to scrape ? together the -money "to, pay tor finish - in1, a Hying course in Nebraska. He ; took to parachute jumping iii Moh- j t?ui.? for a Jiving". ^ lie adventured alone in an old row bo it down the Yellowstone and Mis-,! souri Rivers to St. Louis. He enlisted rhd leanied flying in the. Army Air . Service at . Brooks Field . ?ah Antonio, i He flew the air mail by day and night, between St Louls"~and GhicagO; . once parachuting-' to safety when his j plane stalled in ii log.' ' I-te got men of means to finance the "Spif-U ol St, ijouls.' He 'ocrsnnalK' . slrpervised its construction in . the > Ryan air plant at San Die^o. ? Unheralded ;ajtd unsung, he boavd ed the new plane and jumped, in one ; hop. fourteen, hundred miles from San Dic^n to St. Louis. ill. another; day he i lev; the nine hundred miles } From St. Louis to New York, and : then, over -night, the thirty-y.x huud r?cv .lib;, across the- sea to -Paris. The thoughtH of youth are lone. | !i?n : thoughts," Longfellow sang, i "This boy of divine genius and! Simple c mrage." Ambassador Her- j rick cabled to President Coohdsc from Paris. . - . v . . ,1 Mrs. Tessie Long Mfs, Tessie Lone, wife of James H. j ?Long, Hurdi" Mills. route 'J. died Sat- . urdav Via;. >H 1027 she leave-- ? husband and one little ilrl, seven . years of age and ' one little boy live : years old. The funeral was conduct- ! cd .from the home Sunday evenln. . by Elder B. F. McKinney and inter- j ment "was made in the family ceme^j tory attended by a large host of sor-.j rowtog friend r, and rAlatrve?- Mrs i Jong yeas a kind woman, and- a good mother and this hony has ^iffcred * loss >n her pa.vsiny that rfaknC' Vc &c Pbe pre it. Forest Fin"' filmed In colors in .lames Oliver Curwobds ' The Flaming Forest ; . with Renee Adore* ? :.v. ^faUusajpPhe.trrp Monday and Tuesday. . J ('lass Of Thirty-Two Received , Their Diplomas Monday N'i*ht _ j EXERCISES VERY (XH) i) The Commencement of the Kox- ? l>oro High Schtfol came to a close Monday night. The first of these ex- | ercises were held on Friday nicht:. ; May 20 th, when the music class n: Miss Egitly Southall gave a recital. To all lovers of music . this was in deed a rare 'real. The prize, a,' five.; dollar jrold piece, ^tven by the Peoples j Bank, was i-on l>y Miss Frances Mor Ltftn.-^./Y S* - ? -V- >:*?"' V On Fridav night. May 27, tile Sen ior play. "Sunshine " was given and J y.- as decidedly a 'sik\vss. This was the first i hue the . new auditorium. Xyith ; a seat hi y capacity of. nearly one thousand: ' was iisecV at a commence ment. '^nd 'It was- taxed almost /to its -I utmost /on this occasion. . On Saturday .'n.ight- IJllovin^. the.. ?aditu- j n<: lamation c aites; . \va_- . held This- v.t most iiiterpptim; . part of tftc eoiinV.encenu'nf and Ail j participant;, .vhmved t raining \>i the ? highest order. * The prize for r^ad- j iiigwas won by. MfesWinnif v-.nihurn I whose .-iibicct \ras. "Hmv th?> Church*} was DuilUiat Kehocs Bar." The de- i clamatlon piize/wfis awarded; to Mr. - pan IX'Chmbnd. his .snbiect betni.. "Step oh the Gr.s/' On Sunday momrtv at - H o'clncl: ?>r. Edmund B. Soper, of DuUo Uni-'j versiiy. preached live sermtiti. It was one oi thV most forceful, instructive ! and intrre.^tm^ sermons . delivered here, and was enjoyed by a large and 1 appreciative audience Monday evening the exercises came | to a close v. hen diplomas were award- ' ed to . 32 students. 21 young girls and \ H bo vs. While the girls largely ouL- I numbered the boys, all of the honors ? were carried off by the boys,, which is just the reverse from the usual order in the school here. The Edgar Long scholarship medal and the Re search Club English prize were won J?y William Daniel Merritt Jr.: the flrst, presented by Mr. R. P. Bums and the latter by Mrs. J. J. - ^in stead The debaters medal was won by George Qoleman Burch. antl was j ..presented by Mr. J. S. Walker. The) Roxboro .Rotary Qliib College Fr?-?h- t man Scholarship was won by Edwin t Godwin Long. Jr?. and was presented t j. tty Mfr J.- W.r Haell, ; - ? 