SIXTH INSTALLMENT *J.Jhat's very unkind. What mis chief am I in? I've never done you any harm, have I?" . "I should never give you the chance," he answered grimly. Barbara laughed, a cool laugh of amusement. Then she moved away from the fire and tfat down on the couch. "W.ell, tomorrow I shall be gone." she said with a little yawn. Dennis fidgeted. "Where are you , grinsr?" he asked rather- Jerkily. "Home ? you must come and see me some day." Get Pauline to brin? you," Barbara said with a faint mockery, "if you dont care to come alone." He turned ro?nd. looking at her "quarelv. "Do you Imagine that I am afraid of' you?" he asked an errily. Barbara opened her eyies wide; thev looked very dark, like deep pools of stUI water. "My dear man, what a 'Question! Of course not." "That's 'fortunate," he skid "be cause I've never been afraid of a ?nman yet, and I'm not likely to be Wmn now." Brave-sounding words! when in his heart he knew that he was more afraid of Barbara Stark than he had ever been of anyone in his life. i Barbara left on Friday morning by the first train. * "There is no need for anyone to pet , up and &e me oft," she told Pauline. "If the maid will bring me some toast and a cup of tea ? that's all I want. I'm catching the nine something." "It used to be Dennis's train," Pauline said reminiscentlv. "I know It's wicked of me, but I'm so glad he cant go fcack to business yet. It will be heavenly to have him all to myself for a little while. "A second honeymoon," Barbara said lightly. "Well, make the most of it, but not too much of him." Pauline's eyes clouded. "I wish you wouldn't always say things like that; it just spoils every- i thing. Of. course. I know you think love doesn't last, but "It depends whose love,' Barbara interrupted. "But why argue? " We fcan only speak of life as we find it. ! Run along to bed, but dont tell - Dennte Iwnleavlng -early. "Panlinel repeated Barbara's words to Dennis and was surprised at the anger in his eyes. "That woman's always sneering at; me." he said angrily. "I'm damned if I'll haw it. I'll get up and see her off." His wife looked disappointed. Like all women of her type, she loved to make a fuss of a man; she would have been perfectly happy to keep Dennis bedridden for another month; it would have been bliss for her to wait on him. But secretly she rather admired Dennis for showing Barbara he was not a mollycoddle. They had juSt finished breakfast, when Barbara came downstairs. "Oh, good - morning jny children," she said benignly. "Have you got everything pack ed?'* Pauline asked! "I know you're so forgetful. Ill lust run up and look round yew room " She clat tered awav upstairs. hflDpilv assur ^ed that ch<? ? was doin? the right Am*? in looking after her depart HKiff truest in the proper fashion. "You're an early bird." Dennis said "Yes!" Barbara, did not turn round from the mirror. "I've .got to ? catch -the worm, vou see." "Isn't that rather harrt nn Bar net?" Dennic asked ma'iciously. "I heard from Pauline that you are' lunching with him." "He's not the nart'cular worm I . was referring to." Barbara said cool lv. She turned round now and met his1 *aze steadilv. "Y011 don't look in th?, least- like an invalid, you know." ' zsss Dennis half rose from his chair: "Look here ? " he beem imoulsive lv. then stopped as Pauline came clattering downstairs a train "You've left a handkerchief and pair of bedroom slioners and a comb." said Pauline all in a breath. She plumped them down on a. chair. "Where's your dressing case? They'll all go in." she said, "And the taxi's at the door. I do wish' you werSTt going. When shall t see you again? Come down soon, won't you, If you can stand such a quiet cou ple." She liked to think that she and Dennis had been married for years; she was sure he was as hapoy and satisfied to be alone with her as she was with him. She would have ? been bewildered if she could have seen into his mind at that moment. Barbara gave Dennis the tips of her fingers in farewell. "Good-bye. . a?t well quickly," she said, and was gone. Dennis went back to his seat at the breakfast <able. He could hear Pauline's affectionate farewells and adjurations to coriie agatn soon. - Something . in him badly wanted to get tip ahd