J. W. NOELL. EDITOR AND PUBLISHER, HOME FIRST. ABROAD NEXT. - SI .50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE VOL. No. XLIV ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA. Wednesday Evening, June 8, 1927. No. 23. Dr. Lew Makes Good Talk To Duke Students Dn Lew,, of Peking. Counsels Patience and Urges Co operation in Appeal LOOKING TO AMERICA Duthamv June 1 ? ' Twelve thousand | ailcs were bridged today by Dr. Tim^ thv Ti Lew of Peking. China, as he fetched his native cotentry's cause- j th* ?-graduating "f class- of Duke j Xtnivenity and on audience that filled Craven Memorial Hall; He was "in-/ "?53\ lPFCt ~'by ? President Few. America ought to co-operate with OSfaina because China has acquired | American ideals of democracy," said ^he Chinese religious leader who - ? ore . the on*?)* n* , > rfc wr.r>r nf philoso phy that he sot at Columbia U.ni ver ity arid whose single ornament of pwelvy was a Phi Beta Kappa key hat he won at an American college Looking to America. "The stupid, stubborn Europeans. exclaimed as he made his plea ? .or .American" co-operation with . Ho .said that, i he friendship i America few China had become adltional. Ti America will lend ? hfrr a-operation. he declared that the Russians v. on 'i have - a chance to .tn -?-??'le*tv t'he*ir>' ideas government . ?i to the minds of the Chinese!! - "He spoke ' 10 the Duke graduates ? xiay as a representative . of '.the col> . 'fSe >:uden'V of China" with whom "..jbe has. been in close touch as - he is i connected with National . Universit y n. Peking. With inuch that he wished :p say, he was compelled to sketch, ut he drove his ideas home with Americanisms. He was generous in his . praise of America as he contrasted its history with that of his own. Five thousand i ?eara ago Chliia was a nation. As nation it was contemporary with Egypt and Greece and Rome, but it '?aa only 15. years ago that it became republic like the United States. ? - ' ? - - Li' ?' Crowell - Thompson Oh Tuesday morning at. 10:30 ;o* ock, a. wedding, beautiful in its harming simplicity, a as solemnized a "the Methodist Church of Roxbbxo. ?then Miss Louise Thompson., daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Thompson. tfcanve the bride of Oseai Ber?vru-d Or o well i of Headersonville, A 'ao?e ?:*6wd 01 the friends of -both fuattties ?. itnfssed the ceremony, which 'vas ^erfortrrd by Rev. F. M. Sh?>mber?er. ' ?. a^tor of ' the . Methodist"'- church'. The . church was artistically ?rc . rated with* a profusion of terns and"' ryhtte j lowers, a soft -plow br-in's cast -yer the entire ->c?ne joy o?tncHe? .I4ced - on -pedestal on either- siifc* of .:Vie altar. Just prior to the ceremoiv' ??rfliis l hbel drv^.mijrj, at. the 'orgcin> v - ri ? i Ton. Crcy ell 4 S-mih Boston. |r ? ':v ?.-??. ? . 1 it- - J ? 'The bride was given in" marriage by 'v?r' lather, Mr. ,S, Thompson. \\ftd . 4 a;, becomingly uitired In a'. ropc'ii-. /"s' ?cn blue' ' ^ebr?ette" : en^enibV^ rail -it*. lace obdice, ' w'jtii a iarge pink /ctiire hat with.- feljic facing. ; *ne '? . .-.i nert ?rv 9 h .'<*?*!; bouquet, m; OiicU.' s OS&f.- .Miss- Eglantine Mcrr.iti acicd 1 : ;??"? ?>: : ion ot son . -i ill a dc.-'t ? oner- ^h/.tiT-rn dre . with blo.e at to match and c? riled a bntfjitct d Ophelia roses. Clyde O. Craweil. 'sj Roxboro. brother of the groom, was man. while the ushers were Dr. H. Hukhe.s R P. Bums. R. A. Bul 'CVl and Dewey ^jamdsher. Following a wedding trip to points ? I interest in western North Caroiira. jje popular couple will be at home <i HendersonvlLle. Mrs. Crowell is weJl known in Rox- , koto and has a large circle of friends \-ere and elsewhere She is a grad ate of - Randolph -Macon College at l Lynchburg. Her marriage will be of nterest to many over the state. The vroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs H. L. Crowell of Roxboro and a grad <.ale in law of Wake Forest College. ?4e has been located for some time ?t HendersonviUr. in the practice of Ml profession. The ?oOd wishes of *uple to their pew home. * Bate Ball At Helena Thrrr will be a base bill game at Helena next Saturday atternoon be Bethel Hill srd Mflma irtnu. The public is cordially Invited. II UUAhd this, uame. ? ? ? o ? ' ? ' ? ? Meet the Boys? The New Comedy T.?m in -ROOKIES' playing at Palace Theatre Monday and; Tuea Say- ~~ President Delays Vacation Trip To Entertain Colonel Lindbergh The President's Summer Cainp Log of Columbia's Flight 6:0"? A.M. ? Hopped off ' from Ronse- j veil Field. Mineola. N. V. S:t;V A.M.? Plane pushed oyer Pirov- j ineetown/ Mass: f ' 1*2:00 P.M.? Hrghte^l ovrr l?ay i.t Funday off Yarmouth. X. S. l:.