the date on the LABEL IS THE DATE YOUR PAPER WILL BE STOPPED J. W. NOELL. EDITOR A.\"D PUBLISHER. WATCH THE LABEL ON YOL'B PAI'Ek AND DO NOT LET YOL'B SUBSCRIPTION '?* EXPIRE HOME FIRST. ABROAD NEXT SI. 50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE VOL. No, XLIV j ROXBQRC.vJSOR I H CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening, November 30, 1927. No. 46. AFTER SIX MONTHS OF "SAYING NOTHING, BUT SAWING WOOD" Htm v Ford Today Announced' The Specifications Of The New Ford MAS MANY NEW FEATURES Auto Co. Preparing For ? Public Reception F riday mAlter six montlu ol "saym? nolh A \tui sawing woo<3f' Henry Ford to announced -he specifications of tbfc new Ford, car which succeeds his ? famous . Model T: A ba:T listing of . those specification' presents, a picture -v - of. &n automobile that in. >er farms, n: appearnco and mechai leature* ' has heretofore been associ?.,.ed with a considerably higher price' class Unusual speed and Acceleration are among the outstanding features of th? new car it is announced as be ins able to make 55 to 6Cv iplles an hour with eas*. In recent tests it has made even more without diffi cult'. : -Whiit is more important, it is stated thai :Wh$n traveling at such speed*, it holds the road easily, and. with comfort to driver gnrt ? passen gers. It u also stated with equal positiveness. however- ; ha: it per forms in an equally spectacular man ner on bad roads In its design. Mr Ford held to h:y original :dea o* a ca: which can inee:, all candittohs and types of roads ApnreciaUnr the oansrantly increas ing importance of- 'a: : "lertSt.r-n-. tht Ford. ;M~otor ; Company lias ; tr.ven a ' great deal of study to i his feature of the new car. In high gear. tests with two paa??ngei* in: ?>*, Tudor . sedan - It has shown an acceleration of from 5 to 25 miles an hour n r. . >ecands Tht new Ford ^ car also-; introduces a new type of four-wheel brakes A): exclusive Fore development the* are of the mechanical, shoe-expanding type, and arc. s- 11 -centering. Trie or:.:; ;? "pedal and the hand bra lit each oper ates all lour brakes. It is stated that this is the most reliable and simp lest type of tour-wheel brake. ' and ?also theeasiest to adjust! all' ad ^stments Oeine made from the out -?de vr ? i wr.> ? ? ? ; -^rr ' Con r:n Ued u> tiasi Patre Popular Couple Of Roxbtoro Wed Brauiifu! Hnroi' W'fdillm: Of Mr. Landftii Harvey arid Mis* Polly WuUcei The wedOmc of Mis1 Polly W&lfc&r tn . tsCr. I^andoh Haryev an Saturday' aitei^opjri^-at n ,30. r;ciori; wav -one -of; great beauty and simplicity. The csremory taofc place ' at the. home, oi the bride unci -n- r'nUutnec: by the bride1 pastor. Rev. W F WesT of the First Baptist Church. Only rela tive-'F arid close friends of . the brill? -aijd groom trore '-gliest*. ? The hr*$ie was ? fc;r the occasion- tbfc bntlaj. motil of and 5ernc sue intermiti? which , addict tr?- ?hi- 1?vtrlin?sc, of -thr On - either side, ol ' lie arch were large floo/ bi^.kr-ts. ol vMntr ch rvsahi hemumf . Atier-- "the spest;: had asp-?ntoied; Mrs-. K. ?.- . Street u" '.lie piano. ? . softly played venet^g Love Song" ."by Ne Ttn. and ? just before the ceremony Mrs H. W. Newell sang "O Love Of % Mine *>v Stanley I Heiff The "Lo hengrin Wadding March" was used a^ a. Recessional and' Mendessohns as a The " bride was attended by. her sis ter. Mrs. L Vanse Hpoker oi Balti more. Md;. as dame- ol honor, wearing a lovely dress of blue chiffon velvet and carrying an arm bouquet o f American beauty r&es. Mr. J. Shields Harvey of Danville. Ya.. attended the groom as best man The bride, who was escorted to the altar and given In marriage by her brother Geo. W Walker Jr.. was lovely in a traveling dress ol tan satin crep*v a close fitting hat of brown and- gold and ...accessories , to- match r She carried. .