go to the window to see the last of her, and something elsfe kept Elm sitting unwillingly where he was. Before they turned the corner of the street Barbara leaned out of the window and look ed back at the little house with its shining windows and dainty cur tains. Pauline still stood in the doorway, waving her hand, but it was not for her that Barbara looked. Jerry Barnet met Barbara in New York. He was a square-shouldered, cheery soul, with a loud laugh and an absolute gift for making a hash of things. He boasted rather proud ly that nothing ever went right for him. "Born under an evil star." he would chuckle. "Well," it's all in th<? game of life. I suppose. Awful!" He had failed in business and tailed in marriage, and at the mom ent was keeping his head above water and having what he called a "bon time" because his father had recently died and left him a con siderable sum of money. "I shall lose It all, you see if I don't," he tild Barbara cheerfully. "The only hone is for you to take me in hand and look after things a bit." Barbara raided her delicate brows. "Mv dear man! What would your wife say?" He grinned. "She'd say what she always did. I suppose? 'Jerry, you're a damned fool!' Not so sure she's net right, too." "Thought you were never coming back," he told her, as they drove away in his car. "Gave me an awful turn .when I heard about that cmash. Suoposin' you'd been kill ed. Awful." . 1 "I eot off with a sprained wrist. Dennis O'Hara was badly hurt, though." "So vou said in your letter. Rather nice chap, isn't he? Friend of mine ? Stornaway ? knows him very well; doctored him. didn't he?" "Ye?. I believe so." "He likes him? said he felt rather sorry for him, too." "Sorry for him?" "Yes, unhappy marriage, isn't it? Like the rest of us? eh? Awful!" Barbara paled a little. "My dear man," she said calmly,. ."Dennis O'Hara has only been married six of mine, charmingly pretty, and she adores him." "Dare say she does; it's generally one-sided," Jerry agreed, unabashed. Barbara looked ahead of her down the busy street; there was a little smile on her reddened lip? ? rather a wistful smile. It was nearly a fortnight later that Pauline wrote that she and Den- , nis were coming t6 town. Barbara was breaStfasting in bed, with blinds drawn " against the bright morning sunshine becaiuk? her head ached. She had had what she called a hectic time since her return to town ? late nights, and too many cock tails. and too Httle sleep. She had dashed 6ff a short note to Pauline thanking her for her hospitality and hoping Dennis was progressing favorably, to which Pauline had replied at* her usual length of four closely written pages. "I adore waiting on him, of course," she wrote, with many un derlinings. "But, poor darling, he hatesfcbeing ill, and he isn't quite a saint o\ef it! Still, I don't mind any thing as long as he gets well." Bar bara had not answered. There seemed nothing to say ? besides, she had been too busy chasing night into day and getting herself talked about. She opened Paulines' Second let ter with a yawn, but after the first glance she sat up and rea^ intently. Darling* Barbara : ____ I hive some news for you which I hope you will be pleased to hear, though I am not sure whether I am pleased or not ... Barbara's face hardened. "Going to have a baby, I suppose," She told herself cynically. With an effort she turned again to the closely written pages. ' We are coming to New York for f '? a fortnight's holiday. The doctors I 1 i say Dennis must not go back to business yet. You can imagine how amazed I was when he suggested coming to town and doing some theatres and things! Can you imag ine it? He said he thought New York would do me good. We are coming next Wednesday, and are staying at the Albion, tit's quiet and not smart, but it's central, isn't it? and not far1 from you. I hope you are in town, and not thinking of dashing off anywhere just yet. Den nis has told me to get some evening frocks, and "gave me quite a big check. I shan't spend It till I come to New York, of course, so that you can go with me. Your taste is so much better than mine. Dennis is much better and walks quite well. I am sure you will think he has made a wonderful recovery. I asked Dr. Stomaway