5 Tli' K C-Binmnn r,l tl>o Wiuvormiv. dcHvrrecl the Cofnnieiicement . addres rind it w-a* pronounced uuusuallv hne. ' Hiv subject -.v?, "The Three Hews The. our story, the two story- and the three story with ? sky-URht.' The entire address was full of instrucstlve ! inq.eTass. Dr. Branton wa-s introduced by Mr. W. p Merritt. Give One Hour Of ^ our Time llevlval services every morn inf from S to 9 o'clock, and the. Ministers of the town have asked every merchant, banker, and profe^ional man to ctoise hi* place of bu^inevs during tho-if hours. WW yon . show your respect to Ood and these Ministers bv rlosint? OXFORD ROTARIANS WHIP ROXBORO ROTARY SQUAD - ? oxford. Ma y~25.? The oxford Ro tdrians defeated the RoXboro Ro ' tartans in an interesting baseball game thte afternoon on the \ loynr diamond by the i>core pf 9 to 5- Gr^et excitement was manifested by <the players and che fans ?<> it;v 3v. ?1hv. and a rei^riv. -amr ill. ..t >*yr ti>e'm .'very ibori, . ; McFiirland twirled ibr the ..locals (aught. Hill. pitching tftr 'the' vtfirgr was .relieved 'bv - ,Sa&efwhite \yh ? Jm'.sher* ?t.v.>r ???fur ;.i .i.ny ? Graduation Exercises From 0 to l'Q* Monday m., \tay 50th. the . graduating class 61 the. Graded School held their Exercises i*y f he Graded School a uditoriufn . Fhey were greeted by a full house: The program, which was very -interesting; Ls as Follows 'Address' of welcome. by p. <C Byrd. Commencement &ontg by class. History pt class, by Dorothy Abbitt: Quartet. "Long. Long Ago." by Har old Perkins. Howard Duncart, Thomas Hatchett- artfl O. Bunt pass. ... Prophecy, by Earf Brads her class Poeni. by Helen -Morton.. Last Will a nd Testament, by Maw- I r;ce Alien. Then little Marion Brad sher the class mascot, pulled a wagon .< in loaded, with" gifts which were pre sented by Maye Love Harris, ?<.' ? At the conclusion of the program. Lester Jar me.s presented to" Mr. stal vey. our Superintendent, a lovely 'tun-' brella. a gift of the ' Graded School Those completing the graded school ' were Drrsilla W Instead. Dorothy Ab- - bitt. Sadie Day. Veana Day. Council ' Murphv. EloiSe Chambers Magnolia Owens, jhtta Monk. Lucilla-Longv. -El- . la W ilk Arson. Flow Newton, MarrareT Fulchpr ' Haz *1 Brooks. Thomas Hat-, chett. Harold 'Per Howard Dun can. Lynwood Carve-' J. W. .Bradley. Bedford StiltiUeUl J B Talbert. Woodson Perkins. Ustit Jatv.cs R. D. 'Bum pass. Alfti*' .Jackson, F C. . Byrd, . Carl Bradsher "Wharton . Witjstead. ! WUftfOii , ? ReamX. ? Henry5 vLoy, ? Jac^ : Bar net! . JV.. -Bert Carver. Konvobd- I Xe^inan- /aud -Maurice? .'AUwx-.-M ' : ? .Diploma >? -V.erf d^tiV^Qd *> iy M. ' F: f O. c;arv-;:-r {?r.ainnsn*';: i.he borad o? .J::i:.-vt.f?'e*>... :b r-he. following: " - _ Jn>tv Hnri'if'.' t. }[.r I.T. 1. r vt:illr " . Bnv<3sh6r . G'eor\j?v Cok-man Buvch. . .Mary Shutord Carlton. Annie Lee ? '0 toy ton .Thomas . Fi.t:*.^e'ralc|., ^payia,. ? Jessie .Steel Dimci&p.. Eliza bertt D\rd ley Dunkley. LydUi ; Mne;_ Frederick. ' All dir.- Belle Cir^ene, ; En?etiiu Elizas. bjeth Howard* Ethel- Serena Howard. Ida BeHr Howard. Helen Frances Lancr. Retain Godwin Long. Jr.. ; Louise Mitchel Lous;. Vaftce Sidney Loy. Herbert Edgar Masten, William ! Daniel Merritt Jr.. Maurice Anderson. Newman Mattie May Oliver. Charles'. Davis Reams, Daniel Kerr Richmond. Louis Garrett Stantleld. Emily Gra- i ham Stephens, Jennie Lee Van Hook, j Helen Webb . Wilkerson. Margearet i Elizabeth. Wilker.son Mary- Pauline i Wllsorh Ha*iie Mae "Win stead and ^ James Long- W instead. ' ? The following marshals were ir> ? charge of 'the affairs during the en tire exerctsBs: Franklin Lung. chief: Rachel Bradsher. F 0? 'Carver. Eu? gene Connally. Blossom *Ratti . George Thomas Winnie Wllburn. Anna W. Wlnstead and Samuel Byrd W instead. Just before the conclusion of the exercises one of. the students came forward and handed Prdf. A. B. StaK v.ey an appreciation." a . 'jotri piece", a gift af-'tne graduating class, . OW rln.sr/1 one of, Mir iraq^JafcaL. sessions of the school, and every ciLl?