'J. W.'NOEUL, EDITOR ANO PUBLISHER. . HOME FIRST, ABROAD NEXT VOL. XLVI. ' I ? ?. I ' 'Ulj ? m ? fr i, ? ?, ? ?? , ? i ? . ? , -r ROXBORQ* NOOTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 27. i&9. NO. 49, Another Busy Week On The Local Tobacco Mart Sties Blocked Several Days,. But Prices Are Very ? Satisfactory r . ?_ "AVERAGE UOlfc WEEK $23.48 . '<> . * >'C-. ' ' " ' '. Bales were unusually hqavy last week, t fie town being full of tobacco ?' *he entire week, to such,?an_ exK&t ^ .that * ?ales were blocked several; day*. Notwithstanding the rush prices hold up Remarkably well, aqd the farmers ?elf pleased iom" said wrappers were.a little off, but ttr may have been ... that the grades werenot quite so good as the former week. market sold during the^ week 719,712 pounds to. ?V2 26. making " an average for the week of $23.48. The average was a little less tha nfor the week before. The market has sold this year, up to last Friday. 4.183,572 pounds, for *910.391.89, making the average for the 'season to date S21.M On acocunt of .Thanksgiving the - market will close ' with the _ sales today, Wednesday, and will be open on .Monday, Decv 2nd.__ ^ . First Baptist Church .. :?? * "A young lawyer, an ihfldel,, boast ed that he was going out west to locate in some place where th^re were no churches. Sunday schools. - or "Bibles Before a_ year was out' he .wrote to a classmate, a young minis ter. begging him to come out where he was and start a Sunday school and preach, and 'be sure to "Bring plenty of Bibles.' dosing the letter Vfith these words. 'I have become convinced that a place without Christians and 8abbaths and churchesnqnd Bibles la too much like hell for any living man to stay in."?Record of Christian Work. Do you appreciate the churches in your community? . Bible School 10:,SO A M Mr R. X Wilburn. Supt. Preaching 11:00 A. M. Subject: . THfi- LEA VENI NG GOSPEL. Preafhlng 7:30 p. M. Subject: THE WAY OP THE CROSS, B. Y. P. U's. 6:30 P. M. Mr. H. A" Buckner. General Director. "Behold the days come, salth the Lord Ood, that I will send a famine C in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words < t the Lord?and they shall winder from sea to sea, and from ? the.; horth even unto the e?st, they Khali run to and fro*to seek'the word of the Lord, and shall not find it."? ? Amo^ 8:11-12. r ^, . A cordial welcome is extended to all. W. F. WEST. Pastor. Notice! The Woman's Club will hold its regular monthly meeting In the club rooms Monday afternoon, Dec. 2nd. at 3 o'clock.' All members arc urged to be present Visitors are always welcome We take this means .of thanking all those whtf took' part hi the pi??, "See You- Later," and endeavpred to make Vt a success. We also J^re Indebted to Mr. O. C. Davidson "for the use of the school. Mr. Palt Jar the ( fur niture u*ed on stage', Clayton Drug Co.. for handling the sale of tickets, and to each of the merchant* for the; advertisements on the programs We thayk you.?Woman's Olub. Stop! Lopk! Listen! What? Dlhner. ft Where? At the old Reade HoteL Back of WhltfleM's Serlvce Station When? Sat. Dec. 7th, from 13 to ? o'clock. By whom? Ladies o^ the. First Bap > ttit church. ' Menu" Brunswick stew. 3Sc; chick en salad course, SOc; ice cream, foe; neke; toe: pie. loe; cakes, pie? and randy for-fsale Boy Scout Notice The Boy' &duts of" Roxbor" .met Thursday evening at . 7:30 in the Basement qf the Baptist, church to discuss the. aoming Scout 'organisation We appointed Piitrol I<e?4ers and held a buslnew mehtlng^ ., The next'meeting wlU be Hi, the A'jj Baptist church. Wednesday. ?vsWntf 'at 7:30. AH ol? members of the Roxborn Scout organization are urged to 'At tend . * Harold Duncan, .florlbc MV? Alice White m BROADWAY HMHBJI, sensatiofiftl ? ShWrW/nment te Way, playing Pal ay, Nov. 29Ut ? Celebrated Fifteerith .Wedding Anniversary i?Mi.'anil Mi.I. D. V, ui)?1?i?iii)it gain bra ted their .fifteenth wedding anni versary last night at their beautiful home on North Main Street. Quite .a number of friends were enUrtalnea~*t