if he thought it was the right thing for Dennis to go to New York, and he said, "Let him do what h? fancies." So, of course, there was: no more to be said. Any way, I shall see you ? I have such a lot of things to tell you. darling. Barbara laid the letter down and closed her eyes. Somehow she was not at all surprisedr Experience had taught her that people ? especially 1 men ? did the most unexpected j things. J Wednesday! and today was Mon day. Wffll, she must have a look at her wardrobe and furbish it up a bit. She stretched out a languid hand and rang for Mrs. Mellish ? a quiet little widow who looked after the flat. "My bath, please," Barbara said briskly. "Oh, and get Mr. Barnet on the 'phone." She got up and went over to the mirror, jerking up the blind as she went. Sunshine, wirrn and beauti ful, fell all about her, and with sud den incongruity she wondered why on earth Dennis wished to come to New York. CONTINUED NEXT WEEK ? ? ? ? o A group of farmers in Richmond County has" organize^ a savings and loan association to aid the farmers in supplying their own fi nancial aid. NORTH CAROUNAN HONORED BY W. 0. W. fi. B. Lewis, State Manager of the Wo^men of AeWorld Life Insurance Association, Appointed to Chairman of the Auditors by President De E. Bradshaw De E. Bradshaw, President of the Woodmen of the World Life Insur ance Association, has appointed as Chairman of the Auditors, E.- B. Lewis, of Kinston. This is one of the highest honors that can be paid to any member of the Woodmen of the World. President Bradshaw said that the appointment of Mr. Lewis is the result of his fine record as an audi-, tor of the association, and as State Manager in North Carolina. It is also a recognition, President Brad shaw said, of the co-operation given to v Sovereign Lewis , by the large membership of the Woodmen of the World in this State. "I am sure that the more than 15,000 members of the Woodmen of the World in North Carolina will be delighted to know of Mr. Lewis' advancement," said Presi ' dent Bradshaw. "The Woodmen of the World has always been proud of its fine membership in North Carolina. Mr. Lewis has done his share in establishing the Woodmen of the World as a great fraternal beneficiary association, with outstanding certificates of in surance now totaling more than 1400,000,000, and assets on hpnd of ?ipore thar. $111,000,000." Mr. Lewis joined the Woodmen of the World Life Insurance Asso ciation at Kinston, N. C., the town where he now resides, and was a to the' Sovereign Camp which met in Memphis, Tenn., In 1899. " He was reflected as dele gate in 1901 ^nd 1903. In 1903, at the Milwaukee meeting of the Sovereign Camp, he was elected aa one of the auditors, and is now the Chairman of the Auditors. He has G. B. Lewis also occupieu the position of State Manager in the State of North Carolina for a number of yean, and the large membership in that State is evidence of his successful labors as State Hanager. "Prior to his connection with the Woodmen of the World Life In surance Association, he was a pro fessor in the State University of North Carolina, also served as clerk to Congressman Claude ' Kitchin, for several years. Sunday School f Lesson for Jan. 15: Mark 1:21-34 Golden Text : John 5:17 The verses chosen for our lesson give a swift moving p^ture, from the graphic pen of Mark, of a busy Sabbath in the life of Jesus. The impressrfW given is one of concen trated" power, without haste, i without Test. Mark is at his best in the nervous, rap , idity of the nar^j rative. At the begin ning, we are told that the Master went to the Syna gogue. SUch- at tendance was ha bitual. < See Luke 4:16.) Now there V* **"*" are many people In our day who rather pride themselves on the fact | that they no longer attend Church. They feel emancipated. Such folk net no comfort from the example of Jesus, for He went regularly to the house of prayer, even though He must have been greatly bored, at times, by the sermons He heard. Modern life needs badly the re laxation of spirit true worship af fords. Hie temno, the strain, the ?ocial pressure of our time, are so fierce, that we easily succumb to nervous prostration, or ? "nervous prosperity," as Dr. Grrnfell calls it. But the Master not only