^,-jshoweif-, bouquet of Bride's roses and Valley lillkes. The brltle. a daughter of Mr. and Itfirs. Geo. W Walker, is a 3ovelv young woman* of the brunette type and has a hqpt of friends won by her charming personality She attended school at Fairfax HtjlL. fa.. ami liter . studied music at Peabodv Institute. Baltimore. Md. , Mr. Harvev is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Harvey- of this city. 3# received his education at Eastman Business College. Poughkeepsie. N YM ffnd now holds a position with Dlb rell Brothers, m Danville. Va, J. T. McCulloch Cut To Death By Two Men Hid In Bushes John Thomas McCulloch Brutally Murdered In Presence Of Wife. Attacked Bv Two Men Just As He And His Wife Step Out Of Their Home TWO YOl'NC, MEN. REGAN AND BYRD IN CASWELL J AIL The quiet modest UtUe home ol John Thomas McCulloch. who lives .lust over the Person County line in Caswell County on High way No. 144. was the scene of a darinc and brutal murder SUn dui pvenmc jus: alter sunsS McCulloch and wile closed the doors ol {heir home and liad walked a lew yards from the front on their way to attend the bmfe side of a -neighbor, when sudden ly. rjvo younp men w*ose^ nam"' are Rfgan and Eyrd. i'el! upon him from a clump at bushes. Re can gathered MsCulloch and held him while Bjrtj dealt quite a number ,qf deadly strpkes with u telle. resulting ir. McCuloChV death a few minutes later. Byrd received a bad cut- on the arm and carried to' the hospital in Burlington., but wa ' I; ? rf moved to YaneeyVilU Jail. Regan was not hurt in the fight but wa> arrested and is also in jail Some former trouble is supposed to be tt|?? of the. whole tragedy Prominent Citizen Dies Honorable W A. Warren Died This Morninc At Five O'clork At His Heme PARALYSIS CAUSES DEATH The community was shocked . this ?morning to leant of the death oi Har. W A. Warren. He suffered a stroke of paravisis Monday morning, from which he never ~r5BliSl' but; died ..this morninr at 5 o'clock. Kir. Warren m easily one of the leadinc. citizens oi the County,. ? he was a native . o? Caswell county, but hac r.v.-.Ai his home ? ?v. this Couni" n^at Gordonton. lor many years. . Ije xraK nor dirty-, a leader amonc his. neighbors a tic section: ? but- was re coirni'zed' as such by the -County gen- J erally He served as' a member of . vhe-\ Board; "of. County Commissioners, and represented the Count v m the "Legi'siatur? . for several sessions. - . In his private life h^ was honest , upright, with deep convictions He was a faithfuY" member of . the Primir ?'.t:ve Baptist Church, and, we believe, uriis moderator ol hii association at the time of his death. Few men -will be more mipsed than Mr, Warren; We have not Deer, able to ere: n ncunrement .as tci" funeral services-. First Baptist Church Bible School, U>;W> aim. R. L W>K burn. Superintendent; Preachinr ll.OD m. Subject: "1 meeting Our Obligations " ""ift Pnblerf; "The Cause and '.fcurt o 1 lawlessness." E Y' P. .IT'S 6:30 p.m l-Iiss Julia Yr.ijrfy. 'General Director Special Notice To those who; owe us . '"' "We have been glad to accomodate vou when it was not convenient tor. vqu to pa*1 cash. Now we ask that you reciprocate the favor by promptly meeting "our accounts with u? the.: we may meet our own ob'lfirr tlons. Thank you R. A. Spencer & Sox). O . * Change In Date "The Dust of the Earth" will b? given at Prospect Hill school audi torium on Priday Dec 2nd. instead of Saturday. Dec. 3rd. as stated in our last issue Remember the date Friday Dec. 2nd. 1927. Everybody invited Mr. and Mrs. Harvey laft imme diately after the ceremony Ipr points 5 - in Vrrrinia after which they will "be at home in Danville, Va Out of town guests attending the weddin* were Dr. and Mrs. Z. Vane? Hooker Baltimore. Md.; Mr and Mrs Bootbe Danville. Va.: Miss Pearson, Danville: Mr aiid Mrs. Alfred- Walker Danville: Mr and Mrs. J. E Weath crby. Elizabeth City; Mr J, Shield Harvey Danville and Mr. .lame? S. Walker. Wake Pofest. The Musical Corned;- Treat. Paul Reno's "PARADE REVCE". Glorious Girls. Gloriously Gowned, at Palace .Theatre. Thursday. Priday Saturday this week. I . . Priscrer Thinks His Cot Is Mule lRal"ijrh Nov. :!?< ? Keeping a constant et^TT on h. . cell cot. mattress urid pulliii- it as if he were driving a mule and veiling; from time-to time "whoa, whoa.'