-?0 P.M.? sighted i?rr Sha* Ledge Light. N. S. 5:13 P.M.? Sighted off SL Pjerre. Miquelon. ft:20 P.M.? Sightei' off Tfepassy. Sevrto U ndia nd. - SUNDAY. JUNE "? 11:31} A.M. ? Plane flew low over , Mauretania. west of Scllly i Inlands. S:2i) P.,>L? Sinhicd off Land.send, j . Lngltmd. 15:45 P.M.? Sighted over Padstow. j England. , 4 : 10 P.M.-?- Sighted off Plymouth, j Enflnnd. 6:30 P.M.? Sighted over Normandy. France. 7; 05 P.M/ ? Reported over Holland, near Amsterdam. P.S1. ? Reported passing ?ver Dortmund. Germany, MONDAY. JUNE C ;13:5a A Al.r-t?nded| o.f f Lisle b'en Germany. due to hck of fuel. .4 :.'J3 A.NL-^Took off" for ftc.rIFri~ from Elsleben." . j A?U ? Made forced landing at I Cottbus,. Silesia, breaking pro- i Evidence of Good Farming \Ve were out driving the other af- j ,t *tnoop and took a . spin in .the r ?J$hborhood Of Air. .Flem , .Long's store. ? There are some flood * farmers hi stjetion. but fre were forcibly .struck; ? y. ith ' the evidences of sood work being clone on the. farm - of Mr. John M. . ; Brewer's .farm. He has { hun.d re.d's of yards ? of \ipiend id terrac - ' im;. v.hich has bfien done in the mos<<. i fi proved manner, and . Uie t;y!?K -on hi.1; -place show that. W has not raven all of hi.'' ti'ne >tO terracing. ? " ??' j Wcrd of Thanks We. the in embers of Roxboro Prim- | itive Baptist Church wish to thank ( each and. every one who sc liberally helped n* to irntail our lifra?1n<? plant ' and repair our church. Our desire is that God's richest -.1 blessings be yours. Done by order of confercr.ee, .June l t mr. ? - . Elder J. A. HERNDON. -Moderator, j F. D. LOHO. Clerk. Township Convention There will be an all day service at Hurdle Mills M. E. Church Sunday, j July 3rd. beginning at lO'OO a. m. All the churches in Bushy Port j Township are expected to have a part In this service. Complete details j will be given in a later issue at the! Courier. as. supt. '{ Moved In "Mr. H. K. Sanders' family have j moved here, and are located on North j Main Street. We are glad to wel- 1 come tliem to our good town, and ; hope they will have the same. warm i reception that lias been glv^n Mr. ; Hunrtera' - ?. .????? : ? ?=? ' inn i Fine Peaches i We are indebted ^to' cur goad' friend I Mr. R. Ai Allen for a basket of" very fine peaches, . ? ~T~ == President To Remain In Wasih intttnn To Welcome "Am bassador the Air" ' ? * ? x ^ "V -I Only tlje arrival of C&ptain Chailr; Lindbergh from 'Europe delays a.pris-.' sible earlier start of President fccol idge lor lib summer-cainp. the Soutl) Dakota - me ^od?. .itnated m$h In fh? Black Hills, In a special cable to America's f lying ace. the President asked Lindbergh to corns direct to Washington on Ihe cruiser Memphis, to arive at the capital by June 11. President. Coolidge does not <vant' to start for the West, until he has. of - licaly welcomed home our ? Ambas i ?ador oi the Air" who made history in his Atlantic hop. New York to Paris. Also the government waitU' to ! confer ill suitable . honors and show appreciation in .* fitting manner. 