a slx-tAlrty o'clock dinner. After din ner the evening was spent around the card table, bfldge~ "being played for a number 'of progressions. Mrs. A M. | Bums won the high score. for the ladles. wnue,Dr. J. H. HUgnfs Cirrnsr away the honors for the men. bath j being presented with prtees. Mr. and Mrs. Boatwright came here from. Danville about ten years (ago and ha\e endeared themselves to the yo ple of the town By their old time Virginia hospitality, and their ftrend.? wish for them a continuance of their beautiful home life. .. . Week Of Prayer Ladles of the FlrJl Baptist church will meet at the church Sunday. Mon day and Tuesday afternoons at 3:00 o'clock, Dec. 1st, 2nd and 3rd, -to ob serve special season of prayer apd make offering for Foreign missions Every member la asked to make a per sonal contribution at this time tor foreign missions.?-Pres. . ROXBORO HIGH BOYS WIN CLOSING GAME Defeat Bragtown In An Excit ing Game Here" Last Fri- *, I " day Afternoon SCORE OF SIX TO NOTHING" Rozboro closed the lid on Its 1938 football season' here last Friday by defeating the strong Bragtowtv eleven G to 0 . It 'was the coldest day of Oft season and' game was sOfhewhat slowed by "the^frigid weather that almost threat ened to lay a thick blanket of snow over the city. Despite the cold the : came turned out to be a real test for i both sides. | Under normal conditions, probably both teams wpuld have made a better i showing, but nevertheless the 22 play ers were in the game fighting hard from the first kick .off to the final and did not seem to pay much attention to the low temperature. There were few sensational plays dvking the entire game. Kbxbotos passing attack In the second quarter stood dut. Davis paissed to Captain ?"mm le Long for a nice gain and then heaved to Perkins which put the ball within good scoring distance. Perkins then carried the ball over on a line play for the lone score of the contest From that ttmJf on both teams..put up a stiff fight to win as the cold weather was causing the fans on the side lines to- dance around in ?uielr own mtfoner la keep warn.. The visi | tors succeeded In' holding the locals on several plajrs and forced-them to punt, but the locals 'showed a little edge on the visitors to keep them out of danger territory. At the final whistle. Roxboro had the ball on qragtown's is yard line and was righting ?ard to make It smother touchdown* ' ? 0'" r< Postpone Home Coming The Home Coming meeting which was scheduled. Ipr last Sunday at Providence church, has bean post poned. on account of the very Incle ment weather last Sundftjs- It will be held f the third Sunday In December, and all are cordially lnilted ?o attend this service, j Many of the former *?astor? have been Invited, ami a good Ume Is expected u J . 1 Wanted, Copies Nov. 6 ? ? - i ? * n If ?ny of out subscribers can' ftjr nish us with a oopjr of The Ourier of. November ftth. 1029. we wflUap preciate' it if they will brin?, or tend It to us. We hat-? rnn short of this issue and want a copy for a friend II ynu have a copy rg th*t Issue Tlfl ymi-kindly let us have It. U5 , Chlnrt with population nearly -four i timer. thAt of thfc'tt 8 . hw only pbout ttrrt^ per oent ? of our railway mileage , - , ' ' ' 1 .? Ftoh ftghllng I? % national pasfinv In ^alay. * V J Only Screen Beauty?? Ciloria Swanson surprised Chicago, bv rating then- that Mnne Griffith, pictured above, is the only beautiful worn an in the', movies. "The rest of, us are just types." said glorious Gloria. MR. AND M R. L HARRIS ENTERTAIN LOCAL ROTARY CLUB. Delightful- Dinner Given Thurs day Evening, By Club's President REV. ADAMS IS SPEAKER The Rotary club had a delightful meetMg last Thursday evening when it was entertained at a turkey din ner -by Mr. and Mrs R L Harris. Mr. Harris is president of the chibi and same of the members said he was [setting a precedent which would put It up to presidents. 