.' Cecil Ray. 20, farm hand charged with , crimina! attack upon hi* employw's fr year-old daughter. was" observed today ih Jail here by authorities wbo ' believed him insane. JRay is Scheduled for a Su perior eourt trial this week for the capital offense but court officials indicated hie- woilld probably be committed to the state hospital for insane. Col. Lindbergh May Join Polar Flight Hartford Newspaper Says First Transatlantic*. Flier Is Discu >r% in* It With Byrd . New York. Nov. V.'. ? Commander Richard E. Byrd tonight said tfcftt he .had not conferred with CoL Oiarb A. Lindbergh and knew; of no ne?ff=" tiationv to -"have Lindbergh join the proposed anarctic exploration expe dition as reported from Hartford. Hartford. Conn!. Nov 29.-~The riartfora Couran? will say tomorrow that from an authoritative source it was learned that: Col.. Charles A. Lmd ' firs: aria :or to make a- non ptop. ftich: from New Yo?fc Pa'is. will accompany Commander . Richard .E Bird c'n his proposed South Pole flight . next year i i negotiations Uov be:ns earned on result in the destr?d ^ eement, ; f ? : : Y'.-tf Improving Frcm Injury Friends til Jack Clayton of Hurdls Mills will be pleased to know that be has .mdergane a very successful op eration .00 his lame loot ami is get ting along nicely. It will be remem bered that Mr. Clayton- suffered a -deep -and "flSunful rut on his loot early in the year and the wound failed to heal. The operation revealed a piece of dead bone which was re moved, with the assurance from the surgeon thtil his foot will soon be well apd strong. ? 0 Notice ? Study Club The members of the Study Class will give a Benefit Card Party ' at the Woman's Club room Thursday night. Dec 1st. at from B to 10 o'clock. The public is cordially lnvtted. There will be plenty ol tables. This ft for the benfit of the Ethel New ton Memorial Library Great Majestic Sale Watch out for the announcement ? Of the great Majestic demonstration which we will put on how soon. Noth ing like the Majestic, and you warn to take advantage of this great sale. Watch for the date T. W Pftss & Son -a ? Thr Girl Trio They 0?n Sing> wtth P:<u: Reno and his "PARADE HEVCE" plaving at Palace. " Theatre Thursday Friday. Saturday this W?sk WINNER CORN CLOB GATHERS 116 BUSHELS ? ? Peoples Bank Will Award S50.D0 To Three Highest. Guthrie Gentry Leads Field ALL MEMBERS DID WELL Many Will .loin 190 Bushel Class Next Year ; Recommendations will be made to The Peoples 3ank. Roxbaro. N C.. ipr the following club member?1 to re reive, the fllrv dollar? cash offered the crlub members makint the highest yields oi com in- Person County- this year: Guthrie Gentry. Roxboro. R. .2. Yield 116 bushels. S25.0G cash. Roy Oakley. Timberlake Yield 9K bushels. 812.50 cash. William "W instead. Roxboro. R. 3. Yield 9B bushels. S22.50 cash. Honorable mention . goes to Woodv Rogers of Bethel Hill. who. made n yield oi 95 bushels per acre; Guthrie ->e:eetec: an acre :>tal iar been in clover for ome time; . and as a hog. lot part of the rime Ro;' Oakley also had an old hop lot and made a splendid yield. William W in stead used an acre of land that had be?ri improved by turninc under clo ver and peas, while Woody. Rrteer? with S5 bushels, used an acre on idTV land where a huge crop ai soy. bean had been turned under; the -iore, All. pi these acres as well as others .were personally inspected by the .cacnt* agent, and he has has . never seen such a splendid shovang as was mad* bv. these club members Others did well tor the land they nad. .'but thsr are -working sway' to make tfteTr land richer su that they can eet in the hundred bushel class in the near ? inure . ^ - These .boys., have demonstrated tha: corn can be made on Person County land, il.; properly prepared and made rich" bv turning. under a legume crap such as -peaSv soy beans and clove; Guthrie Gentry used SOO n?s ol n-2-2 on his acre Roy Oakley used two loads of manure: William Win .