entered the synagosrue. He took an active part in the worship, charming those present by the beauty of His words. Then Jesus healed an afflicted man. one nervously unstrung. While few have similar cleansing power, all of us can. as Cardinal Newman bids. us. be "merciful toward the absurd." Next the Master went into the home of Peter. There He contin-. ued His ministry of healing, curing the apostle's mother-in-law of a fever. Finally in the evening, a great crowd gathered at the door and He was able to comfort and restore many of the sick. What an ideal finish to a victorious ' day! How beautifully worship and service are blended! Here we see the Great "Teacher and Physican with all en ergies released, giving Himself to the full! ? . o ? r? Boys and girte enrolled in the 4-H clubs, of Lincoln County will plant an additional 1,000 black wal nuts trees this season to supple ment the 2400 planted last season, j Because of low prices. An$on County growers withheld their tur keys from the Thanksgiving market and conditioned them for the Christmas demand. Legal Notices SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained In that certain deed of trust dated March 6, 1930, executed by Lonie H. Day and hus bahd Chuck Day, recorded in the office of the Register of- Deetfe of Person County In Book 6, at pace 322, default havine been mad;,tti the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and at the request of the holder of said note, I, the undersigned trustee, will on SAT URDAY, FEBRUARY FOURTH, 1933, at twet^f O'CLOCK NOON, of fer for sale for cash at public auc tion to the highest bidder at the CourthovjSe door In Roxboro, North Carolina the following described parcel or lot of land lying and be ing in Person County, Roxboro Township, bounded and described {^s follows: ' Bounded on the North by the lands of Mrs. Hat tie Ellington; on the East by the lands of W. J. OUriant; on the South by the lands of M, O. YaiDoro, and on the West by the lands of W. J. CBriant and the ? lands of P. H. Yarboro, containing seventeen (17) af+es more or less and being that portion of the lands inherited by the said Lonie H. Day from the estate of her father, the late R. T. Yarboro. The purchaser will be required to make a deposit on day of sale In the Sum of 10 per cent of the bid as evidence of good faith. Sale will remain open ten days from date of sale for an increased bid. This January Second, 1933. N. Lunsfoyd, Trustee. By J. Grover Lee, Attorney! 4 ? n NOTICE j All creditors of the firm of Wat kins Si Bullock located at Roxboro, N. C., will take notice that this business has been ? automatically dissolved by the deoth of W. C. Wat kins, one of the partners. All cred itors of said firm will present their | claims ' to the undersigned surviv ing partner within twelve months ifrom this date or this notice will' be V. . ? ? ?, ? = pleaded In bar of any recovery against Aid flrtn. "aU persons In debted to the Ann will please make Immediate payment. This Dec. 28, 1933. W. C. Bullock, Surviving Partner. NOTICE All creditors of the firm of Farm ers Hardware Company in Roxboro, N. C.. will take notice that this business has been automatically dis solved by the death of W. C. Wat kins, one of the partners. All credi tors of said Arm win present their clairhs to the undersigned surviving 0rs within twelve months from pr this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery against said firm. All persons indebted to the firm will please make immediate payment. This Dec. 28, 1932. W. C. Bullock & R. A. Bullock, Surviving Partners. n ? Administrator's Notice The undersigned having this day qualified as Administrator, C. T. A., of the estate of E. V. Riggs, de cea&d, late of Person County, this is to notify #all persons having claims against the estate to present the same to the undersigned on or before December 21, 1933, or this no tice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to staid estate will please make imme diate payment. This the 21st day of Dec., 1932. A. A. Riggs, Administrator, C. T. A. r\ Sale Of Valuable Farm Property ?' Under and by virtue of the au thority conferred upon us In a deed of trust-executed by Eugene J. Jef fries and wife, IdeD Jeffries on the 20th