1 Summer White Mouse in Black Hills Within the weeK after Lindbergh's ; arrival, the President and his office ! staff, v.ith a great group of special ! press correspondents will > be off for | the West and for the next ten to I ?twelve creeks the nation at large v.ill learn many interesting 'facts not gen erally known about' the beauties r.nd natural resources of the Dakota 31ack ' Hills. The decision by the President lo make the South Dakota Game Lodge the olfjcal "iunSiwe^ White House dur ing 1927 will advertise- a very much ' neglected resource. Residence bv the head of a nation is usually the mak- . ing of a. resort. Before George IV i v ent to' Brighton it Was known only j as - a Ashing hamlet under the liame I of Brighthelstone. For ? a hirndrcd j years since it has been England's I Atlantic Citv ' No ; doiibt many sjneeiri ? but not ' fillip informed American students' of ] geography ?. ill..lose ..sdme wagers itjU 1 iil.nnwr if history repeats itself. Natives of North Carolina once paid handsomely for misdirected faith in ! their knowledge of facts. Hi?hest Peak Ka?t of Rockies Mt. Washington fii the White ; mountain's of New Hampshire stantte 71". feet above sea level. In North Carolina stands ' Ml . Mitchell? which ? t'V.vers home 423 feet- above Mt. Wash ington. II was the honest belief of native sons' that Mt. Mitchell was the highest peak East of the Rockies. Therefore, when strangers appeared in North Carolina some years ago. disputing that Mt. - Mitchell was the highest neak East of. the Rockies- ? and willing to back up their claim ' whh cash. ? Caroilnans dug deep and | many thousands of dollars were : watered. Then the stranger produced U. S. j Geological Survey records, showing ' Harnev Peak. Black Hills, as 7,242 ! feet h**rh ? Just 196 feet higher than ? Mt. Mitchell. : " ' o? ? ? ? " | Serious Cutting Affaijr The Northern "section ''of' Orange : County was the scene of a very ser- I ious cutting affair last Friday night i when two young men, Sam Wilker- j son and a Horn?r boy, (brothers-in- ; UWJ each the occupant of a Ford, met on the, road in_ a narrow place, j A Quarrel lollorwed, .each contending ] for" his particular fight to the road. ; finally they passed and each one i went on his way. but Horner decided that he was not satinfled, sij he pro ceeded lo the home of WilkersOn and a battle followed in which Wtlker son received a serious .-.tab in his cheat. He was carried to Watts Hos- j Pital for Uealihem ami Horner es caped and has . nor been apprehenHed. ; ? ?' '0? ? : ? '? ? Karl Dane the Hero j>l the "Ble Parade: "in ROOKIES piaying at"; aB Earl Carroll j Ordered To Penitentiary Producer Will Be Taken From Greenville Hospital At Once; Relatives Stunned DEN IE D CLE M E X C Y Washington. June 7.? Earl Carrell. theatrical producer, sentenced to At lanta Penitentiary for perjury, who became ill in Greenville. 13. C.. today was ordered taken to Atlanta to bs gm serving his sentence. Attorney-General ? <v? ? nounced that Carroll would be taken to the prison tonight* t>r tomorrow,, indicating late today that--there was nothing in the Carroll case that would justify Us being referred to President Coolidge tor action on a petition (or executive "clemency tiled some time ago. Deny Clemency Carroll has' beenr in a Greenville hospital for more than a month and decision of the Department of tice to deny him clemency *v this time was based on a report _ma?ie by two oxamlntng officials, ;".'J The physicians sent by th? Attor ney-General to investigate reports that Carroll was critically "ill report - ed that '.'there io nothing the matter vflth him,"'' t he Attorney-General' s.aict. ; . ?. ? ? - "TV _ The Attorney-General said Carroll's -entence had not begun, but ould date from the time he is admitted lin the prison. . . - . CaxroiJ^ was sentenced .in Nev Vork to serve one year and a day in the Atlanta prison as a result of his con vition on a charye Of perjury before a Federal grand iury investigating .his famou8 *fba!th-tuto partY;'* Two thousand People Hear -Dr. Mangum Sunday Night Grain Of Corn ? Removed From Bronchus of Child . Philadelphia, June 7. ? Phy sician* in Chevalier Jackson Brpnehoscoplc "Clinic at I he University of Pennsylvania Hospital today removed a 5 rain of corn from the right right ! gronchus ot Pansy Hu?s. 6 ! years ? old. after she had bren hurried, here from a hospital at l.incolnion. near ( harlottr. N. b *. C. The child; . a daughter of Qscar Huss, of Cherrvvllle, N. C? inhaled the grain of corn I while playing near lier horo on Sunday. Notice To Tax Payers Ini a suit brough before JUdge I Midvette for thq purpose of tayirig temporarily.. the enforcement of tax cdllections for the vear 1926 it was j ordered by the' court that sale of land for delinquent tax should be i n>ade on tlie~Tirst Monday m Sep tember next. Since the law requires lour weeks notice this will necessitate Advertising' the flcivt.