-read used 300 ^ o! 8-3-3 and 3 63 ii>s. oi Nitrate of. soda.' while "Woody Refers, with honorable mention, used j end phosphate 8-2-2 and Nitrate of I soda . i . . ? .__J -o Prcsrram N. Roxboro EL Y. P. U. Dfec. 4 . The Sollowme is the . program lor North- Rdufboro' .B. T. P..U. op Dpc. ~4. President in charge Prayer by Mr. i. T.: birt?er5on. Son? sftmee. ,Chor in charge. Skidy taf the even in v "H Burdens' A-1 A Good Soldier ' ' . be.vntiona'1 Katherine Daniel.. Comment r.n pa* ror bv Mr.v w: w Worrell Introdur: tichs by group leacer. Mr Allie Holt Topic NO.- 1. Biblf- background. ? by Mtef Martie Dunn Paul suffered, by Miss Geneva Walker Topic No. 2. Cling; close to Christ, by Miss; Esteile Cole. Topic No. 3 Be our best in spite of burdens, .by Mrs N R. Hall. Spe cial musjr by the quartette. Topic No 4. Joseph, the model voting man.?bv Miss Christine Hall. - A* men ial m his master's home, by litiss Lo ? renza Hall. Poem. The Perfect Day. by Mrs. Sam Owen. Rising to the top in prison, by Miss Theresa Hall Secret of Josephs success, bj- Mr Narnn Hall We- invite, each and even* one to ftur B _Y P U. every Sunday even ihg at 6:00 p.m? Sec -o? ? Some Hcg Mr. J. W: Zickafoose. formerly ol West Va. now with the Lincoln Fur niture Co.. Bristol, Va*-Tenn.. butch ered a ten months old pig which tip ped the scales at 530 pounds. Annual Bazaar The ladles of the Edsar Lonst Mem orial church will hold their annual Bazaar Dec. 10th. in the basement ol the church: Come at U o'clock and buy vour Christmas presents, and let the ladles serve you a Rood dinner You are helptn* vqurselT when you buy Christmas seals. Ai all dru? stores. .. Come 'o Wethodlst Church Dec. 10th and buy your Christmas pres ents. President Will Speak At G.O.P. Committee Session Poultry Queen Mis* Luc::. B. Carper oi 8;:; Or: lahoma district, lives in Washing ton with her Congressman hus band ? but hw heart is back hotfie with her chicken ranch ? f rorr. . where she sells- 140.000 row.:.", earrf year, her 'hipmen;. ???s! ?(!!? Ram-, to N. T City. Local Market Is Well Ahead Of Last Year Tftal Sale^ Ti> Last Friday Were 4.43?..03h Pound-. Av. Total Sales S27.02 BANNER YEAR FOR ROX TO!f t*ir market was open only three days last. week, having closed Wednesday- lor Thankseivmt.. thi sSfrs' amounted to 503J2C j>6unds which sold tor t?n average S27 .75. The sates .of tiir year are tar abeaf. ol. the past season, sales Friday fcmneai'-* the pounds -'to 4.433, <Hg v:*:. in average :ai S27 02 . for everjntnag sold 3ii til- market This is -a splen did, average. bem t Si. 02 above las: year's a-erace The. price, far the week was a Utile' ,.f!. but tlie unseasonable weather had muct. to do' wiih this for . tbbaccr. ? waf not. in the best of condition. The prospects are ftiftl tiiife will be tife' banner year tor . the Ro>:b:rrD ?narke: and the buj*?rs and ware. h;usem?n are aoir.r their utmost .ta help.' Watch the prices and see how well this ntarESm IFsatll? a" 61 tfl? tiler markets " Mr? Susan Ashley Dies Mrs. Susan Astii-:-' age G8 years widow ?J the late- Jaaua. Ashler: difc at the -home [at iier -sfh. Mr. CJeiree. Ashler ;si Rc.:-:bor.-] ,MHitia-" evehin st UrSo ri:clnik> ' 5ie iuiierai was onducted from toe, dame. Tue.?dt; at 2:99 pjri. Jj': W F. West aoi Rev P. .Can* Adam;, and interment: followed in the Westbrootcs fami'-. cemetery The floweiy werje mar. and beautiful which speaks for the hifh esteem m which, this ^ood wo man was held She leaves sevoral children all of whom arc erown. o Woman's Club The December meeting of the Wo man's Club will be held a: the club rooms in the Kaplan buildlne on Mondav afternoon. December 5th, at 3:15 o clock. It will b# a "Health Meetlne." and there will be an ad dress alone ttals line by Dr . H. M. Beam. A full attendance is eametlc requested. Bushy Fork High School Honor Roll First crrade ? Eyelyn Allen. Sarmlel Brings Elizabeth Horton. Francis Whitfield * Second grade ? Vera Moore. Fourth erade? Huldah Hester. Sue Allen. Jessie Vanhook. Bessie Newton. ' Fifth (trade ? Man- Sue Wade Ja cob Thompson. Eloise Hester. John Newton. Robert Hester A Return Encasement of "THE DEMPSEY - Tl.'N-NEY FICSHT" by speclal request at Palace Theatre; Wednesday. December Tth Matinee at 3:00 p.m. . j*. . ? O" ? If rcti failed to ?