HIS hx)NO' Washington. Nov. H.-Oeath removed from the senate the who- had. participated In more pi- the political s truffle* ol that ^dy- than wny other penott in history-?-Senator Francis's Warren of Wyoming. The 86-year-old "d?an~ of the sen ate. who had served continuously since. 1889 and for three, years prev iously. succumbed at 10:00 o'clock this morning to an attack of pneumonia after time week's illness starting with Oldest Senator. - ? The veteran statesman was the old est member of the senate- boU} -.In yearn and length of serftce and r was the only-member who participated In the waff between the states, serving in ' t'--? union army along . with Justice Holmes of UilT^opittnrnjittt Rciji i sentative Stedman. of Narth Carolina, is a veteran of the Confederate army. His passing came as a shock to his senate colleagues and to his man v Washington friends who had hoped his rugged constitution would bring him through to recovery. * turn for Jhe worse came last night and so weakened his resistance that he was unable to rally, despite every effort made by his physician. Dr. Jnhn Minir. who maintained an all night vigil at the Jttdside. General Pershing At JSedsMe., JPresent "when (he died were Mrs. Cheyenne and his s6n-iri\l?w. . Gen eral John J. Pershing, commander of the American enpeditory, force ti France in thfe world war. General - Pershing, upon his arrival from . abroad- Monday. vts1t*d his father-in law and exoressed' confidence that he Would .recover.'**? Vetch Beats Clover' " A* Cover Crop As a winter jrrSwing, soil improv ing, cover crip, vetch was su perior -to crirftson clover In a- demon stration conducted in eastern Caro lina this season by W. P. Meadows of Trenton. Jonet County. The two "crops ww e planted side bv s>de last faK with part ot the field lelt bare as a check plot. The rate ol seeding was 29 pounds an acre (or each crop and a good stand was se cured in both cases. ' - "Last Mav. when I examined ;the' growth of the two crons, the vetch had ;? spread Over the land t6 an average *Tength of two feet' and the crinlson clovcr was standing about -La, .inches' high," savs K. C. Blair, extension ag ronomist at State C ill?:? "Both crops ?had the ground' welrynvered in their respective areas. ths?i*h'~the crimson rioter made the bast show, Mr. Meadows tcrrned the crops under-on May 6 and nlanted' corn over the en tire field a lew- days later. -He fer-i 1 tilized his corn with"200 pounds of an 8-3-3 mixture and used no nitrogen j side application." ,Mr. Blair says that it was not long before the*corn began to show the! elTects of the turned under legumes. | Where the vetch and crimson clover h?d been plowed in, the corn was greener In color, the height of the stalks viae greater, and. later, the crop was ijetter earfd The corn crop was harvested on October 30. That " from'' each shock was shucked, and weighed and gave the following results: Where no cover rrop was plowed ui^drr only 17-1 bu shels an acre was produced; where the crimson clover had been grown and turned under J5.8 bushels was pro duced. and where the vetch was turned under 38 9 bushels an acre wad produced. The crimson ' clover In creased the yield loo per cent and the vetcjj did slightly better' than that. i \ However. Mr. Blair points qui that this slight difference .might b" due to the stand, by minor variations In the fertility of the soil or other slight differences. Both vetch and crimsotf elover are excellent soil improvers in eastern Carolina as . thU demonstra tion shows. How Discontent Can 11 Be Driven Out The sum of the whole matter Is this ^ that our civilisation cannot survive ma terially ?njena IJ. be saved by becoming permeated'wlth the spirt of Christ and toe*n?-'ma i! HUGH WOODS SERGEANT*6? CLAYTON' M OORE' BROTHERS L. t. LUN?FORD AUBREY LONG & CO. . FOX & CO." S. P GENTRY & CO. FRANK WHITFIELD - Pick Your Gifts From Our Treasure Box of High Quality Jewelry - '*? , . * For Kim as well as for. her?we have the very finest jewelry tbatf will delight the heart of the re-- , cipient on Christmas. ' ?1 ? ? i ? ? - ? ' Ultra smart and ultra modern, pur jewely will strike a responsive chord in every person of taste. Diamonds?necklace?"?torist watches?'rings for men and women?bracelets?ear rings,?pen dants?lavallieres?brooches?a hundred other gift possibilities high in quality and running in a , wide rang$ of prices suiting every purse^ /large ' - ' and small.. . . Z ' i ? -Many irhported articles of jewelry that are fas . cinating in conception and ex^cution at real values. THE NEWELLS . * ?<* . M -"Jewels Trom The Newells" /-^ Roxborq, N. C. i