1$ was easily one of the most r delightful- meetings the flub -has enjoy M. and ever felt un l^sttpg obligations to Mr. and M J^Harris., After the dinner hour Rev. P. Cary Attains spoke on Thankagiviqe. and it -was a moat sensihle and lnterwtlng adctnejw>-He regretted the fa?t that the .old idea of "Thanksgiving" had been" forgotten and the day given over to sports and hunting. After thb. address Mr. Wallace Woods read a poetic toast to Mr. and Mrs. Harris. RUSSIAN ADVANCE GOES ON DESPITE CHINESE APPEALS China Calls Foi- International Help In Stopping Red Army's Offensive , RAILWAY- DISPJJTE CAUSE China appealed for International help Tuesday In getting the Soviet army to atop Invading Manchuria. While other countries, notably the United States, debated what to do. th?re. was no Indication that Moscow had changed its policy. An Exchange TMegraph Dispatch from Riga quoting Moscow source? said the Soviet Council of Defence had decided to Ignore the Chinese plea and had sanctioned the Red army's ad vance toward Harbin with a view to speedy occupation of the Chinese East ern Railway. The dispatch added that the council was determined to reject any attempted intervention by the United States or any other dountry. Russia has Insisted she will not talk peaoe until the Chinese restore the railway to joint control and re establish the Russian officials ousted SB charge? of sptMdlng. Soviet propa gand* in Manchuria Her present mllitiry opertaions may be designed to force 'restoration of the status quo. , Wild Report?. Wild reports flew concerning the ex'aat of the military activity. Some sr. d the Matfchurlan city Of Hailar hud been occupied and set aflre by the RussUns-But the latest news from Harbin wastlut the Soviet force? had not1 entered Hailar and were merely dropping occasional bombs from air-J plaqa. Chinese Eastern Railway of -lals denied Hailar wAs In flames. ' j The SferMn dispatches said the 80 from the western end of had sapped Trt -lifwan staling so?? 40 milt* east of dsn chnHI.on the bprde^ ?on?e well-hi | formed "PersoK*Ttj:^Hsr&tQ be He ved the Soviet^. - Jiavln^ (Mterft Opiiu* the ; need of peace, would slowly withdraw. vOfterlng Mukden, the Manctyorlafl cap i-ttjU, a chance to initiate negotiations foreign Commissioner T*?1 Y^ig shenfc. leaving Hribin of Mukden, (Continued. <$> pMte seven) TOWN&END QUITS A S EXECUTIVE COUNSEL TO GOVERNOR; MULL IS 1 MMEDIATELY NAMED SUCCESSOR Raleigh, Nov. 25 -Jud? N. A. Tomwnd today, tendered his resig nation as executive counsel and It was accepted by Governor Gardner *f teetive December 1&. When Judge TowTwend accepted the appoiiTlment he made' Wvkwu "his indention of re tiring early In Uie summer to. resume the practice of law, but the labor- sit uation .beiam'e so acute and his ser vice^ so IndUspehsable that he ?-as prevailed upon to Tetaaiir at his post a wh)le longer. ... "1 do not think the' \alue stnd alg nlflc4nce of Joudge .Townsend's ser vices can be over-eattinated," Qover-1 nor Oardner" stated In aceeplnc the resignation. "He has' handled many Sale Of Auto Taga Over Half Million rirjt Time State Pfcwfd Half Million Mark Raleiffh. Nor. 25.?The sale of Mtemobflt UccoK platei In North Carolina durinx 1929 to day pair d the CM,900 >maiV marking tne. first time In the . history ofths state that license plates hare been bettered a half the dally report of 8pn|w BUrer. head of the motor vehicle division of the department of revenue, this afternoon showed that 500,426 plates had been sold ap to today, tart ye*r on the same date sales totalled 178,986, and total lleehse sales' in 19>S were 413,719. BASKETBALL COACHES IN DURHAM Two Sections, The Winners To Play For .Champion ship Cup . ^ 12 GAMES ri*i> BE PLAYED Mr. B. B. Knight chairman of dis trict No. 3, including nine counties surrounding this territory, called a meeting o f the ooaches of girls - at Durham last Friday night. It was decided at1 ttl'la meeting to divide the"*district into two. sections in order to save teams the expense ?nd. trouble of taking long rips. This season will open after Christ mas when p. series of twelve games will be played. The winner of th^-taco sections will play for^TIJ?' "champion ship." " It was furthur 'decided to hold a nother meeting In Durham on the night of, December 0, and at tha' time to a lap hold a referee school lp order to give an examffiktlon to^.all who wish to officiate In the cham pionship games.'"