_ isen of the town was proud-., of Jhe record the school has made this year. For nearly twentj rears Mr. Staivey has guided the destiny of the school, nnd he was happy over the sticoesaful year. lie deoUfit^'*':re-ej?c^M?NHBkfif> wilt ac'crpt work else*/ here*** HUGE FLOOD TIDE APPROACHES GULF Relief Agei\e1e? Heady For Any Emergency As Flood Makes ft* Last Stand waters" RECEDING .. ^ New Orleans. May 31.?' Hie' great lakes- that lie on both sides of the swollen Atch&falaya River extended their sway bVer rich iarming Jands tonisfht as-the impounded Waters con tinued their rOlL.to the null. Throughout the area - reseat- and v.Viirt loree.s; massed " or t^ejast .rrand asaln.n the " nation's ? most ? dis astrous Hood, were ready lor emer- . crHixcies as protection levees threat ened to break 'before the pressure, or The muddy wave pushed backwaters into the additional -lowland' ?I* vVhTle the waters sttjwiy vere r? c-'dinr in; the 'pjOrtli portions, extrpxna ?Soiw(h. Central Louisiana prepare'! for additional toot or .so of ri.se Kvapr&ityoh 1 flow ? Hw- majoritv foTl iuKSf who - have remained in the ? re item hti vih'.i; ; * decided ? ? t<* stick ' oat t H 'worst '.v. >- ? V >lkl?t I all ?.! With the yoliur.e '.oi water poufilYfj . ?. - '? ' ' ! i ? ' ^ ? ? i ? ' f I ? i - i ll.'lU. ' . ? ishihg; r and 'railway " embankments' '? . . umbllnt? 'before pent-up iloo?ds be '...'?n Raven : I!e4 Cross* - slight 'lailiSh- v.erti recorded kv upper pointe Coupee pan/.h at- the . ?xtrem<* ? north <4. /the llood on '.the. eastern .?id6 ? oi ? he' Atchaialay.i.. : ? Fiifcht-vmt'hs vf a -root r. was exr per fenced* at. New Roads - but Mayor ot that town said he believed that little .more, water .was ' Rosedale/ Marihsouiu and . Ge?e . Tetr, which have been threatened by -h the rising Bayou Crosse ? Tete. will n .w. receive little or no water, it waft believed. The 22 mile protection dUfc ihinkins Orosse Tete was holding well, as %v?s th* Fordputhe levee . . Dispatches i'rom Lafayette today ? recorded the, burning -'ht i Tied Cioss leliet boat, with i:\3urv to two; -'white, men And :i heir i p. Their injuries j Were not believed to be venous;' 1 Epworth League For Leas' Chape* Orv Sunday. May 22rid, Miss Katyo Harris.; Epworth League Orq-afuzet and worker, who recently returned front WtiitevUte. N. C? where, she* his n reachmt? . t his w inter, organi-^d J'.iritor League at Leav CMt*' .V Church.'- Mr; J Al4en Rogers was elected' preMdek^ Hambrick Harru, mcc president . Jane- ' Rogers. Secre- / . :arv:; Ed^ar . HreweV. ' ? Treasurer.; Saui NeK jy\. O : : 1 popdin-: Secretary; ^ Charlie' Wllkerrion. Epworth Era ; ? '? '-r:! .Imin SUpt first / ? : second' -de jit.; Ed rift' -^V 1 3 V; -> ?. ;on? SUpt,. 'third r'.^ pi..-; rind Yiivinv.i Carr Supt. " loiirth v. .n. It :: hoped by organiz - . imr : junior Leasne.' to' 'include . ail ? the 'rmnt; people of the yommnnit*' . vithiu a >v>de -ra ?*.'<? v.'ho. ?wisVi' U> ; >oin iu one organtiati^n.' *????? ? - . ._ ?? . AiHJti; ,rvuTv nirinbevf, have been. en- ? l r'.lvcl. ' ?MiriJU-: v;U : ) / .iu>ld. fOlltTV ing Sunday School each Sunday i ? ?irpt.-fiv Sfcopd [ Sunday Socials and ? outing v.jll bo enjoyed occasionally. The new. Ixaf-iU0 hopes to do note ^wortJnw#-* ; bis fftmnmcr Any in> l.>roi r'-r! vov.LV/ 'in- invited to . - Jotii '.us ~ -Sam Newton Cor. SeCy. . Notice ? > 'rfcere v.ill be preaching at Cun ningham Cha|)ei on the first. Sunday afternoon in June, at 3 o'clock, by Arch Deacon J3crtie.a of Raleijjh. Every one cordialy invited Specif. An Appreciation - .We are under obligations to Mr Ci H. Hunter, the hustUuti Secretary .of the Boosters Club, for a~4?eautiful baud made willow chair. . V ? ? O- : ^fT' ?' - Birth ton to Mi-. aikI Mr?. 'Cbontfoo &X-\ . focli ? j ? iinn tna flharlft Finn. . ill! -JJay 27. th, '1927. Mother and child .doing fine ,TT" Jamc ; OHVor Cunrood'? great ' story * of the TJorth THE FLAMING FOR - EST" 4-ith Renee Adpree and Antonio ^MtirPUo pl.-ijuuf-- ?tr?-P?l?ce -Theatre Monrtav ' ana. -Tucsdar. . . ,

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