day of November 1925 and re corded in Book P. L. No. 1, page 263, we will on Saturday the 14th day of January 1933 at the Courthouse door in Person County, Roxboro, N. C., sell at pub lic auction fdr cash to the highest bidder the following land to- wit: All that certain piece, parcel, lot or tract of land containing 170.51 acres, more or less, situate, lying and being on the old Mill Creek and Oxford Road, being intersected by same, about 8 miles from the town of Roxboro, in Allensville Township, Person County, N. C., the same having such shapes, metes, courses and distances as will more fully ap pear by reference to a plat thereof, which was made by R. P. Burns or copied by'^i. P. Burns from a plat of part of same by M. French, C. E. in September, 1895, and from a plat of another part of same which was -made. liy_ J. H. Howard. Surveyor on July 15, 1903, the same being bounded on the N. by lands of the estate of Apollus Jeffries, on the E. by lands of the estate of G. W. Jef fries and lands of Daniel Gates, on the S. by lands of L. B. Chandler, and on the W. by lands of Jeff Col lins and lands of Stephen T. Thom as. and being the same land con veyed to Eugene J. Jeffries by deeds recorded in Book TT. page 433, J Book 12, page 550 and Book 21. page 344, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Person County, N. C. j This sale is made by reason of the failure of Eugene J. Jeffries and wife, Idell Jeffries to pay off and discharge the indebtedness secured cby said deed of trust., deposit of 10% will be required frojn the purchaser at the sale. This the 8th day of December, 1932." . INTERSTATE TRUSTEE - ~ CORPORATION. Substituted Trustee. Notice Sale Of Land Under and by virtue of the au thority conferred upon me ? by a certain deed of trust executed, by G. w ."Ashley "ancr wire" on" The 9th , A Pole-Cat Pet ' ' Cut* ltttte^now, this pole-cat,^' gays Miss Ruby Knight of Atlanta, Ca., who has him for a pet His name is "Stinky" ? which 5s unfair, in- | asmuch as he has long since been denatured and is the sweetest and j most loving "guy" imaginable. yiiig Champ The fact that she has no name does aot diecoorage ''Nunrtjer 33", this white foghorn owned by George Eng land of laglewood, Calif. She holds the American record of 330 eggs per year and she's in training for the J Chicago World Fair this year. day of February, 1931, and duly re corded In the office of the Register of Deeds of Person Cpupty In Boole 6, at page 379. default 'having been made In the payment of the note Secured by said deed of trust, I | will on Tuesday, January 31, 1933, at 12 o'clock M., in front of the court | house door in Roxboro, North Caro lina, sell to the highest bidder, for i cash, the land conveyed In said deed J of trust, to-wit: That certain tract of land lying and being in Roxboro Township,, Person County. North Carolina, bounded on the North by the lands of h G. Stanfleld and E. L. Wilker son; on the East by the lands of Dudly Swanson; on the South by the lands of C. G. and G. A. Daniel and on the West by the lands be longing to the estate of W. L. Thomas, containing seventy-s i x (76) acres, more or less, and known as the 41m Ashley home place. This December 30, 1932. N. Lunsford, Trustee. o? ? ? Trustee's Sale Under and by virtue of the terms of those two deeds of trust exe | cuted by J. M. Featherston and " wife, "Sue Featherston, to the un dersigned, one. on .November 1st, 1928, recorded in Bciok 7, page 100, and another on March 12th, 1930. recorded in Book 7, page 127, Regis ter's Office of Person County, de fault having been made in the pay ment of the bonds secured thereby, and upon request of the holder thereof, I will on Saturday, January 14th, 1933, at twelve o'clock Noon at the Court house door in Roxboro, North Car olina, Sell to the highest bidder at pub lic auction for cash the following described real estate, to- wit: That certain lot of land lying and being in the Town of Roxboro front ing on the East side of North Main Street and running back. to Barnett Street (Old Bethel Hill Road) be ginning at an iron stake on Bar nett Street corner of the Ebermart ipt (now Q. W. Kane); thence with the line of said lot N. SI degrees 57 minutes W. 176.6 ft. to an Iron stake on