-e "THE DEMP SEY-TUNNEY FTQHT" it's -omra? _W?dnesdar December 7th Palace Theatre: Matinee at -3-00 p.m. Members Of National Body That Wilt Select 1928 Con vention City Somewhat Per plexed Bv Latest White House Announcement ; Much Speculation As To What Mr. Coolidge Intends To Say Washington Nov. 29? Interest in the- selection 61 a convention city here next week before the Republican Na tional . Committer wa.s overshddwed todav by speculation regarding the announcement that President Cool idec contemplates' an address to members of the rommittee when hie receives then-, m the Eas: Room of the White House. The -announcement, wa; n?t accom panied by any indication at to what thr- Presides! inter.:: to say. bu; the -ur ,;;a; it . wa- made at a recular White. House conference we weight to .the suggestion that, his ramwks ir.t-. be a>. more than passlnr interest t r. the public Somewhai Perplexed ? Persumablj- becau-- -jiti Conlidgr m.ainiaihpri .mu^uaL' close coun *fch himself regardinc his poli * i-'aj fclans suice U i issued ;ni "i-do nrt ihoose stafenien- tr. a* Black Hills the .committeemen., are raining tn Washington expressing more or less ..pBrplextt' a: to the President's latent tim- Although a number, at ^ttem declarer1, themse'lvef tr be so earlier, in the fall v.'hen they met her? a: the ca!! 'pf CSalrtnan Butler, Mr C'ahdge did no: avail himself of ar. opportunltw V0. enliyhten fhwht ? '!?? white. House bjisafcfa?'. to which . : liev wcr? Invites. Slncf then 'he White House, has ' i; .necsfsary to r-pirtttate'-in it* . Ti-jpp; tl.i >u?h. th' circulation of pet itions .tin farce, the drafr;ns of him .ajs .the' SeritsWtcan r>m v*ar. . but rrh:*.h?r 'arr^rsr: .nubility pi the public to make up its- mind the -esacf ineaninj at Uw Blac* Hills statesmen.; has moved Mr. Cool-' idee tb contemplate ram additional r<ahark? somethir.r t tally .n the realm ol speculation '?. ? ' PsrsonCnoaty Board Agriculture ^Wil Mfft to Hear- Mr Santier's Yearly Report We wfiii "'to call attention to .. ibe'. members ol th? Parson Cburijy Board . ol Agriculture p regular' meeting vriil>bp .'he*d Saturdav .after n:.;:n. Dec. 3rd.: at* 2 o^ciock. We pJan bt* in .session -only ar. hour, so please come prompt: v Mr Sanders IE -ir.atetrig li:c reaor: tar the, work ae compiishect purine the. year and you y-:U certainly be interested to see much he hr.? done sines he dame . l&s: Jniruarr, -lust, come and learn : v ?er- :Ti .Calini,- ii . b?z:itoine to ?Keep -5.- ? 'vrh ' ?! Other counties ' in . '? ?.ecMrniuirai ? . and you.. wiU so ?; * ?'ham* gfnirer. pviHe tn our Crn'" '^ enthusiasm for. ? i?ur individual xrorli. ? J. B. SATTSRFlteLD. ? Ohm.. bessie h .Daniel sec. Lecture On Law Enforcement Here Hon G:: ?- Wi.'t.v a delivtB ed. a lecture. ;n the .First Baptist 'hin? h Here ja:;t Sunila- ernma. - , his subject Win? "I-aw ?Si?orcemerit!*r The lecture w&> very good, and time ly. but he was greeted by a very ^aiair congregation. From here tie wenr to Reidsx-ille. ^here l?e letcuretf :!jaT night Welcome to Roxboro Mr and Mrs, Prank Elliott luiwe returned Jrotn their honeymoon trip and '.nil reside in Roxboro Mr. Kl libn is connected with the Spencer Undertaking Co.. and has mady many tiends since coming here several months ago Mrs Elliott is from Chase City. Va.. and was a leader anions the young set of. her native city We cordially welcome her to our Rood town. Christmas Seals Chewing gu m. postage stamps, matches ? they all sell for a penny But Christmas seals bringing health and happiness, ate peny investment*, paying high dividends. Buy them at all drug stores _ Paul Reno with ? his PARADR REVUE" with 1*-Penple-14 'The Sea son's most Elaborate Showi at Pal ace Theatre. Thursday Pnday. Sat urday this week.

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