- v.eek In August. All tax ?' layers who " have ,no* \icl their taxes lor The year snouia take due . notice of this order of the l court. Under the new law neither^ the Sheriff nor the County Com missioners are given any discretion, it being required that set tloipe'nt >hall be made not later than October ist. A. C. OEKTRY. Chairman. Board ot County Commissioners N. V. BROOKS. Sheriff. F. O. CARVER. Cov.nty Attorney. Chamberlin And Let vine % Sets New Distance Record Fog Confuses Americans And (ias Gives Out At Eisleben: Filers Take Off After Fuel ins Hot Are A ura in Forced Down at Cottbus. 61> Mites From German Capital. Break ins; Propeller; New -Record of 3.905 Miles Established. DIDN'T HAVE GERMAN MAP Berlin. June C. ?Broken "distance | records ? a dramatic flight from New York to Germany? t?R> forced land ings.' ? | These great .thrills given to the ; .world and Germany.. h? ^ "Clarence j Chamberlin and Cliarles A, Levine. who flew farther in the Bellaiicn monoplane Cg'.uiiijjia than man over has flown b-Tfore. titled to . satisfy | Berlin' today.. Berlin wanted to be the first lo "Trsmrme filers cn their arrival, and disappointment ran fifgh when it w as - learned that the. Bellancn. was In Co'tbus. sixty-live miles away: w-fm-" a broken propellor and that cham berlin and Levine \vef? to spend the i night in that town. _ (Cottbus, Cram's -map or Europe, ?shows, is really east of Berlin, though far to the south.) . Tired and weary Berliners. vho had stood for many hours left Tf m pelhofer field singing the praises of the men who had made so marvelous a flight, but bemoaning Berlin's ill fortune in not beta? able - to greet ! them today. Washington. June 6. ? Clarence D. j Chamberlin. in the New York to Oer- I many flight, exceeded C a p t a.lfH Charles A. Lindbergh's non-stop long | distance record by approximately 300 ] miles, officials of the geological sur vey estimated today. The air line distance from New j York to Kisleben Is 3 Ms miles, but Chamberiin mar have covered more , miles by deviations from the route, j lo avokl bad weather. The estimate ban no official status. ?9 that will be determined by the | national- aeronautical association. Cottbus. Oermany.t June 8. ? Neither t Ctk*rnc? Chamberlin nor Oharles A, i Levine are happy over their record j making flight from New York to i Oermany-^on the contrary they are I dissatisfied. ? ~ I "It's not as good as It should, have i j been? we should have reached Ber- j tin. .aid Levine. 'vner^ ne was it'feet- j , vwo m - line iiiuttv ttc ;t " j :*promptu Ceremonial luncheon given > the filers "by the dienatartes ot Cott- | ? ? -Continued on-rttse Kisht? ? I Breaks Record *imi m imiiii an my utty HI Ijv .hifr s-0 H JP | sicknfess anfl death wife iriencry wnn TO? ' n w= Vmir ktndnes will everUiTTcmpmbernd and appreciated. Presbyterian Church Sunday School atine usual hours at ROxboro and Mitchell Chapel. ^JZMtro will be ho preaching :,orvicc at Roxboro. ndr Mitchell Chapel, nor Bushy Fcirk. All of these services will give way to the services at Pio neer warehouse. We are having a great revival. Come, bring a! friend. Speak to some one concerning their souls. Pray tor God's blessings pn yourself and others." P. CARY ADAMS. Pastor. Board Of Commis sioners Met Monday ?TTfr ' Board of County Com ers were in session Monday. Most of the day was taken up with paying bins, and discu&ing the new Cotuity law. They adjourned lo meet Friday with the tax listers. Death of Infant Little Nora Hop*ood. Ave weeks old baby of Mr. and SJn. June Hoptoad died Monday June 6th. and was buried in. the Surl Cemetery Tuesday. June 1th- This baby was one of twin* and the parents h?