the East side of Main Street corner of the Eberman lot; thenoe with Main Street 14 decrees 5*7 minutes West 70 ft. to an Iron stake, corner of H. L. Crowell and p. O. Crowell lot; thence with their line South degrees 51 minutes East 148.1 ft. to an Iron stake on 'Barnett Street; thence with said Street North 60 degrees- 4? minutes East 20 ft. to the beginning. See plat of W. R. Cat es February* 5th, 1922. The lots herein described are composed of parts of Lots Nos. 2 and 1 of the Barnett land and is com posed of that lot conveyed by H. W. WinStead and W. A. Bradsher and wives to O. C. Cabiness by deed re corded in Book 30, page 300, being Lot No. 2 and part of Lot No. 1 conveyed to him by H. L. Crowell and others by deed recorded in Book 30, page 444. Also that part of Lot No. 2 conveyed by said O. C. Cabiness to H. L. & C. A. Crowell by deed recorded in Book 33, page 330. This December 13th, 1932. /, ^ ?. L. M. Carlton, Trustee, o - In The Superior Court NORTH CAROLINA, PERSON COUNTY. - , Budd-Piper Roofing | Co., vs. Brenton Nelsoij? NOTICE OP SUMMONS The defendant, Brenton Nelson, will take notice that an action en titled as above has 4?een commenc ed in the Superior Court of Person County, North Carolina, to declare a lien l^pon the real estate of the defendant situated in Person Coun ty, North Carolina for labor and ma terials furnished in repairing said real estate; and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Person County in the Court-house on the 16th day of Janjaacy, 1933. and answer or demur /to the com plaint in said action, which has been filed in Said cause, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the re lief demanded in said complaint. This December 16th, 1932. C. L. Brooks, Clerk of Superior Court of Person County. r n / Administratrix Notice The undersigned having this day qualified as Administratrix of the estate of H. S. Barnette, deceased, late of Person County, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate to present the same to the undersigned on or be fore December 14, 1933, or this no tice will be pleaded in bar of their recorefy : All pefson^ mdelJt^ tCT said estate will please make imme diate payment. This the 14th day of Dec., 1932. Mrs. Zelle W. Barnette, Administratrix. ? r-O Administrator's Notice The undersigned having this day qualified as Administrator, C. T. A., of the estate of W. C. Watkins, de ceased, late of Person County, this is to; notify all persons having claims agains the estate to present the Same to the undersigned on or before December 6, 1933, or this no tice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make imme diate payment. This the 6th day of Dec., 1932. Mrs. # Emily Nelson Watkins. Administrator, C. T. A. Business Directory If 70a are In doubt u to where to And anything look over this list. The advertisers in . this space are all reliable and jog win make no mis take when yon patronize them. If yon da not find what yon are looking for here come to The Oorier Office and we wfll give you thf information detdred. SEE -JOHN CASH FOR YOUR SHOE REPAIRING J J. T. BRADSHER Plumbing and Heating Office on Reams Avenue Phone 14 Wilburn & Satterfield Roxboro's Dependable Store "It Win Pay Ton To Trade With CJ?? Try ft" Watkins & Bullock Everything To Build With If you need Lumber ? 94 is your number. G. B. MASTEN Painting and Paperhanglng Good Paint Applied By Good Painters Produce* a Good Job r ? r ? Roxboro Lumber Co. Buy fl From Us- And Bank The Difference "Home Of Quality Lumber" Sergeant & Clayton "The Sta-Klean Store" Phone Us Your Ordeirs. We Deliver Promptly. The Peoples Bank "The Bank of the People" . Safe And Conservative Hambrick, Austin & Thomas DRUGGISTS HolBnt?wnrth'i Unnso&l Candles. Pensbu* Remedies, School Books, Shaeffer's Fountain Pens 9fo would like to be your Prnggtst. HARRIS & BURNS BARGAINS Everything1 from head to foot for men, women and children. "Roxboro's Best Store" GEO. W. KANE BUILDER - CONTRACTOR "No Job Too Big ? None Too Small." Carolina Power & Light Co. Home-Life Made Easier Ask the lady ^ho has an i Electric* Range. Aubrey Long & Co. Everything For The Table "Pay Cash ? Cash Pays" Court Street - Phone 113

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