* "? ~ ? This school will be sponsored by the National officials of girls Basket BiH. All schools will have to decide py this time wheteher they wish to enter or not. 'There will be at)' entrance fee of Five dollars payable \p Mr. B. B. Knight or to the .secretary upon en tering the Leacufe. ? The advantage of the league U to give the ffria the right kind of sport*, jit- will enable teams to get games. All the coachei present agreed not lo make ?ny.plaus for their boys un til after Christmas, when the schedule for the girls will be handed out; then play the boys and girls on the same nl^ht. < "j ^ . ? '? He appeals" to. all of the schools to | loin the league so a Monogram won rby a High qctipoj glH will -Jiave ' the stamped approval not only by the North Carolina League but also' by the* National ? League *8 well . .r-r^y. - ?<>;- ? ?- ... Hunters Notice Buy your hunter* ^tf~tlfcpper* li cense at,Central nervine Station. Rox 'boro. " -All gamb laws are now open, j ?o ha\?~*?6ur.41cen?e whei^jrarden or deputies demand thorn' In th? field iind avtiid. Uiepenslty. which Is costly: jv -^Krrol D. Morion. 'Warden ? , vSL " ? .. -7?p?0 ? 1 - ? - . ? , TMnsday Thanksgiving, Nov . 38th. Kvef n Brent lit FAftfc. COMPANY. ?. > i 11 Jack oak It. plftyipf Palace Thca tr?. , Matinee 3 ao-4:0Q*P. M. Eiw ln^ t: 15-8:00 R HI. '&T'~ delicate and. difficult situations with remarkable tact, patience - and' devo< tlon to' duty and my administration owes a large measure of whatever iuillsj inaj liiin attended Ito tffarta *t working out.many difficult prob lems to his Untiring efforts- arid abil ity. He. leaves with the sincere affec tion- and. deep regret ol. my, entire, official family.'- ?_ At the came Ume he accepted-Judjfi. Townsend's resignation, Oo ve r iT6"r Gardner announced the appointment" and acceptance of Q. M. Mull, - of Sheifey, as-big successor Mr. Mull and the governor have been friends and assipciatees. from early, youth. TWEHTY-WNE HEAD Of REGISTERED HEIFERS COMING The Peoples Bank Sponsoring Movement for Better And More Cattle SEE BANK OR COUNTY AGT. Twenty-nine head of .registered calve? and tielfers will arrive' some time next wee* and ' are expected to be- raady Dec. 7th If everything moves along all right. Farmers interested in registered .foun dation stock should take advantage-of this opportunity and select one as "the supply in this couptry is not as large as "it has-been due to the fact that farriers are buying as fast as they can b^ located. These heifers,and calves will be found to be reasonable in price, consistent with tfic blood lines in their pedigree, and the performance of their dams at the pail; This will likely be the only carload US be shipped in soon, and those desiring a foundation heifer will not make a mistake In selecting any of the group as they are all from the best herds in the Valley of Virginia and Orange County has the banner herds of the state. These pure bred registered heifers and calves were brought in by ,The Peoples i Bank who are sponsoring a movement for better cattle as a side' Hne to tobacco firming. And those ln tfrested In securing one should see the bank or (he county agent who Is assisting in- placing them with farm ers who want them.; Notice To The Public The ladles of the First Baptist church will serve dinner oh Saturday,. Dec. 7th*_'rom 12 to 2 o'clock. The! place is the old Read? Hotel build ing. back ot^ Whitfield's Service Sta tion. This dinner, tdgfether with cakes, pips, and sandles for tele will take place ol the annual bazaar.. Come eat with- ua. We will serve you a good dinner, ttreh buy your cake foi Sun day dlnner.