*e the sym pathy of the community in the loss of her. ^ "Great Throngs Attend Each Meeting Of County-Wide Revival SERMONS OF GREAT POWER The .County Wide Revival has been ;in progress for ten days, and thrown of people - hear the wonderful mes sages which are being, brought by Dr. O. R. Mangum. lt is? pecularlly notices able that no "high power" efforts are being used to get those present to come up and giye their. _ hands to the preacher He emphatically states in his appeal to sinners that he docs hot want any one to accept the_ invi tations given unles they feel that they want to live a better life and consecrate themselves to the Master. Dr. Mangum is a consecrated Chns tian, and, he preaches the CJospel in all its simplicity, making it so plaui that any one eon understand, yet; it has the afrpeal of a man thorough ly qroupded in the Spirit, highly ed- *? ucated. much travelled and who be lieves every word he is preaching. So far there has been no very great in terest manifested on the part of the .unsaved, but the crowds which greet ovening are proof positive that th? peopl? are thoroughly interested in the: great work and it is believed by .Che Christian peo]>ie that the many prayers which- are being offered dstt7. ~ coupled with the mighty fl^fp^ats rT _th.fc Minister: Kill bear much' fruit and many will be brought, to set* their -lost condition. It has been most gratifying t i see. the way i>?ople from the country havo attended these meetings. It has. in deed and in truth.. be?*n a county wide meeting. We believe there ha* been more people, from the country present at every evening service than there were from ? th<* town, They _ have taken an active part In the sons service, helping to make the greatest choir ever gathered together in Ho* - boro and we rrust they will continue to ieel that it is Jryly a county -vfid.^ .meetm?rirr?d- that the yo-Dd influence will be i elt. througho.r t:v . Coin.ty, The - services will continue through - out the - week with . ccrvices at C in the mprning. and at 8 in 'he ey?n-_ ing; closing with three >orvic.is next Suhday. che at 11 a .m. 3:3Q p. in., and i| p. m. At the . evening s??rvi cs jast Sunday "here ;\vcre about 2,00ft *x?ople present', and is Is expected' that that the house will be full to overflowing on next Suncta.v. Come to every service during the weelo. and . then come on Sunday and help make it the 'greatest day lor H Christianity ever kpotot in this I' County. ? ?. ; : ? Honor Graduate Pittsbargh. Pa., June '7.? Edwin 1 Eberman Ji\, of Rioxboro. North Car olina was graduated; at the twentieth t'ommencemenL exercises of the '?'Car negie Institute of . Technology this ! morning r He received a bachelor of Arts degree in . illustration from the Cotter ni Fni" Arii. ? ? _ Tht- ?Aniduatinc c.iass a: :? f*?0 was one of the Urn est in the Institute's his tory: HarVey Wiley Corbett. promi nent architect cf New York, delivered the Commencement Oration!, -and. President Thomas 3. Baker awarded ihe documents of graduation. Sherman.* it was announced, was one of six honor graduates from the College* 'of FHne Arts. Sunday School Day At Leas Chapel Next' Sunday at eleven o'clock at i Leas Chapel there will be a Cbil j d fen's Day Program tendered to which all people both children and parents are invited. Come and en courage the work with youf presence Not an alf day service. No dinner' on the ground. Regular preaching service at ?War ren's Qrove at Tour o'clock. J. W. BRADLEY. Pastor. Bethel Hill Note. I ? Re*, and Mrs. J. A. Beam attended the commencement exercises at Wake Forest College last week. The Perfect Attendance certificates for Bethel Hill students are oow ready and students may receive then by calling at Mr. Wehrenberg's home Bryan Boswell spent the week end _?ith_us during the Commencement season. He is attending, business col lege in tllclimond Va'.? W. ' ~-c(- ? ? - Thr rrnmnrtv SUrnaUf.n r.f tint Sowiii ?"ROOKIES with Karl' Dane *63" Oeo. K. Arthur playing at Palace nita.li-.' Motidin ;oil Tuesday. ,

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