-^Chalrman - ? Revival Meeting 1 ' ' The big revival meeting Is now'go-I Ing on at.the new Weslayan M?tho-| dist Tabernacle between Roxboro and j Jalong.' The public is cordially in vited to every service. Services every night "at 7: JO o'clock. Preaching Services At Hurdle Mill? fclder C M. Adams of Durham, will pruch IB the auditorium of the >lur die Mftts lilgh school next Sunday afternoon at two-thirty o'clock, Dec 1st. The public Is Invited. Only 22 More Shopping Day* Until Christmas PILOT UFE INSURANCE CO. HONORS MR. B. B. KNIGHT WITH BANQUET Turkey Diimei'.Served Jo Nubi her Of lusted Gueota At Jones Hote! . GETS TRIP TO SEDGEFIKLD . - '??r^ 3^ The Pilot Life Insurance Company did atttctdely' nice thing for Mr. B. B. Knight, district agent for thi* County, last. Thursday evening wjien if. gave a banquet at Hotel Jones In honor of his. splendid seccess In writ- . I rtt; new business for the Company: Mr. Knight Won the . distinction of writing more new business In. this di vision for his Company than any other agency., and In "recognition of this splendid, record the. ^Company tendered the banquet. "K addition to this victory Mr. Rhight has" won. a trip to Sedgefield. and becomes a i memJjer of the Upper Ten. This la ? an honor coveted by every insurant? man -and is highly prised by them, and is especially complimentary to Mr. . Knight, as he Is one of the young est--^ point lof service?of; the a gents In this- section. ~ The bangSet. which was servad by Mr. W. O. Miller," of the' Joiaes Hotel, was a royal turkey dinner, with all accessories, and was pronounced ona of the best the Company's reprint n tfttves hftye- served. Mr. B. B. Knigtit acted as toast mas ter, and was equal following were present: H. L. Raw lins. Max Rawlins, Dewy Townr. Williams Snow, Campen, Philip?, Johnson. Halthcock.. Prank. T"ar brough. D. R. Taylor,"J. S.'Merritt and B. B. Knight; ? I The Courier was .represented by Mr. D. R. Taylor, ind he pronounced the occasion one 4ong to be be red. Edgar Long Memorial There will be a Thanksgiving Kr ivice In the Edgar Long Memorial ! Church, on Thursday morning it 9:30; j The public la cordially Invited to {worship with us. Let us come to 1 gether and" render thanks unto our ! Qod tor His Abundant mercies to u* I during, the year that Is past. Try t& [ count your blessings and sec what Ood has done for ?you. ! The regular services illl be held [Sunday: Sunday schol at 9:45; ser mon and communion 11 and 7:30. Ep I worth League 6:45. ^iMtors arid strangers are invited to l-worsmp with us-, and they will receive ! a warnV welcome. , . _ Is It,, tob much to expect every mem i ber of the church who possibly can do so, to. be present next Sunday? Certainly Ood "will be pleased If you are in your place at all the services. "Come with tuf and we will do the* good" ' * ? T. A. SIKE8, Pastor. P. T. A. Meetnig The Parent-Teacher Association of the Roxboro schools held Its. regular meeting at the graded school on Fri day night. Nov! 22nd,- with Mrs. B. O. Clayton presiding. The meeting was opened with singing America The Beautiful, followed by a prayei.by Rev. W. F. West. The_ minutes of the October meeting were read and ap proved. A' prize of (<me dollar given the rf>om ; Having the ' number of parents ? present, and oat of the large number pmsent about one hundred and fifty, the prize was von by Miss Barnes' room. The priae for the night was' donated by Mr. 8. B, Davis, gr, ? ? -- g It was decided H> change the boor Tor meeting to "We afternoon Of the third Monday ^ln each month", and. to have two Father's nights during the year. - An interesting program was then given by a group of children from the grades an?_ was .njoyed by aO 'present. " ? , Prygram: SOrtg: America", The BeaBtMWi - - <_? Play:/ Profosyr Knowll^lt's Radio, 6th grade. Thanksgiving, by 2nd Reading: Thanksgiving. Ruth DsT sdn. ? ) Poet?: What - Thanksgiving A. f, James. . ' _. ? ~j Grandpa's ' Farm", Pearl Mrs. O. d. Davidson, Lionel B anymore VlthAoyd ] in TrfE^VSTERrpUg tSLA^TD ( r<L in nature's 'owh Thnattr ri? Dec. f!-Srd. Matinee Monday 3 p. m. ' ' ' *' ( ' ' r;.*'-, ? r

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